223 research outputs found

    Advances in comparative endocrinology : vol. VIII

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    Ponències presentades al 10th Congress of the Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC), celebrat a la Universitat Jaume I, els dies 23 al 25 de setembre de 2015Les diverses comunicacions presentades al 10è Congrés de la Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada (23-25 setembre 2016, Castelló) s'agrupen en aquest volum. Les intervencions han aportat els darrers avenços en àrees científiques com ara reproducció, metabolisme, estrés, resposta immune, creixement, mineralització i pigmentació...Las diversas comunicaciones presentadas en el 10º Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada (23-25 septiembre 2016, Castellón) se agrupan en este volumen. Las intervenciones han aportado los últimos adelantos en áreas científicas como por ejemplo reproducción, metabolismo, estrés, respuesta inmune, crecimiento, mineralización y pigmentación...The present volume of Advances in Comparative Endocrinology collects the contributions of the participants at the 10th Congress of the Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC). Eighteen years after the foundational meeting of our Association in Peñíscola, the return of this Congress to Castellón highlights the growing success of this initiative to foster the research and scientific development in the field of comparative endocrinology developed in the Iberian Peninsula. AIEC meetings have proven to be a way to keep in contact among research groups with common interests. Some of the participants in this last meeting were also present in the foundational one, others members came after and keep assisting every time. As one of the aims of AIEC has been to encourage students to participate, we are particulary proud of those young students and doctors from the first editions that have gained more permanent positions and continue participating in the AIEC meetings with new students

    Rural Entrepreneurship and Its Financing: A Theoretical Review

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    One of the factors for the development of rural environments is entrepreneurship in the communities. The research identifies the theoretical aspects that are developed around entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs in the rural context, and the importance of financing in rural environments based on the literature review. The study incorporates the descriptive deductive method of documentary type, based on data from articles published in Scopus and WoS, obtaining a total of 25 documents related to entrepreneurship and its financing. The results show that financing is restricted by employing credits oriented to the rural area and mainly if it is a woman, which probably harms rural entrepreneurship so that financial institutions of popular and solidarity economy can become important sources of financing for entrepreneurship in rural environments. In general, financing for rural entrepreneurship is scarce, or they lack mechanisms and channels that allow bringing the entrepreneur closer to sources of financing. Studies have been carried out on rural enterprises and, therefore, a theory is being developed that takes into account the gender approach

    La concentración espacial de la industria en España: nuevos métodos de medición

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    Comunicación presentada en el XXXI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, Alcalá de Henares, 17-18 de Noviembre de 2005Para el estudio de la concentración industrial en España se han utilizado diversas técnicas cuantitativas que, sin embargo, han mostrado un bajo nivel de consistencia en los resultados obtenidos. Para solucionar este problema, han aparecido nuevas aportaciones como las de Ellison y Glaeser o Maurel y Sédillot, a finales de los noventa, introduciendo nuevos índices que tratan de superar las limitaciones de los índices de concentración tradicionales. El objetivo de este trabajo, por tanto, analizar la concentración espacial de la industria en el territorio español utilizando las nuevas contribuciones en materia de análisis espacial, en concreto el índice de Ellison-Glaeser (EG). Los resultados permitirán ofrecer una panorámica más amplia acerca de la concentración geográfica y de la aglomeración de la actividad industrial en España

    Los emprendimientos rurales con enfoque de género. Una revisión teórica sobre su importancia y el rol de las cooperativas financieras en el financiamiento

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    Rural enterprises are considered important for the local development of communities. The objective of the research is to identify the degree of importance of rural enterprises and the role of financial cooperatives in their financing. The deductive, descriptive method of documentary type based on Scopus and WOS data is used to identify the studies carried out in this regard. The results show that there is a restriction on credits directed to rural areas, which probably harms rural enterprises, so that financial cooperatives as part of popular and solidarity economy financial institutions can play an important role in obtaining sources. of financing for enterprises in rural environments, motivating the local development of their communities. Keywords: Rural enterprises, productive activity, cooperatives. Resumen Los emprendimientos rurales se consideran importantes para el desarrollo local de las comunidades. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar el grado de importancia que tienen los emprendimientos rurales y el papel de las cooperativas financieras en su financiamiento. Se utiliza el método deductivo, descriptivo de tipo documental con base en datos de Scopus y WOS para identificar los estudios realizados al respecto. Los resultados muestran que existe una restricción a los créditos dirigidos al área rural, lo que probablemente perjudica los emprendimientos rurales, por lo que las cooperativas financieras como parte de las instituciones financieras de economía popular y solidaria pueden jugar un papel importante en la obtención de fuentes de financiamiento para los emprendimientos en entornos rurales, motivando el desarrollo local de sus comunidades. Palabras Clave: Emprendimientos rurales, actividad productiva, cooperativas

    Orientation of propagating crack paths emanating from fretting-fatigue contact problems

