914 research outputs found
The transfer of fibres in the carding machine
The problem of understanding the transfer of fibres between carding-machine surfaces is addressed by considering the movement of a single fibre in an airflow. The structure of the aerodynamic flow field predicts how and when fibres migrate between the different process surfaces. In the case of a revolving-flats carding machine the theory predicts a “strong” aerodynamic mechanism between taker-in and cylinder and a “weak” mechanism between cylinder and removal cylinder resulting in effective transfer in the first case and a more limited transfer in the second
Model independent analysis of polarization effects in elastic electron deuteron scattering in presence of two--photon exchange
The general spin structure of the matrix element, taking into account the
two--photon exchange contribution, for the elastic electron (positron)
--deuteron scattering has been derived using general symmetry properties of the
hadron electromagnetic interaction, such as P--, C-- and T--invariances as well
as lepton helicity conservation in QED at high energy. Taking into account also
crossing symmetry, the amplitudes of scattering can be parametrized
in terms of fifteen real functions. The expressions for the differential cross
section and for all polarization observables are given in terms of these
functions. We consider the case of an arbitrary polarized deuteron target and
polarized electron beam (both longitudinal and transverse). The transverse
polarization of the electron beam induces a single--spin asymmetry which is
non--zero in presence of two--photon exchange. It is shown that elastic
deuteron electromagnetic form factors can still be extracted in presence of two
photon exchange, from the measurements of the differential cross section and of
one polarization observable (for example, the tensor asymmetry) for electron
and positron deuteron elastic scattering, in the same kinematical conditions.Comment: 28 page
On centralizer algebras for spin representations
We give a presentation of the centralizer algebras for tensor products of
spinor representations of quantum groups via generators and relations. In the
even-dimensional case, this can be described in terms of non-standard
q-deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras; in the odd-dimensional case only a
certain subalgebra will appear. In the classical case q = 1 the relations boil
down to Lie algebra relations
General analysis of two--photon exchange in elastic electron-- scattering and
Using a general parametrization of the spin structure of the matrix element
for the elastic scattering and for the annihilation reactions in terms of two complex amplitudes, we derive general
properties of the observables in presence of two--photon exchange. We show that
this mechanism induces a specific dependence of the differential cross section
on the angle of the emitted particle. We reanalyze the existing experimental
data on the differential cross section, for elastic electron scattering on
, in the light of this result.Comment: 15 pages 1 figur
Near-threshold measurement of the 4He(g,n) reaction
A near-threshold 4He(g,n) cross-section measurement has been performed at
MAX-lab. Tagged photons from 23 < Eg < 42 MeV were directed toward a liquid 4He
target, and neutrons were detected by time-of-flight in two liquid-scintillator
arrays. Seven-point angular distributions were measured for eight photon
energies. The results are compared to experimental data measured at comparable
energies and Recoil-Corrected Continuum Shell Model, Resonating Group Method,
and recent Hyperspherical-Harmonic Expansion calculations. The angle-integrated
cross-section data is peaked at a photon energy of about 28 MeV, in
disagreement with the value recommended by Calarco, Berman, and Donnelly in
1983.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, some revisions, submitted to Physics Letters
Solidification of Al alloys under electromagnetic pulses and characterization of the 3D microstructures under synchrotron x-ray tomography
A novel programmable electromagnetic pulse device was developed and used to study the solidification of Al-15 pct Cu and Al-35 pct Cu alloys. The pulsed magnetic fluxes and Lorentz forces generated inside the solidifying melts were simulated using finite element methods, and their effects on the solidification microstructures were characterized using electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray tomography. Using a discharging voltage of 120 V, a pulsed magnetic field with the peak Lorentz force of ~1.6 N was generated inside the solidifying Al-Cu melts which were showed sufficiently enough to disrupt the growth of the primary Al dendrites and the Al2Cu intermetallic phases. The microstructures exhibit a strong correlation to the characteristics of the applied pulse, forming a periodical pattern that resonates the frequency of the applied electromagnetic field
Polarization effects in the reaction in presence of two-photon exchange
Polarization observables for the reaction are given in
terms of three independent complex amplitudes, in presence of two photon
exchange. General expressions for the differential cross section and the
polarization observables are given and model independent properties are
derived. Polarization effects depending on the polarization of the antiproton
beam, the target and of the electron in the final state, have been calculated.Comment: 15 page
Surgical and minimally invasive treatment of ischaemic and non-ischaemic priapism : A systematic review by the EAU Sexual and Reproductive Health Guidelines panel
Peer reviewedPostprin
Results on correlations and fluctuations from NA49
The large acceptance and high momentum resolution as well as the significant
particle identification capabilities of the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS
allow for a broad study of fluctuations and correlations in hadronic
interactions. In the first part recent results on event-by-event charge and p_t
fluctuations are presented. Charge fluctuations in central Pb+Pb reactions are
investigated at three different beam energies (40, 80, and 158 AGeV), while for
the p_t fluctuations the focus is put on the system size dependence at 158
AGeV. In the second part recent results on Bose Einstein correlations of h-h-
pairs in minimum bias Pb+Pb reactions at 40 and 158 AGeV, as well as of K+K+
and K-K- pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are shown. Additionally,
other types of two particle correlations, namely pi p, Lambda p, and Lambda
Lambda correlations, have been measured by the NA49 experiment. Finally,
results on the energy and system size dependence of deuteron coalescence are
discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France,
Corrected error in Eq.
Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged Kaons in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at
Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons were measured near mid-rapidity
in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV by the NA49 experiment at the
CERN SPS. Source radii were extracted using the Yano-Koonin-Podgoretsky and
Bertsch-Pratt parameterizations. The results are compared to published pion
data. The measured dependence for kaons and pions is consistent with
collective transverse expansion of the source and a freeze-out time of about
9.5 .Comment: 14 pages with 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.
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