392 research outputs found

    Responses to incremental exercise in equines : alterations in glucose, insulin and lactate

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    Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos do exercício intenso sobre a glicose e insulina plasmáticas e o lactato sanguíneo de equinos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe (PSA). Utilizaram-se 24 equinos, treinados, que foram submetidos a exercício-teste de intensidade crescente em esteira rolante. Para tanto, após aquecimento por quatro minutos a 4,0 m.s-1, a esteira foi inclinada (10%) e a velocidade gradativamente aumentada, a intervalos de dois minutos, para 6, 8 e 10 m.s-1. A partir dessa etapa de esforço máximo, procedeu-se à desaceleração, retomando a velocidade para 3,0 m.s-1, por vinte minutos, que correspondeu ao período de desaquecimento ativo. Os resultados mostraram que houve variação significativa (P≤ 0,05), a partir do repouso. A glicemia manteve-se constante em todas as etapas na fase de exercício, elevando-se signi-ficativamente na fase de desaquecimento, e a insulinemia foi reduzida com o exercício. A lactacidemia mostrou evidente aumento em relação ao incremento da intensidade de esforço. Concluiu-se que a atividade neural simpática é a maior responsável pelas alterações em variáveis fisiológicas durante o exercício intenso. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIt was studied the intense exercise effects on plasmatic glucose, plasmatic insulin and blood lactate from Purebred Arabian horses. Twenty four trained horses were submitted to incremental exercise test on treadmill. Therefore, after warm up (4 min./4.0 m.s-1) the treadmill was sloped (10%) and the speed gradually increased at intervals of 2 minutes to 6, 8 e 10 m.s-1. After maximum effort, it was performed the deceleration to 3.0 m.s-1, for 20 minutes, which corresponds to the period of active warm down. Blood samples were taken from the animals at these different times, glucose, insulin and lactate were analyzed. Results show that significant difference (P≤ 0.05) was obtained from the rest. The glucose was found to be statistically constant at all steps of the exercise, reaching high levels (p≤ 0.05) at period of warm down and the a insulin was decreased with the exercise. Blood lactate also increase levels (p≤ 0.05) in relation to incremental of effort intensity. It is possible to conclude that sympathic neural activity plays major role in alterations of the physiological variables analyzed during intense exercise

    Influence of the aerobic training on cortisol and glucose levels in horses

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    Estudou-se a resposta do cortisol e da glicemia em 12 equinos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe destreinados (T0) por oito meses e submetidos a um período de 90 dias de treinamento aeróbio (T90). Para avaliação dos efeitos do treinamento, empregou-se teste ergométrico constituído de exercício progressivo em esteira rolante, acompanhado por colheitas de sangue 15 segundos antes do término de cada etapa de esforço. A velocidade (intensidade) do treino foi definida como sendo 80% da V4 (velocidade na qual a lactacidemia atinge 4mmol/L). Adicionalmente, no último mês de treinamento, foi instituído, uma vez por semana, exercício com velocidades variáveis, chamado "fartlek". Após 90 dias de treinamento, a concentração plasmática de cortisol elevou-se e após o teste de esforço (20min), houve aumento da glicemia. Este resultado reflete a possibilidade de adaptação ao treinamento. Conclui-se que o cortisol plasmático pode ser utilizado como ferramenta na avaliação de um programa de treinamento em equinos. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTCortisol and glucose responses were evaluated in 12 Arabian (PSA) horses submitted to a detraining period of eight months (T0) and to 90 days of aerobic training (T90). For the evaluation of the effect of training, a standardized incremental exercise test in a treadmill was used. Fifteen seconds before the ending of each effort step, blood samples were collected. The speed (intensity) of the training was defined as being 80% of the V4 (speed at which the blood lactate concentration reaches 4mmol/L). Additionally, in the last month of training, velocity play, a type of exercise with varying velocities called "fartlek" was instituted, once a week. Results showed that after 90 days of training, the plasmatic concentrations of cortisol and glucose increased when compared to the untrained horses. This result reflects the possibility of adaptation to the training. The blood cortisol levels may be used as a tool for the evaluation of a training program in horses

