977 research outputs found

    Carpenters or Cabinet-Makers : The Developing Role of Teachers in Urban Society

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    Fielding\u27s article is a brave attempt to make more systematic the present inchoate organisational structures by which we train and in-service educate teachers. In England and Wales, government cuts in education have led to, amongst other depredations, many thousands of newlyqualified teachers being unable to find jobs. One of the consequences of this is that most of the teachers in British schools in the year 2000 are already in post, already initially trained. The concern of many teacher educators therefore, has partly moved away from initial teacher training (IT) towards the provision of a more efficient and comprehensive pattern of in-service training (INSET). In neither area, however, would many claim to have got the pattern right. At the IT level, many young teachers find themselves in culturally diverse classrooms, often in economically declining urban areas, with little information and understanding of the pupils in front of them, without certain crucial pedagogic skills and having attitudes about children, learning and society frequently at variance with their pupils and the communities from which they come. Their more experienced colleagues are often in a not dissimilar position, and are often sceptical, with some justification, of the efficacy of the range of INSET offerings open to them

    Persistent organic pollutants in ocean sediments from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean

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    Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OC pesticides), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are reported in surficial sediments sampled along cruise transects from the Bering Sea to the central Arctic Ocean. OCs and PCBs all had significantly higher concentrations in the relatively shallow water (500 m) of the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean (e.g., Canada Basin ΣPCB 149 ± 102 pg g−1 dw). Concentrations were similar to, or slightly lower than, studies from the 1990s, indicating a lack of a declining trend. PBDEs (excluding BDE-209) displayed very low concentrations (e.g., range of median values, 3.5–6.6 pg/g dw). In the shelf areas, the sediments comprised similar proportions of silt and clay, whereas the deep basin sediments were dominated by clay, with a lower total organic carbon (TOC) content. While significant positive correlations were observed between persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations and TOC (Pearson correlation, r = 0.66–0.75, p <0.05), the lack of strong correlations, combined with differing chemical profiles between the sediments and technical formulations (and/or marine surface waters), indicate substantial chemical processing during transfer to the benthic environment. Marked differences in sedimentation rates between the shallow and deeper water regions are apparent (the ∼5 cm-depth grab samples collected here representing ∼100 years of accumulation for the shelf sediments and ∼1000 years for the deeper ocean regions), which may bias any comparisons. Nonetheless, the sediments of the shallower coastal arctic seas appear to serve as significant repositories for POPs deposited from surface waters

    InGaAs spin light emitting diodes measured in the Faraday and oblique Hanle geometries

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    InGaAs quantum well light emitting diodes (LED) with spin-injecting, epitaxial Fe contacts were fabricated using an in situ wafer transfer process where the semiconductor wafer was transferred under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions to a metals growth chamber to achieve a high quality interface between the two materials. The spin LED devices were measured optically with applied magnetic fields in either the Faraday or the oblique Hanle geometries in two experimental set-ups. Optical polarizations efficiencies of 4.5% in the Faraday geometry and 1.5% in the Hanle geometry are shown to be equivalent. The polarization efficiency of the electroluminescence is seen to decay as the temperature increases although the spin lifetime remains constant due to the influence of the D'yakonov–Perel' spin scattering mechanism in the quantum well.RM would like to acknowledge support from the EPSRC.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Institute of Physics via https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/49/16/16510

    Accumulation of perfluoroalkyl compounds in Tibetan mountain snow:temporal patterns from 1980 to 2010

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    The use of snow and ice cores as recorders of environmental contamination is particularly relevant for per- and polyfluoroalky substances (PFASs) given their production history, differing source regions and varied mechanisms driving their global distribution. In a unique study perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) were analyzed in dated snow-cores obtained from high mountain glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). One snow core was obtained from the Mt Muztagata glacier (accumulation period of 1980–1999), located in western Tibet and a second core from Mt. Zuoqiupo (accumulation period: 1996–2007) located in southeastern Tibet, with fresh surface snow collected near Lake Namco in 2010 (southern Tibet). The higher concentrations of ∑PFAAs were observed in the older Mt Muztagata core and dominated by perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) (61.4–346 pg/L) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (40.8–243 pg/L), whereas in the Mt Zuoqiupu core the concentrations were lower (e.g., PFOA: 37.8–183 pg/L) with PFOS below detection limits. These differences in PFAA concentrations and composition profile likely reflect the upwind sources affecting the respective sites (e.g., European/central Asian sources for Mt Muztagata and India sources for Mt Zuoqiupu). Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) dominated the recent surface snowpack of Lake Namco which is mainly associated with India sources where the shorter chain volatile PFASs precursors predominate. The use of snow cores in different parts of Tibet provides useful recorders to examine the influence of different PFASs source regions and reflect changing PFAS production/use in the Northern Hemisphere

