19 research outputs found
Course and Consequences of Nocturia
Yövirtsaaminen (nokturia) on yksi yleisimmistÀ elÀmÀnlaatua heikentÀvistÀ virtsaamisoireista. Nokturian esiintyvyys kasvaa iÀn myötÀ johtuen ikÀÀntymisen aiheuttamista muutoksista munuaisten ja virtsateiden toiminnassa. Nokturiaa aiheuttavat myös monet sairaudet ja elintavat. Nokturiaan saattaakin liittyÀ lisÀÀntynyttÀ sairastavuutta ja jopa kuolleisuutta. Varsinkin hauraiden ikÀihmisten kaatumis- ja murtumariskit saattavat kasvaa entisestÀÀn nokturian yhteydessÀ.
Nokturian hoito ei aina ole tehokasta. Parempien hoitotulosten ja hoitopÀÀtösten tueksi tarvitaan lisÀÀ tietoa nokturian luonnollisesta kulusta ja oireeseen liittyvien terveyshaittojen riskeistÀ. Nokturian ennusteen ja terveysvaikutusten selventÀmiseksi tarvitaankin systemaattisia katsauksia ja nÀihin pohjautuvia meta-analyysejÀ. Aiempien tutkimustulosten yhteenveto on kuitenkin haastavaa johtuen tutkimusvÀestöjen, oirekartoitusmenetelmien, nokturian mÀÀritelmien ja analyysimenetelmien vaihtelevaisuudesta ja niinpÀ luonnollista kulkua ja ennustetta kÀsittelevien systemaattisten katsausten ja meta-analyysien tekeminen edellyttÀvÀt metodologista erikoisosaamista ja innovaatioita.
VÀitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ nokturian ilmaantuvuutta ja remissiota vÀestötasolla, sekÀ nokturian vaikutusta kaatumisten, murtumien ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskiin. LisÀksi tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ oireiden ennustetta tutkivien systemaattisten katsausten ja meta-analyysien menetelmiÀ.
VÀitöskirjakokonaisuus koostui kolmesta meta-analyysin sisÀltÀvÀstÀ systemaattisesta katsauksesta ja yhdestÀ vÀestöpohjaisesta kohorttitutkimuksesta. Systemaattisten katsausten perustana oli laaja-alainen kirjallisuushaku tÀydennettynÀ julkaisemattomien konferenssiabstraktien erillisellÀ haulla. PÀÀvastemuuttujina kvantitatiivisissa analyyseissÀ olivat nokturian ilmaantuvuus- ja remissioluvut, sekÀ nokturiaan liittyvÀt suhteelliset riskit mortaliteetille, kaatumisille ja murtumille. TutkimusnÀytön laatu koskien nokturiaa kaatumisten, murtumien ja mortaliteetin ennusteellisena ja kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ arvioitiin GRADE-menetelmÀllÀ (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).
Nokturian ja mortaliteetin vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ kotimaisessa vÀestössÀ selvitettiin pirkanmaalaismiehistÀ koostuvan TAMUS-kohortin (Tampere Ageing Male Urologic Study) avulla. KÀytettÀvissÀ oli viiden vuoden vÀlein toistetut haastattelut 50-, 60- ja 70-vuotiaille miehille vuodesta 1994 alkaen ja tiedot kuolemista vuoden 2014 loppuun saakka. Haastattelukierrokset sisÀlsivÀt tietoja virtsaamisoireista, sairauksista, lÀÀkityksistÀ ja elintavoista. Virtsaamisoireiden ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskin vÀliset vaarasuhteet mÀÀritettiin aikariippuvaisten Coxin regressioanalyysien avulla vakioituna selittÀvien muuttujien viiden vuoden vÀlein pÀivitetyillÀ arvoilla.
