79 research outputs found

    Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models

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    We examine the effect of using different halo finders and merger tree building algorithms on galaxy properties predicted using the GALFORM semi-analytical model run on a high resolution, large volume dark matter simulation. The halo finders/tree builders HBT, ROCKSTAR, SUBFIND, and VELOCI RAPTOR differ in their definitions of halo mass, on whether only spatial or phase-space information is used, and in how they distinguish satellite and main haloes; all of these features have some impact on the model galaxies, even after the trees are post-processed and homogenized by GALFORM. The stellar mass function is insensitive to the halo and merger tree finder adopted. However, we find that the number of central and satellite galaxies in GALFORM does depend slightly on the halo finder/tree builder. The number of galaxies without resolved subhaloes depends strongly on the tree builder, with VELOCIRAPTOR, a phase-space finder, showing the largest population of such galaxies. The distributions of stellar masses, cold and hot gas masses, and star formation rates agree well between different halo finders/tree builders. However, because VELOCIRAPTOR has more early progenitor haloes, with these trees GALFORM produces slightly higher star formation rate densities at high redshift, smaller galaxy sizes, and larger stellar masses for the spheroid component. Since in all cases these differences are small we conclude that, when all of the trees are processed so that the main progenitor mass increases monotonically, the predicted GALFORM galaxy populations are stable and consistent for these four halo finders/tree builders

    Inclusion of extracellular matrix molecules and necrostatin-1 in the intracapsular environment of alginate-based microcapsules synergistically protects pancreatic β cells against cytokine-induced inflammatory stress

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    Immunoisolation of pancreatic islets in alginate-based microcapsules is a promising approach for grafting of islets in absence of immunosuppression. However, loss and damage to the extracellular matrix (ECM) during islet isolation enhance susceptibility of islets for inflammatory stress. In this study, a combined strategy was applied to reduce this stress by incorporating ECM components (collagen type IV/RGD) and necroptosis inhibitor, necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) in alginate-based microcapsules in vitro. To demonstrate efficacy, viability and function of MIN6 β-cells and human islets in capsules with collagen type IV/RGD and/or Nec-1 was investigated in presence and absence of IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α. The combination of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 had higher protective effects than the molecules alone. Presence of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 in the intracapsular environment reduced cytokine-induced overproduction of free radical species and unfavorable shifts in mitochondrial dynamics. In addition, the ECM components collagen type IV/RGD prevented a cytokine induced suppression of the FAK/Akt pathway. Our data indicate that the inclusion of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 in the intracapsular environment prevents islet-cell loss when exposed to inflammatory stress, which might contribute to higher survival of β-cells in the immediate period after transplantation. This approach of inclusion of stress reducing agents in the intracapsular environment of immunoisolating devices may be an effective way to enhance the longevity of encapsulated islet grafts. Statement of significance: Islet-cells in immunoisolated alginate-based microcapsules are very susceptible to inflammatory stress which impacts long-term survival of islet grafts. Here we show that incorporation of ECM components (collagen type IV/RGD) and necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) in the intracapsular environment of alginate-based capsules attenuates this susceptibility and promotes islet-cell survival. This effect induced by collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 was probably due to lowering free radical production, preventing mitochondrial dysfunction and by maintaining ECM/integrin/FAK/Akt signaling and Nec-1/RIP1/RIP3 signaling. Our study provides an effective strategy to extend longevity of islet grafts which might be of great potential for future clinical application of immunoisolated cells

    Plan de incentivos y venta de intangibles en la empresa global sales solutions line SL – GSS, Cercado de Lima, 2016.

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    La empresa GSS realiza estas actividades en la venta por comisión de tarjetas de crédito, seguros, membrecías, reaseguros, intermediación entre entidades financieras y consumidores, presentación, propuesta o realización de los trabajos preparatorios para la celebración de contratos de préstamo o crédito, actividad de gestión patrimonial de inmuebles como recaudación, facturación, lectura de contadores de servicios, administración de inmuebles, prestación de servicios técnicos y su contratación con personas jurídicas, públicas privadas, prestación de servicios de atención al ciudadano, prestación de servicios de tele asistencia domiciliaria desarrollada a través de la red telefónica o cualquier otro medio telemático, gestionando de forma integral las relaciones con los clientes y los usuarios, prestación de todo tipo de servicios administrativos con especial atención a la consejería y atención al público, la toma, gestión y tratamiento de datos y otros afines.Trabajo de investigació

    Soybean aphid biotype 1 genome: Insights into the invasive biology and adaptive evolution of a major agricultural pest

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    The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of the soybean plant, Glycine max, a major world-wide agricultural crop. We assembled a de novo genome sequence of Ap. glycines Biotype 1, from a culture established shortly after this species invaded North America. 20.4% of the Ap. glycines proteome is duplicated. These in-paralogs are enriched with Gene Ontology (GO) categories mostly related to apoptosis, a possible adaptation to plant chemistry and other environmental stressors. Approximately one-third of these genes show parallel duplication in other aphids. But Ap. gossypii, its closest related species, has the lowest number of these duplicated genes. An Illumina GoldenGate assay of 2380 SNPs was used to determine the world-wide population structure of Ap. Glycines. China and South Korean aphids are the closest to those in North America. China is the likely origin of other Asian aphid populations. The most distantly related aphids to those in North America are from Australia. The diversity of Ap. glycines in North America has decreased over time since its arrival. The genetic diversity of Ap. glycines North American population sampled shortly after its first detection in 2001 up to 2012 does not appear to correlate with geography. However, aphids collected on soybean Rag experimental varieties in Minnesota (MN), Iowa (IA), and Wisconsin (WI), closer to high density Rhamnus cathartica stands, appear to have higher capacity to colonize resistant soybean plants than aphids sampled in Ohio (OH), North Dakota (ND), and South Dakota (SD). Samples from the former states have SNP alleles with high FST values and frequencies, that overlap with genes involved in iron metabolism, a crucial metabolic pathway that may be affected by the Rag-associated soybean plant response. The Ap. glycines Biotype 1 genome will provide needed information for future analyses of mechanisms of aphid virulence and pesticide resistance as well as facilitate comparative analyses between aphids with differing natural history and host plant range

    A novel microarray approach reveals new tissue-specific signatures of known and predicted mammalian microRNAs

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    Microarrays to examine the global expression levels of microRNAs (miRNAs) in a systematic in-parallel manner have become important tools to help unravel the functions of miRNAs and to understand their roles in RNA-based regulation and their implications in human diseases. We have established a novel miRNA-specific microarray platform that enables the simultaneous expression analysis of both known and predicted miRNAs obtained from human or mouse origin. Chemically modified 2′-O-(2-methoxyethyl)-(MOE) oligoribonucleotide probes were arrayed onto Evanescent Resonance (ER) microchips by robotic spotting. Supplementing the complementary probes against miRNAs with carefully designed mismatch controls allowed for accurate sequence-specific determination of miRNA expression profiles obtained from a panel of mouse tissues. This revealed new expression signatures of known miRNAs as well as of novel miRNAs previously predicted using bioinformatic methods. Systematic confirmation of the array data with northern blotting and, in particular, real-time PCR suggests that the described microarray platform is a powerful tool to analyze miRNA expression patterns with rapid throughput and high fidelity

    Assessment of Cytokines, microRNA and patient related outcome measures in Conversion Disorder/Functional Neurological Disorder (CD/FND) : the CANDO clinical feasibility study

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    Background: Conversion disorder/functional neurological disorder (CD/FND) occurs often in neurological settings and can lead to long-term distress, disability and demand on health care services. Systemic low-grade inflammation might play a role, however, the pathogenic mechanism is still unknown. Aim: 1) To explore the feasibility to establish and assess a cohort of CD/FND with motor symptoms, involving persons with lived experience (PPI). 2) To generate proof of concept regarding a possible role for cytokines, microRNA, cortisol levels and neurocognitive symptoms in patients with motor CD/FND. Method: Feasibility study. Results: The study showed active involvement of patients despite high clinical illness burden and disability, neurocognitive symptoms, childhood adverse experiences (ACE) and current life events. The study provided valuable knowledge regarding the feasibility of conducting a study in these patients that will inform future study phases. In the sample there were elevated levels of IL6, IL12, IL17A, IFNg, TNFa and VEGF-a, suggesting systemic low-grade inflammation. Also, microRNAs involved in inflammation and vascular inflammation were correlated with TNFa and VEGFa respectively, suggesting proof of concept for an epigenetic mechanism. Owing to the COVID-19 outbreak, the patient sample was limited to 15 patients. Conclusion: It is a novelty that this study is conducted in the clinical setting. This innovative, translational study explores stress-related SLI in CD/FND patients and the feasibility of a larger project aiming to develop new treatments for this vulnerable population. Given the positive findings, there is scope to conduct further research into the mechanism of disease in CD/FND

    La defensa tecnica en los procesos de nulidad y restablecimiento del Derecho contra la DIAN

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    Cuando los contribuyentes de renta, personas naturales, se ven abocados a un proceso sancionatorio, adelantado por la DIAN, éstos por lo general no conocen el procedimiento a seguir, ignorando algunos los derechos que tienen. Este proceso debe garantizarle los derechos del contribuyente establecidos en el artículo 29 Constitución Política que son:La defensa y la asistencia de un abogado escogido por él, o de oficio, durante la investigación y el juzgamiento;Un debido proceso público sin dilaciones injustificadas; Presentar pruebas y controvertir las que se alleguen en su contra; Impugnar la sentencia condenatoria, yNo ser juzgado dos veces por el mismo hecho.Este artículo trae la “presunción de inocencia”, que en esta investigación, en ocasiones no se aplica y por el contrario, invierte la carga de la prueba y obliga al contribuyente a desvirtuar la responsabilidad determinada por la administración de impuestos.La DIAN – Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales-, cuenta no solo con una serie de recursos físicos, sino que además cuenta con el talento humano, calificado e idóneo para adelantar el proceso tributario; situación contraria, es la que en ocasiones acompaña al contribuyente persona natural, quien   se haya en desigualdad de condiciones frente al ente sancionador

    A giant galaxy in the young Universe with a massive ring

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    In the local (redshift z~0) Universe, collisional ring galaxies make up only ~0.01% of galaxies and are formed by head-on galactic collisions that trigger radially propagating density waves. These striking systems provide key snapshots for dissecting galactic disks and are studied extensively in the local Universe. However, not much is known about distant (z>0.1) collisional rings. Here we present a detailed study of a ring galaxy at a look-back time of 10.8 Gyr (z=2.19). Compared with our Milky Way, this galaxy has a similar stellar mass, but has a stellar half-light radius that is 1.5-2.2 times larger and is forming stars 50 times faster. The large, diffuse stellar light outside the star-forming ring, combined with a radial velocity on the ring and an intruder galaxy nearby, provides evidence for this galaxy hosting a collisional ring. If the ring is secularly evolved, the implied large bar in a giant disk would be inconsistent with the current understanding of the earliest formation of barred spirals. Contrary to previous predictions, this work suggests that massive collisional rings were as rare 11 Gyr ago as they are today. Our discovery offers a unique pathway for studying density waves in young galaxies, as well as constraining the cosmic evolution of spiral disks and galaxy groups.Comment: Author's version for the main article (10 pages). The Supplementary Information (22 pages) and a combined pdf are provided here http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~tyuan/paper Published version available online http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-1102-