1,309 research outputs found

    Aplicación del método de los elementos de contorno a problemas de contacto no hertzianos

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    Trabajo reproducido y difundido en el repositorio idUS con permiso de la Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica (AEIM)Se presentan resultados de problemas en los que la dimensión de la zona final de contacto no es despreciable frente a otras dimensiones características de los dominios implicados . El problema se resuelve mediante un proceso incremental sobre una formulación de elementos de contorn

    Aplicación del método de los elementos de contorno al análisis tensional de problemas de contacto con interferencias geométricas

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    Trabajo reproducido y difundido en el repositorio idUS con permiso de la Asociación Española de Ingeniería Mecánica (AEIM)La existencia de interferencias geométricas entre sólidos deformables que entran en contacto es incorporada a la formulación del problema en ecuaciones integrales. Las interferencias existentes son así tratadas como cargas equivalentes. El Método de los Elementos de Contorno es utilizado para la resolución numérica del problem

    On two models of orthogonal polynomials and their applications

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    37 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 33C45, 42C05.This contribution deals with some models of orthogonal polynomials as well as their applications in several areas of mathematics. Some new trends in the theory of orthogonal polynomials are summarized. In particular, we emphasize on two kinds of orthogonality, i.e., the standard orthogonality in the unit circle and a non standard one, which is called multi-orthogonality. Both have attracted the interest of researchers during the past ten years.This work has been supported by Dirección General de Investigación (MCyT) of Spain under grant BFM2000-0206-C04-01 and INTAS project 2000-272. J. Arvesú was partially supported by the Dirección General de Investigación (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid).Publicad

    Recent trends in orthogonal polynomials and their applications

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    29 pages, 1 figure.-- MSC2000 codes: 42C05, 33C45.-- Contributed to: XVII CEDYA: Congress on differential equations and applications/VII CMA: Congress on applied mathematics (Salamanca, Spain, Sep 24-28, 2001).MR#: MR1873645 (2002i:42031)Zbl#: Zbl 1026.42025In this contribution we summarize some new directions in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. In particular, we emphasize three kinds of orthogonality conditions which have attracted the interest of researchers from the last decade to the present time. The connection with operator theory, potential theory and numerical analysis will be shown.This work has been supported by Dirección General de Investigación (MCyT) of Spain under grant BHA2000-0206-C04-01 and INTAS project 2000-272. J. Arvesú was partially supported by the Dirección General de Investigación (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid).Publicad

    Actualización catastral de un distrito urbano ubicado en el municipio de Catarina Departamento de Masaya de Agosto a Octubre del 2014

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    El presente estudio del proyecto catastral, se hizo con el propósito de completar todas aquellas actividades destinadas a la actualización catastral municipal, recopilando la información a través de un levantamiento y encuesta catastral que se recogen por medio de formularios donde se plasman las características físicas de la propiedad; Una vez tomada la información se procesa a través de un software el que genera una series de reportes que sirven para la planificación del Municipio, es decir se generó un diagnostico. Para realizar el levantamiento y encuesta catastral de cada uno de los predios, se efectúo un trabajo de campo en el sitio donde se desarrolló el estudio y material cartográfico del municipio, trabajo en estrecha colaboración con la Alcaldía y la población afectada por el proyecto. Sin embargo, el equipo de trabajo de la Unidad Técnica de Catastro de la Municipalidad de Catarina, tomará la responsabilidad única de las conclusiones a que llegue el estudio y las recomendaciones que se formule una vez concluido este levantamiento Catastra

    El corcho y el alcornoque en Extremadura

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    Se realiza una descripción, asentamiento y localización del corcho en Extremadura, de sus características, forma de obtenerlo y producción. Se analiza la industria, con una pequeña introducción a una serie de datos, que sirven para comparar España con Portugal como primer país productor y exportador; un estudio de la producción de la industria extremeña y otro concreto de una fábrica extremeña transformadora. Para completar el trabajo habría sido necesario un cuarto punto que tratara del comercio del corcho.We have made a description of the settlement and cork location in Extremadura. We want to know their characteristics, how to obtain and product it. The industry is analyzed and is compared Spain and Portugal as the first producer and exporter. To complete the work would have been necessary to try a fourth point of the cork trade.notPeerReviewe

    Surface photometry of radio loud elliptical galaxies from the B2 sample

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    V-band CCD imaging is presented for 72 galaxies from the B2 radio sample (Colla et al.; Fanti et al.), with redshifts up to 0.2 and radio powers P408=1023-1026.5 W Hz-1. According to the morphology on the optical images 57 galaxies are classified as ellipticals, 6 as spirals and 7 as irregular. Surface photometry of the sample of ellipticals was obtained fitting ellipses to the light distribution. The light profile of these galaxies generally follows a de Vaucouleurs law, although in three cases the profiles show large excesses relative to the r1/4 law at large radii. The fitted μe and re parameters for the de Vaucouleurs galaxies are given in the paper. Three of the ellipticals show a bright nucleus. One of them is a known broad line radio galaxy (B2 1833+32) and the remaining two are Markarian galaxies, classified in the literature as BL Lac objects (B2 1101+38 and B2 1652+39). The radial profiles for ellipticity, position angle, and B4 term of the Fourier analysis are presented in the paper, and the morphological peculiarities of the ellipticals are described, including the presence of shells, tails, nuclear dust, isophote twisting, off-centering, and boxiness or diskness of the isophotes. Only one of the galaxies in this work is included in the subsample of B2 radio galaxies with well-defined jets (Parma et al.). In this sense the present sample complements the sample of 24 radio galaxies with well-defined radio jets in Parma et al. for which a similar study was presented in González-Serrano et al.). The irregular galaxy B2 0916+33 appears to be misclassified, and we suggest that the right identification of the radio source is a nearby point like object with V=18.45 mag. The spiral galaxy associated with B2 1441+26 is also misclassified. A point-like optical object with V=18.88 mag, located at arcsec from the original identification and coincident with the radio core is the most probable counterpart

    Fair Data: History and Present Context

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    In this paper, we discuss FAIR Data, why it exists, and who it applies to. We further review the principles of FAIR data and how they are managed in research centers. We also discuss the types of problems that researchers encounter, and what an information professional can do to assist them. At present, the vast majority of centers subscribe to the FAIR principles. However, both center and researcher face the arduous task of understanding, managing, and implementing the model. They must know data formats and standards. For a correct description and to facilitate data retrieval and interoperability, they must know about different types of metadata schemas. They must know about digital preservation and specific aspects of knowledge and information management. In addition, there are also ethical issues, intellectual property, and cultural differences. All these controversies translate into extra workload for researchers, who only get a return in the form of citations. It is critical to note that these information professionals can play a key role in the proper management of research data, and can help achieve the objectives described in the principles: making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable