252 research outputs found

    The dependence of intrinsic alignment of galaxies on wavelength using KiDS and GAMA

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    The outer regions of galaxies are more susceptible to the tidal interactions that lead to intrinsic alignments of galaxies. The resulting alignment signal may therefore depend on the passband if the colours of galaxies vary spatially. To quantify this, we measured the shapes of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from the GAMA survey using deep gri imaging data from the KiloDegree Survey. The performance of the moment-based shape measurement algorithm DEIMOS was assessed using dedicated image simulations, which showed that the ellipticities could be determined with an accuracy better than 1% in all bands. Additional tests for potential systematic errors did not reveal any issues. We measure a significant difference of the alignment signal between the g,r and i-band observations. This difference exceeds the amplitude of the linear alignment model on scales below 2 Mpc/h. Separating the sample into central/satellite and red/blue galaxies, we find that that the difference is dominated by red satellite galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted, to appear in A&

    Weak gravitational lensing with the Square Kilometre Array

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    We investigate the capabilities of various stages of the SKA to perform world-leading weak gravitational lensing surveys. We outline a way forward to develop the tools needed for pursuing weak lensing in the radio band. We identify the key analysis challenges and the key pathfinder experiments that will allow us to address them in the run up to the SKA. We identify and summarize the unique and potentially very powerful aspects of radio weak lensing surveys, facilitated by the SKA, that can solve major challenges in the field of weak lensing. These include the use of polarization and rotational velocity information to control intrinsic alignments, and the new area of weak lensing using intensity mapping experiments. We show how the SKA lensing surveys will both complement and enhance corresponding efforts in the optical wavebands through cross-correlation techniques and by way of extending the reach of weak lensing to high redshift.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Cosmology Chapter, Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14) Conference, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 9th-13th 201

    Testing KiDS cross-correlation redshifts with simulations

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    Measuring cosmic shear in wide-field imaging surveys requires accurate knowledge of the redshift distribution of all sources. The clustering-redshift technique exploits the angular cross-correlation of a target galaxy sample with unknown redshifts and a reference sample with known redshifts. It represents an attractive alternative to colour-based methods of redshift calibration. Here we test the performance of such clustering redshift measurements using mock catalogues that resemble the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). These mocks are created from the MICE simulation and closely mimic the properties of the KiDS source sample and the overlapping spectroscopic reference samples. We quantify the performance of the clustering redshifts by comparing the cross-correlation results with the true redshift distributions in each of the five KiDS photometric redshift bins. Such a comparison to an informative model is necessary due to the incompleteness of the reference samples at high redshifts. Clustering mean redshifts are unbiased at |Δz|< 0.006 under these conditions. The redshift evolution of the galaxy bias of the reference and target samples represents one of the most important systematic errors when estimating clustering redshifts. It can be reliably mitigated at this level of precision using auto-correlation measurements and self-consistency relations, and will not become a dominant source of systematic error until the arrival of Stage-IV cosmic shear surveys. Using redshift distributions from a direct colour-based estimate instead of the true redshift distributions as a model for comparison with the clustering redshifts increases the biases in the mean to up to |Δz|∼0.04. This indicates that the interpretation of clustering redshifts in real-world applications will require more sophisticated (parameterised) models of the redshift distribution in the future. If such better models are available, the clustering-redshift technique promises to be a highly complementary alternative to other methods of redshift calibration

    KiDS-i-800: Comparing weak gravitational lensing measurements in same-sky surveys

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    We present a weak gravitational lensing analysis of 815 square degree of ii-band imaging from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-ii-800). In contrast to the deep rr-band observations, which take priority during excellent seeing conditions and form the primary KiDS dataset (KiDS-rr-450), the complementary yet shallower KiDS-ii-800 spans a wide range of observing conditions. The overlapping KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 imaging therefore provides a unique opportunity to assess the robustness of weak lensing measurements. In our analysis, we introduce two new `null' tests. The `nulled' two-point shear correlation function uses a matched catalogue to show that the calibrated KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 shear measurements agree at the level of 1±41 \pm 4\%. We use five galaxy lens samples to determine a `nulled' galaxy-galaxy lensing signal from the full KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 surveys and find that the measurements agree to 7±57 \pm 5\% when the KiDS-ii-800 source redshift distribution is calibrated using either spectroscopic redshifts, or the 30-band photometric redshifts from the COSMOS survey.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Testing KiDS cross-correlation redshifts with simulations

