589 research outputs found

    Engineering management of early stage warship design

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    Warship Feasibility Studies are highly complex projects. The thesis attempts to highlight the relevant factors inherent within industry and academia and then derives a methodology for managing early stage warship design. The initial data were gathered at the VT shipyard by interviewing key personnel. The collected data are then analysed using the MS Visio flowchart package to create input/output diagrams for all existing areas of work. Identifying explicit and implicit links allows the existing areas of work to be linked and inherent areas to be identified. The resulting connection diagrams are then analysed and compared with existing literature. The analysis results in the creation of several loops depicting the data flow during the assessment phase.Two case studies are carried out to further refine the developed interface model. This model is further improved by carrying out in-depth investigations into previously neglected design factors. A series of algorithms are developed that can be used to determine balanced designs for corvettes and fast attack craft. These algorithms are used to identify factors and events that need extra attention during the design process. Different tools for managing the dataflow across the identified interfaces are researched and a set of control mechanisms is described in more detail. One mechanism, Margins, is further investigated using the developed algorithms in combination with knowledge obtained at VT to determine suitable margin ranges and applications.The results from the interface analysis and interface management studies are combined to derive a management methodology, consisting of a project schedule, a set of functional flowcharts and an accompanying guidance manual. This methodology is tested and validated on a design study. The results from the validation are used to determine any required changes to the methodology. The developed methodology is found to provide an effective tool for managers and designers during the early stages of warship design in a defence environment

    On the asymptotics of the α\alpha-Farey transfer operator

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    We study the asymptotics of iterates of the transfer operator for non-uniformly hyperbolic α\alpha-Farey maps. We provide a family of observables which are Riemann integrable, locally constant and of bounded variation, and for which the iterates of the transfer operator, when applied to one of these observables, is not asymptotic to a constant times the wandering rate on the first element of the partition α\alpha. Subsequently, sufficient conditions on observables are given under which this expected asymptotic holds. In particular, we obtain an extension theorem which establishes that, if the asymptotic behaviour of iterates of the transfer operator is known on the first element of the partition α\alpha, then the same asymptotic holds on any compact set bounded away from the indifferent fixed point

    A Fr\'{e}chet law and an Erd\"os-Philipp law for maximal cuspidal windings

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    In this paper we establish a Fr\'{e}chet law for maximal cuspidal windings of the geodesic flow on a Riemannian surface associated with an arbitrary finitely generated, essentially free Fuchsian group with parabolic elements. This result extends previous work by Galambos and Dolgopyat and is obtained by applying Extreme Value Theory. Subsequently, we show that this law gives rise to an Erd\"os-Philipp law and to various generalised Khintchine-type results for maximal cuspidal windings. These results strengthen previous results by Sullivan, Stratmann and Velani for Kleinian groups, and extend earlier work by Philipp on continued fractions, which was inspired by a conjecture of Erd\"os

    A branching gene regulatory network dictating different aspects of a neuronal cell identity

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    The nervous system displays a daunting cellular diversity. Neuronal subtypes differ from each other in several aspects, including their neurotransmitter expression and axon projection. These aspects can converge, but can also diverge, such that neurons expressing the same neurotransmitter may project axons to different targets. It is not well understood how regulatory programs converge/diverge to associate/dissociate different cell fate features. Studies of the Drosophila Tv1 neurons have identified a regulatory cascade, ladybird early→collier→apterous/eyes absent→dimmed, that specifies Tv1 neurotransmitter expression. Here, we conduct genetic and transcriptome analysis to address how other aspects of Tv1 cell fate are governed. We find that an initiator terminal selector gene triggers a feedforward loop that branches into different subroutines, each of which establishes different features of this one unique neuronal cell fate

    Measuring, Understanding, and Classifying News Media Sympathy on Twitter after Crisis Events

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    This paper investigates bias in coverage between Western and Arab media on Twitter after the November 2015 Beirut and Paris terror attacks. Using two Twitter datasets covering each attack, we investigate how Western and Arab media differed in coverage bias, sympathy bias, and resulting information propagation. We crowdsourced sympathy and sentiment labels for 2,390 tweets across four languages (English, Arabic, French, German), built a regression model to characterize sympathy, and thereafter trained a deep convolutional neural network to predict sympathy. Key findings show: (a) both events were disproportionately covered (b) Western media exhibited less sympathy, where each media coverage was more sympathetic towards the country affected in their respective region (c) Sympathy predictions supported ground truth analysis that Western media was less sympathetic than Arab media (d) Sympathetic tweets do not spread any further. We discuss our results in light of global news flow, Twitter affordances, and public perception impact.Comment: In Proc. CHI 2018 Papers program. Please cite: El Ali, A., Stratmann, T., Park, S., Sch\"oning, J., Heuten, W. & Boll, S. (2018). Measuring, Understanding, and Classifying News Media Sympathy on Twitter after Crisis Events. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3173574.317413

    Experimental study of the role of physicochemical surface processing on the IN ability of mineral dust particles

