1,865 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant computer architecture based on INMOS transputer processor

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    Redundant processing was used for several years in mission flight systems. In these systems, more than one processor performs the same task at the same time but only one processor is actually in real use. A fault-tolerance computer architecture based on the features provided by INMOS Transputers is presented. The Transputer architecture provides several communication links that allow data and command communication with other Transputers without the use of a bus. Additionally the Transputer allows the use of parallel processing to increase the system speed considerably. The processor architecture consists of three processors working in parallel keeping all the processors at the same operational level but only one processor is in real control of the process. The design allows each Transputer to perform a test to the other two Transputers and report the operating condition of the neighboring processors. A graphic display was developed to facilitate the identification of any problem by the user

    Local physics of magnetization plateaux in the shastry-sutherland model

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    We address the physical mechanism responsible for the emergence of magnetization plateaux in the Shastry-Sutherland model. By using a hierarchical mean-field approach, we demonstrate that a plateau is stabilized in a certain spin pattern, satisfying local commensurability conditions derived from our formalism. Our results provide evidence in favor of a robust local physics nature of the plateaux states and are in agreement with recent NMR experiments on SrCu2(BO3)2. © 2009 The American Physical Society.Support from the Spanish DGI Grant No. FIS2006-12783-C03-01.Peer Reviewe

    Fruits and vegetables consumption and depressive symptoms: A population-based study in Peru.

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    OBJECTIVES: Among different factors, diet patterns seem to be related to depression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the consumption of fruits and/or vegetables and depressive symptoms. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A secondary data analysis was conducted using information from a population-based survey from 25 regions from Peru. The outcome was the presence of depressive symptoms according to the Patient Health Questionnaire (cutoff ≥15 to define major depressive syndrome); whereas the exposure was the self-reported consumption of fruits and/or vegetables (in tertiles and using WHO recommendation ≥5 servings/day). The association of interest was evaluated using Poisson regression models controlling for the complex-sample survey design and potential confounders. Data from 25,901 participants were analyzed, mean age 44.2 (SD: 17.7) and 13,944 (54.0%) women. Only 910 (3.8%; 95%CI: 3.5%-4.2%) individuals reported consuming ≥5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables/day; whereas 819 (2.8%; 95%CI: 2.5%-3.1%) had depressive symptoms. Those in the lowest tertile of fruits and/or vegetables consumption had greater prevalence of depressive symptoms (PR = 1.88; 95%CI: 1.39-2.55) than those in the highest tertile. This association was stronger with fruits (PR = 1.92; 95%CI: 1.46-2.53) than vegetables (PR = 1.42; 95%CI: 1.05-1.93) alone. CONCLUSIONS: An inverse relationship between consumption of fruits and/or vegetables and depressive symptoms is reported. Less than 5% of subjects reported consuming the amount of fruits and vegetables recommended by the WHO. There is a need to implement strategies to promote better diet patterns with potential impact on mental health

    Structural and Microanalytical Studies of CrO2 Thin Films on c-Sapphire by High Resolution Electron Microscopy Methods

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    Chromium dioxide (CrO2) has been extensively used in the magnetic recording industry. However, it is its ferromagnetic half-metallic nature that has more recently attracted much attention, primarily for the development of spintronic devices. CrO2 is the only stoichiometric binary oxide theoretically predicted to be fully spin polarized at the Fermi level. It presents a Curie temperature of ∼ 396 K, i.e. well above room temperature, and a magnetic moment of 2 mB per formula unit. However an antiferromagnetic native insulating layer of Cr2O3 is always present on the CrO2 surface which enhances the CrO2 magnetoresistance and might be used as a barrier in magnetic tunnel junctions

    Harnessing Supervised Learning for Adaptive Beamforming in Multibeam Satellite Systems

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    In today's ever-connected world, the demand for fast and widespread connectivity is insatiable, making multibeam satellite systems an indispensable pillar of modern telecommunications infrastructure. However, the evolving communication landscape necessitates a high degree of adaptability. This adaptability is particularly crucial for beamforming, as it enables the adjustment of peak throughput and beamwidth to meet fluctuating traffic demands by varying the beamwidth, side lobe level (SLL), and effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). This paper introduces an innovative approach rooted in supervised learning to efficiently derive the requisite beamforming matrix, aligning it with system requirements. Significantly reducing computation time, this method is uniquely tailored for real-time adaptation, enhancing the agility and responsiveness of satellite multibeam systems. Exploiting the power of supervised learning, this research enables multibeam satellites to respond quickly and intelligently to changing communication needs, ultimately ensuring uninterrupted and optimized connectivity in a dynamic world.Comment: under review for conferenc

    El ocio: apuntes sociohistóricos y desacatos teóricos para su estudio en Puerto Rico.

