138 research outputs found

    Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities

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    Smart Cities need to be designed to allow the inclusion of all kinds of citizens. For instance, motor disabled people like wheelchair users may have problems to interact with the city. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies provide the tools to include all citizens in the Smart City context. For example, wheelchair users may not be able to reach items placed beyond their arm’s length, limiting their independence in everyday activities like shopping, or visiting libraries. We have developed a system that enables wheelchair users to interact with items placed beyond their arm’s length, with the help of Augmented Reality (AR) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies. Our proposed system is an interactive AR application that runs on different interfaces, allowing the user to digitally interact with the physical items on the shelf, thanks to an updated inventory provided by an RFID system. The resulting experience is close to being able to browse a shelf, clicking on it and obtaining information about the items it contains, allowing wheelchair users to shop independently, and providing autonomy in their everyday activities. Fourteen wheelchair users with different degrees of impairment have participated in the study and development of the system. The evaluation results show promising results towards more independence of wheelchair users, providing an opportunity for equality improvement.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Government through projects TIN2012-34965 PIGALL, TIN2011-27076-C03-02 CO-PRIVACY, TIN2014-57364-C2-2-R SMARTGLACIS, TEC2015-71303-R SINERGIA, and TSI-020602-2012-147 IRIS. The authors also acknowledge support from Obra Social “la Caixa” -ACUP through project 2011ACUP00261

    Guia per al compostatge en granja de dejeccions ramaderes

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    En un context actual en què els governs, les empreses, el sector agrari i la societat en general posen cada cop més atenció a la sostenibilitat, sembla rellevant posar èmfasi en aquelles actuacions que redueixin els residus, facin un millor ús dels recursos i que vetllin sobre una economia circular. En aquest sentit, el compostatge és considerat com un sistema de tractament aplicable a les dejeccions ramaderes que resulta senzill d’implementar i amb el qual s’obtenen productes de bona qualitat i alt valor per a l’agricultura. Aquesta guia recull informació pràctica sobre la implementació de compostatge a les explotacions ramaderes, amb exemples sobre cosubstrats que es poden utilitzar, característiques de les instal·lacions, així com experiències de compostatge en granja que ja es troben en funcionament.In a current context where governments, enterprises, the agrarian sector and the society are more interested to sustainability, it seems relevant to pay special attention to emphasize on actions that reduce waste generation, improve the resources efficiency and implement the circular economy. In that sense, composting is considered as a feasible manure treatment easy to implement and which offers a final product with high quality and value to the agriculture. This guide provides with practical information to install composting treatments at livestock farms, by including examples of co-substrates materials, installations characteristics, as well as real experiences of farm composting which are already operative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inteligencia cultural: Una disciplina emergente en los estudios de inteligencia

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    The so-called cultural intelligence or simply cultural intelligence, has not yet been considered as a separate discipline within the field of intelligence studies, hence it is appropriate to contribute to this goal and demonstrate its utility in the prevention and neutralization of threats to individual security and collective.La denominada inteligencia sociocultural o simplemente inteligencia cultural todavía no ha sido considerada como una disciplina autónoma dentro del ámbito de los estudios de inteligencia; por ello resulta conveniente contribuir a ese objetivo y demostrar su utilidad en la prevención y neutralización de amenaza a la seguridad individual y colectiva

    Structure of the N-terminal domain of the protein Expansion: an 'Expansion' to the Smad MH2 fold

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    Gene-expression changes observed in Drosophila embryos after inducing the transcription factor Tramtrack led to the identification of the protein Expansion. Expansion contains an N-terminal domain similar in sequence to the MH2 domain characteristic of Smad proteins, which are the central mediators of the effects of the TGF- signalling pathway. Apart from Smads and Expansion, no other type of protein belonging to the known kingdoms of life contains MH2 domains. To compare the Expansion and Smad MH2 domains, the crystal structure of the Expansion domain was determined at 1.6 A˚ resolution, the first structure of a non-Smad MH2 domain to be characterized to date. The structure displays the main features of the canonical MH2 fold with two main differences: the addition of an -helical region and the remodelling of a protein-interaction site that is conserved in the MH2 domain of Smads. Owing to these differences, to the new domain was referred to as N-MH2. Despite the presence of the N-MH2 domain, Expansion does not participate in TGF- signalling; instead, it is required for other activities specific to the protostome phyla. Based on the structural similarities to the MH2 fold, it is proposed that the N-MH2 domain should be classified as a new member of the Smad/FHA superfamily. 1

