261 research outputs found

    Stimulating the Brain : Ethical Perspectives on Deep Brain Stimulation & Nano Scaled Brain Machine Interfaces

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    This thesis addresses some of the ethical concerns raised by connecting man and machine through so called Brain-Machine Interfaces, BMIs, elaborate brain implants that may both further our knowledge of the brain and alleviate neurological dysfunction and impairments. The primary foci have been to address urgent and prominent concerns elicited by BMIs; to critically evaluate arguments relevant to an ethical analysis of Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS; and to address and develop ignored or underrepresented perspectives of importance in an ethical analysis of DBS. The main method used in the analysis is ‘embedded ethics’. This method was developed during the doctoral project, to answer the specific research questions examined in paper I-IV, and builds on methodology such as empirical ethics and casuistry. The purpose of ‘embedded ethics’ is not to derive final conclusions or action guidance regarding a technology as such, but to identify, critically assess and problematize central ethical concerns elicited by new and emerging technologies, and to detect and address the lacunas in the current debate. Some key contributions of this thesis to the fields of nanoethics, neuroethics and bioethics are: to introduce the distinction between inherent and noninherent ethical concerns to elaborate on upcoming and future ethical concerns elicited by DBS; to identify biases, for instance as regards technology, time, speculative scenarios, and authenticity, that may distort an ethical analysis of DBS; to argue for the duty of ethicists analysing bioethical concerns to acknowledge the necessity of acquiring sufficient knowledge of the scientific/biological subject matter of analysis, knowledge either achievable by being an ‘embedded ethicist’ or through a firm dedication to understanding the particulars and contextual impact factors specific to the subject of analysis

    "Man skriver liksom inte bara" ­ En kartlÀggning av skrivprocessen dÄ tre barn i Äldern 8-9 Är med hjÀlp av berÀttarmallar fÄr skapa en barnbok.

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att kartlÀgga en skrivprocess dÀr tre barn i Äldern 8-9 Är fÄr skapa en barnbok med hjÀlp av berÀttarmallar och en författarskola. Vi kommer att genomföra ett undervisningsförsök dÀr de medverkande barnen fÄr utvÀrdera processen och produkten. Vi vill Àven undersöka vad andra barn anser om barnboken. FrÄgestÀllningar: Hur ser barnens skrivprocess ut under arbetet med barnboken? Vad tycker de skrivande barnen om skrivprocessen och resultatet? Vad tycker andra barn om resultatet av barnboken? Metod: Skribententerna som ingick i studien fick föra loggbok, delta i intervjuer, observeras och svara pÄ frÄgor skriftligt. Vi har Àven analyserat barnens skrivprocess under barnboksarbetet, frÄn förarbete till fÀrdig produkt. För att fÄ reda pÄ vad andra barn tyckte om resultatet av barnboken fick barn frÄn tre olika skolklasser svara pÄ enkÀtfrÄgor kring barnboken. Resultat: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att anvÀndandet av tankekartan under förarbetet varit gynnsamt för barnens skrivprocess. NÀr det gÀller samförfattandet observerade vi att de hjÀlpte varandra att formulera sina tankar i ord och att samtal mellan dem bidrog till att förbÀttra berÀttelsen. Bearbetandet av texten vÀckte till viss del motstÄnd dÄ barnen upplevde det som besvÀrligt att gÄ tillbaka i texten och göra Àndringar. De författande barnen var nöjda med sitt resultat och att de sjÀlva ansÄg att de utvecklats som skribenter. EnkÀtundersökningen tyder pÄ att majoriteten av tillfrÄgade barnen uppskattade barnboken. Betydelse för lÀraryrket: Med de erfarenheter vi fÄtt genom detta examensarbete kan vi i vÄrt kommande yrke som lÀrare skapa goda förutsÀttningar för elevers skrivutveckling enligt skrivprocessen. En viktig slutsats vi kan dra utifrÄn resultatet Àr förarbete med tankekartor Àr vÀl anvÀnd förberedelsetid inför skrivandet

    A burial place for ashes - a contemporary burial practice : design proposal of a new burial place for ashes in the North cemetary of Lund

