356 research outputs found

    He is a very naughty translator. An analysis of english/spanish humor translation devices in the comedy film Life of Brian

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    Timeless comedy is clearly the authentic successful one. It is not possible to find an equivalent in spatial terms; the so-called "universal comedy" is just an ideal. Monty Python's Life of Brian represents the apex of this type of humor whose stillness challenges the necessary evolution of everything else including the language, main Pythonesque cornerstone. This tension between opposing forces increases as we introduce the aforementioned notion of space in terms of culture. Hence, it is interesting to examine whether our culture is able to capture this motionlessness without fossilizing it. The present paper analyzes the different methods used in the translation of Life of Brian in order to reach a perspective regarding how its characteristic features seem affected by the Target Language.La única comedia que puede considerarse exitosa es la atemporal. No es posible encontrar un equivalente en términos de espacio; la llamada "comedia universal" no es más que un ideal. La vida de Brian de Monty Python supone el punto más alto de este tipo de humor cuya inalterabilidad se enfrenta a la evolución necesaria de todo lo demás, incluyendo la piedra angular del grupo británico: el lenguaje. El anterior concepto de espacio aplicado a la cultura no hace más que aumentar la tensión entre estas fuerzas opuestas. Por tanto, es sin duda interesante examinar si nuestra cultura es capaz de capturar esta inmutabilidad sin limitarla a la época en la que fue traducida. Este trabajo analiza los diferentes métodos empleados en la traducción de La vida de Brian con el objetivo de ver cómo la Lengua Meta afecta a sus principales características.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Bioethics and health law: the living will. Proposal to create a living will record in Europe

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    In this piece of work, we present a proposal to create a living will record in Europe that will allow people to have the same rights wherever they are. Therefore, this article will be studied from the bioethics and health law theory

    3D Analysis of an Ordovician igneous ensemble: A complex magmatic structure hidden in a polydeformed allochthonous Variscan unit

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    [EN]The basal units of the allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia represent a fragment of the external edge of Gondwana subducted and subsequently exhumed during the Variscan collision. The structural analysis carried out in orthogneissic massifs of the southern part of one of these, the Malpica–Tui Unit, reveals the generation of recumbent folds and associated axial planar foliation during their exhumation. These folds nucleated in irregular igneous bodies that were initially deformed during the subduction event and show east to southeast vergence. Down-plunge projection of surface data and a series of regularly spaced cross-sections have been used to build 3D models of the two main bodies of orthogneiss, of calc-alkaline and peralkaline compositions respectively. The first is presently a lens-shaped body folded in a recumbent syncline, whereas the peralkaline gneiss, also affected by a train of asymmetric recumbent folds in the south, exhibits in the north a fold-like structure which is interpreted as inherited from its primary geometry, that of a ring dike pluton

    Belowground and Aboveground Sustainability: Historical Management Change in a Mediterranean Agroecosystem (Les Oluges, Spain, 1860-1959-1999)

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    We examine the historical evolution of the farming practices linked to the maintenance of soil fertility in a semi-arid Mediterranean village.We analyse the agroecosystem from a sociometabolic perspective at three different points in time (c.1860, 1959, and 1999), focusing on the estimation of the nutrient balances and connecting the assessment of the belowground sustainability with the aboveground dimension of agroecosystem management. Nutrient balances at the aggregated scale were in greater equilibrium in 1860 and 1959 (with results between -7 and 1 kg ha−1) than in 1999 (with nutrient surpluses over 86 kg ha−1), but at the crop system scale nutrient deficits existed at all three points. We discuss the complexity of sustainable farming management assessing the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of the fertilization techniques. Our conclusions highlight the unsustainable nature of industrialized agriculture and the value of integrated management of agroecosystems to improve agricultural sustainability

    El paciente testigo de Jehová : la negativa al tratamiento médico en situación de gravedad y la circular 1/2012 de la Fiscalía General del Estado

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    The Jehovah’s Witness patient and their rejection of certain medical treatments, namely blood transfusions, is one of the fundamental problems with which historically had to face the health law. The current Law 41/2002 of patient autonomy seems to clarify the adult patient’s adult and their possibility of refusing medical treatment, but major problems posed minor assumptions, especially the mature minor figure, and the course pregnant woman Jehovah’s Witness. It will be necessary to address the proportionality of conflicting rights, and determining criteria in each case allow us to tip the balance in favor of one position or another. El paciente testigo de Jehová y su rechazo a determinados tratamientos médicos, en concreto a las transfusiones de sangre, constituye uno de los problemas fundamentales con el que históricamente se ha tenido que enfrentar el derecho sanitario. La actual Ley 41/2002 de autonomía del paciente parece dejar claro el supuesto del paciente mayor de edad y la posibilidad de rechazar tratamientos médicos, pero mayores problemas plantean los supuestos del menor de edad, y especialmente la figura del menor maduro, y el supuesto de la mujer embarazada testigo de Jehová. Será necesario atender a la proporcionalidad de derechos en conflicto para determinar los criterios que en cada caso nos permitan inclinar la balanza a favor de una u otra posición.The Jehovah’s Witness patient and their rejection of certain medical treatments, namely blood transfusions, is one of the fundamental problems with which historically had to face the health law. The current Law 41/2002 of patient autonomy seems to clarify the adult patient’s adult and their possibility of refusing medical treatment, but major problems posed minor assumptions, especially the mature minor figure, and the course pregnant woman Jehovah’s Witness. It will be necessary to address the proportionality of conflicting rights, and determining criteria in each case allow us to tip the balance in favor of one position or another

