11 research outputs found

    Are olfactory cues involved in nest recognition in two social species of estrildid finches?

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    Krause ET, Caspers B. Are olfactory cues involved in nest recognition in two social species of estrildid finches? PLoS ONE. 2012;7(5): e36615.Reliably recognizing their own nest provides parents with a necessary skill to invest time and resources efficiently in raising their offspring and thereby maximising their own reproductive success. Studies investigating nest recognition in adult birds have focused mainly on visual cues of the nest or the nest site and acoustic cues of the nestlings. To determine whether adult songbirds also use olfaction for nest recognition, we investigated the use of olfactory nest cues for two estrildid finch species, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica) during the nestling and fledgling phase of their offspring. We found similar behavioural responses to nest odours in both songbird species. Females preferred the odour of their own nest over a control and avoided the foreign conspecific nest scent over a control during the nestling phase of their offspring, but when given the own odour and the foreign conspecific odour simultaneously we did not find a preference for the own nest odour. Males of both species did not show any preferences at all. The behavioural reaction to any nest odour decreased after fledging of the offspring. Our results show that only females show a behavioural response to olfactory nest cues, indicating that the use of olfactory cues for nest recognition seems to be sex-specific and dependent on the developmental stage of the offspring. Although estrildid finches are known to use visual and acoustic cues for nest recognition, the similar behavioural pattern of both species indicates that at least females gain additional information by olfactory nest cues during the nestling phase of their offspring. Thus olfactory cues might be important in general, even in situations in which visual and acoustic cues are known to be sufficient

    High-molecular-weight organic matter in the particles of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

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    International audienceThe presence of solid carbonaceous matter in cometary dust was established by the detection of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in particles from comet 1P/Halley1, 2. Such matter is generally thought to have originated in the interstellar medium3, but it might have formed in the solar nebula—the cloud of gas and dust that was left over after the Sun formed4. This solid carbonaceous material cannot be observed from Earth, so it has eluded unambiguous characterization5. Many gaseous organic molecules, however, have been observed6, 7, 8, 9; they come mostly from the sublimation of ices at the surface or in the subsurface of cometary nuclei8. These ices could have been formed from material inherited from the interstellar medium that suffered little processing in the solar nebula10. Here we report the in situ detection of solid organic matter in the dust particles emitted by comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko; the carbon in this organic material is bound in very large macromolecular compounds, analogous to the insoluble organic matter found in the carbonaceous chondrite meteorites11, 12. The organic matter in meteorites might have formed in the interstellar medium and/or the solar nebula, but was almost certainly modified in the meteorites’ parent bodies11. We conclude that the observed cometary carbonaceous solid matter could have the same origin as the meteoritic insoluble organic matter, but suffered less modification before and/or after being incorporated into the comet

    Publisher Correction: A community-based transcriptomics classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types

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    In the version of this article initially published, author Thomas V. Wuttke’s affiliation was shown incorrectly. Dr. Wuttke is affiliated with University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. The error has been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of this article

    Extremely efficient terahertz high-harmonic generation in graphene by hot Dirac fermions

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    Multiple optical harmonic generation-the multiplication of photon energy as a result of nonlinear interaction between light and matter-is a key technology in modern electronics and optoelectronics, because it allows the conversion of optical or electronic signals into signals with much higher frequency, and the generation of frequency combs. Owing to the unique electronic band structure of graphene, which features massless Dirac fermions(1-3), it has been repeatedly predicted that optical harmonic generation in graphene should be particularly efficient at the technologically important terahertz frequencies(4-6). However, these predictions have yet to be confirmed experimentally under technologically relevant operation conditions. Here we report the generation of terahertz harmonics up to the seventh order in single-layer graphene at room temperature and under ambient conditions, driven by terahertz fields of only tens of kilovolts per centimetre, and with field conversion efficiencies in excess of 10(-3), 10(-4) and 10(-5) for the third, fifth and seventh terahertz harmonics, respectively. These conversion efficiencies are remarkably high, given that the electromagnetic interaction occurs in a single atomic layer. The key to such extremely efficient generation of terahertz high harmonics in graphene is the collective thermal response of its background Dirac electrons to the driving terahertz fields. The terahertz harmonics, generated via hot Dirac fermion dynamics, were observed directly in the time domain as electromagnetic field oscillations at these newly synthesized higher frequencies. The effective nonlinear optical coefficients of graphene for the third, fifth and seventh harmonics exceed the respective nonlinear coefficients of typical solids by 7-18 orders of magnitude(7-9). Our results provide a direct pathway to highly efficient terahertz frequency synthesis using the present generation of graphene electronics, which operate at much lower fundamental frequencies of only a few hundreds of gigahertz

    A community-based transcriptomics classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types

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    To understand the function of cortical circuits it is necessary to classify their underlying cellular diversity. Traditional attempts based on comparing anatomical or physiological features of neurons and glia, while productive, have not resulted in a unified taxonomy of neural cell types. The recent development of single-cell transcriptomics has enabled, for the first time, systematic high-throughput profiling of large numbers of cortical cells and the generation of datasets that hold the promise of being complete, accurate and permanent. Statistical analyses of these data have revealed the existence of clear clusters, many of which correspond to cell types defined by traditional criteria, and which are conserved across cortical areas and species. To capitalize on these innovations and advance the field, we, the Copenhagen Convention Group, propose the community adopts a transcriptome-based taxonomy of the cell types in the adult mammalian neocortex. This core classification should be ontological, hierarchical and use a standardized nomenclature. It should be configured to flexibly incorporate new data from multiple approaches, developmental stages and a growing number of species, enabling improvement and revision of the classification. This community-based strategy could serve as a common foundation for future detailed analysis and reverse engineering of cortical circuits and serve as an example for cell type classification in other parts of the nervous system and other organs

    Combined sensitivity to the neutrino mass ordering with JUNO, the IceCube Upgrade, and PINGU

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