    Caranguejos que correm, crinóides que caminham, gastrópodes que se alimentam: diversidade comportamental no Lagerstätte do Cabeço da Ladeira e suas implicações evolutivas (Jurássico Médio, Portugal)

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    Ichnology is a powerful tool for understanding the evolutionary paths of animal clades, through the paleobiology of behavior preserved in Lagerstätten such as the Cabeço da Ladeira (Portugal) site. Here, the peritidal carbonates of the Chão das Pias Formation (Middle Jurassic, upper Bajocian) record the development of microbial mats in a tidal flat. Episodically, the flat was expanded during periods of equinoctial spring tides that may have been responsible for the in situ killing of several members of echinoderm clades, and the fine preservation of their endoskeleton, in addition to the behavior of an arthropod-dominated endo- and epifauna. Mat-preserved shallow tiers with a moderate ichnodiversity attributed to the Cruziana ichnofacies include trackways of crabs (Laterigradus lusitanica igen. nov., isp. nov.) and shrimps ( Diplopodichnus isp.); trails of fishes (?Undichna), gastropods (Archaeonassa fossulata), isocrinid crinoids (Krinodromos bentou igen. nov., isp. nov.) and insects (Haplotichnus indianensis); and burrows of shrimps or lobsters (Thalassinoides suevicus) and other arthropods (Asterosoma ludwigae, Gyrochorte comosa), or polychaetes (Rhizocorallium commune ). This is implied already above (igen. nov., etc.) and seems not needed. The crab trackways and gastropod bulldozing trails, extending up to 12.3 m, are among the longest invertebrate cursorial traces ever found in the fossil record. The mortichnial crawling trail of a crinoid is the first evidence of locomotion for this group in the fossil record, and a rare unambiguous example of this ethology. Extensive continuous trackways attributed to amphibious crabs record, with great detail, typical gaits of underwater punting and walking sideways on dry land. The earliest evidences of sidewalking behavior may also be evidence for the development of the crab form during their rise in the Jurassic.A Icnologia é um poderoso instrumento para a compreensão das etapas evolutivas de clados de animais através da paleobiologia do comportamento inscrito em sítios paleontológicos excepcionais, como o Cabeço da Ladeira (Portugal). O Jurássico Médio (Bajociano superior) da Formação de Chão das Pias é formado por uma sequência de carbonatos peritidais que regista o desenvolvimento de tapetes microbianos numa planície de maré. Episodicamente, esta terá tido um desenvolvimento extraordinário através de marés equinociais que poderão ter sido responsáveis pela morte in situ de diversos grupos de equinodermes e pela preservação com excelente detalhe dos seus esqueletos articulados, além das formas de comportamento de uma endo- e epifauna dominada pelos artrópodes. Os níveis superficiais, com uma moderada icnodiversidade preservada pelos tapetes microbianos e atribuível à icnofácies de Cruziana, incluem trilhos de caranguejos (Laterigradus lusitanica nov. igén.) e de outros crustáceos (Diplopodichnus isp.), assim como eventualmente de peixes (?Undichna), pistas de gastrópodes (Archaeonassa fossulata), crinóides isocrinídeos (Krinodromos bentou nov. igén.) e insectos (Haplotichnus indianensis), além de galerias de lagostins ou de lagostas (Thalassinoides suevicus), e de outros artrópodes (Asterosoma ludwigae, Gyrochorte comosa) ou poliquetas (Rhizocorallium commune). Laterigradus lusitanicus e Krinodromos bentou são novos icnogéneros e icnoespécies definidos neste trabalho. Os trilhos de caranguejos e as pistas de gastrópodes são algumas das mais extensas evidências de locomoção encontradas no registo fóssil dos invertebrados até ao momento. A “marcha para a morte” de um crinóide é o primeiro registo fóssil de locomoção para este grupo, e um raro exemplo desta categoria etológica. Extensos trilhos contínuos também evidenciam com grande detalhe os estilos de locomoção “salto com vara” subaquático e “caminhada de lado” em terra emersa característicos dos caranguejos anfíbios. Os mais antigos indícios da locomoção “de lado” poderão ser também a evidência da evolução da forma de caranguejo com a diversificação dos Brachyura durante o Jurássico, um clado bem-sucedido que culminou com a colonização de habitats terrestres devido às suas exaptações motoras

