165 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship Between Daily Steps, Body Mass Index and Physical Self-Esteem in Female Australian Adolescents

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    Current research suggests that a decline in physical activity occurs some time during the adolescent years, but at what specific age is unknown. Determination of the age at which physical activity levels decline and possible contributors to this phenomenon, are needed to increase Australian healthcare knowledge. The participants involved in the study were female adolescents (n = 297) aged 13-15 years from a high school in Southeast Queensland, Australia. The purpose of this study was to: (a) determine mean steps per day, using pedometers, for grade 8 through 10 girls, (b) determine body mass index (BMI) by measuring height (cm) and weight (kg), and (c), using the Children and Youth Physical Self-Perception Profile (CY-PSPP) questionnaire, identify determinants of physical self-worth in Australian female adolescents and their relationship to activity level and BMI. The study revealed that a significant drop-off in pedometer-determined mean daily steps occurred at grade ten, or approximately 15 years of age. A significant inverse relationship between mean daily steps and BMI was found (r = ÂŻ.251, p<.0001). The study also revealed negative correlations between BMI and all self-perceptions (p<.05), except strength, which showed a positive correlation (p<0.05). A positive correlation was found between level of physical activity and all self-perceptions, except Global Self-Worth, which showed no significant difference

    Pond Characteristics and Occupancy by Red-Necked Phalaropes in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Red-necked phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus) breed in Arctic and Subarctic lowlands throughout the circumpolar region. They are highly reliant on shallow freshwater ponds for social interaction, copulation, and foraging for small aquatic invertebrates. Threats related to warmer continental temperatures could lead to encroachment of shrub vegetation and premature drying of wetlands that serve as breeding habitat. We documented patterns of pond use over the breeding season and investigated pond characteristics associated with high occupancy by red-necked phalaropes. Research was conducted during two breeding seasons in a large wetland on Niglintgak Island, located in the mouth of the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories. The frequency of pond occupancy declined between the onset of incubation and average hatch dates. Neither invertebrate assemblages (potential prey) nor physical characteristics (water chemistry and vegetation characteristics) varied significantly between ponds categorized as high-use, low-use, and no-use, in either year. Dry weight of potential prey (g/m3) was higher during the incubation period than during the nest initiation period. Pond occupancy both prior to and during incubation showed a clumped distribution, suggesting that choice of ponds was related in part to social stimulation. Future studies should examine the proximity of ponds to nest sites, the effects of premature drying of ponds on food availability, the distribution of resources surrounding ponds, and the occupancy of ponds by broods during the period preceding fall migration.Les phalaropes Ă  bec Ă©troit (Phalaropus lobatus) se reproduisent dans les basses terres arctiques et subarctiques Ă  l’échelle de la rĂ©gion circumpolaire. Ils dĂ©pendent beaucoup des Ă©tangs d’eau douce peu profonds car c’est lĂ  que se passent leur interaction sociale, la copulation et la consommation de petits invertĂ©brĂ©s aquatiques. Les menaces liĂ©es au rĂ©chauffement des tempĂ©ratures continentales pourraient se traduire par un empiĂštement sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation d’arbrisseaux et l’assĂšchement prĂ©maturĂ© des terrains marĂ©cageux qui servent d’habitat de reproduction. Nous avons documentĂ© les tendances d’utilisation des Ă©tangs pendant la saison de reproduction et avons analysĂ© les caractĂ©ristiques des Ă©tangs frĂ©quentĂ©s par de grands nombres de phalaropes Ă  bec Ă©troit. Notre recherche a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e pendant deux saisons de reproduction sur une vaste zone marĂ©cageuse de l’üle Niglintgak, situĂ©e Ă  l’embouchure du delta du Mackenzie, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. La frĂ©quence de l’achalandage aux Ă©tangs chutait entre le dĂ©but de l’incubation et les dates d’éclosion moyennes. Ni les assemblages d’invertĂ©brĂ©s (proies potentielles) ni les caractĂ©ristiques physiques (chimie de l’eau et caractĂ©ristiques de la vĂ©gĂ©tation) variaient considĂ©rablement entre les Ă©tangs classĂ©s comme Ă©tangs achalandĂ©s, Ă©tangs moins achalandĂ©s ou Ă©tangs pas achalandĂ©s du tout, pendant l’une ou l’autre des annĂ©es. Le poids sec des proies potentielles (g/m3) Ă©tait plus Ă©levĂ© pendant la pĂ©riode d’incubation que pendant la pĂ©riode d’initiation du nid. La rĂ©partition de l’achalandage des Ă©tangs avant et pendant l’incubation Ă©tait contagieuse, ce qui laisse croire que le choix d’étang se faisait, en partie, en fonction de la stimulation sociale. Les Ă©tudes effectuĂ©es Ă  l’avenir devraient examiner la proximitĂ© des Ă©tangs aux nids, les effets de l’assĂšchement prĂ©maturĂ© des Ă©tangs sur la disponibilitĂ© de nourriture, la rĂ©partition des ressources entourant les Ă©tangs et l’achalandage des Ă©tangs par les couvĂ©es pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©cĂ©dant la migration automnale

    Spiers Memorial Lecture: Molecular mechanics and molecular electronics

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    We describe our research into building integrated molecular electronics circuitry for a diverse set of functions, and with a focus on the fundamental scientific issues that surround this project. In particular, we discuss experiments aimed at understanding the function of bistable [2]rotaxane molecular electronic switches by correlating the switching kinetics and ground state thermodynamic properties of those switches in various environments, ranging from the solution phase to a Langmuir monolayer of the switching molecules sandwiched between two electrodes. We discuss various devices, low bit-density memory circuits, and ultra-high density memory circuits that utilize the electrochemical switching characteristics of these molecules in conjunction with novel patterning methods. We also discuss interconnect schemes that are capable of bridging the micrometre to submicrometre length scales of conventional patterning approaches to the near-molecular length scales of the ultra-dense memory circuits. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges associated with fabricated ultra-dense molecular electronic integrated circuits

    Matched and Mismatched Cognitive Appraisals in Patients with Breast Cancer and their Partners: Implications for Psychological Distress

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    The present study sought to identify couples’ cognitive appraisals of breast cancer and the extent to which matched or mismatched appraisals within a couple contribute to distress. Women with breast cancer (n = 57) and their partners completed the Cognitive Appraisals of Health Scale along with two self-report measures of distress, the Profile of Mood States and the Impact of Events Scale. Four groups were created based on their cognitive appraisals. Couples where both patient and partner scored highest on challenge or benign appraisals formed the positive outlook group (P+S+); when both scored highest on threat or harm/loss they formed the negative outlook group (P-S-). In the mismatched groups the patient had a positive outlook and their partner had a negative outlook (P+S-), or vice versa (P-S+). In general, lower distress was related to participants’ own positive outlook. Higher distress for patients was found in the matched group P-S-; for partners it was found in the mismatched group P+S-. These findings suggest partner effects for both patients and partners. When the patient had a negative outlook, a partner negative outlook was associated with the highest psychological distress. When the partner had a negative outlook, a patient positive outlook was associated with the highest psychological distress. There are several possible explanations for these findings, each with different implications for clinical practice. Future research with different groups of cancer patients and longitudinal, mixed methods designs may clarify their meaning

    Supporting STEM Education in the School Library with Digital Tools

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    The prominence of technology in STEM education provides opportunities for teacher librarians to collaborate with teachers across multiple disciplines and embrace leadership roles through integrating digital tools for teaching and learning. This presentation will discuss work from the federally funded REALISD project which is providing professional development for K-12 teacher librarians for designing and facilitating STEM learning in their schools. Participants will learn about locating, accessing, and evaluating digital resources, along with strategies for utilizing resources to provide learning experiences in the STEM areas through both formal and informal instruction

    Learning Behavior of Memristor-Based Neuromorphic Circuits in the Presence of Radiation

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    In this paper, a feed-forward spiking neural network with memristive synapses is designed to learn a spatio-temporal pattern representing the 25-pixel character ‘B’ by separating correlated and uncorrelated afferents. The network uses spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) learning behavior, which is implemented using biphasic neuron spikes. A TiO2 memristor non-linear drift model is used to simulate synaptic behavior in the neuromorphic circuit. The network uses a many-to-one topology with 25 pre-synaptic neurons (afferent) each connected to a memristive synapse and one post-synaptic neuron. The memristor model is modified to include the experimentally observed effect of state-altering radiation. During the learning process, irradiation of the memristors alters their conductance state, and the effect on circuit learning behavior is determined. Radiation is observed to generally increase the synaptic weight of the memristive devices, making the network connections more conductive and less stable. However, the network appears to relearn the pattern when radiation ceases but does take longer to resolve the correlation and pattern. Network recovery time is proportional to flux, intensity, and duration of the radiation. Further, at lower but continuous radiation exposure, (flux 1x1010 cm−2 s−1 and below), the circuit resolves the pattern successfully for up to 100 s

