903 research outputs found

    Formação em animação sociocultural: contributos de projetos de investigação e intervênção em animação socioeducativa

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    No presente artigo procura-se evidenciar a potencialidade do uso de saberes de natureza teórica, técnica e prática, resultantes da participação em projectos de investigação científica e intervenção para a formação em animação sociocultural – mais concretamente na sua vertente socioeducativa. Com esta ilustração pretende-se sublinhar a potencialidade que a mobilização desses saberes pode ter no âmbito da formação dos futuros profissionais em animação sociocultural, designadamente, no domínio científico, no domínio técnico-metodológico, e ainda, no domínio da profissionalização deste grupo profissional.ABSTRACT: Reflection around the contribution of scientific research projects’ an social and educational intervention projects’ outcomes to professional animators trainning is the aim of this article. More specifically, is our intent to show the potentiality of these projects’ results and its relation with different kinds of professional knowledge such as theoretical, technical and practical required to these professionals practices’ and professionalization

    Linear and shared objects in concurrent programming

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Engenharia de Software), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010Although mainstream object-oriented languages, like Java, are currently able to detect and prevent many programming errors by static type-checking, common usage-related errors are not captured and signaled to programmers. In general, no (formal) support is available in these languages for ensuring that an object is used according to the protocol which the programmer had in mind when describing the behavior of a class. The file reader protocol is a simple but clarifying example: first a file must be opened, then it can be read multiple times (though not beyond the end-of-file), and finally it must be closed. As client code is not checked for protocol conformance, trying to read the file without first opening it, or when it is closed, are simple disregards caught only by runtime exceptions, assuming the language is equipped with built-in support to handle errors and exceptional events. The MOOL programming language presented in this work is an attempt to formalize object usage and access. It consists in a simple class-based object-oriented language that includes standard primitives found in most object-oriented language formalisms. Additionally, the language offers constructs that can be attached at class definitions for specifying (1) the available methods based on an object state, and (2) how methods may be called in that state – by a single client, in which case we say that the object has a linear status, or without restrictions, in which case we say it has a shared one. We refer to this abstract view that defines an object state and status the class usage type. We formalize the language syntax, the operational semantics, and a type system that enforces by static typing that methods are called only when available, and by a single client if so specified in the class usage type. We illustrate the language capabilities by encoding in MOOL the protocols of two well-known examples: the file reader and the auction system. We have built a prototype compiler to implement our ideas, and its architecture is also described. Finally, we anticipate some of the related topics which we are interested in pursuing in future work

    Online platforms: concept, role in the conclusion of contracts and current legal framework in Europe

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    Empresas como Airbnb, Amazon o Craigslist han desafiado los modelos de negocio tradicionales y están cambiando la forma en que las personas tienen acceso a los bienes y servicios. Este artículo explora por qué el concepto de plataforma en línea es adecuado para analizar esta nueva realidad desde un punto de vista contractual. A continuación, se cuestiona la idea de que todas las empresas en las que el producto o servicio es proporcionado por lo que parece ser un tercero son plataformas en línea, utilizando el ejemplo de Uber. Por último, se aporta una breve visión general del marco actual de la UE para reflexionar sobre cómo podría ser un régimen para las plataformas en línea.Companies like Airbnb, Amazon or Craigslist have challenged the traditional business models and are altering the way people have access to goods and services. This article explores why the concept of online platform is adequate to analyse this new reality from a contractual point of view. It then challenges the idea that all companies where the product or service is supplied by what appears to be a third-party are online platforms, using the example of Uber. Finally, it provides a brief overview at the current EU framework to provide a reflection on how a regime for online platforms could look like

    Adding dependent types to class-based mutable objects

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018In this thesis, we present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. The system brings classes and dependent types into play so as to enable types (classes) to be refined by value parameters (indices) drawn from some constraint domain. This combination allows statically checking interesting properties of imperative programs that are impossible to check in conventional static type systems for objects. From a pragmatic point of view, this work opens the possibility to combine the scalability and modularity of object orientation with the safety provided by dependent types in the form of index refinements. These may be used to provide additional guarantees about the fields of objects, and to prevent, for example, a method call that could leave an object in a state that would violate the class invariant. One key feature is that the programmer is not required to prove equations between indices issued by types, but instead the typechecker depends on external constraint solving. From a theoretic perspective, our fundamental contribution is to formulate a system that unifies the three very different features: dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping. Our approach includes universal and existential types, as well as union types. Subtyping is induced by inheritance and quantifier instantiation. Moreover, dependent types require the system to track type varying objects, a feature missing from standard type systems in which the type is constant throughout the object’s lifetime. To ensure that an object is used correctly, aliasing is handled via a linear type discipline that enforces unique references to type varying objects. The system is decidable, provided indices are drawn from some decidable theory, and proved sound via subject reduction and progress. We also formulate a typechecking algorithm that gives a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, combining type synthesis with checking. We prove that our algorithm is sound and complete. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. To attest the relevance of the language proposed, we provide a fully functional prototype where this and other examples can be typechecked, compiled and run. The prototype can be found at http://rss.di.fc.ul.pt/tools/dol/

    Financial statement fraud in Europe

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    In recent years, more and more fraud cases have been detected in large companies, which undermined the confidence of the markets. However, although this is a reality, the study of the subject in Europe continues to be quite scarce. Therefore, despite an increase in regulatory capacity, a greater focus on the subject in recent years and a growing awareness of the effects of this type of action, there are still few effective prevention tools at the community level. In addition, there are few guiding traits for agents with a central role not in their identification but prevention, the financial auditors. The purpose of this dissertation is to fill this gap in the research on fraud in Europe. Through the study of cases of accounting fraud duly identified by the various European agencies for having incurred in misleading accounting, the indicators that best explain the fraud event in Europe were identified, reaching a total explained variance of 90.5%. In sum, the identified indicators are financial ratios such as the proportion of firm liabilities to total assets, a measure of the days that the entity needs to meet its debts with third parties, a measure of changes in net income, and the size of the auditor firm. Thus, the most significant variables that explain the phenomenon of Financial Statement Fraud in Europe are measures of financial leverage, performance, and financial riskNos últimos anos são cada vez mais os casos de fraude detetados em grandes empresas o que tem vindo a abalar a confiança dos mercados. No entanto, apesar de esta ser uma realidade, o estudo da temática na europa continua a ser bastante escasso. Assim sendo, apesar de um aumento na capacidade de regulação, do maior enfoque na temática nos últimos anos e de haver uma crescente consciencialização para os efeitos que advêm deste tipo de atos, são ainda poucas as ferramentas efetivas de prevenção a nível comunitário. Além disso, são poucos os traços diretores para os agentes com um papel fulcral não na sua identificação mas prevenção, os auditores financeiros. O objetivo da presente dissertação é de preencher esta lacuna existente na investigação sobre fraude na europa. Através do estudo de casos de fraude contabilística devidamente identificados pelas diversas agências europeias por terem incorrido em ilegalidades a nível de contabilidade enganosa, foram identificados os indicadores que melhor explicam o evento de fraude na europa, atingindo um total de variância explicada de 90,5%. Em suma, os indicadores identificados são rácios financeiros como a proporção dos passivos da empresa relativamente aos ativos da mesma, uma medida dos dias que a entidade necessita para fazer face às suas dividas a terceiros, uma medida de mudanças no rendimento liquido e, ainda, o tamanho da empresa auditora da respetiva entidade. Assim sendo, as variáveis mais significativas que explicam o fenómeno de Fraude Contabilística na Europa são medidas de alavancagem financeira, desempenho, e risco financeiro

    Multicriteria evaluation as a tool for decision support in the design of sustainable routes

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    Public transport negative externalities have been increasing over the past years and, consequently, a bigger concern for eliminating and minimizing them has been growing. One way to contribute for this global objective is to design public transport networks towards sustainability, which requires an assessment of its sustainability performance. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to develop a tool able to accomplish a multi-objective evaluation of public transport routes regarding the three main sustainability domains - economic, social, and environmental. The considered structure is based on a hierarchical relation between domains, themes, and indicators. Accordingly, for each domain, a selection of indicators within different chosen themes was performed. The quantification of each indicator was estimated prior to the assignment of their themes and domains' importance. This assignment was mainly based on the literature, and given the different sources and opinions, sensibility analyses were performed. The tool was applied to a simulation case constituted by three routes, based on STCP's network data that provides a public transport service in Porto's metropolitan area.Public transport negative externalities have been increasing over the past years and, consequently, a bigger concern for eliminating and minimizing them has been growing. One way to contribute for this global objective is to design public transport networks towards sustainability, which requires an assessment of its sustainability performance. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to develop a tool able to accomplish a multi-objective evaluation of public transport routes regarding the three main sustainability domains - economic, social, and environmental. The considered structure is based on a hierarchical relation between domains, themes, and indicators. Accordingly, for each domain, a selection of indicators within different chosen themes was performed. The quantification of each indicator was estimated prior to the assignment of their themes and domains' importance. This assignment was mainly based on the literature, and given the different sources and opinions, sensibility analyses were performed. The tool was applied to a simulation case constituted by three routes, based on STCP's network data that provides a public transport service in Porto's metropolitan area