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    [EN] In this work, the orientation and propagation of cracks in fretting fatigue problems is analyzed numerically using the finite element method (FEM) and the extended finite element method (X- FEM). The analysis is performed by means of a 2D model of a complete-contact fretting problem, consisting of two square indenters pressed onto a specimen subjected to cyclic fatigue. For the simulation, we allow for crack face contact in the implementation during the corresponding parts of the fatigue cycle. The problem is highly nonlinear and non-proportional and we make use of the so-called minimum shear stress range orientation criterion, min(Delta tau), proposed by the authors in previous works. This criterion is introduced to predict the crack path in each step of the crack growth simulation. The objective of the work is to detect which is the relevant parameter affecting the crack path orientation. A parametric study of some a priori relevant magnitudes is carried out, such as normal load on the indenters, bulk load on the specimen, stress ratio and relative stiffness of the indenter and specimen materials. Contrary to previous expectations, it is shown that the relative magnitude of the applied loads has no significant effect. However, it is found that the stiffness of the indenter material with respect to the specimen material has the greatest effect. A simple explanation of this behavior is also provided.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support given by the SGPI of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project DPI2013-46641-R).Giner Maravilla, E.; Diaz-Alvarez, J.; Marco Esteban, M.; Miguélez, MH. (2016). Orientation of propagating crack paths emanating from fretting-fatigue contact problems. Frattura e Integrità Strutturale. Fracture and Structural Integrity. (35):417-426. https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.33S4174263

    El cambio tecnológico en el uso de las aguas subterráneas en la España del siglo xx. Un enfoque regional

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    Recent specialized literature emphasizes the importance of water as a constricting factor in Spanish agriculture development. Hence, the emphasis given to the technological change during the last century, that diminished water deficit and stimulated irrigation expansion. This study is a contribution to the literature on the use of ground water for irrigation from the World War. The authors analyze the process of technical innovations applied to ground water irrigation systems and also the economic and environmental involvement in Spanish agrarian systems, particularly in the latest 20th century. The study about the process of technical change follows a regional perspective.La reciente literatura especializada señala la importancia del agua como factor limitante del desarrollo de la agricultura española. De ahí, el énfasis que se ha puesto en el cambio tecnológico del último siglo, que palió los déficit hídricos y actuó como acicate de la expansión del regadío. Este trabajo contribuye al estudio del impulso que cobró el uso de las aguas subterráneas para el riego desde la Primera Guerra Mundial. Los autores analizan el proceso de innovaciones técnicas aplicado a los sistemas de riego con aguas subterráneas y las implicaciones económicas y ambientales que provocó en los sistemas agrarios españoles, destacando sobre todo su impacto en el último tercio del siglo XX. El estudio de proceso del cambio técnico se lleva a cabo desde una perspectiva regional

    Estudio de la incidencia de la COVID-19 sobre el sector marítimo recreativo de la Comunitat Valenciana: verano, 2020

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    En este estudio, las empresas, profesionales, entidades y actividades que constituyen el grueso, la parte más significativa del ocio marítimo y la actividad marítima recreativa y deportiva, han tenido voz y hacen ver sus preocupaciones, su valoración del estado de su sector y la evolución que han observado de la vital temporada turística del verano 2020. El estudio apunta que el sector, un importante motor de los municipios costeros, ha mantenido una dinámica favorable y ha sido considerado de los más seguros y fiables por los clientes nacionales que han mantenido sus cifras similares a otros años.Càtedra d’Economia Blava i del Sector Marítim Recreatiu de la Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible de la Generalitat Valenciana-Universitat d’Alacant-Universitat Miguel Hernánde

    Localización y dinámica productiva de la industria del juguete en España

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    La elevada concentración que la actividad del juguete tiene en España permite que haya tenido unas ventajas productivas importantes. La búsqueda constante de un producto novedoso y diferente ha sido la estrategia más utilizada para competir por parte de las empresas. Las instituciones locales y las actividades complementarias del entorno productivo han sido las que han ayudado a que se mantenga la competitividad. Sin embargo, la deslocalización y la falta de cooperación aparecen como límites en la actual coyuntura sectorial.The high concentration that the activity of the toys has in Spain allows that, during time, it should have had a few productive important advantages. The constant search of a new and different product has been the strategy most used to compete on the part of the companies. The local institutions and the complementary activities of the productive environment have been those who have helped which is kept the competitiveness. Nevertheless, the deslocalisation and the lack of cooperation appear as limits in the current sectorial conjuncture

    Aggregate GDP and the economy sectors in Ecuador: A time series study

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    This study determines the relationship between the aggregate GDP and the economic sectors of Ecuador in the period 2000-2018, through a time series analysis. The analysis is performed from two approaches: first, through a multiple linear regression model that allows determining the relationship between variables, and second, through an independent cointegration analysis for each set of variables. The dependent variable corresponds to GDP by the production approach and six independent variables that group the Gross Value Added. The results highlight manufacturing as the activity with the highest relationship with GVA, where by increasing manufacturing GVA by one percentage point, GDP will increase by 0.33 percentage points. Cointegration analysis is performed for each set of variables, and highlights trade as the only activity that shares a common trend with GDP

    Numerical modelling of femur fracture and experimental validation using bone simulant

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    [EN] Bone fracture pattern prediction is still a challenge and an active field of research. The main goal of this article is to present a combined methodology (experimental and numerical) for femur fracture onset analysis. Experimental work includes the characterization of the mechanical properties and fracture testing on a bone simulant. The numerical work focuses on the development of a model whose material properties are provided by the characterization tests. The fracture location and the early stages of the crack propagation are modelled using the extended finite element method and the model is validated by fracture tests developed in the experimental work. It is shown that the accuracy of the numerical results strongly depends on a proper bone behaviour characterization.The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER operation program for funding the Projects DPI2013-46641-R, RTC-2015-3887-8 and the Generalitat Valenciana through the Project Prometeo/2016/007.Marco, M.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Larraínzar, R.; Caeiro, JR.; Miguélez, MH. (2017). Numerical modelling of femur fracture and experimental validation using bone simulant. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 45(10):2395-2408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-017-1877-6S23952408451