39 research outputs found

    Using Social Media to Support the Special Autonomous Region of Papua's Continuity Program

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    Social media has become part of society; in 2021, citizen Indonesia trends issue of continuity program particular autonomous region of Papua. This research examines what kind of social media supports Papua's continuity, mainly autonomous region programs. This study employed a qualitative method and analyzes data using Qualitative Data Analysis Software (Q-DAS); the toll is Nvivo 12Plus and delivers the value and result using Descriptive way. This research founds that: First, social media Dominated three terms on social media. Second, social media hashtags relation also appears and exits. Third, social media Narratives refer to support the program of a special autonomous region in Papua. Forth, social media dominance with Individual and Ngo. This study has significant drawbacks. This study focused on the use of social media to help Papua's special autonomous area. Some recommendations to the next research is to assist the Papua's special autonomous region program

    Profil Para Gamers di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Tentang Perubahan Sosial Penggemar Game Online di Warnet Markas Net Jl. Durian, Pekanbaru)

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    The background of this study by the increasingly widespread phenomenon ofincreasingly rapid internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru. Not only that difungsingkan internetcafes all websites visited by users for general but specific internet cafes online games or gamingcenter that can be said is also growing rapidly, game center is a cafe that is only reserved foronline gaming enthusiasts or for those who like to play online games. Not only that game centercan open all the sites. Now there are 119 internet cafes are open 24 hours have been scatteredthroughout the region in Pekanbaru, and one of them on the road Durian. On the road there areinternet cafes named Markas Net. The form of this research is qualitative with purposivesampling as a sampling technique, which can describe thoroughly how profiles online gamingenthusiasts often called gamers, ranging from gamers identity, gender, age, education, behavior,until the work of parents, and revenue parents and impact derived from playing online games.Then, the results of this study indicate that most who play online games are men than womenwho do not like noise. Later, age and education are also strongly associated with online gamesthey play. As well, the pocket money they get often can not determine whether or not they playonline games. The number of online games that exist in Markas Net with the number of 34online games, but from this study found four very popular online game played dansering gamersat Markas Net, namely Dragon Nest, Dota 2, Lost Saga and Point Blank (PB).Keywords: Profile Gamers, Headquarters Net, Game Centre, Games Onlin

    Keadilan Semi-Libertarianisme pada Sistem Kesehatan di Indonesia: Analisis Komparatif Pemikiran Bentham dan Kant terhadap Implementasi Konsep Keadilan pada Kebijakan BPJS – Kesehatan

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    Keadilan sosial menjadi salah satu cita-cita bangsa Indonesia terutama dalam bidang kesehatan dimana masih banyak diskriminasi dan tidak meratanya pelayanan kesehatan. Pada tahun 2014, BPJS Kesehatan mulai beroperasi dengan tujuan pemerataan kesehatan di seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Terdapat perbedaan pandangan dalam melihat konsep keadilan dalam bidang kesehatan terutama kebijakan BPJS. Utilitarianisme berfokus pada konsep kebahagiaan haruslah dapat dirasakan oleh kebanyakan orang. Berbeda dengan konsep libertarianisme yang memandang keadilan merupakan preferensi dari masing-masing individu. Penggunaan kedua teori tersebut sangat mempengaruhi jalanya kebijakan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan merupakan salah satu kebijakan penting yang dapat memberikan pemerataan kesehatan bagi masyarakat banyak sehingga sangat menarik melihat kecenderungan konsep keadilan yang digunakan oleh BPJS Kesehatan. Secara metodologis, artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kepustakaan digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data terutama dari berita-berita media massa online yang bereputasi. Hasilnya, kajian ini mengukur konsep keadilan BPJS Kesehatan dengan tiga indikator, yaitu: Bebas dari diskriminasi dan kesetaraan, ethics of rights, dan ethics of care. Di masing-masing indikator tersebut, akan ditetapkan, apakah praktik BPJS Kesehatan masuk kategori libertarian atau utilitarian. Pertama, pada indikator bebas diskriminasi dan kesetaraan, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep semi-libertarianisme. Kedua, pada indikator ethics of rights, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep libertarianisme. Ketiga, pada indikator ethics of care, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep utilitarianisme. Berdasarkan tiga indikator keadilan tersebut, sistem BPJS Kesehatan memiliki kecenderungan pada konsep semi-libertarianisme. Hal ini menunjukkan, bahwa meskipun dasar hukum pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan mengarah pada utilitarianisme, praktiknya cenderung pada libertarianisme.Social justice is one of Indonesia’s targets, mainly in the healthcare issue where discrimination and the lack of equality in the healthcare service are still found in many regions. By 2014, the BPJS-Healthcare started to operate itself with the aim of healthcare equality among Indonesian society. There is a different view in defining the concept of justice in the case of the healthcare issue, particularly in the BPJS Healthcare policy. The utilitarianism school argues that the concept of justice should be implemented for all people, while the libertarianism school says that justice is depending on personal preferences. Adopting these two schools can influence the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare policy in Indonesia. BPJS Healthcare is one of the essential policies in providing healthcare equality for society so that it is fascinating to be analyzed further, which justice school adopted by Indonesia’s BPJS Healthcare. Methodologically, this article is based on qualitative research by applying the case study approach. Library research is employed as the data-gathering technique primarily from news channels of reputable online mass media. This study investigates the justice concept of BPJS Healthcare with three leading indicators: free from discrimination and the importance of equality, ethics of rights, and ethics of care. Considering these three indicators, this study’s finding decides to classify each indicator into whether the utilitarian school or the libertarian school. First, in the indicator free from discrimination and the importance of equality, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare intends to the semi-libertarianism school. Second, in the indicator of ethics of rights, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare intends to adopt the libertarianism school. In the meantime, in the indicator of ethics of care, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare seemingly applies to utilitarianism schools. Based on the three-justice indicator, the BPJS Healthcare system intends to adopt what so-called as “semi-libertarianism” school. It denotes the fact that although the system seems to adopt the utilitarianism school, the implementation of the policy tends to apply to the libertarianism school.

    Content Analysis of Social Media on Indonesia Vaccination Covid-19 Policy

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the types of social media platforms used by proponents and opponents of vaccination. This research employs a qualitative approach, analyzing social media hashtag data with Q-DAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) and Nvivo 12Plus. This study finds that: First, social media was used to spread both sides' narratives and content. Second, social media relation tends to be quite strong, but the pro-side is stronger than the contra-side. Third, the narration on both sides uses hashtags and a single word to spread the influence.  They were used for vaccination issues on two sides of the issue.  This research limitation, like this study concentrating exclusively on social media data, excluded digital data like the phenomenon on social media only. The recommendation for the following research is: Try to understand the social movements opposing or promoting vaccination in Indonesia and compare them to other Asian countries.Keywords: vaccine; policy; social media

    Analisis Kebijakan BLT Dan Desa dalam Upaya Penanganan Covid-19 pada Sektor Desa

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan BLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai) dan desa dalam upaya penanganan covid-19 pada sektor desa.Peran dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam perekonomian pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Pandemi tidak hanya dapat mengancam masyarakat, tetapi juga dapat menagncam situasi ekonomi di berbagai sektor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan analisis data sekunder yang bertujuan untuk memahami, menjelaskan, menafsirkan, dan menganalisis keadaan yang sedang terjadi. Penelitian saat ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang ketat. Agar peneliti dapat melakukan eksplorasi secara mendalam mengenai masalah yang dibahas maka digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.  analisis ekonomi publik di atas melalui peran dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengatasi perekonomian pada masa pandemi ini memang masih banyak menghadapi berbagai hambatan atau tantangan dari segala sisi, baik sisi regulasi, administrasi maupun implementasi yang ada di lapangan. Peran subordinat pemerintah dalam perekonomian selama pandemi ini menjadi dorongan lain bagi pemerintah untuk melanjutkan kebijakannya.

    The Impact Of Retailer Awareness, Retailer Association, Retailer Perceived Quality, Retailer Loyalty On Purchase Intention In Hypermart Surabaya

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    This research examine the impact of retailer awareness, retailer association, retailer perceived quality, retailer loyalty on purchase intention in Hypermart as the object of modern food retail brand. This quantitative and causal type research used questionnaires for on-site survey. Purposive sampling method was used. The sample consisted of 250 respondents whose age is 18 years or above, have visited and shopped at Hypermart in Surabaya at least twice in the last three months, and also have ever used the customer service and after-sales service in Hypermart. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 The result of the found that there is a positive impact of retailer awareness towards purchase intention. There is a positive impact of retailer association towards retailer loyalty. Furthermore, positive impact of retailer association towards purchase intention is also indicated. Retailer perceived quality is shown to have positive impact towards retailer loyalty. The result also indicates that retailer loyalty has positive impact towards purchase intention. However, the result shows no significant impact of retailer awareness towards retailer loyalty. There is also a statistical error type II found resulting in perceived quality does not have positive impact towards purchase intention