    Structures of T7 bacteriophage portal and tail suggest a viral DNA retention and ejection mechanism

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    Double-stranded DNA bacteriophages package their genome at high pressure inside a procapsid through the portal, an oligomeric ring protein located at a unique capsid vertex. Once the DNA has been packaged, the tail components assemble on the portal to render the mature infective virion. The tail tightly seals the ejection conduit until infection, when its interaction with the host membrane triggers the opening of the channel and the viral genome is delivered to the host cell. Using high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, here we describe various structures of the T7 bacteriophage portal and fiber-less tail complex, which suggest a possible mechanism for DNA retention and ejection: a portal closed conformation temporarily retains the genome before the tail is assembled, whereas an open portal is found in the tail. Moreover, a fold including a seven-bladed β-propeller domain is described for the nozzle tail protein.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, grants BFU 2014-54181 (to J.L.C.), BFU 2014-53550-P and BFU2017-83720-P (to M.C.), and contracts SEV-2013-0347 (to A.C.) and RYC-2011-09071 (to C.M.). We acknowledge institutional funding through the Spanish Government Centres and Units of Excellence Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu awards to IRB Barcelona (SEV-2015-0500) and IBMB Structural Biology Unit (MDM-2014-0435), respectively, and from the CERCA Programme of the Catalan Government to the IRB Barcelona. This work has also been supported by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 program through iNEXT project (grant number 653706)

    Searches for low-mass dimuon resonances

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    Searches are performed for a low-mass dimuon resonance, X, produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.1 fb−1 and collected with the LHCb detector. The X bosons can either decay promptly or displaced from the proton-proton collision, where in both cases the requirements placed on the event and the assumptions made about the production mechanisms are kept as minimal as possible. The searches for promptly decaying X bosons explore the mass range from near the dimuon threshold up to 60 GeV, with nonnegligible X widths considered above 20 GeV. The searches for displaced X → μ+μ− decays consider masses up to 3 GeV. None of the searches finds evidence for a signal and 90% confidence-level exclusion limits are placed on the X → μ+μ− cross sections, each with minimal model dependence. In addition, these results are used to place world-leading constraints on GeV-scale bosons in the two-Higgs-doublet and hidden-valley scenarios

    SIVA UAV: A Case Study for the EMC Analysis of Composite Air Vehicles

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    [EN] The increased use of carbon-fiber composites in unmanned aerial vehicles is a challenge for their EMC assessment by numerical solvers. For accurate and reliable simulations, numerical procedures should be tested not only for individual components, but also within the framework of complete systems. With this aim, this paper presents a benchmark test case based on experimental measurements coming from direct-current injection tests in the SIVA unmanned air vehicle, reproduced by a numerical finite-difference-time-domain solver that employs a new subgridding scheme to treat lossy composite thin panels. Validation was undertaken by applying the feature selective validation method, which quantifies the agreement between experimental and numerical data.This work was supported by the Projects TEC2013-48414C3-{ 1,2,3}-R, TEC2016-79214-C3-{1,2,3}-R, and TEC2015-68766-REDC (Spanish MINECO, EU FEDER), P12-TIC-1442 (J. de Andalucia, Spain), Alhambra-UGRFDTD (AIRBUS DS), and by the CSIRC alhambra.ugr.es supercomputing center.Cabello, MR.; Fernández, S.; Pous, M.; Pascual-Gil, E.; Angulo, LD.; López, P.; Riu, PJ.... (2017). SIVA UAV: A Case Study for the EMC Analysis of Composite Air Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 59(4):1103-1113. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2017.2648507S1103111359

