289 research outputs found

    Prótesis sin cementar: resultados a más de 10 años

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    Se revisan 50 prótesis totales de cadera no cementadas con vástago autobloqueante 3V, cotilo impactado de tres pivotes y cabeza de cerámica (Zirconio) en 47 pacientes, con un seguimiento medio de 11 años y 4 meses. Clínicamente se ha prestado especial atención al dolor, limitaciones para la vida diaria, capacidad para la marcha y la actividad realizada en estos años, obteniendo unos resultados entre buenos y excelentes del 98% en unos pacientes en los que se implantó la prótesis a una edad media de 58 años y de los que el 76,5% han mantenido una buena vida activa o muy activas. Se propone una clasificación para valorar radiográficamente la anteversión del cotilo protésico. No se ha apreciado ningún desgaste del polietileno y hay una tasa de supervivencia al aflojamiento aséptico de vástagos y cotilos del 100%. Se analizan los resultados, las ventajas del cotilo, del vástago y la diferencia entre imágenes de doble contorno y radiolucencias.A totality of 50 non cemented hip prosthesis with a self blocking model 3V stemand, tri-spiked impactation acetabulum and head of ceramic (Zicronium) are revised on 47 patients, the average of following was of 11 years and 4 months. Special attention has been played clinically to pain, to daily out in these yeats, having allowed as to obtain 98% of good and excellent results in some patients to whom the prosthesis was implanted at an average age of 58, 76,5% of them led active of very life. We propose a classification to evaluate radiologycally the anteversion of the prosthesic cups. It has not been noticed any wear in the polyethylene of any. The percentage of survival after aseptic loosening of the stems and spikes was of 100%. The results, the advantages of the cups, stem and the difference between images of double contour and radio-luciencies, are commented with their clinical relevance

    Vástago femoral sin cementar 3V: Estudio retrospectivo de más de 10 años de seguimiento

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    De los 482 vástagos 3V implantados entre 1986 y 1992 en el Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica del Hospital de Liendres se realiza un estudio retrospectivo clínico y radiológico de 162 casos con un tiempo medio seguimiento de 12 años y 10 meses. Se ha encontrado una excelente osteointegración con una supervivencia del 100% y unos resultados clínicos entre excelentes y buenos de un 98,22%, no observando diferencias en pacientes con edades entre 28 y 74 años de los que el 49,6% han tenido una importante actividad física. Radiológicamente no se ha encontrado ningún signo de aflojamiento. Se discuten las condiciones puestas por Dorr para los vástagos femorales no cementados y se comenta la disminución de densidad ósea, la vascularización endostal y la osteointegración.From 482 femoral componen 3V implanted in the Ortopedic Surgery Service at the Liendres Hospital between 1986 and 1992, a clinical and radiological retrospective study is performed on 162 cases with a media follow up of 12 years and 10 months. An excelent osteointegration was found with 100% of survival. Clinical results showed 98,22% of patients with good or excellent assessment with no differences among patients of 24 and 74 years with relevant physical activity the 49,6% of them. Ander radiographic evaluation no findings of aseptic loosening were found. Criteria stabilised by Dorr for no cemented femoral components are discussed emphasing the bone mass alterations, the medullar vascular system and osteointegration

    Application of a Doehlert experimental design for optimizing the dioxane organosolv extraction of lignin from hydrolyzed almond shells

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    The solubility of lignin from hydrolyzed almond (Prunusamygdalus) shells in 1,4-dioxane–water mixtures (dioxaneconcentration, 0-100% vol.) and different extraction conditions [extraction temperature (150-230oC) and cookingtime (10-40 min)] was studied using a three-factor Doehlertexperimental design. The most influenced variables in the organosolv process were the extraction temperatureand the dioxane concentration; in the case of the delignification degree reached and the selectivity of the ligninextraction, both variables had a similar influence, while extractability was most influenced by the extraction temperature. The influence of cooking time was small in all thecases. Moreover, a significant dependence was observed between the extraction temperature and the optimum dioxaneconcentration of the mixture leading to maximum delignification, which was explained by solubility parameter theory and taking into account changes in both the extent of the association between lignin and carbohydrates and the degradation of the lignin structure

    Los delitos informáticos y su aplicación en la legislación colombiana

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    Esta monografía, pretende ser una referencia dentro del contexto de los delitos informáticos y cuyo objetivo es ponernos a tono con los avances tecnológicos y la penalización del mal uso de estos recursos. En Colombia, hasta ahora se le está dando la importancia y la atención de crear la normatividad jurídica de los delitos informáticos en vista de la cantidad de delitos que se están suscitando a través de la red tales como, apología del genocidio, el homicidio, lesiones personales, acceso no autorizado a sistema de procesamiento de datos, abuso de confianza informática, daño informático, extorsión informática, sabotaje informático, espionaje informático, hurto informático, falsedad informática, estafa informática, corrupción de menores vía informática, ofrecimiento engañoso de productos y servicios, pánico económico, terrorismo entre otros, delitos éstos que se han ido creando a través de las nuevas tecnologías y que precisamente el Estado como garante de la vida, honra y bienes de los ciudadanos le ha correspondido empezar a legislar y a crear su propia jurisprudencia con el fin de combatir estas conductas y restablecer el derecho a las personas naturales y jurídicas lesionada

