1,176 research outputs found

    Genetic relationships in Spanish dog breeds. I. The analysis of morphological characters

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    The relationships between 10 Spanish dog breeds have been studied using qualitative and quantitative analyses of data from 32 morphological characters. The average distance between breeds, measured as a morphological index, has a value of 4.228 (! 0.681), with extreme values of 1.732 between Mastin del Pirineo and Mastin Espanol, and of 5.099 for the Gos d'Atura - Sabueso Espanol pair. The morphological phylogeny obtained in this study confirms the classifications made previously by means of dental, cranial, historical and behavioral comparative criteria. The results suggest the formation of two large clusters; one formed by the breeds belonging to the ancestral trunks Canis familiaris intermedius and Canis familiaris inostranzewi, and the other which includes the members of the Canis familiaris leineri and Canis familiaris metris-optimae trunks

    A case for Data Democratization

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    The 21st century is quickly becoming the century of data. Growth in data volumes, data types, analysis tools, data mining, computing power, and machine learning algorithms have given organizations unprecedented fodder for data-driven decisions. The democratization of data, which we define as intra-organizational open data, provides an opportunity to transform employees from data users into citizen data scientists who provide valuable insights. This conceptual exploratory paper investigates the concept of data democratization, including processes, definitions, implications, and example

    Genetic relationships in Spanish dog breeds. II. The analysis of biochemical polymorphism

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    The phylogenetic relationships between 10 Spanish dog breeds were studied using the gene frequency values obtained from the electrophoretic analysis of 21 structural genic loci that code for blood-soluble proteins and enzymes. In addition, we studied the genetic differentiation within breeds. In some cases the genetic distances between subpopulations of the same breed were greater than the genetic distances between different breeds. The average between-breed distance has a value of 0.0197 (t 0.0128), with extreme values of D = 0.000 between Gos d'Atura and Podenco lb6rico, and of D = 0.051 for the Mastin Español - Ca de Bestiar pair. The groupings of Spanish dog breeds obtained in our study from morphological and biochemical data were apparently quite similar. The correlation between enzymatic and morphological distances was, however, low (r = 0.07) and non-significant. The estimates of the divergence times among the four ancestral trunks suggest that the ancestral trunks separated independently in a relatively short interval of time, between 30 000 and 55 000 years ago

    Program Bantu Sistem Penyaluran Donasi Non Tunai Berbasis Web

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    Masih banyak pihak yang membutuhkan bantuan mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari donatur. Bahkan tidak jarang bantuan yang diberikan donator kurang tepat sasaran. Pada umumnya, wujud donasi sering dalam bentuk tunai. Bentuk donasi lain yang umum dijumpai adalah natura yaitu berupa barang-barang, sembako, dll. Tetapi yang lebih penting adalah bantuan itu harus tepat sasaran dalam arti bantuan itu sampai pada sipenerima yang membutuhkan dan jenis bantuannya memang sesuai yang dibutuhkan. Jika tidak maka bantuan tersebut dapat disalahgunakan atau tidak dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.Program bantu sistem penyaluran donasi non tunai berbasis web berfungsi sebagai jembatan antara pihak donatur dengan pemohon yang disasar secara langsung. Donatur dapat menawarkan donasi berbentuk barang dalam jumlah kecil atau besar yang tidak harus dalam keadaan baru asal masih dalam kondisi baik, sedangkan pihak penerima dapat memposting permintaan donasi yang spesifik. Hasil dari program ini adalah sebuah sistem yang dapat mempertemukan antara keinginan donatur untuk berderma dengan kebutuhan pemohon akan donasi. Barang yang diberikan atau diminta adalah non tunai dan proses penyerahan dilakukan secara langsung setelah sebelumnya kedua pihak menentukan waktu penyerahan via program ini

    Emancipatory Blockchain Provenance in Global Development

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    This work examines the development, implementation, and impact of Provenance Proof, a blockchain platform developed for marginalized members of the artisanal gemstone mining industry. We explore the origin and motivation of the program, its growth and impact, and the challenges that continue to hinder its mission. Using an interpretive qualitative methodology, we make use of data from artisanal miners, NGOs, blockchain technology firms, jewelry designers, retailers, and others in the form of interviews, media, websites, presentations, and gemstone conferences. We find that despite strong funding and technical development, sustained usage among artisanal miners remains low. We identify both positive steps and challenges to successful and sustained deployment and augment the macro-level Framework of Blockchain-Supported Development

    Blockchain in the Role of Emancipatory Technology

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    Historically, women miners have been at a disadvantage in the mining industries due to factors outside of their control. This has caused them problems related to less income and worse working conditions as compared to their male counterparts. This research demonstrates how blockchain can be used as an emancipatory technology that can help improve the economic and ultimately social impact of these marginalized workers. Specifically, the paper demonstrates how mediating economic opportunity through an emancipatory technology such as blockchain can reduce negative influences of gender bias, ASM involvement, poor market conditions, and ethical consumption and ultimately provide greater benefits for women miners
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