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects

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    We present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. Programmers implement classes in the usual imperative style, and may take advantage of a richer dependent type system to express class invariants and restrictions on how objects are allowed to change and be used as arguments to methods. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. This is the first dependently-typed language with mutable objects that we know of to bring classes and index refinements into play, enabling types (classes) to be refined by indices drawn from some constraint domain. We give a declarative type system that supports objects whose types may change, despite being sound. We also give an algorithmic type system that provides a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, and from which it is straightforward to read off an implementation. Moreover, all the examples in the paper have been run, compiled and executed in a fully functional prototype that includes a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects (Artifact)

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    This artifact is based on DOL, a Dependent Object-oriented Language featuring dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping. The typechecker written in Xtend, a flexible and expressive dialect of Java, is a direct implementation of the algorithmic type system described in the companion paper. It uses a direct interface to Z3 theorem prover via its API for Java. The artifact ships with an IDE developed as an Eclipse plugin based on the Xtext framework

    Violência, escola e território: intervenção educativa em contextos urbanos complexos

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    Na presente comunicação apresentamos parte dos resultados de um estudo de caso desenvolvido pelos autores no âmbito do Observatório de Segurança Escolar (OSE). A investigação a que nos propusemos resulta do desenvolvimento e aprofundamento de estudos que a equipa do OSE tem vindo a realizar nos últimos 6 anos (Sebastião, Campos, Alves e Merlini: 2010; Sebastião, Campos e Merlini: 2011) e justifica-se pela necessidade de análises contextualizadas da problemática de violência na escola, no sentido de contribuir para futuras estratégias e mecanismos de intervenção e prevenção sobre esta forma de violência. Tendo como ponto de partida os dados estatísticos nacionais sobre os incidentes de violência nas escolas1, procurámos compreender como os traços identificados a nível nacional se traduzem e são reconfigurados territorialmente. Em particular, saber porque é que escolas situadas em territórios com condições sociais idênticas apresentam níveis de violência e abordagens de regulação diferenciadas. Partindo de uma abordagem meso analítica do fenómeno de violência na escola, que engloba as perspetivas organizacional (Burns e Flam: 2000; Mouzelis: 2000; Torres e Palhares: 2010; Lima: 2001) e ecológica (Fuchs: 2008; Machado: 2008; Carvalho, 2010; Leal: 2010), o estudo privilegiou uma estratégia metodológica intensiva e desenvolveu-se em três territórios do Concelho de Sintra. Nesta apresentação o foco analítico incide sobre as estratégias e mecanismos acionados pelas escolas nos processos de regulação (prevenção e intervenção) das ocorrências de violência na escola, considerando a diversidade de condições contextuais e organizacionais. Ou seja, analisamos o modo como as escolas respondem aos incidentes e procuram pacificar os seus quotidianos e as condições em que o fazem. Tendo em conta as possibilidades de ação encontradas, identificámos um conjunto de fatores significativos nos processos de regulação da violência, entre os quais destacamos: as lideranças e práticas organizacionais; as orientações para a intervenção e a importância da priorização da violência e os instrumentos para intervir, como a constituição de gabinetes de mediação de conflitos. Face às condições para agir, verificámos que as escolas demonstram ter margem para adequar, planear e implementar estratégias de resposta, adotando modalidades de resolução da conflitualidade/violência, diversificadas, independentemente desta ter origem, ou não, em condições externas à escola.Abstract: In this communication we present partial findings from a case study developed by the authors within the School Safety Observatory (OSE). This research followed previous studies developed in the last 6 years (Sebastião, Campos, Alves e Merlini: 2010; Sebastião, Campos e Merlini: 2011) and was justified by the need to analyze school violence in context, and to develop school intervention and prevention strategies and mechanisms. Using national statistics about violence in schools as the starting point, we tried to understand how the national level tendencies were territorially replicated and reconfigured, particularly why schools located in areas with similar social structure presented quite different levels of violence and regulation strategies.Using an analytical meso approach for violence at school problem, with strong organizational (Burns e Flam: 2000; Mouzelis: 2000; Torres e Palhares: 2010; Lima: 2001) and ecological (Fuchs: 2008; Machado: 2008; Carvalho, 2010; Leal: 2010) perspectives, the study adopted an intensive methodological strategy to analyze three Sintra borough territories’. In this text we've discussed school strategies and mechanisms, particularly their regulatory processes (prevention and intervention), taking into account, the diversity of organizational and contextual conditions and its capacity and conditions to respond and pacify their environments. Taking into account the possibilities for action found, a number of significant factors in the violence regulation processes were identified, among which we highlight: leadership and organizational practices, intervention guidelines and the importance of violence prioritization, the instruments for intervene, or the establishment of conflicts mediation cabinets. Given the conditions to act, we found that schools have margin to adjust, plan and implement diversified response strategies, adopting conflict resolution methods, independently if come from outside school, or not
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