    Agronomic performance of cover crops used as ground cover mulching in the fallow period

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar espécies com alta produção de fitomassa, para proteção do solo no período de pousio. O experimento foi realizado com três espécies da família Leguminosae e três da família Poaceae, de 2009 a 2010, na área experimental do campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais. As espécies avaliadas foram: crotalária anagiroide (Crotalaria anagyroides), feijão‑de‑porco (Canavalia ensiformis), guandu‑anão (Cajanus cajan), aveia‑preta (Avena strigosa), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) e milheto (Pennisetum glaucum), semeadas em cultivo solteiro e consorciado. O feijão‑de‑porco e o sorgo apresentaram as maiores taxas de cobertura do solo em cultivo solteiro, enquanto o milheto apresentou a menor. O sorgo, em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com feijão‑de‑porco e guandu‑anão, apresenta a maior produção de matéria verde e matéria seca, enquanto o guandu‑anão apresenta a menor produção de matéria verde, e a crotalária anagiroide, a menor produção de matéria seca. Por ocasião da implantação da cultura comercial, o tratamento que proporcionou a maior quantidade de palha sobre o solo foi o consórcio entre feijão‑de‑porco e sorgo.  The objective of this work was to identify species with high production of phytomass for ground cover in the fallow period. The experiment was carried out from 2009 to 2010, with three species of the family Leguminosae and three of the family Poaceae, in the experimental area of the campus of the Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The evaluated species were: caracas rattlebox (Crotalaria anagyroides), jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), black oat (Avena strigosa), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), sown with and without intercropping. Jack bean and sorghum showed the highest rate of soil covering in single cropping, whereas pearl millet the lowest. Sorghum in single cropping and intercropped with jack bean and pigeon pea shows the largest production of green matter and dry matter, whereas pigeon pea presents the lowest production of green matter, and caracas rattlebox the lowest production of dry matter. At the implantation of the commercial culture, the largest amount of straw above the soil was provided by the intercropping between jack bean and sorghum

    Infantile hypothyroidism and its relationship with delayed tooth eruption : a case report

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    Hypothyroidism is characterized as a systemic endocrine disorder that is caused by a dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This produces the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 that are responsible for carrying out the normal functions of the physical body, that is,

    Geoconservation in the Cabeço da Ladeira Paleontological Site (Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park, Portugal): Exquisite Preservation of Animals and Their Behavioral Activities in a Middle Jurassic Carbonate Tidal Flat

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    The Cabeço da Ladeira paleontological site in central Portugal became known as the “Jurassic Beach”. Formerly an active quarry, the site was protected in order to preserve the large exposures of a Middle Jurassic (early? Bajocian) carbonate tidal flat with an outstanding fossil record. This multidisciplinary paleontological work involving experts from several national and international research and geoconservation institutions was carried out under the umbrella of the Institute for Nature Conservation (ICNF), since this geosite is located within the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros nature park. Cabeço da Ladeira has provided exquisitely preserved body fossils, especially echinoderms, together with the exceptional preservation of their, and other, animal’s behaviors. It is also a hotspot to understand the diversity of bivalves in the Middle Jurassic. Due to the large area of the geosite, the international relevance of the findings, and the risk of weathering and destruction of the fossils, a geoconservation plan has been developed by ICNF with the support of local authorities. After several years of being open to visitors without proper control, the Cabeço da Ladeira paleontological site is now conditioned to organized groups of researchers, schools, and tourists. Some body fossils were collected for studies and included in the national collections of the Geological Museum (Lisbon). Moreover, casts have been made to protect holotypes of trace fossils, also providing ways to replicate this fossil record in temporary exhibitions. A long-term experimental study to conserve the limestone bedding plane exposures and their fossil contents was started in order to develop the best geoconservation strategy with an aim to reduce the damage produced by the increasing tourist demand on natural sites. Cabeço da Ladeira and other geosites in protected areas are key to communicating an evolutionary approach to environmental education, and their geoconservation must be a priority to improve their long-term use as (geo)tourism attractions


