29 research outputs found

    Etude de la contagion sur les marchés actions

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    Ce travail a pour but de mettre en Ă©vidence la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l’analyse en continu des coefficients de corrĂ©lation dans le but de prĂ©venir le risque systĂ©mique. Dans un premier temps, on verra les fondements thĂ©oriques qui ont articulĂ© la rĂ©flexion constituant la genĂšse de ce travail. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, grĂące Ă  deux exemples, on verra comment l’étude des co-mouvements peut permettre d’observer l’effet de contagion sur les marchĂ©s actions. Finalement, des potentielles applications de l’analyse des coefficients de corrĂ©lation seront mises en avant. Par cette dĂ©marche, on constatera que l’observation des mouvements joints par le biais de l’analyse technique, peut permettre de dĂ©celer des opportunitĂ©s d’investissements

    The challenges of applying planetary boundaries as a basis for strategic decision-making in companies with global supply chains

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    YesThe Planetary Boundaries (PB) framework represents a significant advance in specifying the ecological constraints on human development. However, to enable decision-makers in business and public policy to respect these constraints in strategic planning, the PB framework needs to be developed to generate practical tools. With this objective in mind, we analyse the recent literature and highlight three major scientific and technical challenges in operationalizing the PB approach in decision-making: first, identification of thresholds or boundaries with associated metrics for different geographical scales; second, the need to frame approaches to allocate fair shares in the 'safe operating space' bounded by the PBs across the value chain and; third, the need for international bodies to co-ordinate the implementation of the measures needed to respect the Planetary Boundaries. For the first two of these challenges, we consider how they might be addressed for four PBs: climate change, freshwater use, biosphere integrity and chemical pollution and other novel entities. Four key opportunities are identified: (1) development of a common system of metrics that can be applied consistently at and across different scales; (2) setting 'distance from boundary' measures that can be applied at different scales; (3) development of global, preferably open-source, databases and models; and (4) advancing understanding of the interactions between the different PBs. Addressing the scientific and technical challenges in operationalizing the planetary boundaries needs be complemented with progress in addressing the equity and ethical issues in allocating the safe operating space between companies and sectors

    Création et validation d'un outil de détection de la fraude par falsification d'ordonnance à partir des bases de données de l'Assurance Maladie

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    Objectifs. Permettre la dĂ©tection des ordonnances falsifiĂ©es qui ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©livrĂ©es et remboursĂ©es. 
MĂ©thode. 1- SĂ©lection dans les bases rĂ©gionales de l'assurance maladie de patients Ă  comportement hautement suspect de fraude (multiprĂ©sentation de la mĂȘme ordonnance, le mĂȘme jour dans plusieurs pharmacies diffĂ©rentes) 2- Attribution d'un "diagnostic" de fraude par le CEIP (Centre d'Évaluation et d'Information sur la PharmacodĂ©pendance) Ă  partir des donnĂ©es transmises et par le service mĂ©dical (analyse de l'ensemble du dossier et convocation Ă©ventuelle) 3- Calcul des qualitĂ©s mĂ©trologiques de l'outil. 
RĂ©sultats. Ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s 2030 patients ; parmi eux 25 patients ont obtenu Ă  l'aide de 114 ordonnances, 553 dĂ©livrances dans 288 pharmacies en un an. La spĂ©cificitĂ© de notre outil est de 99,5 % et sa sensibilitĂ© de 69,4 %. 
Conclusion. La crĂ©ation de cet outil automatisable et utilisable Ă  grande Ă©chelle apporte un nouvel Ă©clairage dans l'Ă©valuation, en permettant une dĂ©tection a posteriori de la fraude

    Blood-to-brain transfer of various oxicams: effects of plasma binding on their brain delivery

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this work was to assess the influence of binding to plasma proteins and to serum on the brain extraction of four antiinflammatory oxicams. METHODS: The brain extraction of isoxicam, tenoxicam, meloxicam and piroxicam was investigated in rats using the carotid injection technique. Blood protein binding parameters were determined by equilibrium dialysis using human serum, human serum albumin (HSA) and alpha-l-acid glycoprotein (AAG) solutions at various concentrations. RESULTS: All oxicams had low values of brain extraction, between 19% and 39% when dissolved in serum, i.e. under physiological conditions. Brain efflux rate constants calculated from the wash-out curves were the same in the absence or presence of serum. Brain efflux was inversely related to the polarity of the oxicams, such that the higher their H-bonding capacity, the lower their brain efflux. The free dialyzable drug fraction was inversely related to protein concentration. However, rat brain extraction was always higher than expected from in vitro measurements of the dialyzable fraction. CONCLUSIONS: Except for piroxicam whose brain extraction was partially decreased in the presence of proteins, the serum unbound and initially bound fractions of oxicams both seem available for transfer into the brain. Modest affinities for AAG rule out any related effect. More surprising is the apparent lack of effect on brain transfer of the high-affinity binding to HSA and serum. The enhanced brain uptake of meloxicam in the presence of AAG could be a result of interactions between this globular protein and the endothelial wall