97 research outputs found

    Intelligent Driving Assistant based on Road Accident Risk Map Analysis and Vehicle Telemetr

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    El estudio espuesto a continuación presenta el desarrollo de un asistente inteligente de conducción basado en telemetría vehicular y análisis de mapas de riesgo de accidentalidad vial, cuya responsabilidad es alertar al conductor conforme se lleva a cabo el proceso de conducción para evitar de esta forma situaciones riesgosas que puedan ocasionar accidentes de tránsito. El asistente inteligente a bordo del vehículo reproduce alertas visuales-auditivas en tiempo real de acuerdo a la información obtenida de ambas fuentes, y las conducciones realizadas para su desarrollo y evaluación son obtenidas por un automóvil real en un entorno real. Como resultado, se obtuvo un agente de asistencia inteligente basado en el razonamiento difuso, que apoya correctamente al conductor en tiempo real de acuerdo a los datos de telemetría, al entorno vehicular y a los principios de prácticas seguras de conducción y regulación de transporte.

    Disparidades sociales en bajo peso al nacer en madres españolas durante la crisis económica (2007-2015)

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    Objective: to evaluate the impact of the economic crisis on the disparities in the prevalence and risk of low birth weight (LBW) according to the maternal socioeconomic profile. Methods: the data analysed corresponds to 1,779,506 single births to Spanish mothers in the years 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. The temporal changes in available maternal-foetal variables are described. Secondly, the possible increase in disparities in prevalence and risk of LBW due to the occupation and education of the mother is evaluated, taking 2007 as the reference year. Results: a trend of the maternal profile is described among women who had children during this period, with an increasing contribution of highly qualified professional and educated women, a trend already existing before the economic crisis, but which was deepened by the recession. The prevalence of LBW increased in all socio-economic groups, with a marked increase in disparities during the worst years of the economic crisis. Conclusion: results confirm the persistence of social inequalities in perinatal health described prior to the economic crisis, as well as a possibly negative effect of the recession between 2007 and 2015. Results also confirm that disparities in LBW are more clearly associated with the educational level of mothers than with their occupationObjetivo: evaluar el impacto de la crisis económica sobre las disparidades en la prevalencia y en el riesgo de bajo peso al nacer (BPN) en función del perfil socioeconómico materno. Métodos: los datos analizados corresponden a 1.779.506 partos simples de madres españolas ocurridos en los años 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 y 2015. Se describe el cambio temporal en las variables materno-fetales disponibles. En segundo lugar, se evalúa el posible incremento de las disparidades por ocupación y educación maternas en prevalencias y riesgos relativos de BPN, considerando 2007 como el año de referencia. Resultados: se describe un cambio en el perfil de las mujeres que decidieron tener hijos durante este periodo, con una mayor presencia de madres de alta cualificación profesional y alto nivel educativo, una tendencia ya previa a la crisis económica, pero que la recesión ha radicalizado. La prevalencia de BPN aumentó en todos los grupos maternos, con un claro incremento de las disparidades durante los peores años de la crisis económica. Conclusión: se confirma la persistencia de desigualdades sociales en salud perinatal descritas antes de la crisis, así como el efecto negativo de la recesión en el periodo 2007-2015. Los resultados confirman, además, que las disparidades en BPN se asocian más claramente con el nivel educativo de las madres que con su ocupaciónPublication of this paper was supported by the research project HAR2016-76814-C2-2-P funded by Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Spain (MINECO-FEDER-UE

    Antioxidant Profile of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruits Containing Diverse Levels of Capsaicinoids

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    Capsicum is the genus where a number of species and varieties have pungent features due to the exclusive content of capsaicinoids such as capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. In this work, the main enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems in pepper fruits from four varieties with different pungent capacity have been investigated at two ripening stages. Thus, a sweet pepper variety (Melchor) from California-type fruits and three autochthonous Spanish varieties which have different pungency levels were used, including Piquillo, Padrón and Alegría riojana. The capsaicinoids contents were determined in the pericarp and placenta from fruits, showing that these phenyl-propanoids were mainly localized in placenta. The activity profiles of catalase, total and isoenzymatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzymes of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle (AGC) and four NADP-dehydrogenases indicate that some interaction with capsaicinoid metabolism seems to occur. Among the results obtained on enzymatic antioxidants, the role of Fe-SOD and the glutathione reductase from the AGC is highlighted. Additionally, it was found that ascorbate and glutathione contents were higher in those pepper fruits which displayed the greater contents of capsaicinoids. Taken together, all these data indicate that antioxidants may contribute to preserve capsaicinoids metabolism to maintain their functionality in a framework where NADPH is perhaps playing an essential role

    Biological well-being during the “economic miracle” in Spain: Height, weight and body mass index of conscripts in the city of Madrid, 1955–1974

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    Typifying historical populations using anthropometric indicators such as height, BMI and weight allows for an analysis of the prevalence of obesity and malnutrition. This study evaluates secular changes in height, weight and body mass for men cohorts at 21 years old, born between 1934 and 1954 who were called up between 1955 and 1974, in the city of Madrid, Spain. In this study we prove the hypothesis that anthropometric variables increase thanks to improvement in diet and significant investments in hygiene and health infrastructure during the 1960s. The results of our analysis show a positive secular change in the trends for height (an increase of 4.67 cm), weight (6.400 kg) and BMI (0.90 Kg/m2 ), the result of a recovery in standards of living following the war and the autarchy of the 1940s. We also observed a slight trend towards obesity and a reduction in underweight categories at the end of the period is also observed. In conclusion, the secular trends of anthropometric variables in the city of Madrid reflect the recovery of living standards after the deterioration of the nutritional status suffered during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and the deprivation of the autarchic perio

    Height cohorts and district of residence in the city of Madrid during the 20th century

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    OBJECTIVE: in recent decades, an interesting literature has accumulated regarding the biological living standard in Spain at the end of the 19th Century and during the 20th Century. Adult height has been one of the most studied variables, specifically its temporal change at the national and provincial levels, the impact of the Civil War and the subsequent dictatorship, and the differences between urban and rural areas. We want to contribute to this general overview with the presentation of a project about an intra-urban perspective of the city of Madrid. METHODS: We present the stature data of the male population of two Madrid districts, Salamanca and Vallecas, for the period 1936-1986 (year of measurement). RESULTS: In these years, height increased by 5.58 cm, from 166.40 to 171.98 cm, with significant differences observed between both districts as well as a simultaneous decrease of that difference, for those born in 1915 and 1953 from 3.09 to 1.2 cm. The negative effect of the Civil War and the years of autarky are also observed in this urban sample. CONCLUSION: Considering these data together with those available for other demographic and socioeconomic variables, before and after the period studied, we can conclude that the division by districts represents an effective stratification in the biological living standard of the population of the city of Madrid. These results constitute a first intra-urban approximation using height to the debate on inequality and biological living standards in Spain during the 20th Century.Objetivo: en las últimas décadas se ha acumulado una interesante bibliografía sobre los niveles biológicos de vida en España a finales del siglo xix y durante el siglo xx. La talla ha sido una de las variables más estudiadas: su cambio a nivel nacional y provincial, el impacto de la Guerra Civil y de la posterior dictadura y las diferencias entre las áreas urbanas y las rurales. Queremos contribuir a este panorama general con este trabajo, una perspectiva intraurbana de la ciudad de Madrid. Métodos: presentamos el análisis comparativo del cambio temporal en la talla de los madrileños de los distritos de Salamanca y de Vallecas correspondientes al periodo 1936-1986. Resultados: en esos años, la talla total se incrementó en 5,58 cm, pasando de 166,40 a 171,98 cm, aunque se observan diferencias significativas entre ambos distritos; diferencias que se reducen (de 3,09 a 1,2 cm) entre Salamanca y Vallecas para los nacidos en 1915 y 1953, respectivamente. También se observa el efecto negativo de la Guerra Civil y de los años de autarquía. Conclusión: considerando estos primeros datos, junto a los disponibles para otras variables demográficas y socioeconómicas previas y posteriores al periodo estudiado, podemos considerar que la división por distritos representa una estratificación efectiva en los niveles biológicos de vida dentro de la ciudad de Madrid. Estos resultados constituyen una primera aproximación intraurbana con la talla al debate sobre la desigualdad y los niveles de vida en España durante el siglo xxLa publicación de este trabajo ha sido sufragada con fondos del proyecto HAR2016- 76814-C2-2-P del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO-FEDER-UE

    Occipital nerve stimulation for pain modulation in drug-resistant chronic cluster headache

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    Occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) is a surgical treatment proposed for drug-resistant chronic cluster headache (drCCH). Long-term series assessing its efficacy are scarce. We designed a retrospective observational study with consecutive sampling, evaluating the follow-up of 17 drCCH patients who underwent ONS. Our main endpoint was the reduction the rate of attacks per week. We also evaluated the pain intensity through the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), patient overall perceived improvement and decrease in oral medication intake. After a median follow-up of 6.0 years (4.5-9.0), patients decreased from a median of 30 weekly attacks to 22.5 (5.6-37.5, p = 0.012), 7.5 at 1 year (p = 0.006) and 15.0 at the end of follow-up (p = 0.041). The VAS decreased from a median of 10.0 to 8.0 (p = 0.011) at three months, to 7.0 (p = 0.008) at twelve months and 7.0 (p = 0.003) at the end of the follow-up. A total of 23.5% had an overall perceived improvement of ≥ 70% at 3 months, 41.2% at 1 year and 27.8% at the end of follow-up. Reducing prophylactic oral medication was possible in 76,5% and it was stopped in 17.7%. Triptan use decreased in all the responder patients and 17.7% stopped its intake. A total of 41.2% presented mild adverse events. In conclusion, our long-term experience suggests that ONS could be an interesting option for drCCH-selected patients, as it is a beneficial and minimally invasive procedure with no serious adverse eventsPublication costs and financial support for medical writing were provided by Boston Scientific. The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article or the decision to submit it for publicatio