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    Leisure studies have been recognized as a field of knowledge since the decade of the nineties. However, in Puerto Rico, research on leisure has been at best sporadic. As a term, “leisure” appears quite frequently in public discussions in a demeaning way, as a synonym for vagrancy, or worse. It is also use indiscriminately as “free time”. One of the objectives of our work is to clarify these terms, making proper distinctions between leisure and the different types of activities often conflated with it. It is a challenge for the social sciences to determine what all of the activities that we identified as leisure may have in common. A challenge that it is not becoming any easier, given the current changes in the labor market, new communication technologies, and the emergence of theoretical perspectives arising from the experiences of transmodern societies. Hence, there is a pressing need to continue elaborating and examining critically known theoretical proposals on leisure. From the three main definitions that traditionally guide leisure - the autonomy of the subject, the experience of pleasure or satisfaction, and the autotelic character of the selected activities, the authors propose an experimental definition of leisure in which the first is considered the defining element. We propose that the enjoyment of leisure comes from the experience of reclaiming a sphere of personal autonomy in a social scenario in which increasing labor precariousness and the intensification of demands on workers results in a greater hetero-conditioning of the subjects in the post-work societies.Los estudios en torno al ocio han sido reconocidos como área de conocimiento desde la década del noventa. Sin embargo, en el caso de Puerto Rico, el ocio como objeto de estudio ha sido tratado de manera muy esporádica. Esto contrasta con el frecuente uso peyorativo que tiene el término y su uso indistinto con conceptos afines como el de tiempo libre. Cualificar estas nociones y distinguirlas es uno de los objetivos de nuestro trabajo. Encontrar lo que podrían tener en común las diversas actividades que pueden categorizarse como ocio sigue siendo un reto teórico para las ciencias sociales y que lejos de simplificarse se hace cada vez más complejo. Los cambios en el mundo del trabajo, las potencialidades de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación y el surgimiento de perspectivas teóricas que parten de la experiencia de sociedades transmodernas, requieren seguir elaborando y examinando críticamente las propuestas teóricas conocidas. A partir de los tres ejes que tradicionalmente vertebran las definiciones de ocio —la autonomía del sujeto, la experiencia de goce o satisfacción y el carácter autotélico de las actividades seleccionadas– las autoras proponen una definición experimental del ocio en la que el primer elemento se considera definitorio. Proponemos que disfrutar de ocio es poder reclamar para sí un ámbito de autonomía personal en un escenario social de creciente precarización laboral y de intensificación de las demandas sobre los trabajadores/as, cuya consecuencia es el aumento del heterocondicionamiento de los sujetos en las sociedades postrabajo

    Indirect Encoding Evolutionary Learning Algorithm for the Multilayer Morphological Perceptron

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    Abstract This article describes an indirectly encoded evolutionary learning algorithm to train morphological neural networks. The indirect encoding method is an algorithm in which the training of the neural network is done by finding the solution without considering the exact connectivity of the network. Looking for the set of weights and architecture in a reduced search space, this simple, but powerful training algorithm is able to evolve to a feasible solution using up to three layers required to perform the pattern classification. This type of representation provides the necessary compactness required by large networks. The algorithm was tested using Iris Fisher data and a prototype was written using Matlab

    Fortaleciendo los sistemas tradicionales de producción de semilla en los Andes en Perú.

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    Los cultivos alimenticios en el Perú han estado históricamente asociados a la pequeña agricultura andina, caracterizada por predios muy pequeños (<3ha), tecnificación tradicional y producción destinada principalmente al autoconsumo y una pequeña proporción para la venta y producción de semilla. El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) a través de su programa Papa Andina/INCOPA promovió una serie de innovaciones que han permitido revalorizar la biodiversidad de la papa y organizar cadenas productivas inclusivas para articular a pequeños productores pobres alto andinos a nuevos mercados. Sin embargo, esta innovación generó demanda por semilla de variedades nativas con potencial de mercado, la cual no ha podido ser satisfecha debido a que el sistema formal de semilla no abastece la demanda interna y las variedades nativas no han sido priorizadas por dicho sistema. Como alternativa, los proyectos del CIP como InnovAndes (Junín y Huancavelica) y McKnight (Pasco), están promoviendo esquemas no convencionales como una alternativa flexible para mejorar los sistemas tradicionales de producción de semilla y responder a la demanda de los pequeños productores. En ambos casos, en las comunidades participantes se organizaron comités de gestión de semillas, que fueron capacitados en técnicas de multiplicación de semilla e identificación de plagas para tener a su cargo la producción de semilla básica en campos semilleros e invernaderos empleando la técnica de selección positiva. La capacitación se realizó a través de escuelas de campo de agricultores (ECA) semilleristas. Como resultado de la intervención, del Proyecto McKnight en las comunidades de La Quinua y Quichas (Pasco) se logró reducir en más del 92% la incidencia de virus (PVX y PVS), enfermedades (P. infestans) e insectos (Epitrix spp, y Diabrótica spp) que afectan la calidad de la semilla, lográndose aumentar el rendimiento promedio de tubérculos en 53%. En este proyecto, el comité de gestión de semillas se constituyó como empresa y cuentan con un invernadero de aeroponia para producir semilla prebásicaa bajo costo, habiendo producido hasta la fecha 54,000 tuberculillos de 6 variedades nativas. En el marco del proyecto Innovandes, los productores de Chicche y Pomamanta (Junín) aprendieron la técnica convencional de propagación y multiplicación de semilla pre-básica en sus respectivos invernaderos. En 2011 la producción fue en total 20,574 tuberculillos de variedades nativas con demanda en el mercado, con lo que han constituido un fondo rotatorio de semilla de las variedades Leona y Cceccorani de uso en gastronomía y la industria, respectivamente. Los resultados indican que la producción de semilla pre-básica en combinación con la técnica de selección positiva ayudará a gestar un mercado regional de semilla de calidad, con posibilidades de evolucionar hacia un esquema o modelo no convencional, similar al de semilla de calidad declarada (QDS)