225 research outputs found


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    Desarrollo y aplicación de métodos para el control de calidad de principios activos en cosmética y parafarmacia

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    [EN] The next project consists in the development and application of methods for quality control of active ingredients in cosmetics and pharmacy, and stems from the practices made in a company, which has been responsible to provide the products on which methods have been developed. Three methods have been developed, and have been employed different techniques for each one depending on the needs. Thus, for the analysis of essential oils has been used gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, for hypericin has been used spectrophotometry, and for β-Carotene and α -Tocopherol compounds has been used high performance liquid chromatography. The selection of techniques has been conditioned by the fulfillment of the European Pharmacopoeia in case it was available, and alternative bibliographies otherwise. Once methods had been developed, those have been implemented and qualitative and quantitative results of the analyzed products have been obtained, taking them as a starting point for the study of their stability.[CA] El projecte següent consisteix en el desenvolupament i aplicació de mètodes per al control de qualitat de principis actius en cosmètica i parafarmàcia, i sorgeix arran d'unes pràctiques en empresa, la qual ha estat l'encarregada de proporcionar els productes sobre els quals s'han desenvolupat els mètodes. S'han desenvolupat tres mètodes, i per a cadascun d'ells s'han empleats tècniques diferents en funció de les necessitats. D'aquesta manera, per a l'anàlisi d'olis essencials s'ha emprat la cromatografia de gasos - espectrometria de masses, per a la hipericina s'ha emprat la espectrofotometría, i per als compostos β-Caroteno i α-Tocoferol s'ha utilitzat la cromatografia líquida d'alta eficiència. La selecció de les tècniques ha estat condicionada pel compliment de la Farmacopea europea en els mètodes en què s'ha pogut disposar d'ella, i per bibliografies alternatives en cas contrari. Un cop desenvolupats els mètodes s'han aplicat i s'han obtingut resultats qualitatius i quantitatius dels productes analitzats, prenent-los com a punt de partida per a l'estudi d'estabilitat dels mateixos.[ES] El proyecto consiste en realizar un seguimiento de sustancias activas presentes en productos cosméticos y de parafarmacia. En particular, se realizará un control de calidad de una o varias sustancias. Se desarrollarán métodos de preparación de la muestra y de análisis adecuados (HPLC o cromatografía de gases). Para ello, el alumno deberá realizar una búsqueda entre la legislación disponible y los métodos estandarizados para los análisis elegidos. A partir de allí realizará las pruebas que sean necesarias y realizará una interpretación de los datos obtenidos. Finalmente, el alumno realizará un informe de los resultados obtenidos incluyendo conclusiones sobre la idoneidad de los productos analizadosMiró Pérez, J. (2015). Desarrollo y aplicación de métodos para el control de calidad de principios activos en cosmética y parafarmacia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54998.TFG

    Reconstruction of thermal local signal from statistical downscaling (SD) through artificial neuronal network: detection of local patterns of change in Valencia Region (Spain) (1948-2011)

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    Para el área de la Comunidad Valenciana (España) se dispone de más de 300 series de temperatura diaria de las que sólo 3 cubren por completo el periodo 1948-2011, y una mayoría menos de la mitad de dicho periodo. El presente trabajo busca reconstruir todas las señales térmicas locales que faltan en el periodo completo 1948-2011 a partir del reanálisis NCEP/NCAR en dicho periodo. Para ello se realiza un downscaling estadístico con los datos observados por medio de una ANN. Ello ha permitido detectar patrones locales de cambio climático que han sido consistentes a lo largo del espacio y tiempo. Estos patrones señalan una tendencia mayor al calentamiento en las partes altas de los relieves y áreas de montaña, y menor en el fondo de los valles. El valor del estudio reside en la detección de las áreas potencialmente más vulnerables al cambio térmico, más que en una determinación exacta de una magnitud global de cambio térmico.For the area of Valencia (Spain) is available more than 300 daily temperature series of which only three cover completely the period from 1948 to 2011, and a majority less than half of that period. This work seeks to reconstruct all missing local thermal signals for the whole period 1948-2011 from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis availability in that period. To do this, a statistical downscaling is performed with the observed data available through an ANN. This allowed us to detect local patterns of climate change that have been consistent over time and space. These patterns indicate substantially a greater warming tendency in the upper parts of the reliefs and mountain areas, and lower in the valley bottoms and lower lands. The value of the study lies primarily in identifying areas potentially more vulnerable to thermal change, rather than the accurate determination of a global magnitude of thermal change

