771 research outputs found

    Gravitational wave memory and its tail in cosmology

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    Funding Information: We thank J. Kastikainen for useful discussions at different stages of this work. N. J. and M. S. have been supported in part by the Academy of Finland Grant No. 1322307. M. S. is also supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 American Physical Society.We study gravitational wave memory effect in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model with matter and a cosmological constant. Since the background is curved, gravitational radiation develops a tail part arriving after the main signal that travels along the past light cone of the observer. First we discuss first order gravitational wave sourced by a binary system, and we find that the tail only gives a negligible memory, in accord with previous results. Then we study the nonlinear memory effect coming from induced gravitational radiation sourced by first order gravitational radiation propagating over cosmological distances. In the light cone part of the induced gravitational wave we find a novel term missed in previous studies of the cosmological memory effect. Furthermore, we show that the induced gravitational wave has a tail part that slowly accumulates after the light cone part has passed and grows to a sizeable magnitude over a cosmological timescale. This tail part of the memory effect will be a new component in the stochastic gravitational wave background.Peer reviewe

    Memory effect in Yang-Mills theory with an axion

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 authors.We study the empirical realization of the memory effect in Yang-Mills theory with an axionlike particle, especially in view of the classical vs quantum nature of the theory. We solve for the coupled equations of motion iteratively in the axionic contributions and explicitly display the gauge-invariant effects in terms of field strengths. We apply our results in the context of heavy-ion collisions, in the thin nuclear sheet limit, and point out that a probe particle traversing radiation train acquires a longitudinal null memory kick in addition to the usual transverse kick.We study the empirical realization of the memory effect in Yang-Mills theory with an axionlike particle, especially in view of the classical vs quantum nature of the theory. We solve for the coupled equations of motion iteratively in the axionic contributions and explicitly display the gauge-invariant effects in terms of field strengths. We apply our results in the context of heavy-ion collisions, in the thin nuclear sheet limit, and point out that a probe particle traversing radiation train acquires a longitudinal null memory kick in addition to the usual transverse kick.Peer reviewe

    Inhomogeneous tachyon dynamics and the zipper

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    We study the process of inhomogeneous tachyon condensation in an intersecting D1- and anti-D1-brane system using an effective tachyon DBI action. By switching to the Hamiltonian formalism, we numerically solve for the dynamical evolution of the system at a small intersection angle. We find that the decay proceeds indefinitely and resembles the action of two zippers moving away from the intersection point at the speed of light, zipping the branes together and leaving inhomogeneous tachyon matter behind. We also discuss the range of validity of our analysis and discuss the relation of the D1-anti-D1 description of the system to one in terms of an intersecting D1-D1-brane pair.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures. v2: added references; v3: more references, published versio

    Pengaruh Perubahan Suhu Udara terhadap Konsumsi Listrik pada Rumah Tangga dan Bisnis di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Electrics energi have come to commodity requirement of primary in human life, because electrics represent form of energi very practical able to alter from one form to other form, for example altered into form of energi mechanic able to move machine at AC and fan. When air temperature or environmental temperature outside mount, USAge of AC and fan very required to make cool temperature in room or house, because when of external air temperature mount, temperature in room also will be mount too, and electrics consumption also will be mount. This Skripsi explain how big influence of change of air temperature to electrics consumption at business and household in Pekanbaru and what factor is having a signifikan effect. For this research using data of sekunder, obtained fromPLN persero Pekanbaru institutions and Meteorology Station of Klimatologi and Geophysics ( BMKG) Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru. Calculation process using statistical analysis, with doubled linear regression with stepwise method. The result for this research is primary factor influencing electrics consumption at business and household is the number of consumer. with coefficient of determinasi at household (R2 = 69,1%) rest 30,9% influenced by other factor, while coefficientof determinasi at business (R2 = 84,6%) rest 15,4% influenced by other factor. While change of temperature do not have an effect on signifikan to electrics consumption at business and household in Pekanbaru

    Chiral primary one-point functions in the D3-D7 defect conformal field theory

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    JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2012-81 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1210.7015;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2012-81 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1210.7015;%%C.F.K. and D.Y. were supported in part by FNU through grant number 272-08-0329. G.W.S. is supported by NSERC of Canada and by the Villum foundation through their Velux Visiting Professor program

    Associations between specific depressive symptoms and psychosocial functioning in psychotherapy

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    Background: Psychotherapy for depression aims to reduce symptoms and to improve psychosocial functioning. We examined whether some symptoms are more important than others in the association between depression and functioning over the course of psychotherapy treatment.Methods: We studied associations between specific symptoms of depression (PHQ-9) and change in social and occupational functioning (SOFAS), both with structural equation models (considering liabilities of depression and each specific symptom) and with logistic regression models (considering the risk for individual patients). The study sample consisted of adult patients (n symbolscript 771) from the Finnish Psychotherapy Quality Registry (FPQR) who completed psychotherapy treatment between September 2018 and September 2021.Results: Based on our results of logistic regression analyses and SEM models, the baseline measures of depression symptoms were not associated with changes in functioning. Changes in depressed mood or hopelessness, problems with sleep, feeling tired, and feeling little interest or pleasure were associated with improved func-tioning during psychotherapy. The strongest evidence for symptom-specific effects was found for the symptom of depressed mood or hopelessness. Limitations: Due to our naturalistic study design containing only two measurement points, we were unable to study the causal relationship between symptoms and functioning. Conclusions: Changes in certain symptoms during psychotherapy may affect functioning independently of un-derlying depression. Knowledge about the dynamics between symptoms and functioning could be used in treatment planning or implementation. Depressed mood or hopelessness appears to have a role in the dynamic relationship between depression and functioning.Peer reviewe

    Fluctuations of a holographic quantum Hall fluid

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    We analyze the neutral spectrum of the holographic quantum Hall fluid described by the D2-D8' model. As expected for a quantum Hall state, we find the system to be stable and gapped and that, at least over much of the parameter space, the lowest excitation mode is a magneto-roton. In addition, we find magneto-rotons in higher modes as well. We show that these magneto-rotons are direct consequences of level crossings between vector and scalar modes.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; v.2 figures improved, 2 figures added, and text clarified particularly in Sec. 5, to appear in JHE

    Genetic Associations Between Personality Traits and Lifetime Reproductive Success in Humans

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    Personality has been associated with reproductive success in humans and other animals, suggesting potential evolutionary selection pressures. However, studies to date have only examined these associations on a phenotypic level, which may be inadequate in estimating evolutionary change. Using a large longitudinal twin dataset of contemporary Finns, we compared the phenotypic (breeder’s equation) and genetically informed (the Robertson–Price identity) associations between lifetime reproductive success (LRS) and two personality traits—neuroticism and extraversion. Neuroticism was not associated with LRS at the phenotypic nor genetic level, while extraversion was associated with higher LRS in men both phenotypically and genetically. Compared to the univariate phenotypic analysis, the genetic analysis suggested a larger selection response of extraversion, and a selection response of neuroticism due to indirect selection. We estimated that neuroticism decreases by .05 standard deviations and extraversion increases by .11 standard deviations by one generation. Our results highlight the importance of considering genetic associations between personality and fitness and investigating several inter-related personality traits and their covariance with each other to predict responses to selection more accurately

    Holographic zero sound at finite temperature in the Sakai-Sugimoto model

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    In this paper, we study the fate of the holographic zero sound mode at finite temperature and non-zero baryon density in the deconfined phase of the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD. We establish the existence of such a mode for a wide range of temperatures and investigate the dispersion relation, quasi-normal modes, and spectral functions of the collective excitations in four different regimes, namely, the collisionless quantum, collisionless thermal, and two distinct hydrodynamic regimes. For sufficiently high temperatures, the zero sound completely disappears, and the low energy physics is dominated by an emergent diffusive mode. We compare our findings to Landau-Fermi liquid theory and to other holographic models.Comment: 1+24 pages, 19 figures, PDFTeX, v2: some comments and references added, v3: some clarifications relating to the different regimes added, matches version accepted for publication in JHEP, v4: corrected typo in eq. (3.18
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