1,668 research outputs found

    Evaluation of postoperative pain in patients submitted to periodontal surgeries

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rituximab na terapêutica da nefropatia membranosa

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    A nefropatia membranosa é a causa mais comum de síndrome nefrótica primária em adultos caucasianos em todo o Mundo. Avanços significativos nos últimos anos permitiram aprimorar o conhecimento em relação a esta patologia glomerular. De facto, a recente descoberta de autoanticorpos dirigidos para determinados antigénios presentes nos podócitos glomerulares e subsequente identificação destes, alteraram consideravelmente as estratégias de diagnóstico, classificação e tratamento desta patologia. Diversos esquemas terapêuticos imunossupressores têm sido propostos para o tratamento da nefropatia membranosa. Contudo, a terapêutica imunossupressora é ainda altamente debatida, sobretudo devido ao curso variável da doença, mas também à toxicidade e custos significativos associados. O crescente conhecimento do papel das células B na patogénese da nefropatia membranosa conduziu ao uso do rituximab, um anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD20, que surgiu como uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o tratamento desta patologia. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é explorar as várias opções terapêuticas disponíveis para o tratamento da nefropatia membranosa, com particular destaque para o uso do rituximab, que de acordo com vários autores, deverá tornar-se a terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento desta patologia glomerular. Deste modo, procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica sustentada pela base de dados PubMed/Medline, onde se selecionou 47 artigos. Nesta, as palavras-chave consideradas pertinentes para a presente revisão foram as seguintes: "nefropatia membranosa", "síndrome nefrótica", "recetor de fosfolipase A2 do tipo M" (PLA2R), "diagnóstico", "prognóstico", "tratamento" e "rituximab". Conclui-se que, apesar da evidência já existente relativamente à eficácia e segurança do rituximab em comparação com as restantes opções terapêuticas, são necessários mais estudos randomizados e controlados, para que o rituximab possa ser definido como o tratamento gold standard na nefropatia membranosa.Membranous nephropathy is the most common cause of primary nephrotic syndrome in caucasian adults worldwide. Significant advances in recent years have made it possible to improve knowledge about this glomerular pathology. A recent discovery of autoantibodies directed to antigens present in glomerular podocytes and their subsequent identification, significantly altered the strategies for diagnosis, classification, and treatment of this pathology. Several immunosuppressive therapeutic schemes have been proposed for the treatment of the membranous nephropathy. However, immunosuppressive therapy is still highly debated, mainly due to the variable course of the disease, but also due to significant associated toxicity and costs. The growing knowledge of the role of B cells in the pathogenesis of membranous nephropathy has led to the use of rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, which has emerged as a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of this pathology. Therefore, this review aims to explore the various therapeutic options available for the treatment of membranous nephropathy, with particular emphasis on the use of rituximab, which according to several authors, should become the first-line therapy in the treatment of this glomerular pathology. Thus, a bibliographic review was carried out, supported by the PubMed / Medline database, where 47 articles were selected. In this, the keywords considered relevant to the present review were the following: "membranous nephropathy", "nephrotic syndrome", "type M phospholipase A2 receptor" (PLA2R), "diagnosis", "prognosis", "treatment" and "rituximab". We conclude that, despite the evidence that already exists regarding the efficacy and safety of rituximab compared to the remaining therapeutic options, more randomized and controlled studies are needed, so that rituximab can be defined as the gold standard treatment for membranous nephropathy

    A história recente da investigação sobre valores públicos contada pelo google académico: publicações escritas em português e espanhol nos séculos XX e XXI

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    Resumo: Não obstante o crescente interesse da comunidade científica pelos valores públicos, persiste uma série de desafios e questões por responder, relacionados com esse conceito. Tomando como referência o trabalho de Wal et al. (2015) e recorrendo a uma análise de metadados referentes a publicações escritas em português e espanhol, contendo, cumulativamente, nos respetivos título e corpo a palavra “valor”, elaborou-se uma análise evolutiva do estudo dos valores públicos nessas duas línguas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o comportamento da evolução das publicações em português e espanhol não difere, em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, do observado para as publicações em todos os idiomas, tendo ainda permitido confirmar o crescente interesse pelos valores públicos, sobretudo nos últimos 25 anos. Palavras-Chave: Administração Pública; Valores Públicos; Português; Espanhol.   Resumen: A pesar del creciente interés de la comunidad científica por los valores públicos, persiste una serie de desafíos y preguntas sin respuesta, relacionadas con este concepto. Utilizando el trabajo de Wal et al. (2015) como referencia y realizando un análisis de metadatos sobre publicaciones escritas en portugués y español, que contienen, acumulativamente, la palabra "valor" en su título y en su cuerpo, se elaboró un análisis evolutivo del estudio de los valores públicos en estos dos idiomas. Los resultados permitieron concluir que el comportamiento de la evolución de las publicaciones en portugués y español no difiere, en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos, de lo observado para publicaciones en todas las lenguas, lo que permite confirmar el creciente interés por los valores públicos, sobre todo en los últimos 25 años. Palabras-clave: Administración Pública; Valores Públicos; Portugués; Español.   Abstract: Despite the growing interest of the scientific community regarding public values, a number of challenges and unanswered questions related to this concept remain. Using Wal et al. (2015) work as guidance and performing a metadata analysis regarding publications written in Portuguese and Spanish, containing, cumulatively, the word "value" on their title and body, an evolutionary analysis of the study of public values in these two languages was elaborated. The results allowed us to conclude that the behavior of the evolution of publications in Portuguese and Spanish does not differ, in quantitative and qualitative terms, from the observed for publications in all languages, also allowing to confirm the growing interest in public values, especially in the last 25 years. Keywords: Public Administration; Public Values; Portuguese; Spanish

    Capital humano e sua relação com o desempenho organizacional em empresas prestadoras de serviços contábeis

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    Currently the value of companies cannot only be estimated by their tangible assets. The generation and acquisition of knowledge are key for obtaining competitive advantages, reason for which the importance of the intellectual capital of the organization grows. In this context the research aims to analyze whether the human capital (CH) held by companies providing accounting services are positively related to their organizational performance (DO). Methodologically, the research is characterized as quantitative and of an applied nature, with the empirical data obtained from a questionnaire in intentional sample. Data were collected from both constructs and respondents and their companies. Statistical methods were t test and the analysis of variance for averages comparisons. We have also used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and modeling in structural equations to evaluate the conjectured relationship. The results have showed that the respondents have statistically equal perceptions for both constructs when considering gender and the type of management the firm has, but there were differences for the perception of performance according to the size. Larger companies report higher performance. The hypothesis that CH is positively and significantly related to OD is, therefore, confirmed.Na atualidade o valor das empresas não pode ser estimado apenas pelos seus ativos tangíveis. A geração e aquisição de conhecimento são fundamentais para a obtenção de vantagens competitivas, pelo que cresce a importância do capital intelectual da organização. Nesse contexto a pesquisa objetiva analisar se o capital humano (CH) que as empresas prestadoras de serviços contábeis dispõem se relaciona positivamente com seu desempenho organizacional (DO). Metodologicamente, a pesquisa se caracteriza como quantitativa e de natureza aplicada, com os dados empíricos obtidos com questionário numa amostra intencional. Levantaram-se dados de ambos os constructos e dos respondentes e suas empresas. Os métodos estatísticos foram o teste t e a análise de variância para as comparações de médias. Empregou-se também a análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória e a modelagem em equações estruturais para avaliar a relação conjecturada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os respondentes têm percepções estatisticamente iguais para ambos os constructos ao considerar o gênero e o tipo de gestão que a firma possui, mas houve diferenças para a percepção do desempenho segundo seu tamanho. Empresas maiores declaram ter maior desempenho. A hipótese que o CH se relaciona positiva e significativamente com o DO foi confirmada

    Easiness, usefulness and intention to use a MOOC in nursing

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    Background: The growing ageing population and the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases call for innovation and healthcare mastered professional skills. Emerging digital learning contents envisioning to complement education, lifelong learning and in-service training. The use of digital platforms allows nurses to access contents in several formats, enabling the required pedagogical autonomy and personal time management. This allows nurses to enrol in education wherever accessible, reducing personal and professional costs and ensuring high-quality standards. Objectives: To assess students and nurses’ easiness, usefulness and intention to use a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as an educational resource to enhance self-management intervention skills in COPD patients. Methods: An exploratory, descriptive and transversal study was conducted. Participants were nursing students, registered nurses and rehabilitation nurses. A questionnaire supported by Davis Technology Acceptance Model and on the determinants of the ease-of-use perception of Venkatesh was applied. An EFA was performed and two dimensions were obtained (perceived easiness and global quality of the course and perceived usefulness and intention to use the MOOC) and groups were compared in these dimensions. Results: From the total participants (n = 93), 65.6% were nursing students, 15.1% were Portuguese nurses and 19.4% were Portuguese rehabilitation nurses. The perceived easiness and global quality score of the course were 4.70 (SD = 0.314) and the perceived usefulness and intention to use the MOOC was 4.73 (SD = 0.346). Rehabilitation nurses, who are older, scored higher than nurses and students (χ2(2, n = 93) = 8.43, p = .015, ε2 = 0.092). The dropout rate was 25%. Conclusions: The MOOC showed usefulness and nurses’ intention to use this educational resource in future education and yielded high average rates of perceived easiness and global quality. These massive courses unlock new opportunities for nursing education and to lifelong learning in nursing, enhancing safety and quality of the healthcare services in supporting patients to achieve a better quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative analysis between two estimation proceedings for the volume variable from Eucalyptus Urophylla plantation in Mineiros county – Goiás.

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    Este trabalho objetivou ajustar e testar modelos de afilamento para descrever o perfil do fuste de Eucalyptus urophylla, visando determinar a compatibilidade entre o volume obtido com o advindo de modelos volumétricos. Mediante as técnicas de regressão, utilizando o método dos mínimos quadrados foram ajustados modelos volumétricos e de afilamento para a estimativa do volume individual e do povoamento. A seleção do melhor modelo, baseou-se nas seguintes estatísticas de ajuste e precisão por ordem de importância, análise do gráfico de dispersão dos resíduos, análise do erro padrão da estimativa (Syx e Syx %) e por fim a análise do coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R2). Os resultados apontaram que para a estimativa da variável volume, o modelo volumétrico de Schumacher e Hall (log),apresentou as melhores estatísticas. Para determinar os diferentes diâmetros ao longo do fuste e o volume total, o polinômio do 5° grau proposto por SCHÖEPFER foi o selecionado devido a superioridade de seus resultados. Não houve diferença significativa ao se comparar o volume advindo de equação de volume com o oriundo de equação de afilamento. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this work was to adjust and test taper models to describe the stem profileof Eucalyptus urophylla, in order to establish compatibility between the obtained volume and the volume from volumetric models. Using regression techniques and Ordinary Least Squares Method, were adjusted the volumetric and taper models for individual and plantation volume estimation. The best model selection was done byusing the following statistics in decreasing importance: graphical distribution ofresidues analysis, residual standard error (Syx and Syx%) and finally thedetermination coefficient (R2). The results indicated that for volume estimation through the Schumacher and Hall (log) showed the best statistics. For diameter logs along the stem determination was selected the polynomial of 5th degree proposed by SCHÖEPFER for its superiority in terms of. There was no significant difference whencomparing obtained volume from equation to the volume obtained from taper models

    Construcción y validación de un programa de enfermería de rehabilitación para ancianos frágiles

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    Objective: To build a rehabilitation nursing program to be implemented in the homes of frail elderly people and validate it by rehabilitation nurses. Methods: This is a qualitative, exploratory study, divided into two stages. The first corresponded to an integrative literature review that supported the construction of the program. The second consisted of the program content validity stage, through a focus group, in May 2021. Results: Nine experts participated in the construction and content validation of the rehabilitation nursing program for frail elderly. Two focus groups were carried out, and the final version of the program included training in life activities and particularly self-care, strength, balance, coordination and joint mobility. Final considerations: The program reached content validity, with a minimum set of characteristics that it must integrate, now requiring application in Primary Health Care for clinical validationObjetivo: Construir um programa de enfermagem de reabilitação para ser implementado no domicílio dos idosos fragilizados e validá-lo por enfermeiros de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, exploratório, dividido em duas etapas. A primeira correspondeu a uma revisão integrativa da literatura que sustentou a construção do programa. A segunda consistiu na etapa de validade de conteúdo do programa, por meio de grupo focal, em maio de 2021. Resultados: Nove peritos participaram da construção e validação do conteúdo do programa de enfermagem de reabilitação para idosos fragilizados. Foram realizados dois grupos focais, e a versão final do programa integrou treino de atividades de vida e particularmente autocuidado, força, equilíbrio, coordenação e mobilidade articular. Considerações finais: O programa alcançou a validade de conteúdo, com um conjunto mínimo de características que deve integrar, necessitando agora de aplicação na Atenção Primária à Saúde para validação clínica.Objetivo: Construir un programa de enfermería de rehabilitación para ser implementado en el domicilio de los ancianos frágiles y validarlo por enfermeros de rehabilitación. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, exploratorio, dividido en dos etapas. La primera correspondió a una revisión integrativa de la literatura que sustentó la construcción del programa. La segunda consistió en la etapa de validez de contenido del programa, por medio de grupo focal, en mayo de 2021. Resultados: Nueve peritos participaron de la construcción y validez del contenido del programa de enfermería de rehabilitación para ancianos frágiles. Fueron realizados dos grupos focales, y la versión final del programa integró entrenamiento de actividades de vida y particularmente autocuidado, fuerza, equilibrio, coordinación y movilidad articular. Consideraciones finales: El programa alcanzó la validez de contenido, con un conjunto mínimo de características que debe integrar, necesitando ahora de aplicación en la Atención Primaria de Salud para validación clínica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Doenças da próstata

