22 research outputs found

    Learning Anatomy with Augmented Reality: learning design and app design for optimal learning

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    An Augmented Reality (AR) application was developed to help students at SDU to learn the anatomy of the human body (mediastinum). This research project intended to evaluate whether AR strengthened the students’ self-efficacy and motivation, improved learning, and provided a good learning experience. This study focusses on how AR can help students to translate two-dimensional into three-dimensional understanding and evaluates formats of the app (the use of quizzes) together with the didactic design of the teaching sessions with AR. The objectives were to examine A. the effectiveness of using AR on student’s short, long term, and transfer learning outcome compared with traditional teaching, B. the effect of quizzes, and C. app design in relation to didactic design. In the AR world students saw a standardized hologram body combined with selected images from a computed tomography (CT) scan. The CT images were presented at the proper spatial positions in a hologram body. The user could select which structures to be shown at the body (e.g. skin, the vascular system, etc.). They could approach the body, circumvent it, study structures in details and compare the concurrent presentation with the different CT images. During class one group received traditional teaching and two groups studied CT scans in Augmented Reality. One AR-group complemented the AR app with quiz questions and received corrective feedback. The other AR group did not use quiz questions but studied content on their own hand. A teacher was present and ready to help students in all groups. The aim of this paper is to share lessons learned from this intervention and suggest solutions for app design and learning design to facilitate deeper learning processes and scaffold learners’ needs with AR as a learning resource


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    This research analyzes the most important factors and variables that affect the assessment and quantification of the environmental costs produced by fracking, and its impact in an environmental, economic and social context in the municipality of Chiquinquirá (Boyacá). In the rural area of Chiquinquirá, this practice of exploiting unconventional hydrocarbons has generated different problems at a social, economic and environmental level, causing a significant detriment to the well-being of the population in this sector in the country, both for the environment as for the quality of life of the inhabitants. The methodology was developed under a descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. The results obtained show the most relevant indicators that affect the assessment of environmental costs by the company that is carrying out fracking in the rural area of the municipality of Chiquinquirá (Boyacá).Esta investigación analiza los factores y variables más importantes que inciden en la valoración y cuantificación de los costos ambientales producidos por el fracking, y su impacto en un contexto ambiental, económico y social en el municipio de Chiquinquirá (Boyacá). En la zona rural de Chiquinquirá esta práctica de explotación de hidrocarburos no convencionales ha generado diferentes problemáticas a nivel social, económico y del medio ambiente, ocasionando un detrimento importante en el bienestar de la población de este sector en el país, tanto para el medio ambiente como para la calidad de vida de los habitantes. La metodología se desarrolló bajo un análisis descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian los indicadores más relevantes que inciden en la valoración de los costos ambientales por parte de la empresa que está realizando fracking en la zona rural del municipio de Chiquinquirá (Boyacá)

    Effects of the Santorini (Thera) eruption on manganese behavior in Holocene sediments of the eastern Mediterranean

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    The explosive eruption on the island of Santorini in 1630 B.C. in Minoan times had a large environmental impact over the eastern Mediterranean region. It has even been suggested that the Mn-enriched layer (the “Marker Bed”) above the most recent sapropel (S1) in sediments of a crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge gained Mn from a hydrothermal source related to the Santorini eruption. Radiocarbon dating of two cores from this area sampled at high resolution demonstrate that this large Mn peak in fact pre-dates the Santorini event by 2.8 ky and forms part of a pattern seen in Mn profiles from all over the eastern Mediterranean. This same Mn profile shape is altered in areas that experienced substantial deposits of either the tephra layer emitted by the Santorini eruption or the turbidites that were triggered by it. Evidence of both of these perturbations is readily identified from compositional element/Al and Sr/Ca profiles that are distinct from those of the enclosing sediments. In one core with a 37 cm thick Santorini ash layer an oxidation front succeeded in penetrating the whole ash layer after emplacement to form a Mn peak but is now retreating. In cores where thin (< 15 cm) Santorini turbidites or ash layers lie above S1, oxidation fronts initially form additional Mn peaks on top of the turbidites and subsequently alter the characteristic double peaked Mn profile shape usually observed above sapropel S1

    A institucionalização da educação permanente no programa de saúde da família: uma experiência municipal inovadora The institutionalization of permanent education in the family health program: an innovative municipal experience

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    O Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), adotado pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Vitória (ES) como estratégia de estruturação da atenção primária, tem exigido de seus profissionais conhecimentos e habilidades em geral não valorizados em sua formação acadêmica. Além disso, a oferta constante de novos conceitos e tecnologias e a demanda da população por um serviço de saúde adequado às suas necessidades requerem do profissional da saúde aperfeiçoamento contínuo. A Secretaria de Saúde do município, respondendo a essas necessidades, implantou em 2001 e institucionalizou em 2003 o Programa de Educação Permanente (PEP) para os profissionais de nível superior das equipes de saúde da família. Esse programa tem pautado sua atuação em uma nova concepção de educação continuada, envolvendo aprendizagem contextualizada baseada em evidências e realizada através de metodologias inovadoras, como a revisão entre pares e a aprendizagem baseada em problemas.<br>The Family Health Program, which was adopted by the Municipal Health Secretariat of the city of Vitória, in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, as a strategy for structuring municipal primary health care, has been requiring its professionals to have knowledge and skills that are generally not stressed in their academic education. Moreover, the constant input of new concepts and technologies and the demand of the population for health services that are appropriate for their specific needs require health professionals to constantly improve. The municipal health secretariat, responding to these needs, has implemented in 2001 (and institutionalized in 2003) the Permanent Education program for graduate professionals of the Family Health Program staff. This program's actions have been guided by a new notion of continued education, which involves evidence-based contextualized learning that uses innovative methodologies such as peer reviewing and problem-based learning