168 research outputs found

    Analisis Logam Timbal (Pb) Dan Konsentrasi Klorofil Pada Alga Padina Australis Hauck Dari Perairan Teluk Totok Dan Perairan Blongko, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan logam timbal (Pb) pada air, sedimen, dan thallus alga serta mengetahui konsentrasi pigmen klorofil pada alga Padina australis Hauck yang terdapat di Perairan Teluk Totok dan Perairan Blongko. Perairan Teluk Totok merupakan perairan tempat buangan limbah pertambangan, sedangkan Perairan Blongko adalah perairan yang relatif bersih dan termasuk dalam Daerah Perlindungan Laut. Analisis logam timbal (Pb) pada air, sedimen, dan thallus alga berdasarkan metode standar American Public Health Association (APHA) dan analisis pigmen klorofil total yaitu dalam aseton 95% dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis konsentrasi logam timbal (Pb) telah terdeteksi pada dua perairan, di sedimen Perairan Blongko sebesar 4,4 ppm dan Perairan Teluk Totok keberadaan logam timbal lima kali lebih banyak yaitu sebesar 22,6 ppm. Analisis logam pada Thallus alga P.australis Hauck di Perairan Teluk Totok sebesar 3,8 ppm, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi timbal (Pb) dalam thallus P. australis Hauck dari Perairan Blongko yaitu sebesar 1,1 ppm. Nilai rata-rata konsentrasi pigmen klorofil a dan c di Perairan Teluk Totok adalah 19.073 g/ml klorofil a dan 1.275 g/ml klorofil c lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata pigmen klorofil di Perairan Blongko yaitu 7.296 g/ml klorofil a dan 0.975 klorofil c. Perairan yang telah terkontaminasi logam, alga yang hidup didalamnya mampu melakukan proses fotosintesis untuk mempertahankan hidup

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Pinang (Areca Catechu L.) Terhadap Kesintasan Telur Keong Mas (Pomacea Canaliculata Lamarck)

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    Keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) merupakan hama potensial tanaman padi sawah yang berkembangbiak dengan sangat cepat sehingga sulit untuk menekan perkembangannya. Salah satu jenis tanaman yang dapat mengendalikan dan menekan populasi hama ini adalah pinang (Areca catechu L). Penelitian tentang pengaruh pemberian ekstrak pinang terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas, telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Undana Kupang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji pinang terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas, (2) nilai LC50 ekstrak biji pinang terhadap mortalitas telur keong mas, (3) nilai LT50­ ekstrak biji pinang terhadap mortalitas telur keong mas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam perlakuan yang terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan analisis probit untuk menghitung LC50 dan LT50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemberian ekstrak pinang efektif dalam menghambat dan mematikan telur keong mas serta memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas. (2) nilai LC50 ekstrak pinang adalah pada konsentrasi 18.899% dengan garis regresi Y=10.56 + 1.98x dan (3) nilai LT50 ekstrak pinang yaitu pada 72,980 jam. Pemanfaatan ekstrak pinang sangat direkomendasikan bagi petani padi sawah yang ingin membasmi hama keong mas

    Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Kendahe Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe (suatu Studi pada Kegiatan Simpan Pinjam Perempuan)

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    Along with the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural, Kec.Kendahe is one of thevillages that became the target of PNPM Rural, which is located in District Kendahe, Sangihe, InKec.Kendahe has established a program called Women's Savings and Loans (SPP) which aims toempower women in the village. In the implementation of PNPM MP frequent problems that led to theimplementation of PNPM MP is not going well.This study aims to determine how the implementation of the National Program for CommunityEmpowerment for Rural and To determine constraints faced in the implementation of the Group Savingsand Loans Women In District Kendahe This study took place in the District Kendahe Sangihe and type ofstudy is a qualitative study with a sample of 15 respondents / informants.The result is that the Implementation Program for Community Empowerment in Poverty Kendahedistricts are judged on seven indicators of assessment in general it turns out that the implementation of theProgramme of Activities of savings and loans in the District Kendahe women has shown a pretty goodrate.From the overall results of the above studies it can be deduced that in the District kendahe inmanaging micro-credit activities of women in poverty alleviation in the district has been successful in itsimplementation because it can be viewed from many members of the group were successful in managingbusinesses that received loans from UPK resulting increase in the standard of living in the family


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    Abstrak: Keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) merupakan hama potensial tanaman padi sawah yang berkembangbiak dengan sangat cepat sehingga sulit untuk menekan perkembangannya. Salah satu jenis tanaman yang dapat mengendalikan dan menekan populasi hama ini adalah pinang (Areca catechu L). Penelitian tentang pengaruh pemberian ekstrak pinang terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas, telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Undana Kupang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji pinang terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas, (2) nilai LC50 ekstrak biji pinang terhadap mortalitas telur keong mas, (3) nilai LT50­ ekstrak biji pinang terhadap mortalitas telur keong mas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam perlakuan yang terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan analisis probit untuk menghitung LC50 dan LT50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemberian ekstrak pinang efektif dalam menghambat dan mematikan telur keong mas serta memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kesintasan telur keong mas. (2) nilai LC50 ekstrak pinang adalah pada konsentrasi 18.899% dengan garis regresi Y=10.56 + 1.98x dan (3) nilai LT50 ekstrak pinang yaitu pada 72,980 jam. Pemanfaatan ekstrak pinang sangat direkomendasikan bagi petani padi sawah yang ingin membasmi hama keong mas.Kata Kunci : A. catechu L., Telur P. canaliculata Lamarck, Kesintasan.Abstract: Golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) has been potential pest for rice plant which quickly develops, therefore it is difficult to stop its growth. One kind of plant which is able to stop the growth is areca (areca catechu L.). The influence of giving areca extract toward the development of golden snail’s eggs has already been done by the Biology Laboratory of Undana Kupang. The aim of the study is to know: 1) the influence of areca extract toward the development of golden snail’s eggs; 2) the LC50 value of areca extract on the mortality og golden snail’s eggs; 3) the LT50 value of areca extract on the mortality of golden snail’s eggs. Random technique was used with six sessions of treatment and three tests were implied. The analysis was done by classifying and also probility to count the value of LC50 and LT50­. The result showed that (1) giving areca extract was effective to restrain and stop the development of golden snail’s eggs and giving obvious influence toward the development of the eggs. (2) the value of LC50 areca extract was on the concentration of 18,899% with the regression was Y=10.56 + 1.98x and (3) the value of LT50 areca extract was on 72.980 hours. Therefore, making of areca extract is highly recommended for farmers especially in the rice field who want to prevent the grouth of golden snail.Keywords : A. catechu L., P. canaliculata Lamarck egg, Survivorship