Systemaattisen katsauksen avulla identifioidun kahdentoista tutkimuksen yhdistetyt estimaatit (meta-analyysi) osoittivat nokturian ilmaantuvuuden kasvavan ikÀÀntymisen myötĂ€: nokturian keskimÀÀrĂ€inen vuosittainen ilmaantuvuus oli alle 40- vuotiailla aikuisilla 0.4 % (95% luottamusvĂ€li 0â0.8%), 40â59-vuotiailla 2.8% (1.9â3.7%) ja yli 60-vuotiailla 11.5 % (9.1â14.0%). Vuosittainen remissio oli 12.1 % (9.5â 14.7%). Remissiossa ei ollut merkittĂ€viĂ€ eroja ikĂ€ryhmien vĂ€lillĂ€.
Meta-analyysit osoittivat yhteyden nokturian ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman, sekÀ kaatumisten ja murtumien riskien vÀlillÀ. Yhdentoista tutkimuksen yhdistetty suhteellinen ennenaikaisen kuoleman riski oli 1.27 (95% LV 1.16-1.40) vastaten 1.6%:n absoluuttisen riskin kasvua 60-vuotiailla ja 4.0 %:n kasvua 75-vuotiailla viidessÀ vuodessa. Viiden tutkimuksen yhdistetty suhteellinen kaatumisten riski oli 1.20 (1.05- 1.37) ja murtumien riski 1.32 (0.99-1.76), vastaten 7.5% kaatumisten ja 1.2% murtumien absoluuttisen riskin kasvua vanhuksilla vuosittain. TutkimusnÀytön laatu arvioitiin kohtalaiseksi nokturialle mortaliteetin ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ ja hyvin heikoksi mortaliteetin kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ. TutkimusnÀytön laatu arvioitiin kohtalaiseksi nokturialle kaatumisten ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ ja heikoksi murtumien ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ. NÀytön laatu arvioitiin hyvin heikoksi nokturialle kaatumisten ja murtumien kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ.
Nokturian ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman vĂ€linen yhteys havaittiin myös TAMUS- kohortin 1332 miehen 21 vuoden seurannassa: vakioitu HR oli 1.38 (1.07â1.79).
Saatavilla olevan tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturian ilmaantuvuus liittyy voimakkaasti ikÀÀntymiseen ja kiihtyy erityisesti 60 ikÀvuoden jÀlkeen. Oireen spontaania lievenemistÀ tavataan vuosittain 12 %:lla niistÀ, joilla on nokturiaa. Kohtalaisen tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturiaan liittyy 1.2-kertainen kaatumisten ja 1.3-kertainen ennenaikaisen kuoleman riski. Heikon tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturiaan liittyy lisÀksi 1.3-kertainen murtumien riski.
VÀitöskirjan havaintojen perusteella nokturiaa selvitellessÀ on suositeltavaa huomioida potilaan yleisen terveydentilan kartoitus. Tulevaisuudessa tutkimusten odotetaan selvittÀvÀn nokturian hoidon vaikutusta kaatumisten ja murtumien riskiin ja pitkÀllÀ aikavÀlillÀ hoidon vaikutusta sairastavuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen.Nocturia (waking from sleep at night to void) is one of the most burdensome lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among middle-aged and older people. The prevalence of nocturia tends to increase with age, due to age-related functional changes of the kidneys and bladder, and due to changes in sleep pattern. Nocturia can also be brought on by various illnesses and lifestyle factors. People with nocturia may be predisposed to further health complications and even mortality. Especially among frail elderly subjects with an increased baseline risk for falls and fall-related injuries, the presence of nocturia may further increase these risks.
Treatment of nocturia is often unsuccessful. For more successful care, treatment decisions and health promotion, a better understanding of the prognosis of nocturia and its associated risks for further morbidity is needed. However, summarising data from previous longitudinal studies is challenging due to variation between study samples, assessment tools, case definitions and analytic strategies. Systematic reviews would clarify the issue, but systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the natural history and prognosis of symptoms are challenging and require methodological knowledge and innovations.
The primary aim of the thesis was to ascertain the natural course of nocturia and associated risks of falls, fractures and mortality. The secondary aim was to further develop methods for systematic reviews and meta-analyses assessing the natural history, prognosis and impact of symptoms, including effect sizes and quality of evidence (certainty in evidence).
The thesis comprises three systematic reviews with accompanying meta-analyses and one population-based cohort study. The systematic reviews were based on a comprehensive search of both published and unpublished reports without language restrictions, and subsequent screening of abstracts and full texts according to predefined eligibility criteria to detect all available observational cohort studies. The quantitative syntheses included random effects meta-analyses addressing the incidence/remission rates of nocturia, and relative risks (RR) of all-cause mortality, falls and fractures. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to rate the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic and causal factor of mortality, falls and fractures.
The longitudinal analysis of Tampere Ageing Male Urologic Study (TAMUS) included a population-based sample of men from Pirkanmaa Region (Finland) initially aged 50, 60, and 70 years. The cohort was followed-up with mail surveys including the assessments of LUTS and comorbidities repeatedly in 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2009, and for mortality through the population registry until the end of 2014. LUTS-associated hazard ratios (HR) were analysed with time-dependent Cox regression adjusted for year of birth and comorbidities using variable values updated every five years.
The pooled estimates of 12 studies demonstrated a strong association of annual incidence of nocturia with age: 0.4% (95% confidence interval 0-0.8%) for adults aged < 40 years; 2.8% (1.9-3.7%) for adults aged 40-59 years; and 11.5% (9.1-14.0%) for adults aged 60 years. Of those with nocturia, each year 12.1% (9.5-14.7%) experienced remission with no significant differences in estimates between age groups.
For association between nocturia and mortality, the pooled estimates of 11 studies demonstrated an RR of 1.27 (95% CI 1.16-1.40, absolute 5-year mortality difference 1.6% in people aged 60 and 4.0% in those aged 75 years). For association between nocturia and falls, five studies demonstrated a pooled RR of 1.20 (95% CI 1.05-1.37, annual risk difference 7.5% among the elderly) and five studies, a pooled RR of fractures of 1.32 (95% CI 0.99-1.76, annual risk difference 1.2%). The quality of evidence was rated moderate for nocturia as a prognostic factor for mortality and very low for nocturia as a cause of mortality. The quality of evidence was rated moderate for nocturia as a prognostic factor for falls, low for fractures and very low for nocturia as a cause of falls or fractures.
An association between nocturia and mortality was also observed in the 21-year follow-up of the TAMUS cohort of 1,332 men: adjusted HR was 1.38 (1.07-1.79).
The available evidence suggests that the onset of nocturia is strongly associated with age, with much higher rates in those over 60 years; remission occurs in approximately 12% each year. Moderate-quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.2-fold risk for falls and low-quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.3-fold risk for fractures. Furthermore, moderate- quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.3-fold risk of death.
The findings of the thesis suggest that greater attention needs to be paid to underlying health conditions in patients with nocturia. Future research should address the impact of treatment for nocturia on falls and fractures with adequatelylong follow-up to detect further morbidity and mortality
Do LUTS Predict Mortality? : An Analysis Using Random Forest Algorithms
Purpose: To evaluate a random forest (RF) algorithm of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) as a predictor of all-cause mortality in a population-based cohort. Materials and Methods: A population-based cohort of 3143 men born in 1924, 1934, and 1944 was evaluated using a mailed questionnaire including the Danish Prostatic Symptom Score (DAN-PSS-1) to assess LUTS as well as questions on medical conditions and behavioral and sociodemographic factors. Surveys were repeated in 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2015. The cohort was followed-up for vital status until the end of 2018. RF uses an ensemble of classification trees for prediction with a good flexibility and without overfitting. RF algorithms were developed to predict the five-year mortality using LUTS, demographic, medical, and behavioral factors alone and in combinations. Results: A total of 2663 men were included in the study, of whom 917 (34%) died during follow-up (median follow-up time 15.0 years). The LUTS-based RF algorithm showed an area under the curve (AUC) 0.60 (95% CI 0.52â0.69) for five-year mortality. An expanded RF algorithm, including LUTS, medical history, and behavioral and sociodemographic factors, yielded an AUC 0.73 (0.65â 0.81), while an algorithm excluding LUTS yielded an AUC 0.71 (0.62â0.78). Conclusion: An exploratory RF algorithm using LUTS can predict all-cause mortality with acceptable discrimination at the group level. In clinical practice, it is unlikely that LUTS will improve the accuracy to predict death if the patientâs background is well known.Peer reviewe
