23 research outputs found

    Resolución de problemas científicos escolares y promoción de competencias de pensamiento científico. ¿Qué piensan los docentes de química en ejercicio?

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    En el artículo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1070795, cuyo objetivo consistió en identificar y caracterizar las nociones que tienen los profesores de nivel medio respecto a las competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas, y la manera en que ambos deben trabajarse en la enseñanza de la química. Con el empleo de una muestra intencional de 33 profesores, seleccionados de un total de 117 que se incorporaron a otras fases de la investigación y mediante la administración de un cuestionario especialmente diseñado, se logró poner de manifiesto que en ellos predomina una imagen fragmentada y a veces contradictoria de la solución de problemas y de las competencias de pensamiento científico; dicha representación incorpora aspectos de inestimable valor para la formación del estudiante competente, a la vez que incluye otros que en manera alguna favorecen dicha formación en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales. Es notable que competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas no se constituyan como sistema totalmente coherente en la conceptualización de los profesores investigados. Como dato relevante, se constató la oscilante valoración del carácter subjetivo de las situaciones problémicas y los problemas; junto al papel importante que, en opinión de gran parte de los profesores, desempeña el lenguaje, se le otorga un valor oscilante al trabajo con la teoría por parte de los estudiantes; igualmente resulta difusa, y a veces contradictoria, su aproximación a los procesos de algoritmización.In the article the results of an investigation conducted within the framework of the project FONDECYT 1070795 are exposed. The aims of the research were to identify and characterize the representations and knowledge that teachers in service have, from an average level of education, with respect to the competences of scientific thought and problem solution, and the way in which both should be approached. With the use of an intentional sample of 133, teachers selected from a total of 117 who were incorporated to other phases of the research trough the administration of a questionnaire especially designed, was show the predominance of a very fragmented image, sometimes contradictory, about the solution of problems and about relation between competences of scientific thought; this representation incorporates aspects of great value for the formation of the competent students, and at the same time it includes other aspects that in no way favor this formation, according to the present assessments. It is remarkable that both competences for scientific thought and solution of problems are not constituted as a totality and coherent system in the thinking of the teachers who participated in the research. It should be pointed out that we found data that show an oscillating valuation of the subjective character of the problematic situations and the problem itself; these data show, as well, that teachers give a very important role to language. It is stated that teachers give an oscillating value to the fact that students must deal with theories. It should be noted too that their approaches to the algorithmic processes are very vague, and sometimes contradictory

    2019 ACC/AHA guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines

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    [Extract] Top 10 Take-Home Messages for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease 1. The most important way to prevent atherosclerotic vascular disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation is to promote a healthy lifestyle throughout life. 2. A team-based care approach is an effective strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Clinicians should evaluate the social determinants of health that affect individuals to inform treatment decisions. 3. Adults who are 40 to 75 years of age and are being evaluated for cardiovascular disease prevention should undergo 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk estimation and have a clinician–patient risk discussion before starting on pharmacological therapy, such as antihypertensive therapy, a statin, or aspirin. In addition, assessing for other risk-enhancing factors can help guide decisions about preventive interventions in select individuals, as can coronary artery calcium scanning. 4. All adults should consume a healthy diet that emphasizes the intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, lean vegetable or animal protein, and fish and minimizes the intake of trans fats, red meat and processed red meats, refined carbohydrates, and sweetened beverages. For adults with overweight and obesity, counseling and caloric restriction are recommended for achieving and maintaining weight loss. 5. Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of accumulated moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity. 6. For adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, lifestyle changes, such as improving dietary habits and achieving exercise recommendations, are crucial. If medication is indicated, metformin is first-line therapy, followed by consideration of a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor or a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist. 7. All adults should be assessed at every healthcare visit for tobacco use, and those who use tobacco should be assisted and strongly advised to quit. 8. Aspirin should be used infrequently in the routine primary prevention of ASCVD because of lack of net benefit. 9. Statin therapy is first-line treatment for primary prevention of ASCVD in patients with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (≥190 mg/dL), those with diabetes mellitus, who are 40 to 75 years of age, and those determined to be at sufficient ASCVD risk after a clinician–patient risk discussion. 10. Nonpharmacological interventions are recommended for all adults with elevated blood pressure or hypertension. For those requiring pharmacological therapy, the target blood pressure should generally be <130/80 mm Hg

    Procedimiento quimioenzimático para la preparación de iminociclitoles

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    Traducción de patente europea publicada el 11JUN2010. Titulares: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y Bioglane S.L.N.E.La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento quimioenzimático para la preparación de iminociclitoles. Los productos sintetizados se pueden usar como complementos dietéticos e ingredientes funcionales en la industria alimenticia, así como agentes terapéuticos (p. ej., en el tratamiento de diabetes).Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Bioglane SLNET3 Traducción de patente europe

    Correlation Between Time-Domain Measures of Heart Rate Variability and Scatterplots in Patients With Healed Myocardial Infarcts and the Influence of Metoprolol

