158 research outputs found

    Una nueva pintura de Hernando de Esturmio: la Santa Catalina de El Pedroso (Sevilla)

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    Los trabajos de restauración del retablo de la Inmaculada realizado por Martínez Montañés (durante los años 1606- 1608) pertenencia de la Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación de El Pedroso (Sevilla), han permitido rescatar una pintura sobre tabla, que tras el análisis llevado a cabo por Restania (empresa encargada de la restauración) ha resultado ser de Hernando de Esturmio. En este texto se cuenta su proceso de restauración e incluye un análisis iconográfico de la pintura

    La estética académica en los territorios periféricos del Imperio Español: la Iglesia y el retablo mayor de San Juan Bautista de Pocoata (Bolivia)

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    Entre 1779 y 1791 el arquitecto Joaquín Marín diseñaba y ejecutaba la iglesia y el retablo mayor de San Juan Bautista de Pocoata, partido de Chayanta, cuyas trazas se conservan en el Archivo General de Indias entre la documentación perteneciente a la Real Audiencia de Charcas

    Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities in Mouse Models of Lafora Disease.

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    Mutations in the EPM2A and EPM2B genes, encoding laforin and malin proteins respectively, are responsible for Lafora disease, a fatal form of progressive myoclonus epilepsy with autosomal recessive inheritance. Neuroimaging studies of patients with Lafora disease have shown different degrees of brain atrophy, decreased glucose brain uptake and alterations on different brain metabolites mainly in the frontal cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. Mice deficient for laforin and malin present many features similar to those observed in patients, including cognitive, motor, histological and epileptic hallmarks. We describe the neuroimaging features found in two mouse models of Lafora disease. We found altered volumetric values in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia and cerebellum using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Positron emission tomography (PET) of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of Epm2a-/- mice revealed abnormal glucose uptake, although no alterations in Epm2b-/- mice were observed. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) revealed significant changes in the concentration of several brain metabolites, including N-acetylaspartate (NAA), in agreement with previously described findings in patients. These data may provide new insights into disease mechanisms that may be of value for developing new biomarkers for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Lafora disease using animal models

    Pre-competitive anxiety in U12, U14 and U16 paddle tennis players

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    The main aim of this research is to analyze the level of precompetitive anxiety in female paddle players and male paddle players of Castilla y León in the categories U12, U14 and 16 before the beginning of the competition. Thus, 221 players participated in the study: 100 female athletes and 121 male athletes. The results showed that the level of self-confidence of athletes is higher than the levels obtained in the cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety, respectively. In relation with the sex of the athletes, male players showed higher levels in self-confidence and somatic anxiety, while the female players counted higher on cognitive anxiety. Finally, depending on the category in which they compete, U12 players are those who have more confidence in themselves, whereas U16 players are those who counted higher in the variables of cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety.El objetivo principal que se propone con este trabajo de investigación es analizar el nivel de ansiedad precompetitiva en los jugadores y las jugadoras de pádel de Castilla y León en las categorías alevín, infantil y cadete, en los minutos previos al comienzo de la competición. Para ello, participaron 221 jugadores: 100 deportistas de sexo femenino y 121 del sexo masculino. Los resultados demostraron que el nivel de autoconfianza de los deportistas es mayor que los niveles obtenidos en las variables ansiedad cognitiva y ansiedad somática, respectivamente. En relación con el sexo, los jugadores mostraron niveles superiores en autoconfianza y ansiedad somática, mientras las jugadoras puntuaron más alto en ansiedad cognitiva. Por último, en función de la categoría en la que compiten, los alevines son los que más confianza tienen en ellos mismos, mientras que los cadetes son los que puntuaron más alto en las variables de ansiedad cognitiva y ansiedad somática

    Female Spanish athletes face pre-competition anxiety at the highest levels of competition