    Identification of tissue microRNAs predictive of sunitinib activity in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    PURPOSE: To identify tissue microRNAs predictive of sunitinib activity in patients with metastatic renal-cell-carcinoma (MRCC) and to evaluate in vitro their mechanism of action in sunitinib resistance. METHODS: We screened 673 microRNAs using TaqMan Low-density-Arrays (TLDAs) in tumors from MRCC patients with extreme phenotypes of marked efficacy and resistance to sunitinib, selected from an identification cohort (n = 41). The most relevant differentially expressed microRNAs were selected using bioinformatics-based target prediction analysis and quantified by qRT-PCR in tumors from patients presenting similar phenotypes selected from an independent cohort (n = 101). In vitro experiments were conducted to study the role of miR-942 in sunitinib resistance. RESULTS: TLDAs identified 64 microRNAs differentially expressed in the identification cohort. Seven candidates were quantified by qRT-PCR in the independent series. MiR-942 was the most accurate predictor of sunitinib efficacy (p = 0.0074). High expression of miR-942, miR-628-5p, miR-133a, and miR-484 was significantly associated with decreased time to progression and overall survival. These microRNAs were also overexpressed in the sunitinib resistant cell line Caki-2 in comparison with the sensitive cell line. MiR-942 overexpression in Caki-2 up-regulates MMP-9 and VEGF secretion which, in turn, promote HBMEC endothelial migration and sunitinib resistance. CONCLUSIONS: We identified differentially expressed microRNAs in MRCC patients presenting marked sensitivity or resistance to sunitinib. MiR-942 was the best predictor of efficacy. We describe a novel paracrine mechanism through which high miR-942 levels in MRCC cells up-regulates MMP-9 and VEGF secretion to enhance endothelial migration and sunitinib resistance. Our results support further validation of these miRNA in clinical confirmatory studies

    Crystal Structure of a Complex of DNA with One AT-Hook of HMGA1

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    We present here for the first time the crystal structure of an AT-hook domain. We show the structure of an AT-hook of the ubiquitous nuclear protein HMGA1, combined with the oligonucleotide d(CGAATTAATTCG)2, which has two potential AATT interacting groups. Interaction with only one of them is found. The structure presents analogies and significant differences with previous NMR studies: the AT-hook forms hydrogen bonds between main-chain NH groups and thymines in the minor groove, DNA is bent and the minor groove is widened

    Characterization of p38α autophosphorylation inhibitors that target the non-canonical activation pathway

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    16 pages, 10 figures, supplementary information https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39051-x.-- Data availability: The diffraction data and coordinates of the p38α complexes bound to NC-p38i compounds have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 7PVU, 7Z6I and 7Z9T. We have also used the following PDB structures: 4LOO, 1A9U, 3COI, 7N8T, 2ZOQ, 1PME, 3GC9, 1CM8, 4UX9. Source data are provided with this paperp38α is a versatile protein kinase that can control numerous processes and plays important roles in the cellular responses to stress. Dysregulation of p38α signaling has been linked to several diseases including inflammation, immune disorders and cancer, suggesting that targeting p38α could be therapeutically beneficial. Over the last two decades, numerous p38α inhibitors have been developed, which showed promising effects in pre-clinical studies but results from clinical trials have been disappointing, fueling the interest in the generation of alternative mechanisms of p38α modulation. Here, we report the in silico identification of compounds that we refer to as non-canonical p38α inhibitors (NC-p38i). By combining biochemical and structural analyses, we show that NC-p38i efficiently inhibit p38α autophosphorylation but weakly affect the activity of the canonical pathway. Our results demonstrate how the structural plasticity of p38α can be leveraged to develop therapeutic opportunities targeting a subset of the functions regulated by this pathwayThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN, PID2019-109521RB-I00 and PID2021-122478NB-I00), the BioMedTec program of IRB-Fundació La Caixa, the European Research Council (Proof of Concept p38_InTh-825763), AGAUR (2016 LLAV 00043 and 2019 PROD 00138 supported by FEDER, and 2017 SGR-557, 2017 SGR-50, 2021 SGR-909, and 2021 SGR-866), BBVA Foundation, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (euCanSHare 825903 and BioExcel-3 101093290). L.G. and B.B. were funded by predoctoral contracts from MICINN (BES-2016-077122) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND action of IRB Barcelona and the PREBIST Predoc Programme (PREBIST_754558), respectively. F.C. is a Ramon y Cajal Fellow (RYC2019-026768-I). Access to ALBA was granted through the BAG proposals 2018092972 and 2020094472. We gratefully acknowledge institutional funding from IRB Barcelona, the CERCA Programme of the Catalan Government, and the MICINN through the Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa award. M.J.M. and A.R.N. are supported by the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA)With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe