2,667 research outputs found

    Evolution and study of a copycat effect in intimate partner homicides: A lesson from Spanish femicides

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    Objectives This paper focuses on the issue of intimate partner violence and, specifically, on the distribution of femicides over time and the existence of copycat effects. This is the subject of an ongoing debate often triggered by the social alarm following multiple intimate partner homicides (IPHs) occurring in a short span of time. The aim of this research is to study the evolution of IPHs and provide a far-reaching answer by rigorously analyzing and searching for patterns in data on femicides. Methods The study analyzes an official dataset, provided by the system VioGén of the Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad (Spanish State Secretariat for Security), including all the femicides occurred in Spain in 2007-2017. A statistical methodology to identify temporal interdepen-dencies in count time series is proposed and applied to the dataset. The same methodology can be applied to other contexts. Results There has been a decreasing trend in the number of femicides per year. No interdependen-cies among the temporal distribution of femicides are observed. Therefore, according to data, the existence of copycat effect in femicides cannot be claimed. Conclusions Around 2011 there was a clear change in the average number of femicides which has not picked up. Results allow for an informed answer to the debate on copycat effect in Spanish femicides. The planning of femicides prevention activities should not be a reaction to a perceived increase in their occurrence. As a copycat effect is not detected in the studied time period, there is no evidence supporting the need to censor media reports on femicides.The work by Torrecilla has been partially supported by Spanish Grant MTM2016-78751-P. The research of Liberatore has been supported by the Government of Spain, grant MTM2015-65803-R, and by the Government of Madrid, grant S2013/ICE-284

    Integral field spectroscopy of the central regions of 3C 120: Evidence of a past merging event

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    Optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS), combined with Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) WFPC imaging, was used to characterize the central regions of the Seyfert 1 radio galaxy 3C 120. We carried out the analysis of the data, deriving intensity maps of different emission lines and the continua at different wavelengths from the observed spectra. Applying a two-dimensional modeling to the HST images, we decoupled the nucleus and the host galaxy and analyzed the host morphology. The host is a highly distorted bulge-dominated galaxy, rich in substructures. We developed a new technique to model the IFS data extending the two-dimensional modeling (hereafter threedimensional modeling). Using this technique, we separated the Seyfert nucleus and the host galaxy spectra and derived a residual data cube with spectral and spatial information of the different structures in 3C 120. Three continuum-dominated structures (named A, B, and C) and three other extended emission-line regions (EELRs, named E1, E2, and E3) are found in 3C 120, which does not follow the general behavior of a bulge-dominated galaxy. We also found shells in the central kiloparsec that may be remnants of a past merging event in this galaxy. The origin of E1 is most probably due to the interaction of the radio jet of 3C 120 with the intergalactic medium (Axon et al. 1989; Sa´nchez et al. 2004a). Structures A, B, and the shell at the southeast of the nucleus seem to correspond to a larger morphological clumpy structure that may be a tidal tail, a consequence of the past merging event. We found a bright EELR (E2) in the innermost part of this tidal tail, nearby the nucleus, which shows a high ionization level. The kinematics of the E2 region and its connection to the tidal tail suggest that the tail has channeled gas from the outer regions to the cente

    Clean optical spectrum of the radio jet of 3C 120

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    We present integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of the central region of 3C 120. We have modeled the nuclear and host galaxy three-dimensional spectra using techniques normally applied to imaging, decoupling both components and obtaining a residual data cube. Using this residual data cube, we detected the extended emission line region associated with the radio jet. We obtained, for the first time, a clean spectrum of this region and found compelling evidence of a jet-cloud interaction. The jet compresses and splits the gas cloud, which is ionized by the active galactic nucleus (AGN ) and/or by the strong local UV photon field generated by a shock process. We cannot confirm the detection of an extended emission line region associated with the counterjet reported by Axon and coworkers.This project is part of the Euro3D RTN on IFS, funded by the EC under contract HPRN-CT-2002-00305. The WHT is operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the IAC. This project has used images obtained from the HST archive, using the ESO archiving facilities. We would like to thank R. C. Walker, who has kindly provided us with the radio maps of 3C 120. We would like to thank the anonymous referee, who has helped us to improve the quality of this paper with his/her remarks

    Microwave calorimeter for dielectric and thermal analysis of materials

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    [EN] A fast method for microwave processing and measurement of dielectric and thermal properties of materials as a function of temperature has been developed (MW-DETA). Unlike previous approaches, the method provides totally new quantitative measurements of the thermal parameters, which are fundamental for calculating the specific heat and in particular, the energy requirements of electrification of materials processing via microwave heating.The in-situ measurement of dielectric properties of the sample with temperature, together with the precise numerical modelling of the thermal process, provided the necessary information to quantify the thermal and microwave losses and, therefore, the precise amount of power delivered to the sample that is converted into heat.Compared to conventional calorimeters, microwave heating reduces the experimental time and improves the uniformity of heating, which leads to a fast and reliable method to determine the thermal properties of the material under test with different operation modes, either constant or variable heating rates.The functionality of the thermal parameters measurement system has been demonstrated by heating and measuring a ceramic sample of Macor up to 400 degrees C. Accuracy reached in the thermal process has been validated by comparison with a conventional DSC analysis.This research project has received funding from the Ministerio de Universidades by the European Union- NextGenerationEU programme under the grant Margarita Salas (MS/2) . Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Sánchez-Marín, JR.; Gutiérrez Cano, JD.; Plaza González, PJ.; Penaranda-Foix, FL.; Catalá Civera, JM. (2022). Microwave calorimeter for dielectric and thermal analysis of materials. Energy. 263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.12590926

    Influence of Surface Pre-treatments on Laser Welding of Ti6Al4V Alloy

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    In the present study, Ti6Al4V samples have been welded under conduction regime by means of a high power diode laser. The main objective of the work has been to determine the actual influence of the surface pre-treatments on the laser welding process. Thus, six different pre-treatments were applied to Ti6Al4V samples before performing bead-on-plate and butt welding treatments. The depth, width, microstructure, and microhardness of the different weld zones were deeply analyzed. Grinding, sandblasting, and chemical cleaning pre-treatments lead to welds with the highest depth values, presenting high joint strengths. Treatments based on the application of dark coatings generate welds with lower penetration and worse mechanical properties, specially the graphite-based coating

    Rheumatoid arthritis miRNA biomarker detection by means of LMR based fiber-optic biosensor

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    Development of miRNA optical biosensors for disease diagnosis and monitoring has acquired relevance in recent years, due to the clinical importance of miRNA and the inherent advantages of optical sensors. Here, we present the utilization of a fiber optic sensor based on Lossy Mode Resonance (LMR) for the detection of miRNA hsa-miR-223, a promising biomarker for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).This research was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (PID2019-106231RB-I00), the Public University of Navarra (PJUPNA26), and the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU18/03087). In addition, this project has received funding from the ATTRACT call financed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 777222

    Selection of Tumor-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Through the Identification of T-Cells Capable to Establish Stable Interactions With the Leukemic Cells: “Doublet Technology”

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    The relevance of the immune system in cancer has long been studied. Autologous adoptive T cell therapies, based on the use of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), have made great progress in recent years for the treatment of solid tumors, especially melanoma. However, further work is needed to isolate tumor-reactive T cells among patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies. The dynamics of the interaction between T cells and antigen presenting cells (APC) dictate the quality of the immune responses. While stable joints between target cells and T lymphocytes lead to the induction of T cell activation and immune response, brief contacts contribute to the induction of immune-tolerance. Taking advantage of the strong interaction between target cell and activated T-cells, we show the feasibility to identify and isolate tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients by flow cytometry. Using this technology, CTLs bound through T cell receptor (TCR) to tumor cells can be identified in peripheral blood and bone marrow and subsequently selected and isolated by FACS-based cell sorting. These CTLs display higher percentage of effector cells and marked cytotoxic activity against AML blasts. In conclusion, we have developed a new procedure to identify and select specific cytotoxic T cells in patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PFIS-FI12/00189Instituto de Salud Carlos III ISCIII PI14/02074Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI11/02366Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI17/02177European Union (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future)CIBER CB16/12/0048

    Focusing dielectric slabs for the optimization of heating patterns in single mode microwave applicators

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    [EN] A new approach based on dielectric slabs with adjustable position is proposed as near-field focusing lenses inside a single-mode microwave applicator to provide specific temperature distributions within a material heated by microwaves. Numerical and experimental results in a TE101 rectangular cavity at 915 MHz have been used to evaluate the capability of these focusing dielectrics to optimize the temperature profile of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) preforms. Measurements of the temperature profile on the preforms verified the strong effect of the slabs on the electric field distribution, allowing the optimization of the heating patterns with great flexibility. The successful application applied to PET preforms with different sizes and geometries showed the versatility of this approach which can be extended to the application of other type of loads and microwave cavities.García-Baños, B.; Plaza González, PJ.; Sánchez-Marín, JR.; Steger, S.; Feigl, A.; Penaranda-Foix, FL.; Catalá Civera, JM. (2022). Focusing dielectric slabs for the optimization of heating patterns in single mode microwave applicators. Applied Thermal Engineering. 201:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.11784511020

    Androgen receptor gene polymorphism influence fat accumulation: a longitudinal study from adolescence to adult age.

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    To determine the influence of androgen receptor CAG and GGN repeat polymorphisms on fat mass and maximal fat oxidation (MFO), CAG and GGN repeat lengths were measured in 128 young boys, from which longitudinal data were obtained in 45 of them [mean?±?SD: 12.8?±?3.6 years old at recruitment, and 27.0?±?4.8 years old at adult age]. Subjects were grouped as CAG short (CAGS ) if harboring repeat lengths ?21, the rest as CAG long (CAGL ); and GGN short (GGNS ) if GGN repeat lengths ?23, or long if >?23 (GGNL ). CAGS and GGNS were associated with lower adiposity than CAGL or GGNL (P?<?0.05). There was an association between the logarithm of CAG repeats polymorphism and the changes of body mass (r?=?0.34, P?=?0.03). At adult age, CAGS men showed lower accumulation of total body and trunk fat mass, and lower resting metabolic rate (RMR) and MFO per kg of total lean mass compared with CAGL (P?<?0.05). GGNS men also showed lower percentage of body fat (P?<?0.05). In summary, androgen receptor CAG and GGN repeat polymorphisms are associated with RMR, MFO, fat mass, and its regional distribution in healthy male adolescents, influencing fat accumulation from adolescence to adult age

    Interaction of 8 He with 208Pb at near-barrier energies: 4 He and 6 He production

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    Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FPA-2010-22131-CO2-01 (FINURA) y FPA2013-47327-C2-1-RMinistry of Science and Higher Education of Poland-N202 033637National Science Centre of Poland-2013/08/M/ST2/00257 (LEA-COPIGAL) y 2014/14/M/ST2/00738 (COPIN-INFN Collaboration)European Science Foundation-EUI2009-04163432 (EUROGENESIS