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    Prostate diseases occur with high frequency in the clinical setting and can compromise patients’ quality or extent of life. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is seen in 70-90% of men and is the cause of disturbing urinary symptoms in one third of them. In these symptomatic patients medical treatment with 5 α-redutase inhibitors or α-blockers can improve the urinary manifestations. When obstructive urinary symptoms are prominent surgical treatment can successfully improve patient’s outcome. Prostate cancer will affect 18% of adult men, familiar history and black men are more susceptible to the disease and precise detection of the tumor can be done with serum PSA measurements and digital rectal exam. Patients with confined disease are usually treated with radical surgery or radiotherapy, locally advanced tumors are best managed with externa.As doenças da próstata apresentam grande relevância clínica, pela alta freqüência com que ocorrem no cotidiano e pelas conseqüências que ensejam. A hiperplasia benigna atinge entre 70 e 90% dos homens maduros, um terço deles apresentam manifestações clinicas mais significativas e, por isto, precisam ser tratados. Nesse sentido, os especialistas dispõe de opções medicamentosas com os inibidores da 5 α-redutase e os bloqueadores α-adrenérgicos, ou as intervenções cirúrgicas, reservadas para os pacientes com glândulas de maior dimensão. O câncer da próstata incide em 18% dos homens, a predisposição aumenta em indivíduos com história familiar ou da raça negra e o diagnóstico da doença é atualmente feito através do toque prostático e de dosagens do PSA, que juntos permitem a identificação da neoplasia em cerca de 80% dos casos. Nos pacientes com doença localizada o tratamento é feito através de cirurgia radical ou radioterapia. Quando o tumor estendeu-se para os tecidos periprostáticos costuma-se recorrer à radioterapia e nos casos de tumor disseminado, o processo pode ser controlado com relativa eficiência através da ablação sérica da atividade androgênica

    Effect of the Active Aging-in-Place–Rehabilitation Nursing Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Abstract: (1) Background: It is of great importance to promote functional capacity and positive lifestyles, since they contribute to preventing the progression of frailty among the older adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of active aging-in-place–rehabilitation nursing program (AAP-RNP) on the functional capacity and lifestyles of frail older adults. (2) Methods: This was a single-blinded, two-group, randomized, controlled trial of 30 frail older people enrolled at a Health-care unit in Portugal between 2021 and 2022. The duration of the program was 12 weeks, and the sessions took place at the participants’ homes. We used as instruments the Tilburg Frailty Indicator; Fried frailty phenotype; Senior Fitness Test battery; Barthel Index; Lawton Index; handgrip strength measurement; Tinetti Index; Individual lifestyle profile; and Borg’s perception of effort. (3) Results: Post-program, there was an improvement in multidimensional and physical frailty, functional capacity, balance, and perceived exertion (p < 0.05) in the experimental group. Among the older adults’ lifestyles, we observed significant improvements in physical activity habits, relational behavior, and stress management. (4) Conclusions: Rehabilitation nurses have a relevant role, and the AAP-RNP seems to be effective in improving functional capacity and lifestyles in frail older adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Xanthan Gum–Konjac Glucomannan Blend Hydrogel for Wound Healing

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    Hydrogels are considered to be the most ideal materials for the production of wound dressings since they display a three-dimensional structure that mimics the native extracellular matrix of skin as well as a high-water content, which confers a moist environment at the wound site. Until now, different polymers have been used, alone or blended, for the production of hydrogels aimed for this biomedical application. From the best of our knowledge, the application of a xanthan gum-konjac glucomannan blend has not been used for the production of wound dressings. Herein, a thermo-reversible hydrogel composed of xanthan gum-konjac glucomannan (at different concentrations (1% and 2% w/v) and ratios (50/50 and 60/40)) was produced and characterized. The obtained data emphasize the excellent physicochemical and biological properties of the produced hydrogels, which are suitable for their future application as wound dressings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio