319 research outputs found

    Utilidade de vestíveis tecnológicos na mineração: Use of computacional wearables in mining industry

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    Os vestíveis tecnológicos estão sendo implementados em muitos domínios como em monitoramento da saúde, práticas esportivas, na vida cotidiana e também na indústria. As novas proposições de organização e planejamento da industrial estão ficando mais complexas e integradas de tal forma que já se evidencia o limiar de uma nova revolução industrial, denominada Industria 4.0. A mineração também está em consonância com o progresso e implantação dessas novas tecnologias. A diversidade de dispositivos vestíveis como óculos virtuais, pulseiras, capacetes e outros dispositivos de formas e tamanhos variados quando dotados de tecnologia permitem alcançar novos patamares de interação homem-máquina e processos produtivos. Este estudo mostra como os vestíveis tecnológicos podem ser usados no contexto da mineração onde o monitoramento fisiológico mostra-se uma oportunidade interessante de melhoria da segurança de trabalho especialmente para área e ventilação subterrânea, que se for combinado com a localização que pode auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Foi buscada uma ampla literatura para entender os dispositivos computacionais vestíveis em desenvolvimento. A pesquisa indica que os vestíveis tecnológicos já estão em desenvolvimento para o setor mineral

    Impact of GnRH ovarian stimulation protocols on intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although a large number of studies have been conducted in relation to ovarian response and pregnancy after GnRH agonist and GnRH antagonist controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols, most of them used single or combinations of a few predictive factors, and none included the stimulation protocol in the multivariable analysis. The present study was thus primarily designed to investigate the predictive value of the stimulation protocol and to analyze the possible relationships between stimulation protocols and treatment outcomes after adjusting for a large set of variables that potentially affect reproductive outcomes. Factors related to pregnancy achievement and predictive of the number of oocytes retrieved and high quality of the embryos obtained were also analyzed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To analyze the impact of GnRH ovarian stimulation protocols on the independent predictors of ovarian response, high quality embryos and clinical pregnancy, two groups out of 278 ICSI treatment cycles were compared prospectively, 123 with a GnRH agonist and 155 with a GnRH antagonist, with multivariable analysis assessing outcomes after adjusting for a large set of variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Antagonists were significantly associated with lower length and total dose of GnRH, lower length of rFSH, and higher numbers of oocytes and high quality embryos, whereas the agonist presented a higher fertilization rate and probability of pregnancy. Significant predictors of retrieved oocytes and high quality embryos were the antagonist protocol, lower female age, lower serum levels of basal FSH and higher total number of antral follicles. Significant predictors of clinical pregnancy were the agonist protocol, reduced number of attempts, increased endometrial thickness and lower female age. The probability of pregnancy increased until 30 years-old, with a decline after that age and with a sharp decline after 40 years-old.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The models found suggest that not only the protocol but also factors as female age, basal FSH, antral follicles, number of attempts and endometrial thickness should be analyzed for counselling patients undergoing an ICSI treatment.</p

    Sobreviver ao medo da violação: Constrangimentos enfrentados pelas mulheres

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos sobre os constrangimentos provocados pelo medo da violação na vida das mulheres, assim como dar a conhecer a sua realidade, e a forma como elas lidam com esse medo, e onde pensam que se encontra a origem desse medo. Os constrangimentos provocados pelo medo de violação têm toda a legitimidade de existir e devem ser encarados, em si mesmos, como um fenómeno e um problema social. O estudo teve como participantes, 18 estudantes universitárias do Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 25 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através da formação de Grupos de Debate (Focus Groups), no contexto de Investigação Participada Feminista. A análise dos resultados recolhidos na investigação, conduz-nos à conclusão que o crime de violação limita a liberdade das mulheres em geral, assim como a sua qualidade de vida, sendo necessária uma mudança no sentido de uma estrutura social liberta do crime de violação

    Características psicométricas da versão Portuguesa da Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale–Short Form (CDSE–SF)

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    In this article the authors make a synthesis of the main results obtained with the adaptation of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale – Short Form (CDSE-SF: Taylor & Betz, 1983) in Portuguese samples. After giving a brief presentation of the instrument (theoretical basis, dimensions and metric properties in international samples), the authors succinctly point out the main evidences already produced concerning its precision/reliability and its validity, in Portuguese student samples attending different school grades. Then, using a non probabilistic sample of 123 9th grade students the authors also analyse the structural validity of the responses obtained to the CDSE-SF 25 items. Finally, some of the needs for future research with this scale are discussed.Dans cet article, les auteurs font une synthèse des principaux résultats obtenus avec l’adaptation de l’échelle de sentiment d’efficacité personnelle - Formulaire abrégé (CDSE-SF: Taylor & Betz, 1983) dans les échantillons portugais. Après avoir donné une brève présentation de l’instrument (bases théoriques, les dimensions et les propriétés métriques dans des échantillons internationaux), les auteurs soulignent succinctement les rapports essentiels déjà produits sur sa précision/fiabilité et sa validité, dans des échantillons d’étudiants fréquentant les écoles portugaises de différents niveaux d’études. Puis, en utilisant un échantillon non probabiliste de 123 étudiants de la 9ème année, les auteurs analysent également la validité structurelle (analyse factorielle) des réponses obtenues aux 25 items de la CDSE-SF. Pour finir, certains des principaux besoins pour des recherches futures avec cette échelle sont discutés.Neste trabalho faz-se uma síntese dos principais resultados obtidos na adaptação da versão curta da Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE-SF: Taylor & Betz, 1983), em amostras de respondentes Portugueses. Depois de uma breve apresentação do instrumento (base teórica, dimensões e propriedades métricas em amostras internacionais), os autores expõem, sucintamente, as principais evidências recolhidas até à data, acerca da precisão/fiabilidade e de validade dos resultados, em distintas amostras nacionais de estudantes de diferentes níveis de escolaridade. De seguida, recorrendo a uma amostra não probabilística de 123 estudantes do 9º ano de escolaridade, faz-se uma análise da precisão dos resultados e examina-se a validade estrutural das respostas aos 25 itens da CDSE-SF. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas das necessidades de investigação futuras com esta escala

    Novel laser-induced luminescence resulting from benzophenone/O-propylated p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene complexes. A diffuse reflectance study

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    Laser-induced room temperature luminescence of air-equilibrated benzophenone/O-propylated p-tert-butylcalix[ 4] arene solid powdered samples revealed the existence of a novel emission, in contrast with benzophenone/p-tertbutylcalix[ 4] arene complexes, where only benzophenone emits. This novel emission was identified as phosphorescence of 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione, which is formed as the result of an hydrogen atom abstraction reaction of the triplet excited benzophenone from the propoxy substituents of the calixarene. Room temperature phosphorescence was obtained in air-equilibrated samples in all propylated hosts. The decay times of the benzophenone emission vary greatly with the degree of propylation, the shortest lifetimes being obtained in the tri- and tetrapropylated calixarenes. Triplet - triplet absorption of benzophenone was detected in all cases, and is the predominant absorption in the p-tert-butylcalix[ 4] arene case, where an endo-calix complex is formed. Benzophenone ketyl radical formation occurs with the O-propylated p-tert-butylcalix[ 4] arenes hosts, suggesting a different type of host/guest molecular arrangement. Diffuse reflectance laser. ash photolysis and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry techniques provided complementary information, the former about transient species and the latter regarding the final products formed after light absorption. Product analysis and identification clearly show that the two main degradation photoproducts following laser excitation in the propylated substrates are 1-phenyl-1,2- propanedione and 2- hydroxybenzophenone, although several other minor photodegradation products were identified. A detailed mechanistic analysis is proposed. While the solution photochemistry of benzophenone is dominated by the hydrogen abstraction reaction from suitable hydrogen donors, in these solid powdered samples, the alpha-cleavage reaction also plays an important role. This finding occurs even with one single laser pulse which lasts only a few nanoseconds, and is apparently related to the fact that scattered radiation exists, due to multiple internal reflections possibly trapping light within non-absorbing microcrystals in the sample, and is detected until at least 20 mus after the laser pulse. This could explain how photoproducts thus formed could also be excited with only one laser pulse

    An intriguing shift occurs in the novel protein phosphatase 1 binding partner, TCTEX1D4: evidence of positive selection in a pika model

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    T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) contains the canonical phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1) binding motif, composed by the amino acid sequence RVSF. We identified and validated the binding of TCTEX1D4 to PPP1 and demonstrated that indeed this protein is a novel PPP1 interacting protein. Analyses of twenty-one mammalian species available in public databases and seven Lagomorpha sequences obtained in this work showed that the PPP1 binding motif 90RVSF93 is present in all of them and is flanked by a palindromic sequence, PLGS, except in three species of pikas (Ochotona princeps, O. dauurica and O. pusilla). Furthermore, for the Ochotona species an extra glycosylation site, motif 96NLS98, and the loss of the palindromic sequence were observed. Comparison with other lagomorphs suggests that this event happened before the Ochotona radiation. The dN/dS for the sequence region comprising the PPP1 binding motif and the flanking palindrome highly supports the hypothesis that for Ochotona species this region has been evolving under positive selection. In addition, mutational screening shows that the ability of pikas TCTEX1D4 to bind to PPP1 is maintained, although the PPP1 binding motif is disrupted, and the N- and C-terminal surrounding residues are also abrogated. These observations suggest pika as an ideal model to study novel PPP1 complexes regulatory mechanisms

    Amyloid precursor protein interaction network in human testis: sentinel proteins for male reproduction

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    Background Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is widely recognized for playing a central role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Although APP is expressed in several tissues outside the human central nervous system, the functions of APP and its family members in other tissues are still poorly understood. APP is involved in several biological functions which might be potentially important for male fertility, such as cell adhesion, cell motility, signaling, and apoptosis. Furthermore, APP superfamily members are known to be associated with fertility. Knowledge on the protein networks of APP in human testis and spermatozoa will shed light on the function of APP in the male reproductive system. Results We performed a Yeast Two-Hybrid screen and a database search to study the interaction network of APP in human testis and sperm. To gain insights into the role of APP superfamily members in fertility, the study was extended to APP-like protein 2 (APLP2). We analyzed several topological properties of the APP interaction network and the biological and physiological properties of the proteins in the APP interaction network were also specified by gene ontologyand pathways analyses. We classified significant features related to the human male reproduction for the APP interacting proteins and identified modules of proteins with similar functional roles which may show cooperative behavior for male fertility. Conclusions The present work provides the first report on the APP interactome in human testis. Our approach allowed the identification of novel interactions and recognition of key APP interacting proteins for male reproduction, particularly in sperm-oocyte interaction.publishe

    Innovations in sustainable agriculture: case study of Lis Valley irrigation district, Portugal

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    The innovation of agricultural systems management is a determinant factor that guarantees adaptation to a new paradigm of global economy, environmental protection, and social requirements. The conventional concepts of innovation, applicable to new products and processes, do not consider many characteristics of the agricultural sector, such as social innovation and innovation resulting from new or renewed processes. Nevertheless, the overall impact of innovation on yields, competitiveness, and value can be hampered by the limited understanding or misinterpretation of Agriculture Innovation paradigms. For instance, the Rural Development Program (RDP) applies a restrict concept of innovation, being unable to embrace the full range of activities intended to implement new practices within the framework of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS). Stimulating innovation in agriculture demands a change in policy innovation of RDP in order to preserve natural resources and combine agricultural priorities and the rural environment with the concepts of innovation. This paper focuses on the different views of the concept of innovation within the Program of Operational Groups (OGs) of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI), analyzing the Portuguese case study of the Lis Valley Irrigation District whose main innovation objective was to achieve and implement new processes of water management aiming at the conservation of natural resources as well as sustainable social and economic agricultural development. The Portuguese experience highlights why the application of innovation in agriculture may not reach the desirable outcomesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio