10 research outputs found

    Metodología para gestión de información hidrológica en vías navegables: aplicación a Bolivia

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    The Hydrometric Network of the Bolivian Navy (RHAB) database lacks the ease of consultation required by a modern administrator for the optimization of the management of hydrological resources. Therefore, we presenteda new methodology, generalizable to any country, to develop a multidisciplinary geographic information system (GIS) on the web. It is easy and intuitive to use and oriented to hydrometric information management for early warning, navigation support,and fluvial and lacustrine transport, and for projects and works involving research, engineering, cartography, fishing, tourism, etc. The geographic database containing the hydrological information is accessed through the internet with a geographical web viewer. Different free distribution software applications have been integrated together with different programming languages. The immediate provision of accurate data also helps in the prevention of flood disaster

    Problem Based Learning: a tool to improve maritime safety learning in the Merchant Maritime University degrees

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    Since 2010, the University of Cádiz offers three new degree programs related to merchant marine officers studies. These three degrees cover the training and certification of deck officers, marine engineers and radio- electronic officers, clustered under the EINAMAR (Escuela de Ingeniería Marina,Naútica y Radioelectrónica) umbrella. These degrees are designed to provide the students not only with the proper academic certificate but also with a fully worldwide recognized professional certificate. This is the reason why the studies not only have to fully fulfill the academic quality requirements laid down by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación) or DEVA (Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación – Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento-) but also with the standard qualifications set up by the International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW 95) for seafarers as amended in 2010 (Manila Amendments). According to this, as far as the students finish successfully their studies, and after an onboard training period, they will be able to obtain both, the academic and the professional certificates. “Maritime Safety” is a one of the core subjects for these three programs and it has been designed as a transversal subject in such a way that all the students have the same contents and schedule. This subject aims to provide the students with the theoretical and practical training to cope with any situation involving fire prevention and firefighting as well as incident and accident prevention and resolution on board. It also introduces student into the world of contingency planning and evacuation procedures on board, the knowledge of how to use survival crafts and equipment to increase probabilities of survival when abandoning the ship, and the most appropriate techniques and procedures when abandoning the ship and boarding the survival crafts. The main aim of the practical part of the subject is to improve the on board safety and risk awareness and to let the students get used to the most appropriate techniques and procedures as well as the use and maintenance of the protective equipment available on board. To achieve this goal, problem based learning techniques related to real situations on board have been applied. One of the specific practical workshop that have been implemented during the course, deals with the student training level in the use of SCBA (Self-contained reathing apparatus) and other protective equipment as well as orientation and search and rescue techniques within hostile environments with sensorial losses. As these situations can arise on board students must be familiar with them in order to properly face them. The aim of this specific workshop is not only to improve the students’ safety and risk awareness but also to encourage, strengthen and increase other professional and social skills

    La fortuna “imperial” de las escaleras dobles en la España del siglo XVIII

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    La ingeniosa utilización de escaleras dobles en la España del siglo XVIII se remontaba a tres tipologías básicas desarrolladas a lo largo del siglo XVI para los alcázares regios de Madrid (B1) y Toledo (C1) y para el monasterio de El Escorial (D1). Este artículo se fija en sus derivaciones (denominadas B2, C2, D2, etcétera), deteniéndose en los ejemplos más espectaculares. Criterios formales como el orden y la simetría interactuaban con requisitos funcionales (acceso lateral o axial y flujo circulatorio o emplazamiento estratégico dentro del edificio) conformándose a su vez con nociones de decoro que, especialmente en lo tocante a la arquitectura civil, dependían del rango del comitente. La floración de magnificentes y a veces arriesgadas escaleras en la Andalucía barroca merece reconsiderarse. Tras 1734 la nueva dinastía borbónica promovió oficialmente el estilo áulico internacional del abate Filippo Juvarra. Su aprendiz, Ventura Rodríguez, diseñó escaleras dobles enraizadas en tipologías tradicionales e imbuidas de un sofisticado cosmopolitismo romano. Arquitectos como Juan Pedro Arnal, Ignacio Haan y Manuel Tolsà siguieron sus pasos con un depurado refinamiento neoclásico aliado a usos creativos de tipos legados por la tradición

