1,006 research outputs found

    Sikkerhetskultur hos fotballklubber. En studie av frivillighets- og deltidsarbeids påvirkning på sikkerhetskultur

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    Fotballstadioner har ved flere anledninger vært utsatt for uønskede hendelser der fravær av sikkerhetskultur har blitt omtalt som en hovedårsak til hvordan hendelsen kunne oppstå. Denne oppgaven undersøker sikkerhetskulturen ved en stor europeisk fotballklubb som spiller på en stadion med en kapasitet på over 35 000 mennesker. På bakgrunn av at flere tusen mennesker er samlet på et lite avgrenset område er det stort behov for stewards (sikkerhetsvakter), men som følge av få arrangement er det ikke mulig å ha disse ansatt på heltid. I oppgavens fotballklubb jobber samtlige stewards frivillig. Dermed har oppgaven i tillegg til å studere sikkerhetskulturen, undersøkt hvordan deltid og frivillighet påvirker sikkerhetskulturen. Oppgavens problemstilling er: I hvilken grad har Abc Fotballklubb en god sikkerhetskultur, og hvordan påvirkes den av at majoriteten av de ansatte jobber frivillig og deltid? Problemstillingen har blitt besvart gjennom et case-studie der det har blitt foretatt kvalitative intervju, observasjoner og dokumentanalyse. Empirien har blitt drøftet opp mot et teoretisk rammeverk der sikkerhetskultur har blitt belyst gjennom teorier som blant annet omhandler informert kultur, informasjonsflyt, trening, og hvordan deltid og frivillighetsarbeid påvirker sikkerhetskulturen i en organisasjon. Det eksterne lovverket legger ikke opp til god sikkerhetskultur i oppgavens fotballklubb. Derimot har ledelsen en sterk forpliktelse til sikkerhet noe som legger grunnlaget for god sikkerhetskultur. Basert på fotballklubbens organisatoriske strukturer og ledelsens håndtering av elementer som informasjonsflyt, rettferdighet, organisatorisk fleksibilitet, læring og trening har fotballklubben en informert kultur og blir kategorisert som en proaktiv organisasjon. Dette peker i retning av at organisasjonen har god sikkerhetskultur. Det er samtidig flere svakheter og utfordringer med sikkerhetskulturen i fotballklubben. Noen av disse utfordringene er knyttet til deltidsarbeid og frivillighet. Deltidsarbeid påvirker sikkerhetskulturen i form av mangelfull tid til utvikling og ivaretagelse av god sikkerhetskultur. Mindre tid til trening, kommunikasjon, og sosialisering fører til utfordringer for sikkerhetskulturen. Fotballklubbens sikkerhetsavdeling tar med seg sine deltidsansatte og frivillige på en årlig treningstur til Syden. Gjennom sosialisering og trening tyder mye på at oppholdet i Syden fører til høyt tillitsforhold mellom de ansatte og en forpliktelse til sikkerhet, noe som dermed begrenser utfordringene knyttet til deltidsarbeid. Samtidig er det alltid noen som ikke får dratt på disse turene, noe som er en av konsekvensene av frivillig arbeid. Frivillighet utfordrer hva ledelsen kan forvente av stewardens oppmøte. Familie og primærjobb er faktorer som påvirker de frivilliges forpliktelse og mulighet til å delta på treningsturer og jobbe som steward. På hverdager er det derfor spesielt vanskelig å jobbe frivillig som følge av andre forpliktelser. Summen av dette utfordrer sikkerhetskulturen ved at det er ingen garanti for at de ansatte deltar på treningsturer eller kommer på jobb. Frivillige er også ofte slitne etter å ha vært på arbeid hos primærarbeidsgiveren noe som kan legge begrensninger på deres innsats og evne til å håndtere uønskede hendelser. Dermed risikerer fotballklubben å ha uopplagte ansatte noe som kan begrense informasjonsflyten og evnen til å identifisere uønskede hendelser. Samtidig frigir frivillighet økonomiske midler som kan bli investert i sikkerhetskulturen


