236 research outputs found

    Exercise for lower limb osteoarthritis : systematic review incorporating trial sequential analysis and network meta-analysis

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    Objective: To determine whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that exercise interventions are more effective than no exercise control and to compare the effectiveness of different exercise interventions in relieving pain and improving function in patients with lower limb osteoarthritis. Data sources: Nine electronic databases searched from inception to March 2012. Study selection: Randomised controlled trials comparing exercise interventions with each other or with no exercise control for adults with knee or hip osteoarthritis. Data extraction: Two reviewers evaluated eligibility and methodological quality. Main outcomes extracted were pain intensity and limitation of function. Trial sequential analysis was used to investigate reliability and conclusiveness of available evidence for exercise interventions. Bayesian network meta-analysis was used to combine both direct (within trial) and indirect (between trial) evidence on treatment effectiveness. Results: 60 trials (44 knee, two hip, 14 mixed) covering 12 exercise interventions and with 8218 patients met inclusion criteria. Sequential analysis showed that as of 2002 sufficient evidence had been accrued to show significant benefit of exercise interventions over no exercise control. For pain relief, strengthening, flexibility plus strengthening, flexibility plus strengthening plus aerobic, aquatic strengthening, and aquatic strengthening plus flexibility, exercises were significantly more effective than no exercise control. A combined intervention of strengthening, flexibility, and aerobic exercise was also significantly more effective than no exercise control for improving limitation in function (standardised mean difference −0.63, 95% credible interval −1.16 to −0.10). Conclusions: As of 2002 sufficient evidence had accumulated to show significant benefit of exercise over no exercise in patients with osteoarthritis, and further trials are unlikely to overturn this result. An approach combining exercises to increase strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity is likely to be most effective in the management of lower limb osteoarthritis. The evidence is largely from trials in patients with knee osteoarthritis

    Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions:a systematic review and network meta-analysis

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    Background: There are currently many treatment options for patients with subacromial shoulder conditions (SSCs). Clinical decision-making regarding the best treatment option is often difficult. This study aims to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of treatment options for relieving pain and improving function in patients with SSCs. Methods: Eight databases [including MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, AMED, PEDro, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry] were searched from inception until April 2020. Randomised clinical/controlled trials of adult patients investigating the effects of nonsurgical (e.g. corticosteroid injections, therapeutic exercise, shockwave therapy) and surgical treatment for SSCs, compared with each other, placebo, usual care or no treatment, were retrieved. Pairs of reviewers screened studies independently, quality appraised eligible studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool, extracted and checked data for accuracy. Primary outcomes were pain and disability in the short term (⩽3 months) and long term (⩾6 months). Direct and indirect evidence of treatment effectiveness was synthesised using random-effects network meta-analysis. Results: The review identified 177 eligible trials. Summary estimates (based on 99 trials providing suitable data, 6764 patients, 20 treatment options) showed small to moderate effects for several treatments, but no significant differences on pain or function between many active treatment comparisons. The primary analysis indicated that exercise and laser therapy may provide comparative benefit in terms of both pain and function at different follow-up time-points, with larger effects found for laser in the short term at 2–6 weeks, although direct evidence was provided by one trial only, and for exercise in the longer term [standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.18, 0.59 at 3–6 months] compared with control. Sensitivity analyses excluding studies at increased risk of bias confirmed only the comparative effects of exercise as being robust for both pain and function up until 3-month follow-up. Conclusion: Current evidence shows small to moderate effect sizes for most treatment options for SSCs. Six treatments had a high probability of being most effective, in the short term, for pain and function [acupuncture, manual therapy, exercise, exercise plus manual therapy, laser therapy and Microcurrent (MENS) (TENS)], but with low certainty for most treatment options. After accounting for risk of bias, there is evidence of moderate certainty for the comparative effects of exercise on function in patients with SSCs. Future large, high-quality pragmatic randomised trials or meta-analyses are needed to better understand whether specific subgroups of patients respond better to some treatments than others

    Film-Forming Amines for the Corrosion Protection of Carbon Steels in Nuclear Power Plant Secondary Circuit Conditions: An Impedance Study

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    Octadecylamine (ODA) has been the subject of numerous investigations for the corrosion protection of carbon steels in nuclear pressurized water reactors (PWR). In the present work, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to study and to compare the ODA behavior after different treatment temperatures (from 80 °C to 275 °C) representative of the secondary circuit of the PWR. The ODA films were characterized at room temperature. The impedance data analysis allowed the ODA film parameters (thickness and permittivity) to be obtained. The ODA film thickness was independent of the treatment conditions and was about 20 nm. At 120 °C and 220 °C, the presence of magnetite, formed during the treatment in the autoclave, strongly improved the corrosion protection afforded by the ODA films. An instantaneous inhibitive efficiency of 99.9% was assessed. At 275 °C, thermal degradation of the ODA molecules was shown

    Impedance analysis of film-forming amines for the corrosion protection of a carbon steel

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    Octadecylamine (ODA) is a well-known organic inhibitor for the corrosion protection of carbon steels. In the present study, electrochemical impedance data analysis was performed to extract physical parameters of the ODA thin film that formed on a P275 carbon steel surface. First, surface observations and contact angle measurements showed the steel surface modification after the ODA treatment linked to the adsorption of an organic hydrophobic thin film. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the presence of a very thin organic layer and revealed the presence of iron oxide/hydroxide underlying the ODA film. The impedance data analysis with a power-law distribution of resistivity in the organic film allowed the permittivity and thickness to be extracted. Finally, from the impedance results with and without ODA, the instantaneous corrosion inhibition efficiency was determined

    El Zonda, portavoz del espacio público sanjuanino

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    En este trabajo analizamos al semanario El Zonda (San Juan, 1839) como el medio representante de la esfera pública sanjuanina, surgida bajo los auspicios de un grupo de jóvenes intelectuales encabezados por Sarmiento, que intentaron constituirse en intermediarios válidos entre el poder provincial y la sociedad. Motivados por la convicción de que la educación y los periódicos eran los medios eficaces para promover el progreso local, auspiciaron valiosas iniciativas que impactaron de manera dispar en el espacio público cuyano, como la creación de la Sociedad Dramática y Filarmónica, la Sociedad Literaria y el Colegio de Pensionistas de Santa Rosa, además del semanario. Este periódico fue renovador en varios sentidos: presentó una nueva concepción estética periodística, al tiempo que se valió de novedosas estrategias comunicacionales para instalar un discurso “renovador” y captar nuevos lectores, incluyendo a las mujeres. Además asumió un perfil político-pedagógico, pero no partidario, abandonando todo fin económico. Inobjetablemente suscitó controversias no obstante su efímera existencia (sólo seis números) la que estuvo condicionada por la conjunción de varias razones: la exigüidad de suscripciones, que imposibilitaron su sostenimiento económico y, con el correr del tiempo, la disipación de la complacencia del poder político de turno, actitudes que podrían responder a las severas críticas a la sociedad local emitidas desde sus enunciados.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Maternal Malaria and Malnutrition (M3) initiative, a pooled birth cohort of 13 pregnancy studies in Africa and the Western Pacific.

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    PURPOSE: The Maternal Malaria and Malnutrition (M3) initiative has pooled together 13 studies with the hope of improving understanding of malaria-nutrition interactions during pregnancy and to foster collaboration between nutritionists and malariologists. PARTICIPANTS: Data were pooled on 14 635 singleton, live birth pregnancies from women who had participated in 1 of 13 pregnancy studies. The 13 studies cover 8 countries in Africa and Papua New Guinea in the Western Pacific conducted from 1996 to 2015. FINDINGS TO DATE: Data are available at the time of antenatal enrolment of women into their respective parent study and at delivery. The data set comprises essential data such as malaria infection status, anthropometric assessments of maternal nutritional status, presence of anaemia and birth weight, as well as additional variables such gestational age at delivery for a subset of women. Participating studies are described in detail with regard to setting and primary outcome measures, and summarised data are available from each contributing cohort. FUTURE PLANS: This pooled birth cohort is the largest pregnancy data set to date to permit a more definite evaluation of the impact of plausible interactions between poor nutritional status and malaria infection in pregnant women on fetal growth and gestational length. Given the current comparative lack of large pregnancy cohorts in malaria-endemic settings, compilation of suitable pregnancy cohorts is likely to provide adequate statistical power to assess malaria-nutrition interactions, and could point towards settings where such interactions are most relevant. The M3 cohort may thus help to identify pregnant women at high risk of adverse outcomes who may benefit from tailored intensive antenatal care including nutritional supplements and alternative or intensified malaria prevention regimens, and the settings in which these interventions would be most effective

    The attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Joint pain, specifically chronic knee pain (CKP), is a frequent cause of chronic pain and limitation of function and mobility among older adults. Multiple evidence-based guidelines recommend exercise as a first-line treatment for all patients with CKP or knee osteoarthritis (KOA), yet healthcare practitioners' attitudes and beliefs may limit their implementation. This systematic review aims to identify the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of General Practitioners (GPs) regarding the use of exercise for CKP/KOA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched four electronic databases between inception and January 2008, using subject headings to identify studies examining the attitudes, beliefs or behaviours of GPs regarding the use of exercise for the treatment of CKP/KOA in adults aged over 45 years in primary care. Studies referring to patellofemoral pain syndrome or CKP secondary to other causes or that occurring in a prosthetic joint were excluded. Once inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, study data were extracted and summarised. Study quality was independently reviewed using two assessment tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From 2135 potentially relevant articles, 20 were suitable for inclusion. A variety of study methodologies and approaches to measuring attitudes beliefs and behaviours were used among the studies. Quality assessment revealed good reporting of study objective, type, outcome factors and, generally, the sampling frame. However, criticisms included use of small sample sizes, low response rates and under-reporting of non-responder factors. Although 99% of GPs agreed that exercise should be used for CKP/KOA and reported ever providing advice or referring to a physiotherapist, up to 29% believed that rest was the optimum management approach. The frequency of actual provision of exercise advice or physiotherapy referral was lower. Estimates of provision of exercise advice and physiotherapy referral were generally higher for vignette-based studies (exercise advice 9%-89%; physiotherapy referral 44%-77%) than reviews of actual practice (exercise advice 5%-52%; physiotherapy referral 13-63%). <it>A</it><it>dvice to exercise </it>and exercise <it>prescription </it>were not clearly differentiated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Attitudes and beliefs of GPs towards exercise for CKP/KOA vary widely and exercise appears to be underused in the management of CKP/KOA. Limitations of the evidence base include the paucity of studies directly examining attitudes of GPs, poor methodological quality, limited generalisability of results and ambiguity concerning GPs' expected roles. Further investigation is required of the roles of GPs in using exercise as first-line management of CKP/KOA.</p