245 research outputs found

    Medicina legal y muertes en el deporte

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    Hacemos un análisis de las lesiones y muertes ocurridas en el Deporte de la Lucha Libre y el Boxeo; causas y efectos, lo que aplica la normativa mexicana en el caso de los deportes y cuál es la intervención de la procuración y administración de justicia.This is analysis of the injuries and deaths that occur duri ng wrestling and boxing, its causes and effects, the application of Mexican standards in sports and the intervention of the enforcement and administration of justice

    Las implicaciones jurídicas por la colisión del derecho a la salud en menores de edad frente a la creencia religiosa de sus padres o tutores: el caso de los testigos de jehová

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    el Estado mexicano marca una pauta importante en su historia constitucional, plasmada en la reforma que tuvo lugar en el año 2011. Reconocer que los derechos humanos están sobre las propias normas del estado, extendió el panorama en la materia. Sin embargo, cuando los derechos humanos colisionan, es difícil deliberar. En el caso particular, existe por una parte el derecho humano a la creencia religiosa y, por otro los derechos a la vida y a la salud, que en caso de transfusiones sanguíneas o intervenciones quirúrgicas de menores de edad pueden llegar a generar conflicto, ello en razón de la interpretación teológica de los creyentes de la religión Testigos de Jehová. En el caso de los mayores de edad, queda patente el principio de autonomía de la voluntad, en el que cada persona puede decidir si admite o rechaza una intervención, sin embargo en el caso de los menores de edad, el planteamiento es distinto pues dado el grado de madurez psicológica, aquél no puede elegir y limitativamente la legislación interna hace un trato igual a todos los menores sin importar su edad o grado de madurez. El dilema implica a padres de familia y sus responsabilidades así como las consecuencias en caso de negar algún tipo de tratamiento y, la de los médicos que se encuentran constreñidos a preservar el derecho a la vida y la salud de los pacientes.the Mexican State marks an important guideline in its constitutional history, embodied in the reform that took place in 2011. Recognizing that human rights are above the standards of the state, extended the panorama in the field. However, when human rights collide, it is difficult to deliberate. There is, on the one hand, the human right to religious belief, and secondly, the rights to life and health, which as in the case of blood transfusions or surgical interventions in minors can generate conflict, this in because theological interpretation of the believers of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. In the case of the elderly, the principle of autonomy is evident, in which each person can decide whether to admit or reject an intervention, however in the case of minors, the approach is different because, regardless of the degree of psychological maturity, they can not choose, and restrictively internal legislation makes equal treatment to all children, regardless of age or degree of maturity. The dilemma involves parents and their responsibilities as well as the consequences of denying any treatment, and the doctors who are constrained to preserve the right to life and health of patients

    Difusão e comparabilidade da informação econômico-financeira on-line: o caso de Ibero-américa

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    The objective of this paper is to create a ranking from the on-line economic-financial data reviewed in Ministries of economy and finance, or just finance depending on the name used in iberoamerican countries, of 2009. For this purpose, a methodological proposal is made, which includes a questionnaire and indexes of information disclosure in economic and financial environment. Among the main results, Ministries of Mexico, Spain and Chile are the best ranked of all, however, Panama and Honduras were the least transparent countries in disclosure such information.El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es generar un ranking a partir de los datos consultados del 2009 de los Ministerios de Economía y Hacienda o en su caso de Finanzas de los países de Iberoamérica más transparentes en divulgar información económico-financiera a nivel on-line. Para ello, se propone como propuesta metodológica un cuestionario e índices de transparencia de la divulgación de información en el entorno económico y financiero. Entre los principales hallazgos, podemos mencionar que los Ministerios de México, España y Chile salieron como los mejores valorados, sin embargo, Panamá y Honduras fueron los menos transparentes en divulgar dicha informaciónO objetivo do seguinte trabalho é criar um ranking a partir de dados conferidos em 2009 dos Ministérios de Economia, Fazenda ou Finanças, dos países mais transparentes em divulgar informação econômico-financeira a nível on-line, de Iberoamérica. Para isso, propõe-se como metodologia um questionário e índices da transparência da divulgação de informação no meio econômico e financeiro. Entre as principais conclusões, podemos mencionar que os Ministérios de México, Espanha e Chile foram os mais bem avaliados. No entanto, Panamá e Honduras foram os menos transparentes em divulgar referida informação

    The Effect of Hexamethylene Diisocyanate-Modified Graphene Oxide as a Nanofiller Material on the Properties of Conductive Polyaniline