    La educación para la lactancia materna: desencuentro de significados

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    ABSTRACT: This work sought to analyze how educational processes have been developed for breastfeeding in a health institution, starting from the meanings mothers, families, and health staff construct thereon. Methods.This was qualitative research of ethnographic approach, which included observations during the group educational activities of the programs, focal groups, and interviews of mothers, their families, and the health staff of a hospital unit in the city of Medellín, Colombia. The analysis was guided by the constant comparison method. Results. The categories emerging from the data were: 1) breast milk is an ideal food. 2) The mothers’ experiences influence upon the breastfeeding practice. 3) Family beliefs sometimes operate as cultural barriers. 4) Disagreements are revealed in the educational process. Conclusion. The way educational processes have taken place for breastfeeding reveals a break expressed by the scarce interaction between the meanings professionals have constructed on the topic and those the mothers and their families give to the experience of breastfeeding.RESUMEN: Analizar la forma cómo se han desarrollado los procesos educativos para la lactancia materna (LM) en una institución de salud, partiendo de los significados que las madres, sus familias y personal de salud construyen al respecto. Métodos. Investigación cualitativa de enfoque etnográfico, que incluyó observaciones durante las actividades educativas grupales de los programas, grupos focales y entrevistas a madres, sus familias y al personal de salud de una Unidad Hospitalaria de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. El análisis fue guiado por el método de las comparaciones constantes. Resultados. Las categorías emergentes a partir de los datos fueron: 1) La leche materna es un alimento ideal. 2) Las experiencias de las madres inciden en la práctica de la LM. 3) Las creencias familiares operan en ocasiones como barreras culturales. 4) Se revelan desencuentros en el proceso educativo. Conclusión. La forma cómo se han cumplido los procesos educativos para la LM revela un quiebre que se expresa en la escasa interacción entre los significados que los profesionales han construido sobre el tema y los que las madres y sus familias dan a esta experiencia

    The London Charter and the Seville Principles as sources of requirements for e-archaeology systems development purposes

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    [EN] Requirements engineering (RE) is a discipline of critical importance in software development. This paper provides a process and a set of software artefacts to help in the production of e-archaeology systems with emphasis on requirements reuse and standards. In particular, two important guidelines in the field of earchaeology, the London Charter and the Principles of Seville, have been shown as two sources of requirements to be considered as a starting point for developing this type of systems.[ES] La Ingeniería de Requisitos (IR) es una disciplina de importancia crítica en el desarrollo de software. Este artículo proporciona un proceso y un conjunto de artefactos software para ayudar en la producción de sistemas de e-arqueología con énfasis en reutilización de requisitos y estándares. En particular, dos guías relevantes en el campo de la e-arqueología, la Carta de Londres y los Principios de Sevilla, se han mostrado como dos fuentes de requisitos a tener en cuenta como punto de partida para el desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas.This research is part of the project PEGASO-PANGEA (TIN2009-13718-C02-02), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain).Carrillo Gea, JM.; Toval, A.; Fernández Alemán, JL.; Nicolás, J.; Flores, M. (2013). The London Charter and the Seville Principles as sources of requirements for e-archaeology systems development purposes. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(9):205-211. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4275OJS20521149CH'NG, E. et al. (2011): "From sites to landscapes: how computing technology is shaping archaeological practice", en Computer, vol. 44, n. 7, pp. 40-46.COS, J.A. et al. (2012): "Internationalization requirements for e-learning audit purposes", en Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2012, pp. 90-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/educon.2012.6201027GLASS, R.L. (2002): Software engineering: facts and fallacies. Addison-Wesley. Boston.GREENFIELD, J. and SHORT, K. (2004): Software factories: assembling applications with patterns, models, frameworks, and tools. Wiley. Indianapolis.KÄKÖLÄ, T. and DUEÑAS, J.C. (Eds.) (2006): Software Product Lines. Research issues in engineering and management. Springer. Berlin Heidelberg. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-33253-4TOVAL, A. et al. (2002): "Requirements reuse for improving information systems security: a practitioner's approach", en REJ Requirements Engineering Journal, vol. 6, n. 4, pp. 205-219.TOVAL, A. et al. (2008): "Eight key issues for an effective reuse-based requirements process", en IJCSSE International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 23, n. 6, pp. 373-385.TOVAL, A. et al. (2011): "Learning systems development using reusable standard-based requirements catalogs", en Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011, pp. 907- 912. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/educon.2011.577325

    The accretion environment in Vela X-1 during a flaring period using XMM-Newton

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    We present analysis of 100 ks contiguous XMM-Newton data of the prototypical wind accretor Vela X-1. The observation covered eclipse egress between orbital phases 0.134 and 0.265, during which a giant flare took place, enabling us to study the spectral properties both outside and during the flare. This giant flare with a peak luminosity of 3.920.09+0.42×10373.92^{+0.42}_{-0.09} \times 10^{37} erg s1^{-1} allows estimates of the physical parameters of the accreted structure with a mass of \sim 102110^{21} g. We have been able to model several contributions to the observed spectrum with a phenomenological model formed by three absorbed power laws plus three emission lines. After analysing the variations with orbital phase of the column density of each component, as well as those in the Fe and Ni fluorescence lines, we provide a physical interpretation for each spectral component. Meanwhile, the first two components are two aspects of the principal accretion component from the surface of the neutron star, and the third component seems to be the \textit{X-ray light echo} formed in the stellar wind of the companion.Comment: Accepted. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Un estudio de caso para analizar cómo ayudan los profesores en resolución de problemas matemáticos

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    Hay investigaciones que sostienen que influyen otras dimensiones además de las creencias respecto a la Matemática, Enseñanza de las Matemáticas y Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas en la actuación de profesores. Creemos que algunas de estas dimensiones pueden ser la idea de ayuda, de dificultad y comunicación que se usa con los alumnos. Analizamos con detalle una clase de la profesora Silvia para inferir cómo actúa en función de estas dimensiones. Para el análisis usamos la transcripción de una de sus clases con detalle. A través de este estudio perfilamos unos estilos en cuanto a las dimensiones estudiadas de algunos profesores españoles y, establecemos hipótesis de posibles inconsistencias de la profesora

    a protocol for a scoping review

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. through Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), National School of Public Health from NOVA University of Lisbon and under the grant UI/BD/150875/2021. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved.Introduction Health organisations should support healthcare workers who are physically and psychologically affected by patient safety incidents (second victims). There is a growing body of evidence which focuses on second victim support interventions. However, there is still limited research on the elements necessary to effectively implement and ensure the sustainability of these types of interventions. In this study, we propose to map and frame the key factors which underlie an effective implementation of healthcare worker support interventions in healthcare organisations when healthcare workers are physically and/or emotionally affected by patient safety incidents. Methods and analysis This scoping review will be guided by the established methodological Arksey and O'Malley framework, Levac and Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) recommendations. We will follow the JBI three-step process: (1) a preliminary search conducted on two databases; (2) the definition of clear inclusion criteria and the creation of a list of search terms to be used in the subsequent running of the search on a larger number of databases; and (3) additional searches (cross-checking/cross-referencing of reference lists of eligible studies, hand-searching in target journals relevant to the topic, conference proceedings, institutional/organisational websites and networks repositories). We will undertake a comprehensive search strategy in relevant bibliographic databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, CINHAL, Web of Science, Scopus, PsycInfo, Epistemonikos, Scielo, Cochrane Library and Open Grey). We will use the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool V.2018 for quality assessment of the eligible studies. Our scoping review will be guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews. Ethics and dissemination This study will not require ethical approval. Results of the scoping review will be published in a peer-review journal, and findings will be presented in scientific conferences as well as in international forums and other relevant dissemination channels. Trial registration number 10.17605/OSF.IO/RQAT6. Preprint from medRxiv available: doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.25.22269846.publishersversionpublishe

    Zr-Porphyrin Metal–Organic Framework as nanoreactor for boosting the formation of hydrogen clathrates

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    We report the first experimental evidence for rapid formation of hydrogen clathrates under mild pressure and temperature conditions within the cavities of a zirconium-metalloporphyrin framework, specifically PCN-222. PCN-222 has been selected for its 1D mesoporous channels, high water-stability, and proper hydrophilic behavior. Firstly, we optimize a microwave (MW)-assisted method for the synthesis of nanosized PCN-222 particles with precise structure control (exceptional homogeneity in morphology and crystalline phase purity), taking advantage of MW in terms of rapid/homogeneous heating, time and energy savings, as well as potential scalability of the synthetic method. Second, we explore the relevance of the large mesoporous 1D open channels within the PCN-222 to promote the nucleation and growth of confined hydrogen clathrates. Experimental results show that PCN-222 drives the nucleation process at a lower pressure than the bulk system (1.35 kbar vs 2 kbar), with fast kinetics (minutes), using pure water, and with a nearly complete water-to-hydrate conversion. Unfortunately, PCN-222 cannot withstand these high pressures, which lead to a significant alteration of the mesoporous structure while the microporous network remains mainly unchanged.Authors would like to acknowledge financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project PID2019-108453GB-C21 and PID2022-141034OB-C22), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) for internal funds (Intramural project, 202280I170), and Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Project CIPROM/2021/022). A portion of this research used resources at the Spallation Neutron Source, a DOE Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (project IPTS-29742.1)