    Abemaciclib in Combination with Single-Agent Options in Patients with Stage IV Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase Ib Study

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    Purpose: Abemaciclib, a dual inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6, has demonstrated preclinical activity in non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A multicenter, nonrandomized, open-label phase Ib study was conducted to test safety, MTD, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary antitumor activity of abemaciclib in combination with other therapies for treatment in patients with metastatic NSCLC. Patients and Methods: An initial dose escalation phase was used to determine the MTD of twice-daily oral abemaciclib (150, 200 mg) plus pemetrexed, gemcitabine, or ramucirumab, followed by an expansion phase for each drug combination. Pemetrexed and gemcitabine were administered according to label. The abemaciclib plus ramucirumab study examined two dosing schedules. Results: The three study parts enrolled 86 patients; all received ≄1 dose of combination therapy. Across arms, the most common treatment-emergent adverse events were fatigue, diarrhea, neutropenia, decreased appetite, and nausea. The trial did not identify an abemaciclib MTD for the combination with pemetrexed or gemcitabine but did so for the combination of abemaciclib with days 1 and 8 ramucirumab (8 mg/kg). Plasma sample analysis showed that abemaciclib did not influence the pharmacokinetics of the combination agents and the combination agents did not affect abemaciclib exposure. The disease control rate was 57% for patients treated with abemaciclib–pemetrexed, 25% for abemaciclib–gemcitabine, and 54% for abemaciclib–ramucirumab. Median progression-free survival was 5.55, 1.58, and 4.83 months, respectively. Conclusions: Abemaciclib demonstrated an acceptable safety profile when dosed on a continuous twice-daily schedule in combination with pemetrexed, gemcitabine, or ramucirumab. Abemaciclib exposures remained consistent with those observed in single-agent studies

    Polymeric synthetic nanoparticles for the induction of antigen-specific immunological tolerance

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    Current treatments to control pathological or unwanted immune responses often use broadly immunosuppressive drugs. New approaches to induce antigen-specific immunological tolerance that control both cellular and humoral immune responses are desirable. Here we describe the use of synthetic, biodegradable nanoparticles carrying either protein or peptide antigens and a tolerogenic immunomodulator, rapamycin, to induce durable and antigen-specific immune tolerance, even in the presence of potent Toll-like receptor agonists. Treatment with tolerogenic nanoparticles results in the inhibition of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell activation, an increase in regulatory cells, durable B-cell tolerance resistant to multiple immunogenic challenges, and the inhibition of antigen-specific hypersensitivity reactions, relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, and antibody responses against coagulation factor VIII in hemophilia A mice, even in animals previously sensitized to antigen. Only encapsulated rapamycin, not the free form, could induce immunological tolerance. Tolerogenic nanoparticle therapy represents a potential novel approach for the treatment of allergies, autoimmune diseases, and prevention of antidrug antibodies against biologic therapies.Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Internationa

    Combining energy efficiency measure approaches and occupancy patterns in building modelling in the UK residential context

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    The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-treat solid walled dwellings. In this work, we investigate the delivery of heated thermal comfort with a lower energy demand through four types of energy efficiency interventions: passive system, conversion device, method of service control, and level of service demanded. These are compared for three distinct household occupancy patterns, corresponding to a working family, a working couple and a daytime-present couple. Energy efficiency measures are considered singly and in combination, to study whether multiple lower cost measures can achieve comparable savings to higher cost individual measures. Scenarios are simulated using engineering building modelling software TRNSYS with data taken from literature. Upgraded insulation of wall and roof resulted in highest savings in all occupancy scenarios, but comparable savings were calculated for reduced internal temperature and partial spatial heating in scenarios in which the house is not at maximum capacity. Zonal heating control is expected to achieve greatest savings for the working couple who had a flexible occupancy pattern. The results from this modelling work show the extent to which energy consumption depends on the appropriate matching between energy efficiency measures and occupant type