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    Pre-competition anxiety is one of the most common emotions experienced among athletes in high performance sport. It can cause both positive and negative effects, which makes the ability to manage this anxiety one of the most important parts of an athlete's preparation. This study analyzes the anxiety levels in athletes from the Spanish Women's National Track & Field Team who participated in the European Championships, the World Championships, and the Olympic Games. The study evaluates how these athletes cope with pre-competition anxiety by examining three variables in the moments prior to the competition-cognitive anxiety, self-confidence, and somatic anxiety-and the way these variables impacted the results achieved by these athletes. The study indicates that a significant difference exists between cognitive anxiety and self-confidence, which shows that the higher an athlete's self-confidence, the lower the levels of cognitive anxiety. Higher levels of self-confidence and lower levels of cognitive anxiety were also shown to have a positive impact on performance results.La ansiedad precompetitiva es una de las emociones más generalizadas en el deporte de alto rendimiento deportivo. Provoca efectos tanto positivos como negativos, por lo que el control de la misma es uno de los objetivos más importantes dentro de la preparación del atleta de alto nivel. El objeto de este estudio es analizar los niveles de ansiedad en las atletas españolas del equipo nacional de atletismo que participan en la máxima competición tanto a nivel español como en campeonatos de Europa, del Mundo y Juegos Olímpicos. Se realizó un estudio desde la perspectiva de cómo afrontan las atletas españolas la ansiedad precompetitiva a partir de las variables ansiedad cognitiva, autoconfianza y ansiedad somática, y la manera en que estas tres variables inciden en el resultado obtenido por las atletas españolas en el momento previo a la competición. Los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias significativas entre la ansiedad cognitiva y la autoconfianza, lo que provoca que, a mayores niveles de autoconfianza, los niveles de ansiedad cognitiva sean menores. Esto les permite evitar los signos negativos que causa la ansiedad cognitiva, con lo que esta no afecta a su rendimiento

    Postcopulatory sexual selection favors fertilization success of restocking hybrid quails over native Common quails (Coturnix coturnix)

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection plays an important role in the reproductive success of males in many species. Differences in fertilization success could affect rates of admixture and genetic introgression between divergent lineages. We investigated sperm precedence in matings in captivity involving Common quails (Coturnix coturnix) and farm quails of hybrid origin (C. coturnix × domestic Japanese quail, C. japonica), the last used in restocking practices to increase hunting bags. These inter-specific matings in natural conditions are claimed to represent an important threat to the conservation of native Common quail populations. Results showed that fertilization success of each male depended on (1) the time it spent with the female, (2) the presence of sperm from a previous male in the female oviduct, (3) the time that the previous partner had been copulating with the female, and, most importantly, (4) the genetic origin of the male (wild or farm). Farm hybrid males showed higher fertilization success than wild Common males, and they required less time with the female to fertilize the same proportion of eggs. The presence of sperm from another male in the female oviduct reduced the percentage of fertilized eggs by a male. However, this reduction was higher for wild males when the precedent mate was a farm male. In summary, the sperm of farm hybrid males may outcompete the sperm of native males and this could be favoring the introgression of domestic Japanese alleles into the Common quail population, thus constituting a severe conservation threat to wild Common quail populations

    Efecto agudo del chaleco lastrado sobre la condición física del portero de fútbol

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    There are few studies related to the physical condition of young soccer goalkeepers. The aim of the study is to analyze the acute effect on the goalkeeper's physical condition through a session by wearing a weight-bearing vest at 5% of body weight. The variables analyzed are explosive strength (SJ and CMJ) through the application "My Jump" and the agility test Lloureq (Llopis, Ulloa & Requena, 2010) adapted. A session with a weight-bearing vest is carried out at 5% of his body weight, on 6 young goalkeepers of high sporting skill, with a mean age of 16.17 (± 1.17 years). The main results show that there are no significant differences between the pretest and posttest SJ and CMJ force levels, however, there are significant differences (p <.05) in the other variables analyzed in relation to specific agility and technical elements Specific to the goalkeeper. The use of the ballast vest with acute effect can be considered as a good training material specific to the goalkeeper of soccer.Son pocos los estudios relacionados con la condición física de los porteros jóvenes de fútbol. El objetivo del estudio es analizar el efecto agudo sobre la condición física del portero a través de una sesión mediante el empleo de un chaleco lastrado al 5% del peso corporal. Las variables analizadas son fuerza explosiva (SJ y CMJ) a través de la aplicación “My Jump” y el test de agilidad Lloureq (Llopis, Ulloa & Requena, 2010) adaptado. Se realiza una sesión con chaleco lastrado al 5% de su peso corporal, sobre 6 porteros jóvenes de alta pericia deportiva, con una media de edad de 16.17 (±1.17 años). Los principales resultados muestras que no existen diferencias significativas entre los niveles de fuerza SJ y CMJ pretest y postest, sin embargo sí que existen diferencias significativas (p <.05) en el resto de variables analizadas en relación a la agilidad específica y los elementos técnicos específicos del portero de fútbol. El uso del chaleco lastrado con efecto agudo se puede considerar como un buen material de entrenamiento específico del portero de fútbol