    A human embryonic kidney 293T cell line mutated at the Golgi -mannosidase II locus

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    Disruption of Golgi -mannosidase II activity can result in type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and can induce lupus-like autoimmunity in mice. Here, we isolate a mutant human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cell line, called Lec36, that displays sensitivity to ricin that lies between the parental HEK 293T cells, whose secreted and membrane-expressed proteins are dominated by complex-type glycosylation, and 293S Lec1 cells, which only produce oligomannose-type N-linked glycans. The stem cell marker, 19A, was transiently expressed in the HEK 293T Lec36 cells, and in parental HEK 293T cells with and without the potent Golgi -mannosidase II inhibitor, swainsonine. Negative-ion nano-electrospray ionization mass spectra of the 19A N-linked glycans from HEK 293T Lec36 and swainsonine-treated HEK 293T cells were qualitatively indistinguishable and, as shown by collision-induced dissociation spectra, dominated by hybrid-type glycosylation. Nucleotide sequencing revealed mutations in each allele of MAN2A1, the gene encoding Golgi -mannosidase II: a point mutation in one allele mapping to the active site and an in-frame deletion of twelve-nucleotides in the other. Expression of wild-type but not the mutant MAN2A1 alleles in Lec36 cells restored processing of the 19A reporter glycoprotein to complex-type glycosylation. The Lec36 cell line will be useful for expressing therapeutic glycoproteins with hybrid-type glycans and provides a sensitive host for detecting mutations in human MAN2A1 causing type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

    Pesticides contaminated dust exposure, risk diagnosis and exposure markers in occupational and residential settings of Lahore, Pakistan

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    There are few studies documenting the dust loaded with pesticides as a potential non-dietary exposure source for occupational worker and populations living near agricultural farms and pesticides formulation plants. In present study we have evaluated the pesticide concentration in dust from potential sites and relevant health risk from dust ingestion. Furthermore, the effect of currently used pesticides was investigated on blood and urine parameters of subjects: farmer, factory worker, urban resident and rural resident and controlled subjects with presumably different levels of exposure. The urinary metabolites (TCPY and IMPY) were quantified as biomarkers of exposure to chlorpyrifos and diazinon in relation with biomarkers of effect including BuChE, LH, FSH, testosterone and oxidative stress. Results showed that chlorpyrifos and diazinon were present in higher concentration in dust and posed a high health risk to exposed subjects. The mean SOD value was high among the farmer (3048 U/g Hb) followed by factory worker (1677.6U/g Hb). The urinary biomarkers – TCPY and IMPY- were found higher in exposed subjects as compared to control. Furthermore, testosterone was found in higher concentration in factory worker than control (12.63 ng/ml vs 4.61 ng/ml respectively). A decreased BuChE activity was noticed in occupational group and significant differences were observed in control verses exposed subjects. The PCA analysis evidenced the impact of pesticides on exposure biomarkers and male reproductive hormones. The study suggests that dust contaminated with pesticides engenders significant health risk particularly related to the nervous and endocrine system, not only for occupational workers exposed to direct ingestion but also for nearby residential community. Succinctly putting: Pesticides loaded dust in the city of Lahore, being a high priority concern for the government of Pakistan, demands to be addressed

    Assessing residual status and spatial variation of current-use pesticides under the influence of environmental factors in major cash crop growing areas of Pakistan

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    The status of seven currently used pesticides were assessed under the influence of soil parameters in surface soils of cash crop growing areas of Pakistan. Chlorpyrifos occurred in highest mean concentration (1.18 mg kg−1). Selected pesticides exhibited higher affinity towards both organic carbon and black carbon fractions. The δ13C stable carbon isotopic fraction of inorganic carbon was also used as a tracer and disclosed high retention of total organic carbon in Swat and Swabi sites. Statistical analysis revealed that carbon storage was primarily influenced by altitude and temperature. Soil clay mineral oxides of aluminum and iron positively correlated with organic carbon and selected pesticides (chlorpyrifos and cyprodinil). Soil to plant bio-concentration ratios predicted heightened uptake of azinfos and diazinon in major cash crop bio mass. Occupational risk via soil ingestion expressed no significant threat to the farmer community
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