    Improving the learning process in the subject of basic maritime training using GPS and Google Earth as useful tools

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    Spanish universities are in a period of change to adapt the structure of university courses to the requirements of the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The main objective of the EHEA is to improve the international competitiveness of the universities of the European Union. The university community must jointly establish good practices and values that guarantee the quality of higher education. The adaptation of the university degrees to the new framework of the EHEA, demands that all Andalusian universities improve their quality by means of the substitution of excessively theoretical education by an active education, based on a more practical training and on the use of new technologies, with the participation of the students in the learning process also being of special interest. Engineering or technical degrees have always been characterised by a large number of failures. To carry this process forward, Spanish universities must try to apply communication and information technologies (ICTs) in university teaching, with the purpose of improving learning. The combined use of GPS navigation receivers whose data can be integrated into GE allows their use in navigation, thereby allowing GE and GPS to be used as a basic electronic chart and gyrocompass, to plan and program the course of a vessel with excellent precision in real time

    Aprendizaje procedimental y nuevas tecnologías en la formación de alumnos en la asignatura de formación marítima básica.

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    La Escuela de Ingenierías Marina, Náutica y Transporte Marítimo y Radioelectrónica de la Universidad de Cádiz (EIMANAR) está en pleno proceso de transición al nuevo sistema educativo acorde al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Las nuevas tecnologías pueden introducirse en algunas asignaturas profesionales que son fundamentales en la formación del futuro Oficial de Marina Mercante. Su aplicación a casos reales, de una manera objetiva y práctica, nos ofrece la posibilidad de mejorar el aprendizaje y el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Por primera vez en la EIMANAR se va a implementar una práctica experimental en la asignatura de Formación Marítima Básica (FMB) con la utilización de nuevas tecnologías, que facilitará a los alumnos la comprensión de los conceptos fundamentales de navegación costera. Utilizaremos receptores GPS de navegación de bajo costo y herramientas de software libre, entre ellos el Google Earth. La práctica es obligatoria y será evaluada de forma conjunta con las prácticas de navegación a bordo del Velero Escuela Tartessos y otros trabajos prácticos de la asignatura que serán enviados por el campus virtual. Con la práctica además de mejorar los conocimientos de los alumnos en la asignatura, esperamos proporcione las siguientes ventajas en la mejora del proceso de aprendizaje: * Introducir a los alumnos en el e-learning y en el mundo de las nuevas tecnologías y sus aplicaciones en casos reales y profesionales. * Aprender y/o actualizar conceptos fundamentales de navegación costera y aplicarlos de forma objetiva y con la ayuda y el uso de nuevas tecnologías * Comprobar el progreso en el aprendizaje de los alumnos durante la realización de la práctica, mediante controles realizados a través del campus virtual. * Facilitar nuevo material didáctico y el uso de nuevos medios para mejorar la comprensión y el estudio de la asignatura. Al final del curso se evaluará el éxito de esta iniciativa mediante el análisis comparativo de las notas obtenidas en cursos anteriores y la realización de una encuesta sobre la satisfacción de los alumnos con esta nueva metodología

    Future Net Taxes in Portugal: A Generational Account Perspective

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    This study uses generational accounting, a new method of long term fiscal planning, to study Portugal's fiscal policy. Specifically, it computes a set of generational accounts (GAs) for Portugal and uses them to reach an important conclusion: Portuguese fiscal policy is unsustainable. Under current fiscal rules, future Portuguese generations face a net tax (taxes paid net of transfer payments received) burden, relative to income, that is well in excess of that faced by current generations. Significant increases in taxes or reduction in expenditures are required to satisfy the government's long term (intertemporal) budget constraint and avoid unfairly burdening future generations.N/