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    Scatterplots (displays of each RR interval as a function of the preceding RR interval) provide a visual assessment of nonrandom variations in heart rate. In a recent study, scatterplot length, width, and area correlated with time-domain measures of heart rate variability (HRV) in survivors of recent myocardial infarction (MI) receiving a β blocker. We performed this study to (1) assess the relation between time-domain measures of HRV and scatterplot indexes in survivors of remote MI not receiving metoprolol and (2) to determine if metoprolol influenced scatterplot indexes. In 28 survivors of remote MI, HRV time-domain variables and scatterplot indexes were measured after 2 weeks off and 2 weeks on metoprolol. Off metoprolol, scatterplot length correlated with long-term HRV variables (SD of the difference of all RR intervals [r = 0.98], SD of the average of all 5-minute intervals [r = 0.97]), and scatterplot width correlated with short-term HRV variables (root-mean-square successive differences between RR intrevals [rMSSD] [r = 0.88]). Metoprolol increased time-domain HRV variables (mean RR interval, rMSSD, and proportion of adjacent RR intervals differing by \u3e50 ms [pNN50 (%)]) but did not alter scatterplot indexes. Thus, scatterplot indexes correlate with time-domain measures of HRV in survivors of remote MI not receiving metoprolol. In contrast to HRV time-domain variables, scatterplot indexes are not influenced by metoprolol. This study was undertaken to assess the relation between time-domain measures of heart rate variability and scatterplot indexes in survivors of remote myocardial infarction not receiving metoprolol and to determine if metoprolol influenced scatterplot indexes in these subjects. In 28 survivors of remote myocardial infarction not receiving a β blocker, scatterplot length, width, and area correlated well with time-domain measures of heart rate variability; in contrast to heart rate variability time-domain variables, scatterplot indexes were not influenced by metoprolol

    Resolución de problemas científicos escolares y promoción de competencias de pensamiento científico. ¿Qué piensan los docentes de química en ejercicio?

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    En el artículo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1070795, cuyo objetivo consistió en identificar y caracterizar las nociones que tienen los profesores de nivel medio respecto a las competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas, y la manera en que ambos deben trabajarse en la enseñanza de la química. Con el empleo de una muestra intencional de 33 profesores, seleccionados de un total de 117 que se incorporaron a otras fases de la investigación y mediante la administración de un cuestionario especialmente diseñado, se logró poner de manifiesto que en ellos predomina una imagen fragmentada y a veces contradictoria de la solución de problemas y de las competencias de pensamiento científico; dicha representación incorpora aspectos de inestimable valor para la formación del estudiante competente, a la vez que incluye otros que en manera alguna favorecen dicha formación en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales. Es notable que competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas no se constituyan como sistema totalmente coherente en la conceptualización de los profesores investigados. Como dato relevante, se constató la oscilante valoración del carácter subjetivo de las situaciones problémicas y los problemas; junto al papel importante que, en opinión de gran parte de los profesores, desempeña el lenguaje, se le otorga un valor oscilante al trabajo con la teoría por parte de los estudiantes; igualmente resulta difusa, y a veces contradictoria, su aproximación a los procesos de algoritmización.In the article the results of an investigation conducted within the framework of the project FONDECYT 1070795 are exposed. The aims of the research were to identify and characterize the representations and knowledge that teachers in service have, from an average level of education, with respect to the competences of scientific thought and problem solution, and the way in which both should be approached. With the use of an intentional sample of 133, teachers selected from a total of 117 who were incorporated to other phases of the research trough the administration of a questionnaire especially designed, was show the predominance of a very fragmented image, sometimes contradictory, about the solution of problems and about relation between competences of scientific thought; this representation incorporates aspects of great value for the formation of the competent students, and at the same time it includes other aspects that in no way favor this formation, according to the present assessments. It is remarkable that both competences for scientific thought and solution of problems are not constituted as a totality and coherent system in the thinking of the teachers who participated in the research. It should be pointed out that we found data that show an oscillating valuation of the subjective character of the problematic situations and the problem itself; these data show, as well, that teachers give a very important role to language. It is stated that teachers give an oscillating value to the fact that students must deal with theories. It should be noted too that their approaches to the algorithmic processes are very vague, and sometimes contradictory

    A Mutant D-Fructose-6-Phosphate Aldolase (Ala129Ser) with Improved Affinity towards Dihydroxyacetone for the Synthesis of Polyhydroxylated Compounds

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    A mutant of D-fructose-6-phosphate aldolase (FSA) of Escherichia coli, FSA A129S, with improved catalytic efficiency towards dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the donor substrate in aldol addition reactions, was explored for synthetic applications. The kcat/KM value for DHA was 17-fold higher with FSA A129S than that with FSA wild type (FSA wt). On the other hand, for hydroxyacetone as donor substrate FSA A129S was found to be 3.5-fold less efficient than FSA wt. Furthermore, FSA A129S also accepted glycolaldehyde (GA) as donor substrate with 3.3-fold lower affinity than FSA wt. This differential selectivity of both FSA wt and FSA A129S for GA makes them complementary biocatalysts allowing a control over donor and acceptor roles, which is particularly useful in carboligation multi-step cascade synthesis of polyhydroxylated complex compounds. Production of the mutant protein was also improved for its convenient use in synthesis. Several carbohydrates and nitrocyclitols were efficiently prepared, demonstrating the versatile potential of FSA A129S as biocatalyst in organic synthesis.JAC acknowledges the French foundation Vaincre Les Maladies Lysosomales for a postdoctoral fellowship. MG and XG acknowledge the I3P-CSIC predoctoral scholarship program. This work was supported by the Spanish MCINN CTQ2009-07359/BQU, La Marató de TV3 foundation (Ref:050931), Generalitat de Catalunya DURSI 2005-SGR-00698 and ESF project COST CM0701. GS acknowledges the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft which supported work of Melanie S. and T.I. through SFB 380/B21. We thank Dr. Natalie Trachtmann and Liliya Malikova for help with cloning of vector pJFfsaA129S-kan.Peer reviewe