    Statistical downscaling and attribution of air temperature change patterns in the Valencia region (1948–2011)

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    This study is based on the statistical downscaling and spatial interpolation of high-resolution temperatures (90 m) over the 1948–2011 period performed for the Valencia Region (east Iberian Peninsula) after considering local topographical factors in the fine-scale distribution of temperatures. The objective was to detect the areas that were potentially more vulnerable to air temperature change. This allowed the detection of local climate change patterns, which were analyzed and found to be consistent in spatial and temporal terms. These patterns indicate a more marked warming tendency in higher parts of reliefs and their slopes. However, this tendency is less pronounced in bottoms of valleys and on coastal plains, particularly for minimum temperatures, while the tendency for increasing maximum temperatures becomes more generalised. These patterns seem to connect well with regional changes in pressure fields, wind frequency, precipitation patterns and sea surface temperature.This work has been made possible thanks to the Foundation ‘Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo’ (CEAM) located in Valencia, Spain, the University Institute ‘Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía’ of the University of Alicante, the University Department ‘Departamento de Geografía’ of the University of Valencia and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Project no. CGL2011-30433-C02 (Termed)

    Visual search task immediate training effects on task-related functional connectivity

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in [ Brain Imaging and Behavior. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11682-018-9993-yBrain plasticity occurs over the course of the human lifetime. Learning and training modify our neuronal synapses and adapt our brain activity, from priming effects in modal areas to higher-order changes in the association cortex. The current state of the art suggests that learning and training effects might induce large-scale brain connectivity changes. Here, we used task-fMRI data and graph-based approaches to study the immediate brain changes in functional connections associated with training on a visual search task, and the individual differences in learning were studied by means of brain-behavior correlations. In a previous work, we found that trained participants improved their response speed on a visual search task by 31%, whereas the control group hardly changed. In the present study, we showed that trained individuals changed regional connections (local links) in cortical areas devoted to the specific visual search processes and to areas that support information integration, and largely modified distributed connections (distant links) linking primary visual areas to specific attentional and cognitive control areas. In addition, we found that the individuals with the most enhanced connectivity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex performed the task faster after training. The observed behavioral and brain connectivity findings expand our understanding of large-scale dynamic readjustment of the human brain after learning experiences

    Calculation of Interlock, 1x1 Rib and Single Jersey knitted fabrics shrinkage during the dyeing process after determining loop shape.

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    [EN] This study investigated existing dimensional variations in knitted fabrics produced by weft-knitting technology for knitting and dry relaxation, dyed and dry relaxation and dyed and wash relaxation for the interlock, 1x1 rib and single jersey structures. This article demonstrates that once the structure has been knitted, the shape that the loop takes in the fabric, and loop length and loop width, for each relaxation state will be the main factor responsible for dimensional variations in cotton knitted fabrics. It also shows how loop length affects knitted fabric dimensions when knitting machine parameters are modified by varying the use of feeders, and obtaining more loosely or more tightly knitted fabrics. In this study a model to predict the longitudinal and transversal shrinkage of interlock, 1x1 rib and single jersey fabrics after the dyeing process. This avoids following the conventional analysis procedure according to Standard UNE EN ISO 6330 of September 2012 and, thus, avoids investing relatively long calculation times, which speeds up the production process by avoiding product lots being stopped. These results are important for textile industry technicians as they substantially simplify production calculations in weft-knitted fabrics companies. This work offers an effective method for predicting the longitudinal and transversal shrinkage and width of knitting fabrics after the dyeing process from the loop dimension after the knitting process. The application of the study results may help businesses to significantly save time and, consequently, imply an intermediate product stock investment saving.Llinares-Berenguer, J.; Díaz-García, P.; Miró Martínez, P. (2021). Calculation of Interlock, 1x1 Rib and Single Jersey knitted fabrics shrinkage during the dyeing process after determining loop shape. Textile Research Journal. 91(21-22):2588-2599. https://doi.org/10.1177/00405175211014238258825999121-2

    Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to approach the portfolio selection problem from a particular System Theory framework. The System will be formed by the set of public companies in the portfolio and a set of fuzzy relations on those companies. Starting with an equally split portfolio represented by a fuzzy set B, the orbit of B is computed for a particular period obtaining a portfolio to invest in the next period. We present an example ¿nding nine portfolios to invest in 9 months and we compare them with some optimal portfolios in the ef¿cient frontier given by the Modern Portfolio Theory and with some random generated portfolios. We ¿nd a better performance in returns for the portfolio based on the systemic method.Perez-Gonzaga, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Miró Martínez, P. (2017). Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method. Operational Research (Online). doi:10.1007/s12351-017-0361-2SAgliardi E, Agliardi R (2011) Bond pricing under imprecise information. Oper Res 11(3):299–309Esteve-Calvo P, Lloret-Climent M (2006) Coverage, invariability and orbits by structural functions. Kybernetes 35(7/8):1236–1240Jegadeesh N, Titman S (1993) Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency. J Finance 48(1):65–91Klement EP, Mesiar R, Pap E (2013) Triangular norms, vol 8. Springer, New YorkLloret-Climent M, Villacampa-Esteve Y, Us-Domenech JL (1998) System-linkage: structural functions and hierarchies. Cybern Syst 29(1):35–46Ma YH, Lin Y (1987) Some properties of linked time systems. Int J Gen Syst 13(2):125–134Markowitz H (1952) Portfolio selection. J Finance 7(1):77–91Perez-Gonzaga S, Lloret-Climent M, Nescolarde-Selva JA (2015) Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors. Int J Gen Syst 45(1):29–40Tiryaki F, Ahlatcioglu B (2009) Fuzzy portfolio selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Inf Sci 179(1):53–69Von Bertalanffy L (1968) General system theory: foundations, development, applications. George Braziller, New York, pp 40Zadeh LA (1962) From circuit theory to system theory. Proc IRE 50(5):856–86

    Modelling loop length in weft-knitted fabrics with an interlock structure after the dyeing process with a stitch density, Wales and courses per centimetre analysis

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Jorge Llinares Berenguer, Pau Miró i Martínez & Pablo Díaz-García (2020) Modelling loop length in weft-knitted fabrics with an interlock structure after the dyeing process with a stitch density, Wales and courses per centimetre analysis, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 111:7, 934-940, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2020.1714272, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00405000.2020.1714272[EN] One of the variables that we need to know in knitted fabrics in order to explain variations in dimensions in their different relaxation states, which might occur during the production process, is the yarn length that a loop forms, known as loop length. To experimentally calculate it, quite a lengthy process is required and the following need to be identified: direction of wales, direction that samples unreave in, counting the number of loops in the fabric length, separating and measuring yarn with specific measuring equipment, and repeating these 10 times, according to regulation UNE-EN 14970. Thus, depending on the structure type to be analysed, the whole process can take a relatively long time to do this calculation. This study proposes a calculation system that simplifies the process, for which the yarn length absorbed by an estimated interlock structure was modelled, as was loop length, without having to follow such a time-consuming process.Llinares Berenguer, J.; Miró Martínez, P.; Díaz-García, P. (2020). Modelling loop length in weft-knitted fabrics with an interlock structure after the dyeing process with a stitch density, Wales and courses per centimetre analysis. Journal of the Textile Institute. 111(7):934-940. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000.2020.1714272S934940111

    Demandas ciudadanas y cultura política en las elecciones presidenciales argentinas : Visión retrospectiva y la situación en 2011

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    El artículo argumenta que entre los argentinos existe una tendencia a elevar la calidad de las demandas dirigidas al gobierno y al sistema político en general, pero que esa tendencia de largo plazo se ha visto interferida en forma recurrente por las sucesivas crisis económicas, que temporalmente empujan los requerimientos hacia niveles más básicos. El trabajo analiza cómo han evolucionado las demandas ciudadanas en las sucesivas elecciones presidenciales hasta llegar a la situación actual.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Medios de comunicación, democracia y cultura política

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    A fines del siglo XX, completando un período de difusión mundial de magnitud sin precedente iniciado en los 70, la democracia alcanzó su apogeo histórico como la forma de gobierno predominante a escala global. En 1974, menos de un tercio de los países eran democracias; en 2001, la cifra rondaba entre el 50% y el 60%, dependiendo de los criterios de clasificación utilizados. América Latina había sido un actor temprano y protagónico de esta ola democratizadora, que surgió en el sur de Europa y acabó por extenderse a los cinco continentes. Con algunas notorias excepciones –entre las principales, China, la gran potencia emergente, que representa la quinta parte de la humanidad–, la idea democrática parecía acercarse a su culminación en el alba del nuevo milenio.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia
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