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    Introdução: Cranberry é uma fruta vermelha nativa dos Estados Unidos e Canadá, cujas propriedades medicinais têm despertado o interesse tanto no campo da Medicina quanto da Odontologia. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve o propósito de abordar as propriedades e os meios pelos quais os componentes presentes no cranberry agem em relação a algumas alterações sistêmicas e bucais, através de revisão de literatura. Métodos: Foram consultadas as bases de dados Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo, utilizando-se as palavras-chave: Cranberry, systemic health, periodontal diseases, periodontopathogen, biofilm and cytokines no período de 2004 a 2013. Resultados: Foram encontrados 52 artigos. Após análise, 45 trabalhos foram utilizados nesta revisão. Destes, 10 eram revisões de literatura, 26 estudos clínicos e 9 estudos in vitro. Cranberry possui um amplo espectro de ação, atuando como agente terapêutico/preventivo em doenças cardiovasculares, gastrointestinais e renais, bem como na inibição de formação do biofilme dental e a interação com enzimas associadas com sua formação, limitando a coagregação bacteriana, especialmente de espécies gram negativas, e impedindo a adesão tardia de periodontopatógenos ao biofilme. Conclusão: Cranberry, principalmente o componente fenólico proantocianidina do tipo A, possui excelentes propriedades terapêuticas para a saúde humana e atua como coadjuvante ao tratamento da doença periodontal.Palavras-chave: Sistema imunológico. Doenças periodontais. Biofilme. Tratamento.AbstractIntroduction: The cranberry is a red fruit native to the United States and Canada, whose medicinal properties have attracted the interest both in medicine and in dentistry. Objective: The aim of this study was to address the properties and the ways by which the components present in cranberry act in relation to some systemic and oral alterations, through literature review. Methods: It were consulted the Pubmed, Lilacs and Scielo databases, using the keywords Cranberry, systemic health, periodontal diseases, periodontopathogen, biofilm and cytokines, from 2004 to 2013. Results: were found 52 articles. After the analysis, 45 were used in this study. From these, 10 literature reviews, 26 clinical trials and 9 in vitro studies. The cranberry has a broad spectrum of action, acting as therapeutic/preventive agent in cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and renal diseases, as well as in the inhibition of dental biofilm formation and the interaction with enzymes associated with its formation, limiting bacterial coaggregation, especially of gram-negative species, and preventing late adherence of periodontopathogens to the biofilm. Conclusion: Cranberry, mainly the phenolic component proanthocyanidin type A, has excellent therapeutic properties for human health and acts as an adjunct to treatment of periodontal diseases.Keywords: Immune system. Periodontal diseases. Biofilm. Treatment

    Entre ler, traduzir e comunicar: entrevista com Bruno Fiuza

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    Vaginal microbiota of nulliparous and multiparous cows and their resistance to antimicrobials

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    Infertility and prenatal mortality are the most important causes of production losses in domestic animals. The presence of pathogenic agents in the female reproductive system of cattle can negatively influence the reproductive performance of the herd. The objective of this study was to isolate, quantify, and characterize the components of the vaginal microbiota of multiparous and nulliparous mongrel cows, focusing on proper health and reproductive management. Samples were collected from 20 healthy animals: 10 nulliparous and 10 multiparous cows. The inoculation was performed simultaneously on four different culture media: BBL CHROM agar Candida, BBL Bile Esculin Agar Slants, Baird-Parker Agar, and MacConkey Agar bile salts. The isolated microorganisms were identified according to morphological and biochemical features. Microorganisms were detected in 80% of the nulliparous and 10% of the multiparous cows, with the following frequency: 88.78% of bacteria had morphophysiological characteristics of Staphylococcus spp., 11.22% of Escherichia coli, and 120 isolated yeast colonies which were identified as Candida tropicalis (69%), C. albicans (24%), and C. krusei. Seventeen isolates of Staphylococcus spp. (53.12%) presented sensitivity to all antimicrobials tested: 65.6% to amoxillin, 46.9% to erythromycin, 71.8% to rifampicin, and 46.9% to tetracycline. The rate of resistance to antimicrobials (MDR) was 0.125. The presence of typical microorganisms was detected. The MDR indicated that the isolates did not show multiresistance, with only two (6.25%) resistant to more than one antimicrobial simultaneously. The bacterial isolates studied were sensitive to the antimicrobial drugs tested, demonstrating the potential for use of these active ingredients