    The Impact of Retailer Awareness, Retailer Association, Retailer Perceived Quality, Retailer Loyalty Towards Purchase Intention in Hypermart Surabaya

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    This research aims to explore the impact of retailer awareness, retailer association, retailer perceived quality, retailer loyalty towards purchase intention in Hypermart as the object of modern food retail brand. This quantitative and causal type research uses questionnaires for on-site survey. Purposive sampling method was used. The sample consisted of 250 respondents whose age is 18 years or above, have visited and shopped at Hypermart in Surabaya at least twice in the last three months, and also have ever used the customer service and after-sales service in Hypermart. Date were analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The result of the found that there is a positive impact of retailer awareness towards purchase intention. There is a positive impact of retailer association towards retailer loyalty. Furthermore, positive impact of retailer association towards purchase intention is also indicated. Retailer perceived quality is shown to have positive impact towards retailer loyalty. The result also indicates that retailer loyalty has positive impact towards purchase intention. However, the result shows no significant impact of retailer awareness towards retailer loyalty. There is also a statistical type II error found resulting in perceived quality does not have positive impact towards purchase intention


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    ABSTRAK Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kota Bandung berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kebudayaaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung pada tahun 2010-2013 semakin meningkat. Peningkatan tersebut tidak lepas dari peran pemerintah daerah yang gencar mempromosikan potensi wisata kota Bandung seperti wisata kuliner, fashion, belanja, rekreasi keluarga dan wisata alam. Salah satu yang paling diminati oleh pengunjung adalah wisata kuliner khususnya pada Coffee Shop yang berinterior menarik. Store Atmosphere adalah salah satu inovasi dalam mendekorasi suasana toko di Coffee Shop untuk menarik perhatian konsumen, membuat konsumen nyaman dan betah berlama-lama berada di Coffee Shop tersebut. Maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Store Atmosphere pada Coffee Shop Kopi Progo, untuk mengetahui bagaimana Keputusan Pembelian pada Coffee Shop Kopi Progo, dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Store Atmosphere terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Coffee Shop Kopi Progo. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kausal serta menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Dengan menggunakan teknik sampling non-probability dan menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Store Atmosphere berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian sebesar 20,3%. Selebihnya 79, 7% (100-20,3%) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti, seperti Promosi, Brand Image, dsb. Kata Kunci : Store Atmosphere, Keputusan Pembelian, Coffee Sho


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    As social beings, humans essentially need to carry out various activities of social life, namely interacting between one individual and another while living in this world. Every activity in human life always contains risk. Risk cannot be eliminated but can be minimized in many ways, one of which is by utilizing insurance facilities. The problem that often arises in insurance companies is the number of customers who are in arrears in paying premiums. In the procedure applied in insurance, there is a grace period for payment of 30 days during which the customer/insured must pay a predetermined amount of premium and if the customer/insured does not pay the premium, the insurance policy will be canceled so that the profits of PT. Asuransi Etiqa International Indonesia will be reduced. This research was conducted by applying the Naive Bayes algorithm. The results of this study are a classification system for late payment of insurance premiums that can classify the status of premium payments for insurance customers. The system test results show that the system can classify the premium payment status of insurance customers with an accuracy rate of 86.5%, then the resulting precision level is 86.9% and the resulting recall is 99.4%. Keywords : Naive Bayes, Classification, Insurance, Premiu


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    The causes of weak shareholder protection include a lack of awareness of how corporate governance is implemented by public companies, to the opportunistic behavior of public companies that use loopholes in regulations and weaknesses in capital market law enforcement. Because they play a dominant role in the area of capital market regulation, capital market regulatory bodies have been widely criticized in response to takeovers of minority shareholders. The purpose of this study is to examine cases of legal protection for minority shareholders in order to gain an understanding not only of the legal issues and challenges that exist in implementing regulations in the field of shareholder protection but also to recommend possible ways to improve law enforcement in order to ensure the effectiveness of shareholder protection in Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical research method. Every shareholder who is harmed by the company's actions as a result of the decision of the GMS, Directors, and/or Commissioners has the right to submit a complaint to Article 61 UUPT. Based on the financial transaction case of PT Sumalindo Tbk which discriminates against minorities caused by legal loopholes and weak capital market law enforcement. Also, OJK needs to give priority to taking a risk-based approach that is far more total and systematic than existing regulations. An alternative measure to increase awareness of Indonesian public companies is good corporate governance by introducing a mechanism that assesses the performance of companies based on their compliance with corporate governance norms