    Aproximación a la evaluación de un programa de "formación fuera del aula" en la Universidad

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    The present time of a world in constant change invites of a special way to the educational ones of any scope, to look for new ways to imply the student. In order to be able to approach I tot the deepest reality of the educative process: to be able to remove the best thing from each one. The present case shows a program that looks for to us, through different activities outside the classroom, to introduce to the college student, not in the paradigms and own lessons of each subject, but in something more general than are in the base of all university education. One is keys like the search of the truth, the synthesis of knowledge's, the integral formation and the service to the society.La actualidad de un mundo en constante cambio invita de una manera especial a los docentes de cualquier ámbito a buscar nuevas maneras de implicar al alumno en su propia formación, para acercarlo a la realidad más profunda del proceso educativo y poder sacar lo mejor de cada uno. El presente estudio nos muestra un programa que busca, a través de diferentes actividades fuera del aula, introducir al universitario, no en los paradigmas y enseñanzas propios de cada asignatura, sino en algo más general que está en la base de toda educación universitaria. Se trata de claves de sentido, como la búsqueda de la verdad, la síntesis de saberes, la formación integral y el servicio a la sociedad

    Effect of dolomite decomposition under CO2 on its multicycle CO2 capture behaviour under calcium looping conditions

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    One of the major drawbacks that hinder the industrial competitiveness of the calcium looping (CaL) process for CO capture is the high temperature (∼930-950 °C) needed in practice to attain full calcination of limestone in a high CO partial pressure environment for short residence times as required. In this work, the multicycle CO capture performance of dolomite and limestone is analysed under realistic CaL conditions and using a reduced calcination temperature of 900 °C, which would serve to mitigate the energy penalty caused by integration of the CaL process into fossil fuel fired power plants. The results show that the fundamental mechanism of dolomite decomposition under CO has a major influence on its superior performance compared to limestone. The inert MgO grains resulting from dolomite decomposition help preserve a nanocrystalline CaO structure wherein carbonation in the solid-state diffusion controlled phase is promoted. The major role played by the dolomite decomposition mechanism under CO is clearly demonstrated by the multicycle CaO conversion behaviour observed for samples decomposed at different preheating rates. Limestone decomposition at slow heating rates yields a highly crystalline and poorly reactive CaCO structure that requires long periods to fully decarbonate and shows a severely reduced capture capacity in subsequent cycles. On the other hand, the nascent CaCO produced after dolomite half-decomposition consists of nanosized crystals with a fast decarbonation kinetics regardless of the preheating rate, thus fully decomposing from the very first cycle at a reduced calcination temperature into a CaO skeleton with enhanced reactivity as compared to limestone derived CaO.Junta de Andalucía FQM-5735 TEP-7858 TEP-1900España Mineco CTQ2014-52763-C2-1-R CTQ2014-52763-C2-2-

    Propuesta curricular del área de Ingeniería Telemática en las ingenierías informáticas

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    Se describe el bloque curricular de asignaturas asignadas al área de Ingeniería Telemática que se imparten en el Plan de Estudios de las Ingenierías en Informática de la Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Este grupo de asignaturas permite a los estudiantes vertebrar una línea de especialización en materias afines a la Ingeniería Telemática que intenta dar respuesta, tanto a los contenidos académicos, como a las demandas laborales actualmente detectadas. Se describen brevemente los planes de estudio y los objetivos docentes de las asignaturas así como la equipación disponible y algunas de las experiencias docentes