    Comparative pharmacology of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia

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    There are 5 BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): bosutinib, ponatinib, imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib. The availability of several therapeutic options raises the possibility of individualizing patient treatment. When evaluating patients’ individual pharmacological profiles, it is important to take into account the differences in the chemical structures of the drugs. Bosutinib, which has a unique interaction and safety profile, is a quinazoline, unlike the other TKIs that have a pyrimidine structure. All 5 TKIs inhibit the BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase, although only ponatinib is active against the strains expressing the T315I mutation. In addition, the 5 TKIs are generally non-selective drugs that can also inhibit other tyrosine kinases, such as cKIT or PDGFR, leading to both benefits in the treatment of some gastrointestinal tumors as well as additional adverse events. These drugs are orally administered and show moderate bioavailability, a large volume of distribution, high protein binding, and elimination after intense metabolism involving various Cytochrome P450 (CYP). They are also substrates of transport proteins and interact with inducers and inhibitors. All TKIs, except bosutinib, can inhibit the activity of transport proteins, leading to important drug interactions. As such, bosutinib is the drug with the better pharmacological profile. There is a close relationship between drug concentration and the beneficial/toxic effects of imatinib, nilotinib, and dasatinib. Therefore, plasma levels should be monitored to optimize patient treatment. Currently, there is no information for ponatinib. Overall, there is a high incidence of adverse events; although these do not usually lead to treatment discontinuation. All 5 TKIs have a similar safety profile; however, each TKI has unique adverse events. Pharmacological differences can identify the drug that is best suited to each patient, helping optimize CML therapy

    Secondary Students’ Knowledge on Birds and Attitudes towards Conservation: Evaluation of an Environmental Education Program

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    Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve holds a diversity of habitats and resources that are essential for migratory bird species’ conservation, and at the same time provides a rich milieu for the development of environmental education programs. This study evaluates the impact of a daylong and place-based environmental education program, performed at the Urdaibai Bird Center (UBC), on secondary education students’ environmental attitudes and knowledge. Students (n = 908) completed a written questionnaire where their perceptions on the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and marshes, together with their interest in biodiversity, knowledge about bird migration and bird species identification skills, and attitudes towards conservation were assessed. Results show that students’ knowledge regarding Biosphere Reserves, marshes, and bird migration is limited, and that their bird identification skills are scarce. Although they scored high on environmental attitudes, a significant number of them feel that conservation efforts are excessive and hinder economic development. Students living within the Biosphere Reserve, as well as from rural milieus or who underwent primary education through a bird-centered curriculum hold a better knowledge of the local biodiversity. To adapt the environmental education program at the UBC, its integration in formal teaching/learning contexts via meaningful hands-on and/or project-based activities could be considered, together with the systematic evaluation of the outcomes.This study was partially funded by the Basque Government through the IKASGARAIA (Education, Culture and Sustainable Development) Research Group (IT1637-22)

    Filtrando atributos para mejorar procesos de aprendizaje

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    IX Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. Gijón, EspañaLos sistemas de aprendizaje automático han sido tradicionalmente usados para extraer conocimiento a partir de conjuntos de ejemplos descritos mediante atributos. Cuando la información de partida representa un problema real no se sabe, generalmente, qué atributos influyen en su resolución. En esos casos, la única opción a priori es utilizar toda la información disponible. Para evitar los problemas que esto conlleva se puede emplear un filtrado de atributos, previo al aprendizaje, que nos permita quedarnos sólo con los atributos más relevantes, aquellos que encierran la solución del problema. En este artículo se describe un método que realiza esta selección. Como se mostrará, está técnica mejora los procesos posteriores de aprendizaj

    El estudio del estado de conservación de los ríos en la formación del futuro profesorado de educación primaria

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    Las prácticas son herramientas eficientes para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias, y los ríos, elementos siempre cercanos del territorio, son un recurso de interés que esconden gran biodiversidad. Parte de esa diversidad la representan los macroinvertebrados, los cuales destacan por su fácil identificación y por ser bioindicadores del estado de conservación del río. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados obtenidos por el futuro profesorado de Primaria en la asignatura de Ciencias Naturales tras dos años de su implantación. Es una experiencia de Aprendizaje Cooperativo en la que al trabajo de campo y laboratorio se suma la redacción de un informe científico haciendo uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Los resultados obtenidos muestran el aprendizaje de contenidos y de competencias por parte del alumnado

    La normalización de la preservación digital permanente: análisis del modelo de referencia OAIS

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    El Modelo de Referencia OAIS (Open Archival Information System) es la principal referencia en materia de normalización de la preservación digital permanente. Su nombre está muy difundido, pero su conocimiento no tanto. El objeto de este artículo es analizarlo y descubrir al lector su sistemática, tratando de arrojar algo de luz en un texto de difícil lectura e interpretación.The OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System) is the main reference for the ongoing standardization of digital preservation. His name is widespread, but not so much knowledge. The purpose of this article is to analyze and discover to the reader its systematic, trying to shed some light on a text difficult to read and interpret