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    Detta Àr ett kandidatarbete i trÀdgÄrdsdesign. Arbetet Àr ett gestaltningsförslag av en askgravplats pÄ Norra kyrkogÄrden i Lund. Syftet med examensarbetet Àr att göra en gestaltning som samspelar med omgivningens gröna kulturarv för att möta det framtida behovet av fler askgravplatser. UtgÄngspunkten i examensarbetet Àr ett uppdrag frÄn KyrkogÄrdsförvaltningen i Lund. Uppdraget gÄr ut pÄ att göra ett gestaltningsförslag för Kvarter 22 pÄ Norra kyrkogÄrden. Följande frÄgestÀllningar ska besvaras: Hur införlivas en ny askgravplats pÄ Norra kyrkogÄrden i Lund med hÀnsyn till omgivningens kulturhistoria? Vilka faktorer bör man ta hÀnsyn till i gestaltningen? MÄlet med arbetet Àr att presentera en realistisk och genomförbar plan för den nya askgravplatsen. Gestaltningsförslaget ska samspela med sin omgivning, vara estetiskt tilltalande, vara funktionellt och skötseleffektivt. För att kunna besvara frÄgestÀllningarna har en litteratur-studie gjorts som bland annat behandlar den svenska kyrkogÄrdens historia, Norra kyrkogÄrdens utveckling frÄn invigningen 1816 och framÄt. Begreppet kulturhistoria och kulturminneslagen har varit viktiga undersökningsomrÄden samt faktorer som man bör ta hÀnsyn till vid en gestaltning. I sjÀlva gestaltningsprocessen har metoden varit inventering, analys och förslag. Konceptet Àr att bevara platsens öppenhet och samtidigt skapa ett omslutande rum dÀr anhöriga vill vara och minnas den avlidne. I gestaltningsförslaget bibehÄlls den öppna grÀsmattan. Runt hela platsen planteras en idegranshÀck i tvÄ olika höjder. Sittplatser och smyckningsplatser placeras i anslutning till befintliga gÄngar. TrÀddungar utgör blickfÄng i grÀsytan och i hÀcken mot söder planteras gulbladigt korstörne. Gestaltningsförslaget tar hÀnsyn till omgivningens kulturhistoria samtidigt som andra viktiga faktorer vÀgs in i förslaget

    White clover pollinators and seed set in relation to local management and landscape context

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    Bees are declining, which is worrisome since they both have intrinsic conservation value and play a major role as pollinators in both natural and managed ecosystems. Land use change and lack of suitable habitats are often suggested as driving forces of bee decline. To propose mitigation measures to halt bee decline, it is important to understand how land use relates to bee abundance and diversity, and to explore consequences for their provision of pollination services. White clover, Trifolium repens, is an outcrossing mass-flowering crop, which could serve as an abundant, although ephemeral, food resource for bees. We investigated how the bee community in 39 fields of white clover grown for seed, related to local field management (organic, conventional without insecticides and conventional with insecticides) and landscape context (proportion semi -natural land), and how this pollinator community related to white clover seed set. The honey bee, Apis mellifera, was the most commonly observed bee species, and two generalist bumble bee species, Bombus terrestris and B. lapidarius, were the subsequently most common. We observed fewer non -Apis bees, and a lower bee species richness in organic white clover seed fields compared to conventional fields independent of insecticide treatment. Bee species richness in both conventional and organic fields were positively related to the proportion of semi -natural land in the landscape, likely because of a larger species pool in such landscapes. Initial seed set in immature inflorescences was positively related to bee abundance, whereas final seed set in mature inflorescences was unrelated to bee abundance, possibly as a consequence of seed-eating weevils consuming a large proportion of the seeds. We conclude that both bee visitation and seed set in white clover benefit from conventional management and that landscapes rich in seminatural habitats will make future crop production more resilient. The observed positive relationship between bee abundance and initial seed set suggests that if we can mitigate pest impacts and increase bee abundance in clover seed fields, the final seed yield can be increased. Thus, bee decline should be considered and mitigated both to maintain biodiversity in general and for crop seed production specifically

    Psychometric Evaluation of the HIV Stigma Scale in a Swedish Context

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    Background HIV-related stigma has negative consequences for infected people's lives and is a barrier to HIV prevention. Therefore valid and reliable instruments to measure stigma are needed to enable mapping of HIV stigma. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the HIV stigma scale in a Swedish context with regard to construct validity, data quality, and reliability. Methods The HIV stigma scale, developed by Berger, Ferrans, and Lashley (2001), was distributed to a cross-sectional sample of people living with HIV in Sweden (n = 194). The psychometric evaluation included exploratory factor analysis together with an analysis of the distribution of scores, convergent validity by correlations between the HIV stigma scale and measures of emotional well-being, and an analysis of missing items and floor and ceiling effects. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's α. Results The exploratory factor analysis suggested a four-factor solution, similar to the original scale, with the dimensions personalised stigma, disclosure concerns, negative self-image, and concerns with public attitudes. One item had unacceptably low loadings and was excluded. Correlations between stigma dimensions and emotional well-being were all in the expected direction and ranged between −0.494 and −0.210. The instrument generated data of acceptable quality except for participants who had not disclosed their HIV status to anybody. In line with the original scale, all subscales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach's α 0.87–0.96. Conclusion A 39-item version of the HIV stigma scale used in a Swedish context showed satisfactory construct validity and reliability. Response alternatives are suggested to be slightly revised for items assuming the disclosure of diagnosis to another person. We recommend that people that have not disclosed should skip all questions belonging to the dimension personalised stigma. Our analysis confirmed construct validity of the instrument even without this dimension

    Sex differences in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after adenoviral vaccination against COVID-19

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    Introduction: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (CVST-VITT) is a severe disease with high mortality. There are few data on sex differences in CVST-VITT. The aim of our study was to investigate the differences in presentation, treatment, clinical course, complications, and outcome of CVST-VITT between women and men. Patients and methods: We used data from an ongoing international registry on CVST-VITT. VITT was diagnosed according to the Pavord criteria. We compared the characteristics of CVST-VITT in women and men. Results: Of 133 patients with possible, probable, or definite CVST-VITT, 102 (77%) were women. Women were slightly younger [median age 42 (IQR 28–54) vs 45 (28–56)], presented more often with coma (26% vs 10%) and had a lower platelet count at presentation [median (IQR) 50x109/L (28–79) vs 68 (30–125)] than men. The nadir platelet count was lower in women [median (IQR) 34 (19–62) vs 53 (20–92)]. More women received endovascular treatment than men (15% vs 6%). Rates of treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins were similar (63% vs 66%), as were new venous thromboembolic events (14% vs 14%) and major bleeding complications (30% vs 20%). Rates of good functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale 0-2, 42% vs 45%) and in-hospital death (39% vs 41%) did not differ. Discussion and conclusions: Three quarters of CVST-VITT patients in this study were women. Women were more severely affected at presentation, but clinical course and outcome did not differ between women and men. VITT-specific treatments were overall similar, but more women received endovascular treatment.</p

    Sex differences in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after adenoviral vaccination against COVID-19

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    Introduction: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (CVST-VITT) is a severe disease with high mortality. There are few data on sex differences in CVST-VITT. The aim of our study was to investigate the differences in presentation, treatment, clinical course, complications, and outcome of CVST-VITT between women and men. Patients and methods: We used data from an ongoing international registry on CVST-VITT. VITT was diagnosed according to the Pavord criteria. We compared the characteristics of CVST-VITT in women and men. Results: Of 133 patients with possible, probable, or definite CVST-VITT, 102 (77%) were women. Women were slightly younger [median age 42 (IQR 28–54) vs 45 (28–56)], presented more often with coma (26% vs 10%) and had a lower platelet count at presentation [median (IQR) 50x109/L (28–79) vs 68 (30–125)] than men. The nadir platelet count was lower in women [median (IQR) 34 (19–62) vs 53 (20–92)]. More women received endovascular treatment than men (15% vs 6%). Rates of treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins were similar (63% vs 66%), as were new venous thromboembolic events (14% vs 14%) and major bleeding complications (30% vs 20%). Rates of good functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale 0-2, 42% vs 45%) and in-hospital death (39% vs 41%) did not differ. Discussion and conclusions: Three quarters of CVST-VITT patients in this study were women. Women were more severely affected at presentation, but clinical course and outcome did not differ between women and men. VITT-specific treatments were overall similar, but more women received endovascular treatment.</p