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    Bakgrund: Transport av schaktmassor till och från byggprojekt i Sverige är en kostsam del av byggprocessen och bidrar till de globala växthusgasutsläppen och förorenar vår närmiljö. Flera projekt och samarbeten arbetar med att försöka minska de transporter som är knutna till schaktmassor i Sverige. De schaktmassor som är förorenade faller enkelt utanför dessa projekt då de först måste saneras innan användning. Denna sanering innebär i regel en transport av massorna till ett saneringsverk och är ofta kostsam och använder energikällor som även de bidrar till växthusgasutsläpp. Fytoremediering är en saneringsmetod som sker med hjälp av växter på platsen av föroreningen och drivs av direkt solenergi. Mål: Målet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka de vanligaste föroreningarna vid järnväg är och sammanställa växtlistor som kan vara användbara vid sanering av schaktmassor i järnvägsprojekt. Metod: Det här arbetet grundar sig i metoden litteraturstudier. För att besvara frågeställningen om vilka föroreningarna är genomfördes en systematisk sökning på databasen PubMed. Totalt hittades och lästes 576 stycken sammandrag, där 530 exkluderades och lämnade 46 stycken artiklar. De vidarestuderades i sin helhet och baserat på inkluderingskriterier var 8 stycken artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2009-2018 relevanta. För att besvara vilka växter som kan användas studerades boken PHYTO – Principles and resources for site and landscape design av Kate Kennen och Niall Kirkwood. Där söktes svaret på fråga ett upp mot växter i boken som sammanställt växter med förmåga att fytoremediera från studier utförda mellan åren 1983-2014. Sedan kontrollerades dessa för härdighet i Sverige och sammanställdes i växtlistor efter förorening och växt. Resultat: Baserat på de åtta originalstudierna fastslogs det att metallerna kadmium, bly, zink, koppar och PAH-ämnen både förekom i halter som var förorenande och att de var direkt knutna till användandet av järnväg. Från metoden för fråga två skapades sju växtlistor. Slutsats: Användandet av järnvägar bidrar med markföroreningar. Flera växter finns studerade att på olika sätt oskadliggöra dessa föroreningar i marken. Fytoremediering är en tidskrävande saneringsmetod som kräver mycket planering, samarbete och kunskap för att implementeras fungerande. De halter och djup som föroreningarna fanns på är inom det som bevisas vara möjligt för flertalet växter att kunna sanera. Minskandet av transporter för förorenade schaktmassor skulle vara ett resultat av användandet, men också ett kontinuerligt sanerande av den pågående förorening som tågtrafiken innebär.Background: Transport of excavated materials to and from construction projects in Sweden is a costly part of the construction process and contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions as well as pollutes our local environment. Several projects are working towards reducing the transport of excavated materials in Sweden. The excavated materials that are contaminated easily fall outside these projects as they must first be decontaminated. This usually involves transporting the materials to a decontamination plant, which is often costly and uses energy sources that also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Phytoremediation is a remediation method that uses plants at the site of the pollution and is powered by solar energy. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to find out what the most common pollutants in railways are and to compile plant lists that can be useful in remediating excavation masses in railway projects. Method: This work is based on the method of literature studies. To answer the question about what the pollutants are, a systematic search was carried out on the online database PubMed. A total of 576 abstracts were found and read, of which 530 were excluded, leaving a total of 46 articles. They were further studied and, based on inclusion criteria, there were eight full articles included in this review. To answer which plants can be used, the book PHYTO – Principles and Resources for Site and Landscape Design by Kate Kennen and Niall Kirkwood was studied. The answer to question one was sought for plants in the book that has compiled plants with the ability to phytoremediate based on studies conducted during 1983-2014. These were controlled for hardiness in Sweden and compiled into plant lists designating pollution and type of plant. Results: Based on the eight original studies, it was determined that the metals cadmium, zinc, copper and PAH substances were all present in levels that were polluting and directly linked to railway use. Seven plant lists were created from the method of question two. Conclusion: The use of railways contributes to soil pollution. There are several studies concerning plants and their ability to remediate these soil pollutants. Phytoremediation is a time-consuming remediation method that requires a great deal of planning, collaboration and knowledge to be implemented successfully. The levels and depths at which the pollutants exist determine the plants potential to decontaminate. The reduction in transport for contaminated excavation masses would be a result of its use, but also continuous remediation of the ongoing pollution that train traffic entails

    Symmetrical leadership and participation for cross-learning

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    Co-producing knowledge for wellbeing in sustainable citie

    Detailed evaluation of topographical effects of Hirtisation post-processing on electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB) manufactured Ti-6Al-4V component

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    Metal additive manufacturing surface topographies are complex and challenging to characterise due to e.g. steep local slopes, re-entrant features, varying reflectivity and features of interest in vastly different scale ranges. Nevertheless, average height parameters such as Ra or Sa are commonly used as sole parameters for characterisation. In this paper, a novel method for selecting relevant parameters for evaluation is proposed and demonstrated using a case study where the smoothing effects after three processing steps of the electro chemical post-process Hirtisation of a metal AM surface are quantified. The method uses a combination of conventional areal texture parameters, multiscale analysis and statistics and can be used to efficiently achieve a detailed and more relevant surface topography characterisation. It was found that the three process steps have different effects on the surface topography regarding the types and sizes of features that were affected. In total, Sdq was reduced by 97 %, S5v was reduced by 81 % and Sa was reduced by 78 %. A surface texture with much lower average roughness, less deep pits and less steep slopes was produced, which is expected to be beneficial for improved fatigue properties

    Surface integrity investigations for prediction of fatigue properties after machining of alloy 718

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    Fatigue performance is crucial for gas turbine components, and it is greatly affected by the manufacturing processes. Ability to predict the expected fatigue life of a component based on surface integrity has been the objective in this work, enabling new processing methods. Alloy 718 samples were prepared by different machining setups, evaluated in fatigue testing and surface integrity investigations. These results generated two predictive statistical multi-variate regression models. The fatigue correlated well with roughness, residual stresses and deformation. The two models showed great potential, which encourages further exploration to fine-tune the procedure for the particular case.The results from this work was granted from the research project G5Demo-2 [2013-04666] and SWE DEMO MOTOR [2015-06047] financed by VINNOVA, Sweden’s innovation agency. Special thanks to GKN Aerospace Sweden AB. The authors also would like to thank the KK- foundation and the SiCoMaP research school

    Effect of cuting parameters on the generated surface integrity of hard-turned martensitic AISI 52100 bearing steel

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    Hard turning offers improved manufacturing efficiency but requires great control of the cutting process to achieve the required machining-induced surface integrity with respect to residual stresses, surface topography, and near-surface microstructure. This research work is focused on studying the effect of the cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, chamfer angle, and coolant pressure on the surface integrity after hard turning of martensitic AISI 52100 steel. The results showed that the feed rate had a signinficant influence on the residual stresses and the surface topography. The discontinuous mechanically induced white layer was observed at high cutting speed and high chamfer angle with increased thickness

    Comparison of machining performance of stainless steel 316L produced by selective laser melting and electron beam melting

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    Powder bed fusion based additively manufactured SS 316L components fall short of surface integrity requirements needed for optimal functional performance. Hence, machining is required to achieve dimensional accuracy and to enhance surface integrity charcteristics. This research is focused on comparing the material removal performance of 316L produced by PBF-LB (laser) and PBF-EB (electron beam) in terms of tool wear and surface integrity. The results showed comparable surface topography and residual stress profiles. While the hardness profiles revealed work hardening at the surface where PBF-LB specimens being more susceptible to work hardening. The investigation also revealed differences in the grogress of the tool wear when machining specimens with either PBF-LB or PBF-EB

    Heparin molecularly imprinted surfaces for the attenuation of complement activation in blood

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    Heparin-imprinted synthetic polymer surfaces with the ability to attenuate activation of both the complement and the coagulation system in whole blood were successfully produced. Imprinting was achieved using a template coated with heparin, a highly sulfated glycosaminoglycan known for its anticoagulant properties. The N,N'-diacryloylpiperazine-methacrylic acid copolymers were characterized using goniometry, AFM and XPS. The influence of the molecular imprinting process on morphology and template rebinding was demonstrated by radioligand binding assays. Surface hemocompatibility was evaluated using human whole blood without anticoagulants followed by measurement of complement activation markers C3a and sC5b-9 and platelet consumption as a surrogate coagulation activation marker. The observed low thrombogenicity of this copolymer combined with the attenuation of complement activation induced by the molecular imprint offer potential for the development of self-regulating surfaces with important potential clinical applications. We propose a mechanism for the observed phenomena based upon the recruitment of endogenous sulfated glycosaminoglycans with heparin-like activities

    Surface strength of materials to the method of friction

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) has its natural reservoir in wild waterfowl, and emerging human IAVs often contain gene segments from avian viruses. The active drug metabolite of oseltamivir (oseltamivir carboxylate [OC]), stockpiled as Tamiflu for influenza pandemic preparedness, is not removed by conventional sewage treatment and has been detected in river water. There, it may exert evolutionary pressure on avian IAV in waterfowl, resulting in the development of resistant viral variants. A resistant avian IAV can circulate among wild birds only if resistance does not restrict viral fitness and if the resistant virus can persist without continuous drug pressure. In this in vivo mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) study, we tested whether an OC-resistant avian IAV (H1N1) strain with an H274Y mutation in the neuraminidase (NA-H274Y) could retain resistance while drug pressure was gradually removed. Successively infected mallards were exposed to decreasing levels of OC, and fecal samples were analyzed for the neuraminidase sequence and phenotypic resistance. No reversion to wild-type virus was observed during the experiment, which included 17 days of viral transmission among 10 ducks exposed to OC concentrations below resistance induction levels. We conclude that resistance in avian IAV that is induced by exposure of the natural host to OC can persist in the absence of the drug. Thus, there is a risk that human-pathogenic IAVs that evolve from IAVs circulating among wild birds may contain resistance mutations. An oseltamivir-resistant pandemic IAV would pose a substantial public health threat. Therefore, our observations underscore the need for prudent oseltamivir use, upgraded sewage treatment, and surveillance for resistant IAVs in wild birds