1,148 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una app para el diagnĂłstico diferencial de pacientes con Parkinson y temblor esencial

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    Este trabajo tiene cómo objetivo desarrollar una aplicación móvil para ayudar en el diagnóstico diferencial entre pacientes con Parkinson y pacientes con Temblor Esencial Estos son los síndromes de temblor más comunes en todo el mundo Para lograr esto, se desarrollaron modelos de Machine Learning a partir de diferentes características cinemáticas de las señales de la velocidad angular del temblor de mano de sujetos sanos y pacientes con temblor usando el giroscopio de un teléfono móvil Los modelos desarrollados se implementaron en un servidor web y una aplicación móvil para hacer el registro, el procesamiento y la clasificación de las señales de velocidad angular El modelo implementado para diferenciar sujetos con temblor patológico de sujetos con temblor fisiológicos mostró un 97 06 de sensibilidad y un 100 de especificidad Por otro lado, el modelo implementado para diferenciar entre los dos síndromes de temblor mostró un 95 00 de sensibilidad y un 100 de especificidad Con esto, se presume que esta aplicación le servirá de apoyo a los médicos especialistas que tratan patologías y trastornos del movimiento a realizar diagnósticos tempranosPostprint (published version

    RevisiĂłn de las especies de la familia Lichinaceae incluidas en el herbario Werner (BC).

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    Recopilamos en este estudio todas las citas de especies de la familia Lichinaceae incluidas en la extensa bibliografía sobre el norte de Africa del Prof. R.G. Werner y revisamos los pliegos correspondientes conservados en el herbario del Instituto Botánico de Barcelona (BC).All species of the lichen family Lichinaceae reported from northern Africa in Prof. Werner's works are compiled. A revision on the material collected corresponding to these species and actually included in BC herbarium is made

    Algunos líquenes silicícolas interesantes de la Sierra de los Filabres (Almería) y Sierra Nevada (Granada), España

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    Se estudian 18 táxones de líquenes recolectados sobre rocas silíceas entre los 1700 y 3400 m de altitud en la Sierra de los Filabres y Sierra Nevada (SE de España). Especies conocidas, hasta el momento, tan sólo del Centro y Norte de Europa son: Aspicilia mastrucata, A. supertergens, Buellia nivalis, Lecanora caesiosora, L. lojkeana, Rinodina arnoldii y R. melanocarpa.Eighteen species, most of then new to the Spanish Flora, are recorded. They grow on siliceous rocks of the Sierra de los Filabres and Sierra Nevada (SE Spain) from 1700 to 3400 msm. Aspicilia mastrucata, A. supertergens, Buellia nivalis, Lecanora caesiosora, L. lojkeana, Rinodina arnoldii and R. melanocarpa were formely know only from Northern and Central Europe

    Current-induced ductility enhancement of a Magnesium alloy AZ31 in uniaxial micro-tension below 373 K

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    The size effects in metal forming have been found to be crucial in micro-scale plastic deformation or micro-forming processes, which lead to attenuation of the material’s formability due to the increasing heterogeneity of the plastic flow. The use of an electric field during micro-scale plastic deformation has shown to relieve size effects, enhance the material’s formability, modify the microstructure, etc. Consequently, these electric-assisted (EA) micro-forming processes seem to bring many potential benefits that need to be investigated. Accordingly, here we investigated the influence of an electric field on the size effects to describe the fracture behavior in uniaxial micro-tension tests of an AZ31 alloy with various grain sizes. In order to decouple the thermal-mechanical and microstructure changes, room temperature (RT), oven-heated (OH), air-cooled (AC), and EA uniaxial micro-tension tests were conducted. The size effects contribution on the fracture stress and strain showed a similar trend in all the testing configurations. However, the smallest fracture stresses and the largest fracture strains were denoted in the EA configuration. EBSD examination shows that current-induced dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and texture evolution could be negligible under the studied conditions. The kernel average misorientation (KAM) maps give the larger plastic deformation in the EA specimens due to the reduction of plastic micro-heterogeneity. Finally, the fracture morphology indicates that the current-induced ductility enhancement may be attributed to the arrest of micro-crack propagation and the inhibition of void initiation, growth, and coalescence caused by lattice melting and expansion.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Introducing probabilistic celular automata. A versatile extension of Game of Live

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    The "Game of life" model was created in 1970 by the mathematician Jonh Horton Conway using cellular automata. Since then, di erent extensions of these cellular automata have been used in many applications, such as car traffic control or baggage traffic in an airport. These extensions introduce ideas not only from cellular automata models but also from neural networks theory. In this work, we introduce probabilistic cellular automata which include non-deterministic rules for transitions between successive generations of the automaton together with probabilistic decisions about life and death of the cells in next generation of the automaton. This way, more realistic situations can be modeled and the obtained results are also non-deterministic. As an example of use, an implementation of this probabilistic cellular automaton has been developed using it for simulating tissues evolution. The authors are specially interested in simulations of cancerous tissues.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Building Physicians’ Trust In e-Health: An Application To EHCR Systems

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    This paper explains physicians’ acceptance, in terms of usage intentions, of one of the most relevant eHealth services or applications: Electronic Health Care Records (EHCR). For this purpose, the original structure of the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis et al. 1989: 985), which included perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and usage intention, is extended with trust and risk-related factors such as physicians’ perceptions of institutional trust, perceived risk, and information integrity. The results stress the special importance of cognitive instrumental processes (mainly, usefulness perceptions) and attitudinal dimensions (attitude towards usage and perceived institutional trust), as key determinants of physicians’ acceptance of EHCR systems. Perceptions of institutional trust exert strong direct effects on physicians’ perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude towards the use of EHCR. Additionally, trust mediates the influence of perceived risk and information integrity perceptions on physicians’ acceptance of EHCR

    On the cutting performance of segmented diamond blades when dry-cutting concrete

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    The objective of the present study is to analyze and compare the cutting performance of segmented diamond blades when dry-cutting concrete. A cutting criteria is proposed to characterize the wear of the blades by measuring the variation of the external diameter and the weight loss of the blade. The results exhibit the cutting blade SB-A, which has twice the density of diamonds and large contact area, exhibits less wear even though the material removal rate is higher compared with the other two cutting blades. Additionally, the surface topography of the different blades is evaluated to examine the impact of wear depending on the surface profile and the distribution of the diamonds in the blade’s matrix. Large number of diamonds pull-out are found in blades type SB-C, which additionally shows the worst wear resistant capability. As a conclusion, the cutting efficiency of the blade is found to be related to the density of embedded diamonds and the type of the surface profile of the cutting blade after reaching the stop criteria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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