    Persistence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia after artemisinin combination therapy: evidence from a randomized trial in Uganda

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    Artemisinin resistance is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia. The efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) continues to be excellent across Africa. We performed parasite transcriptional profiling and genotyping on samples from an antimalarial treatment trial in Uganda. We used qRT-PCR and genotyping to characterize residual circulating parasite populations after treatment with either ACT or ACT-primaquine. Transcripts suggestive of circulating ring stage parasites were present after treatment at a prevalence of >25% until at least 14 days post initiation of treatment. Greater than 98% of all ring stage parasites were cleared within the first 3 days, but subsequently persisted at low concentrations until day 14 after treatment. Genotyping demonstrated a significant decrease in multiplicity of infection within the first 2 days in both ACT and ACT-primaquine arms. However, multiple clone infections persisted until day 14 post treatment. Our data suggest the presence of genetically diverse persisting parasite populations after ACT treatment. Although we did not demonstrate clinical treatment failures after ACT and the viability and transmissibility of persisting ring stage parasites remain to be shown, these findings are of relevance for the interpretation of parasite clearance transmission dynamics and for monitoring drug effects in Plasmodium falciparum parasites

    Quantifying immediate carbon emissions from El Nino-mediated wildfires in humid tropical forests

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    Wildfires produce substantial CO2 emissions in the humid tropics during El Niño-mediated extreme droughts, and these emissions are expected to increase in coming decades. Immediate carbon emissions from uncontrolled wildfires in human-modified tropical forests can be considerable owing to high necromass fuel loads. Yet, data on necromass combustion during wildfires are severely lacking. Here, we evaluated necromass carbon stocks before and after the 2015–2016 El Niño in Amazonian forests distributed along a gradient of prior human disturbance. We then used Landsat-derived burn scars to extrapolate regional immediate wildfire CO2 emissions during the 2015–2016 El Niño. Before the El Niño, necromass stocks varied significantly with respect to prior disturbance and were largest in undisturbed primary forests (30.2 ± 2.1 Mg ha−1, mean ± s.e.) and smallest in secondary forests (15.6 ± 3.0 Mg ha−1). However, neither prior disturbance nor our proxy of fire intensity (median char height) explained necromass losses due to wildfires. In our 6.5 million hectare (6.5 Mha) study region, almost 1 Mha of primary (disturbed and undisturbed) and 20 000 ha of secondary forest burned during the 2015–2016 El Niño. Covering less than 0.2% of Brazilian Amazonia, these wildfires resulted in expected immediate CO2 emissions of approximately 30 Tg, three to four times greater than comparable estimates from global fire emissions databases. Uncontrolled understorey wildfires in humid tropical forests during extreme droughts are a large and poorly quantified source of CO2 emissions. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the terrestrial tropical carbon cycle: patterns, mechanisms and implications’

    Evidence for Loss of a Partial Flagellar Glycolytic Pathway during Trypanosomatid Evolution

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    Classically viewed as a cytosolic pathway, glycolysis is increasingly recognized as a metabolic pathway exhibiting surprisingly wide-ranging variations in compartmentalization within eukaryotic cells. Trypanosomatid parasites provide an extreme view of glycolytic enzyme compartmentalization as several glycolytic enzymes are found exclusively in peroxisomes. Here, we characterize Trypanosoma brucei flagellar proteins resembling glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK): we show the latter associates with the axoneme and the former is a novel paraflagellar rod component. The paraflagellar rod is an essential extra-axonemal structure in trypanosomes and related protists, providing a platform into which metabolic activities can be built. Yet, bioinformatics interrogation and structural modelling indicate neither the trypanosome PGK-like nor the GAPDH-like protein is catalytically active. Orthologs are present in a free-living ancestor of the trypanosomatids, Bodo saltans: the PGK-like protein from B. saltans also lacks key catalytic residues, but its GAPDH-like protein is predicted to be catalytically competent. We discuss the likelihood that the trypanosome GAPDH-like and PGK-like proteins constitute molecular evidence for evolutionary loss of a flagellar glycolytic pathway, either as a consequence of niche adaptation or the re-localization of glycolytic enzymes to peroxisomes and the extensive changes to glycolytic flux regulation that accompanied this re-localization. Evidence indicating loss of localized ATP provision via glycolytic enzymes therefore provides a novel contribution to an emerging theme of hidden diversity with respect to compartmentalization of the ubiquitous glycolytic pathway in eukaryotes. A possibility that trypanosome GAPDH-like protein additionally represents a degenerate example of a moonlighting protein is also discussed
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