    Atypical presentation of immunoglobulin G4-related disease as subglottic stenosis: a case-based review

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    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized fibro-inflammatory pathology that has been reported to affect principally the retroperitoneum, hepatobiliary system, salivary glands, orbital structures or lymph nodes. However, IgG4-RD with laryngeal involvement is a very rare entity. Our aims were to describe a case of subglottic stenosis as first and only manifestation of IgG4-RD and review the literature. A patient with IgG4-RD affecting the larynx that presented as subglottic stenosis is described. A MEDLINE database search of IgG4-RD cases with laryngopharyngeal manifestations was also conducted. A 30-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to a tertiary care hospital for dyspnea on exertion, which had been increasing for the last 4 months. Medical and surgical procedures revealed a subglottic stenosis, with a histological finding of IgG4 positive plasma cell infiltration. There was no evidence of other organ involvement. She was successfully treated with oral glucocorticoids and rituximab infusions. Glucocorticoids were rapidly tapered and the rituximab regimen was optimized, with no evidence of relapses. In the literature review, we found a total of 12 reported cases with laryngopharyngeal involvement, two of them with subglottic stenosis. IgG4-RD of the larynx is rare but should be considered after excluding more common disorders

    Water diversion and pollution interactively shape freshwater food webs through bottom-up mechanisms

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    [EN] Water diversion and pollution are two pervasive stressors in river ecosystems that often co-occur. Individual effects of both stressors on basal resources available to stream communities have been described, with diversion reducing detritus standing stocks and pollution increasing biomass of primary producers. However, interactive effects of both stressors on the structure and trophic basis of food webs remain unknown. We hypothesized that the interaction between both stressors increases the contribution of the green pathway in stream food webs. Given the key role of the high-quality, but less abundant, primary producers, we also hypothesized an increase in food web complexity with larger trophic diversity in the presence of water diversion and pollution. To test these hypotheses, we selected four rivers in a range of pollution subject to similar water diversion schemes, and we compared food webs upstream and downstream of the diversion. We characterized food webs by means of stable isotope analysis. Both stressors directly changed the availability of basal resources, with water diversion affecting the brown food web by decreasing detritus stocks, and pollution enhancing the green food web by promoting biofilm production. The propagation of the effects at the base of the food web to higher trophic levels differed between stressors. Water diversion had little effect on the structure of food webs, but pollution increased food chain length and trophic diversity, and reduced trophic redundancy. The effects at higher trophic levels were exacerbated when combining both stressors, as the relative contribution of biofilm to the stock of basal resources increased even further. Overall, we conclude that moderate pollution increases food web complexity and that the interaction with water abstraction seems to amplify this effect. Our study shows the importance of assessing the interaction between stressors to create predictive tools for a proper management of ecosystems.Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espana, Grant/Award Number: GL2016-77487-R; European Social Fund; Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia; Serra Hunter Fellow; Labex, Grant/Award Number: ANR-10-LABX-41; H2020 European Research Council; Eusko Jaurlaritza; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; FRAGCLIM Consolidator, Grant/Award Number: 72617

    Memoria del VII curso internacional de edafología y biología aplicada

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    450 páginas. en dos volúmenes.-- Memoria presentada en el VII Curso Internacional de Edafología y Biología Aplicada, en SevillaDirectores del trabajo: Dr. D. Francisco González Garcia Dr. D. Manuel Chaves Sánchez Dr. D. Guillermo Paneque Guerrero Dr. D. José Martin Aranda Dr. D. Pablo de Arambarri y Cazalis Dr. D. Francisco Martín Martinez Ldo. D. Jose Luis Mudarra Gómez Dr. D. Jose Luis Pérez Rodríguez Dr. D. Guillermo Garcia Rumos Dr. D. Luis Madrid Sánchez del VillarPeer reviewe

    Derecho ambiental

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    1 archivo PDF (540 páginas)La presente obra tiene por objeto contribuir al estudio del derecho ambiental y en ese sentido, auxiliar a su comprensión y aplicación; su contenido se divide en cinco partes: en la primera, se aborda el tema de la distribución de competencias entre los tres órdenes de gobierno; en la segunda, se analiza la regulación sustantiva de algunos temas que se han considerado de particular importancia, tal es el caso del impacto ambiental, emisiones atmosféricas, manejo de residuos peligrosos y realización de actividades altamente riesgosas; en una tercera, se aborda la regulaci6n de la responsabilidad que trae el incumplimiento de las normas ambientales, identificando a la administrativa, la civil y la penal; en la cuarta, se tocan las formalidades de las visitas de inspección y vigilancia en materia ambiental, así como los medios con que cuentan las personas que sufren actos de molestia para restablecer el orden jurídico cuando las autoridades ambientales se apartan de su cometido; y, finalmente, se analizan los instrumentos fiscales que el ordenamiento jurídico pone a disposición de los inversionistas para incentivar la introducción de tecnologías anticontaminantes. Los temas que se comprenden en la presente obra se abordan a partir de un enfoque crítico y propositivo, que tiene como fin contribuir al perfeccionamiento de la regulación ambiental