Systematic review and metaanalysis of genetic association studies of urinary symptoms and prolapse in women
Peer reviewe
The Impact of Nocturia on Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Purpose: Nocturia (waking from sleep at night to void) is a common cause of sleep disruption associated with increased comorbidity and impaired quality of life. However, its impact on mortality remains unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the association of nocturia with mortality as a prognostic factor and a causal risk factor. Materials and Methods: We searched PubMed (R), Scopus (R), CINAHL (R) (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and major conference abstracts up to December 31, 2018. Random effects meta-analyses were done to address the adjusted RR of mortality in people with nocturia. Metaregression was performed to explore potential determinants of heterogeneity, including the risk of bias. We applied the GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) framework to rate the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic risk factor for mortality and separately as a cause of mortality. Results: Of the 5,230 identified reports 11 observational studies proved eligible for inclusion. To assess nocturia 10 studies used symptom questionnaires and 1 used frequency-volume charts. Nocturia was defined as 2 or more episodes per night in 6 studies (55%) and as 3 or more episodes per night in 5 (45%). Pooled estimates demonstrated a RR of 1.27 (95% CI 1.16-1.40, I-2=48%) with an absolute 1.6% and 4.0% 5-year mortality difference in individuals 60 and 75 years old, respectively. The pooled estimates of relative risk did not differ significantly across varying age, gender, followup, nocturia case definition, risk of bias or study region. We rated the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic factor as moderate and as a cause of mortality as very low. Conclusions: Nocturia is probably associated with an approximately 1.3-fold increased risk of death.Peer reviewe
Yövirtsaamisen ennuste â meta-analyysista tukea pÀÀtöksentekoon
Incidence and remission of nocturia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Eur Urol, julkaistu verkossa 19.2.201
Croatia at the International Exhibition of Children\u27s Drawings in Beijing
Although family studies have shown that male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are highly heritable, no systematic review exists of genetic polymorphisms tested for association with LUTS.
To systematically review and meta-analyze studies assessing candidate polymorphisms/genes tested for an association with LUTS, and to assess the strength, consistency, and potential for bias among pooled associations.
Evidence acquisition
A systematic search of the PubMed and HuGE databases as well as abstracts of major urologic meetings was performed through to January 2013. Case-control studies reporting genetic associations in men with LUTS were included. Reviewers independently and in duplicate screened titles, abstracts, and full texts to determine eligibility, abstracted data, and assessed the credibility of pooled associations according to the interim Venice criteria. Authors were contacted for clarifications if needed. Meta-analyses were performed for variants assessed in more than two studies.
Evidence synthesis
We identified 74 eligible studies containing data on 70 different genes. A total of 35 meta-analyses were performed with statistical significance in five (ACE, ELAC2, GSTM1, TERT, and VDR). The heterogeneity was high in three of these meta-analyses. The rs731236 variant of the vitamin D receptor had a protective effect for LUTS (odds ratio: 0.64; 95% confidence interval, 0.49â0.83) with moderate heterogeneity (I2 = 27.2%). No evidence for publication bias was identified. Limitations include wide-ranging phenotype definitions for LUTS and limited power in most meta-analyses to detect smaller effect sizes.
Few putative genetic risk variants have been reliably replicated across populations. We found consistent evidence of a reduced risk of LUTS associated with the common rs731236 variant of the vitamin D receptor gene in our meta-analyses.
Patient summary
Combining the results from all previous studies of genetic variants that may cause urinary symptoms in men, we found significant variants in five genes. Only one, a variant of the vitamin D receptor, was consistently protective across different populations
Course and Consequences of Nocturia
Yövirtsaaminen (nokturia) on yksi yleisimmistÀ elÀmÀnlaatua heikentÀvistÀ virtsaamisoireista. Nokturian esiintyvyys kasvaa iÀn myötÀ johtuen ikÀÀntymisen aiheuttamista muutoksista munuaisten ja virtsateiden toiminnassa. Nokturiaa aiheuttavat myös monet sairaudet ja elintavat. Nokturiaan saattaakin liittyÀ lisÀÀntynyttÀ sairastavuutta ja jopa kuolleisuutta. Varsinkin hauraiden ikÀihmisten kaatumis- ja murtumariskit saattavat kasvaa entisestÀÀn nokturian yhteydessÀ.
Nokturian hoito ei aina ole tehokasta. Parempien hoitotulosten ja hoitopÀÀtösten tueksi tarvitaan lisÀÀ tietoa nokturian luonnollisesta kulusta ja oireeseen liittyvien terveyshaittojen riskeistÀ. Nokturian ennusteen ja terveysvaikutusten selventÀmiseksi tarvitaankin systemaattisia katsauksia ja nÀihin pohjautuvia meta-analyysejÀ. Aiempien tutkimustulosten yhteenveto on kuitenkin haastavaa johtuen tutkimusvÀestöjen, oirekartoitusmenetelmien, nokturian mÀÀritelmien ja analyysimenetelmien vaihtelevaisuudesta ja niinpÀ luonnollista kulkua ja ennustetta kÀsittelevien systemaattisten katsausten ja meta-analyysien tekeminen edellyttÀvÀt metodologista erikoisosaamista ja innovaatioita.
VÀitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ nokturian ilmaantuvuutta ja remissiota vÀestötasolla, sekÀ nokturian vaikutusta kaatumisten, murtumien ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskiin. LisÀksi tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ oireiden ennustetta tutkivien systemaattisten katsausten ja meta-analyysien menetelmiÀ.
VÀitöskirjakokonaisuus koostui kolmesta meta-analyysin sisÀltÀvÀstÀ systemaattisesta katsauksesta ja yhdestÀ vÀestöpohjaisesta kohorttitutkimuksesta. Systemaattisten katsausten perustana oli laaja-alainen kirjallisuushaku tÀydennettynÀ julkaisemattomien konferenssiabstraktien erillisellÀ haulla. PÀÀvastemuuttujina kvantitatiivisissa analyyseissÀ olivat nokturian ilmaantuvuus- ja remissioluvut, sekÀ nokturiaan liittyvÀt suhteelliset riskit mortaliteetille, kaatumisille ja murtumille. TutkimusnÀytön laatu koskien nokturiaa kaatumisten, murtumien ja mortaliteetin ennusteellisena ja kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ arvioitiin GRADE-menetelmÀllÀ (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).
Nokturian ja mortaliteetin vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ kotimaisessa vÀestössÀ selvitettiin pirkanmaalaismiehistÀ koostuvan TAMUS-kohortin (Tampere Ageing Male Urologic Study) avulla. KÀytettÀvissÀ oli viiden vuoden vÀlein toistetut haastattelut 50-, 60- ja 70-vuotiaille miehille vuodesta 1994 alkaen ja tiedot kuolemista vuoden 2014 loppuun saakka. Haastattelukierrokset sisÀlsivÀt tietoja virtsaamisoireista, sairauksista, lÀÀkityksistÀ ja elintavoista. Virtsaamisoireiden ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskin vÀliset vaarasuhteet mÀÀritettiin aikariippuvaisten Coxin regressioanalyysien avulla vakioituna selittÀvien muuttujien viiden vuoden vÀlein pÀivitetyillÀ arvoilla.
Systemaattisen katsauksen avulla identifioidun kahdentoista tutkimuksen yhdistetyt estimaatit (meta-analyysi) osoittivat nokturian ilmaantuvuuden kasvavan ikÀÀntymisen myötĂ€: nokturian keskimÀÀrĂ€inen vuosittainen ilmaantuvuus oli alle 40- vuotiailla aikuisilla 0.4 % (95% luottamusvĂ€li 0â0.8%), 40â59-vuotiailla 2.8% (1.9â3.7%) ja yli 60-vuotiailla 11.5 % (9.1â14.0%). Vuosittainen remissio oli 12.1 % (9.5â 14.7%). Remissiossa ei ollut merkittĂ€viĂ€ eroja ikĂ€ryhmien vĂ€lillĂ€.
Meta-analyysit osoittivat yhteyden nokturian ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman, sekÀ kaatumisten ja murtumien riskien vÀlillÀ. Yhdentoista tutkimuksen yhdistetty suhteellinen ennenaikaisen kuoleman riski oli 1.27 (95% LV 1.16-1.40) vastaten 1.6%:n absoluuttisen riskin kasvua 60-vuotiailla ja 4.0 %:n kasvua 75-vuotiailla viidessÀ vuodessa. Viiden tutkimuksen yhdistetty suhteellinen kaatumisten riski oli 1.20 (1.05- 1.37) ja murtumien riski 1.32 (0.99-1.76), vastaten 7.5% kaatumisten ja 1.2% murtumien absoluuttisen riskin kasvua vanhuksilla vuosittain. TutkimusnÀytön laatu arvioitiin kohtalaiseksi nokturialle mortaliteetin ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ ja hyvin heikoksi mortaliteetin kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ. TutkimusnÀytön laatu arvioitiin kohtalaiseksi nokturialle kaatumisten ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ ja heikoksi murtumien ennusteellisena riskitekijÀnÀ. NÀytön laatu arvioitiin hyvin heikoksi nokturialle kaatumisten ja murtumien kausaalisena riskitekijÀnÀ.
Nokturian ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman vĂ€linen yhteys havaittiin myös TAMUS- kohortin 1332 miehen 21 vuoden seurannassa: vakioitu HR oli 1.38 (1.07â1.79).
Saatavilla olevan tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturian ilmaantuvuus liittyy voimakkaasti ikÀÀntymiseen ja kiihtyy erityisesti 60 ikÀvuoden jÀlkeen. Oireen spontaania lievenemistÀ tavataan vuosittain 12 %:lla niistÀ, joilla on nokturiaa. Kohtalaisen tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturiaan liittyy 1.2-kertainen kaatumisten ja 1.3-kertainen ennenaikaisen kuoleman riski. Heikon tutkimusnÀytön perusteella nokturiaan liittyy lisÀksi 1.3-kertainen murtumien riski.
VÀitöskirjan havaintojen perusteella nokturiaa selvitellessÀ on suositeltavaa huomioida potilaan yleisen terveydentilan kartoitus. Tulevaisuudessa tutkimusten odotetaan selvittÀvÀn nokturian hoidon vaikutusta kaatumisten ja murtumien riskiin ja pitkÀllÀ aikavÀlillÀ hoidon vaikutusta sairastavuuteen ja kuolleisuuteen.Nocturia (waking from sleep at night to void) is one of the most burdensome lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among middle-aged and older people. The prevalence of nocturia tends to increase with age, due to age-related functional changes of the kidneys and bladder, and due to changes in sleep pattern. Nocturia can also be brought on by various illnesses and lifestyle factors. People with nocturia may be predisposed to further health complications and even mortality. Especially among frail elderly subjects with an increased baseline risk for falls and fall-related injuries, the presence of nocturia may further increase these risks.
Treatment of nocturia is often unsuccessful. For more successful care, treatment decisions and health promotion, a better understanding of the prognosis of nocturia and its associated risks for further morbidity is needed. However, summarising data from previous longitudinal studies is challenging due to variation between study samples, assessment tools, case definitions and analytic strategies. Systematic reviews would clarify the issue, but systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the natural history and prognosis of symptoms are challenging and require methodological knowledge and innovations.
The primary aim of the thesis was to ascertain the natural course of nocturia and associated risks of falls, fractures and mortality. The secondary aim was to further develop methods for systematic reviews and meta-analyses assessing the natural history, prognosis and impact of symptoms, including effect sizes and quality of evidence (certainty in evidence).
The thesis comprises three systematic reviews with accompanying meta-analyses and one population-based cohort study. The systematic reviews were based on a comprehensive search of both published and unpublished reports without language restrictions, and subsequent screening of abstracts and full texts according to predefined eligibility criteria to detect all available observational cohort studies. The quantitative syntheses included random effects meta-analyses addressing the incidence/remission rates of nocturia, and relative risks (RR) of all-cause mortality, falls and fractures. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to rate the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic and causal factor of mortality, falls and fractures.
The longitudinal analysis of Tampere Ageing Male Urologic Study (TAMUS) included a population-based sample of men from Pirkanmaa Region (Finland) initially aged 50, 60, and 70 years. The cohort was followed-up with mail surveys including the assessments of LUTS and comorbidities repeatedly in 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2009, and for mortality through the population registry until the end of 2014. LUTS-associated hazard ratios (HR) were analysed with time-dependent Cox regression adjusted for year of birth and comorbidities using variable values updated every five years.
The pooled estimates of 12 studies demonstrated a strong association of annual incidence of nocturia with age: 0.4% (95% confidence interval 0-0.8%) for adults aged < 40 years; 2.8% (1.9-3.7%) for adults aged 40-59 years; and 11.5% (9.1-14.0%) for adults aged 60 years. Of those with nocturia, each year 12.1% (9.5-14.7%) experienced remission with no significant differences in estimates between age groups.
For association between nocturia and mortality, the pooled estimates of 11 studies demonstrated an RR of 1.27 (95% CI 1.16-1.40, absolute 5-year mortality difference 1.6% in people aged 60 and 4.0% in those aged 75 years). For association between nocturia and falls, five studies demonstrated a pooled RR of 1.20 (95% CI 1.05-1.37, annual risk difference 7.5% among the elderly) and five studies, a pooled RR of fractures of 1.32 (95% CI 0.99-1.76, annual risk difference 1.2%). The quality of evidence was rated moderate for nocturia as a prognostic factor for mortality and very low for nocturia as a cause of mortality. The quality of evidence was rated moderate for nocturia as a prognostic factor for falls, low for fractures and very low for nocturia as a cause of falls or fractures.
An association between nocturia and mortality was also observed in the 21-year follow-up of the TAMUS cohort of 1,332 men: adjusted HR was 1.38 (1.07-1.79).
The available evidence suggests that the onset of nocturia is strongly associated with age, with much higher rates in those over 60 years; remission occurs in approximately 12% each year. Moderate-quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.2-fold risk for falls and low-quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.3-fold risk for fractures. Furthermore, moderate- quality evidence suggests that nocturia is associated with a 1.3-fold risk of death.
The findings of the thesis suggest that greater attention needs to be paid to underlying health conditions in patients with nocturia. Future research should address the impact of treatment for nocturia on falls and fractures with adequatelylong follow-up to detect further morbidity and mortality
The Impact of Nocturia on Falls and Fractures : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Purpose: Although nocturia is associated with various comorbidities, its impact on falls and fractures remains unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the association between nocturia and falls and fractures as a prognostic and as a causal risk factor. Materials and Methods: We searched PubMed (R), Scopus (R), CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and abstracts of major urological meetings up to December 31, 2018. We conducted random effects meta-analyses of adjusted relative risks of falls and fractures. We applied the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach to rate the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic and causal factor of falls and fractures. Results: Among 5,230 potential reports 9 observational longitudinal studies provided data on the association between nocturia and falls or fractures (1 for both, 4 for falls, 4 for fractures). Pooled estimates demonstrated a risk ratio of 1.20 (95% CI 1.05-1.37, I-2 = 51.7%, annual risk difference 7.5% among the elderly) for association between nocturia and falls and 1.32 (95% CI 0.99-1.76, I-2 = 57.5%, annual risk difference 1.2%) for association between nocturia and fractures. Subgroup analyses showed no significant effect modification by age, gender, followup time, nocturia case definition or risk of bias. We rated the quality of evidence for nocturia as a prognostic factor as moderate for falls and low for fractures, and as very low as a cause of falls/fractures. Conclusions: Nocturia is probably associated with an approximately 1.2-fold increased risk of falls and possibly an approximately 1.3-fold increased risk of fractures.Peer reviewe