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    During the measurement campaign FROST 2 (FReezing Of duST 2), the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS) was used to investigate the influence of various surface modifications on the ice nucleating ability of Arizona Test Dust (ATD) particles in the immersion freezing mode. The dust particles were exposed to sulfuric acid vapor, to water vapor with and without the addition of ammonia gas, and heat using a thermodenuder operating at 250 °C. Size selected, quasi monodisperse particles with a mobility diameter of 300 nm were fed into LACIS and droplets grew on these particles such that each droplet contained a single particle. Temperature dependent frozen fractions of these droplets were determined in a temperature range between −40 °C ≤T≤−28 °C. The pure ATD particles nucleated ice over a broad temperature range with their freezing behavior being separated into two freezing branches characterized through different slopes in the frozen fraction vs. temperature curves. Coating the ATD particles with sulfuric acid resulted in the particles' IN potential significantly decreasing in the first freezing branch (T>−35 °C) and a slight increase in the second branch (T≤−35 °C). The addition of water vapor after the sulfuric acid coating caused the disappearance of the first freezing branch and a strong reduction of the IN ability in the second freezing branch. The presence of ammonia gas during water vapor exposure had a negligible effect on the particles' IN ability compared to the effect of water vapor. Heating in the thermodenuder led to a decreased IN ability of the sulfuric acid coated particles for both branches but the additional heat did not or only slightly change the IN ability of the pure ATD and the water vapor exposed sulfuric acid coated particles. In other words, the combination of both sulfuric acid and water vapor being present is a main cause for the ice active surface features of the ATD particles being destroyed. A possible explanation could be the chemical transformation of ice active metal silicates to metal sulfates. The strongly enhanced reaction between sulfuric acid and dust in the presence of water vapor and the resulting significant reductions in IN potential are of importance for atmospheric ice cloud formation. Our findings suggest that the IN concentration can decrease by up to one order of magnitude for the conditions investigated

    Бюллетень новых поступлений за август 2016 года

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    Background: Astrocyte elevated gene 1 (AEG-1), an important oncogene, has been shown to be overexpressed in several types of cancers. In colorectal cancer (CRC), the protein level of AEG-1 is up-regulated in tumour tissue compared to normal mucosa, showing prognostic significance. Since little is known about the transcriptional level of AEG-1 expression and its biological pathway in CRC the aim of the present study was to examine the relationship of AEG-1 mRNA expression, the protein level and clinicopathological variables as well as its biology pathway in CRC. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanMaterial and methods: The mRNA expression of AEG-1 was analysed by qPCR in fresh frozen patient samples including 156 primary tumours, along with the corresponding normal mucosa, and in five colon cancer cell lines, SW480, SW620, KM12C, KM12SM and KM12L4a. AEG-1 protein expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded materials from 74 distant normal mucosa, 107 adjacent mucosa, 158 primary tumour, 35 lymph node metastasis and 9 liver metastasis samples. In addition, the AEG-1 protein expression was elucidated in the cell lines by Western blot. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanResults: The lymph node metastatic cell line SW620 had a significantly higher AEG-1 mRNA (0.27 +/- 0.02) expression compared to the primary tumour cell line SW480 (0.17 +/- 0.04, p = 0.026). AEG-1 expression at the mRNA level and/or the protein level was significantly up-regulated gradually from normal mucosa to primary CRC, and then to lymph node metastasis and finally to liver metastasis (p andlt; 0.05). There were significant associations of AEG-1 mRNA expression with tumour location (p = 0.047), as well as mRNA and protein expression with the tumour stage (p andlt; 0.03). Furthermore AEG-1 protein expression was positively related to biological variables including NF-kappa B, p73, Rad50 and apoptosis (p andlt; 0.05). less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanConclusion: AEG-1 is up-regulated, at the mRNA and the protein level, during CRC development and aggressiveness, and is related to tumour location and stage. It may play its role in CRC through the NF-kappa B signaling pathway.Funding Agencies|Swedish Cancer Foundation||Swedish Research Council||Health Research Council in the South-East of Sweden||</p

    Exploring variability in basal ganglia connectivity with functional MRI in healthy aging.

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    Changes in functional connectivity (FC) measured using resting state fMRI within the basal ganglia network (BGN) have been observed in pathologies with altered neurotransmitter systems and conditions involving motor control and dopaminergic processes. However, less is known about non-disease factors affecting FC in the BGN. The aim of this study was to examine associations of FC within the BGN with dopaminergic processes in healthy older adults. We explored the relationship between FC in the BGN and variables related to demographics, impulsive behavior, self-paced tasks, mood, and motor correlates in 486 participants in the Whitehall-II imaging sub-study using both region-of-interest- and voxel-based approaches. Age was the only correlate of FC in the BGN that was consistently significant with both analyses. The observed adverse effect of aging on FC may relate to alterations of the dopaminergic system, but no unique dopamine-related function seemed to have a link with FC beyond those detectable in and linearly correlated with healthy aging