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    Conducting polymers like polyaniline (PANI) have gained a lot of interest due to their outstanding electrical and optoelectronic properties combined with their low cost and easy synthesis. To further exploit the performance of PANI, carbon-based nanomaterials like graphene, graphene oxide (GO) and their derivatives can be incorporated in a PANI matrix. In this study, hexamethylene diisocyanate-modified GO (HDI-GO) nanosheets with two di erent functionalization degrees have been used as nanofillers to develop high-performance PANI/HDI-GO nanocomposites via in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of HDI-GO followed by ultrasonication and solution casting. The influence of the HDI-GO concentration and functionalization degree on the nanocomposite properties has been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray di raction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), tensile tests, zeta potential and four-point probe measurements. SEM analysis demonstrated a homogenous dispersion of the HDI-GO nanosheets that were coated by the matrix particles during the in situ polymerization. Raman spectra revealed the existence of very strong PANI-HDI-GO interactions via - stacking, H-bonding, and hydrophobic and electrostatic charge-transfer complexes. A steady enhancement in thermal stability and electrical conductivity was found with increasing nanofiller concentration, the improvements being higher with increasing HDI-GO functionalization level. The nanocomposites showed a very good combination of rigidity, strength, ductility and toughness, and the best equilibrium of properties was attained at 5 wt % HDI-GO. The method developed herein opens up a versatile route to prepare multifunctional graphene-based nanocomposites with conductive polymers for a broad range of applications including flexible electronics and organic solar cells

    El UPOBARÓMETRO como experiencia de innovación docente del Área de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide

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    This article discusses and analyses the educational innovation experience around the making of the fourth edition of the UPOBAROMETRO Opinion Survey by the Political Science students at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), conducted during the 2012-2013 academic year. The whole experience reveals that the usage of such a means help students obtain a useful, autonomous knowledge regarding their employability and career opportunities, which is highly assessed by them.Este artículo describe y analiza la experiencia de innovación docente que ha supuesto la elaboración del Estudio de Opinión UPOBARÓMETRO por el alumnado de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla. Concretamente, describe y analiza la cuarta edición de dicho Estudio de Opinión, realizada durante el curso académico 2012-2013 y en la cual han participado activamente estudiantes de dos asignaturas de Ciencia Política, pertenecientes a diversos cursos de Grado y/o Licenciatura de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. La citada experiencia de innovación docente revela que la elaboración del UPOBARÓMETRO por los referidos estudiantes permite a éstos obtener un valioso aprendizaje autónomo asociado a su empleabilidad laboral y salidas profesionales, lo cual es valorado de forma muy positiva por sus protagonistas

    An approach for identifyation of areas with higher expected damage and definition of priority levels for prevention plans in Murcia Province (SE Spain)

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    The Murcia Region is one of the most active zones in Spain, where three earthquakes took place in 1999, 2002 and 2005. In spite of their low magnitudes (Mw 4.8), these earthquakes caused important damage, the last one reaching an EMS-98 intensity of VII. After that event, the RISMUR project started, aimed at providing a general picture of the seismic risk, which allows us to identify zones requiring a more detailed analysis of where prevention plans should be prioritized. A multidisciplinary study, starting with the seismic hazard assessment, which follows the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment methodology has been carried out at a regional scale. The expected ground motion (rock sites), for a return period of 475 years, has been characterized in terms of PGA and spectral ordinates and the corresponding maps have been drawn. In addition, a regional geotechnical study has been done and a classification of eight types of soils has been proposed, with the corresponding amplification factors. The combination of previous maps and factors, gives a new hazard map which already includes local effects. In parallel, a vulnerability assessment of the Murcian building stock is carried out, based fundamentally on the age of construction and following the EMS-98 criteria. Taking into account the expected ground motions and building vulnerabilities, the distribution of expected damage is estimated by the application of probability damage matrixes. A suite of maps representing seismic risk in terms of damage parameters for the entire region and from which we can identify the locations with higher expected damage have been obtained. We use the Coulomb stress transfer map of the region as additional criteria for defining priority areas where detailed studies should be performed. This gives information about the zones with stress load due to the previous seismicity and where new events could be triggered. The superposition of this map with the active faults of the region and the locations with higher expected damage allows us to establish a four-level priority ranking where future local-scale analyses should be made

    cmv1 is a gate for Cucumber mosaic virus transport from bundle sheath cells to phloem in melon

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range among plant viruses, causing enormous losses in agriculture. In melon, strains of subgroup II are unable to establish a systemic infection in the near‐isogenic line SC12‐1‐99, which carries the recessive resistance gene cmv1 from the accession PI 161375, cultivar ‘Songwhan Charmi’. Strains of subgroup I overcome cmv1 resistance in a manner dependent on the movement protein. We characterized the resistance conferred by cmv1 and established that CMV‐LS (subgroup II) can move from cell to cell up to the veins in the inoculated leaf, but cannot enter the phloem. Immunogold labelling at transmission electron microscopy level showed that CMV‐LS remains restricted to the bundle sheath (BS) cells in the resistant line, and does not invade vascular parenchyma or intermediary cells, whereas, in the susceptible line ‘Piel de Sapo’ (PS), the virus invades all vein cell types. These observations indicate that the resistant allele of cmv1 restricts systemic infection in a virus strain‐ and cell type‐specific manner by acting as an important gatekeeper for virus progression from BS cells to phloem cells. Graft inoculation experiments showed that CMV‐LS cannot move from the infected PS stock into the resistant cmv1 scion, thus suggesting an additional role for cmv1 related to CMV transport within or exit from the phloem. The characterization of this new form of recessive resistance, based on a restriction of virus systemic movement, opens up the possibility to design alternative approaches for breeding strategies in melon.Fil: Guiu Aragonés, Cèlia. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries; España. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Sánchez Pina, María Amelia. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; EspañaFil: Díaz Pendón, Juan Antonio. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Universidad de Málaga; EspañaFil: Peña, Eduardo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular; Argentina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes; FranciaFil: Heinlein, Manfred. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes; FranciaFil: Martín Hernández, Ana Montserrat. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; España. Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries; España. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ

    cmv1 is a gate for Cucumber mosaic virus transport from bundle sheath cells to phloem in melon

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range among plant viruses, causing enormous losses in agriculture. In melon, strains of subgroup II are unable to establish a systemic infection in the near‐isogenic line SC12‐1‐99, which carries the recessive resistance gene cmv1 from the accession PI 161375, cultivar ‘Songwhan Charmi’. Strains of subgroup I overcome cmv1 resistance in a manner dependent on the movement protein. We characterized the resistance conferred by cmv1 and established that CMV‐LS (subgroup II) can move from cell to cell up to the veins in the inoculated leaf, but cannot enter the phloem. Immunogold labelling at transmission electron microscopy level showed that CMV‐LS remains restricted to the bundle sheath (BS) cells in the resistant line, and does not invade vascular parenchyma or intermediary cells, whereas, in the susceptible line ‘Piel de Sapo’ (PS), the virus invades all vein cell types. These observations indicate that the resistant allele of cmv1 restricts systemic infection in a virus strain‐ and cell type‐specific manner by acting as an important gatekeeper for virus progression from BS cells to phloem cells. Graft inoculation experiments showed that CMV‐LS cannot move from the infected PS stock into the resistant cmv1 scion, thus suggesting an additional role for cmv1 related to CMV transport within or exit from the phloem. The characterization of this new form of recessive resistance, based on a restriction of virus systemic movement, opens up the possibility to design alternative approaches for breeding strategies in melon.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Il17ra Promoter Is Associated with Functional Severity of Ankylosing Spondylitis

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    The aim of this study was to identify new genetic variants associated with the severity of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). We sequenced the exome of eight patients diagnosed with AS, selected on the basis of the severity of their clinical parameters. We identified 27 variants in exons and regulatory regions. The contribution of candidate variants found to AS severity was validated by genotyping two Spanish cohorts consisting of 180 cases/300 controls and 419 cases/656 controls. Relationships of SNPs and clinical variables with the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity and Functional Indices BASDAI and BASFI were analyzed. BASFI was standardized by adjusting for the duration of the disease since the appearance of the first symptoms. Refining the analysis of SNPs in the two cohorts, we found that the rs4819554 minor allele G in the promoter of the IL17RA gene was associated with AS (p<0.005). This variant was also associated with the BASFI score. Classifying AS patients by the severity of their functional status with respect to BASFI/disease duration of the 60th, 65th, 70th and 75th percentiles, we found the association increased from p60 to p75 (cohort 1: p<0.05 to p<0.01; cohort 2: p<0.01 to p<0.005). Our findings indicate a genetic role for the IL17/ILRA axis in the development of severe forms of AS

    Videoconferencias para residentes de Histología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus

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    Fundamento: No se conoce cómo aceptan los residentes de Histología la inclusión de un sistema de videoconferencias sobre la estructura microscópica del cuerpo humano en su estrategia de autoaprendizaje. Objetivo: Explorar en profundidad la experiencia de los residentes de Histología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus que utilizaron un sistema de videoconferencias para su formación profesional. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo en el que se realizó una entrevista a profundidad con los especialistas y residentes de Histología que han utilizado el sistema de videoconferencias en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus. Se transcribieron las entrevistas, se codificaron y se seleccionaron los principales temas abordados. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 5 usuarios del sistema de videoconferencias; de la entrevista surgieron 5 temas: 1) Como los residentes insertan las videoconferencias en su estrategia de autoaprendizaje, 2) Preferencia de las videoconferencias sobre los libros de texto, 3) Aciertos y desaciertos de las videoconferencias, 4) ¿Qué aportan las videoconferencias a la formación del residente, ventajas y desventajas? y 5) Sugerencias para mejorar las videoconferencias. Conclusiones: Un sistema de videoconferencias sobre la estructura microscópica del cuerpo humano puede ocupar un papel protagónico en la estrategia de aprendizaje de residentes de Histología. La preferencia que muestran los residentes por las videoconferencias sobre otros medios didácticos puede estar asociada a la capacidad de la multimedia para disminuir la carga cognitiva y facilitar el aprendizaje cuando se siguen los principios de Mayer al elaborar estos medios. La presencia de imágenes digitales en estas videoconferencias fue clave para su aceptación