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    Measuring cosmic shear in wide-field imaging surveys requires accurate knowledge of the redshift distribution of all sources. The clustering-redshift technique exploits the angular cross-correlation of a target galaxy sample with unknown redshifts and a reference sample with known redshifts, and is an attractive alternative to colour-based methods of redshift calibration. We test the performance of such clustering redshift measurements using mock catalogues that resemble the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). These mocks are created from the MICE simulation and closely mimic the properties of the KiDS source sample and the overlapping spectroscopic reference samples. We quantify the performance of the clustering redshifts by comparing the cross-correlation results with the true redshift distributions in each of the five KiDS photometric redshift bins. Such a comparison to an informative model is necessary due to the incompleteness of the reference samples at high redshifts. Clustering mean redshifts are unbiased at Δz<0.006|\Delta z|<0.006 under these conditions. The redshift evolution of the galaxy bias can be reliably mitigated at this level of precision using auto-correlation measurements and self-consistency relations, and will not become a dominant source of systematic error until the arrival of Stage-IV cosmic shear surveys. Using redshift distributions from a direct colour-based estimate instead of the true redshift distributions as a model for comparison with the clustering redshifts increases the biases in the mean to up to Δz0.04|\Delta z|\sim0.04. This indicates that the interpretation of clustering redshifts in real-world applications will require more sophisticated (parameterised) models of the redshift distribution in the future. If such better models are available, the clustering-redshift technique promises to be a highly complementary alternative to other methods of redshift calibration.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, 10 tables, submitted to A&

    Geometry versus growth. Internal consistency of the flat LambdaCDM model with KiDS-1000

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    We carry out a multi-probe self-consistency test of the flat ΛCDM model with the aim of exploring potential causes of the reported tensions between high- and low-redshift cosmological observations. We divide the model into two theory regimes determined by the smooth background (geometry) and the evolution of matter density fluctuations (growth), each governed by an independent set of Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) cosmological parameters. This extended model is constrained by a combination of weak gravitational lensing measurements from the Kilo-Degree Survey, galaxy clustering signatures extracted from Sloan Digital Sky Survey campaigns and the Six-Degree Field Galaxy Survey, and the angular baryon acoustic scale and the primordial scalar fluctuation power spectrum measured in Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. For both the weak lensing data set individually and the combined probes, we find strong consistency between the geometry and growth parameters, as well as with the posterior of standard ΛCDM analysis. In the non-split analysis, for which one single set of parameters was used, tension in the amplitude of matter density fluctuations as measured by the parameter S 8 persists at around 3σ, with a 1.5 % constraint of S 8 = 0.776+0.016 for −0.008 the combined probes. We also observe a less significant preference (at least 2σ) for higher values of the Hubble constant, H0 = 70.5+0.7 km s−1 Mpc−1 , as well as for lower values of the total matter density parameter Ωm = 0.289+0.007 compared to the full Planck −1.5 −0.005 analysis. Including the subset of the CMB information in the probe combination enhances these differences rather than alleviate them, which we link to the discrepancy between low and high multipoles in Planck data. Our geometry versus growth analysis does not yet yield clear signs regarding whether the origin of the discrepancies lies in ΛCDM structure growth or expansion history but holds promise as an insightful test for forthcoming, more powerful data

    Evidence for the accelerated expansion of the Universe from weak lensing tomography with COSMOS

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    We present a tomographic cosmological weak lensing analysis of the HST COSMOS Survey. Applying our lensing-optimized data reduction, principal component interpolation for the ACS PSF, and improved modelling of charge-transfer inefficiency, we measure a lensing signal which is consistent with pure gravitational modes and no significant shape systematics. We carefully estimate the statistical uncertainty from simulated COSMOS-like fields obtained from ray-tracing through the Millennium Simulation. We test our pipeline on simulated space-based data, recalibrate non-linear power spectrum corrections using the ray-tracing, employ photometric redshifts to reduce potential contamination by intrinsic galaxy alignments, and marginalize over systematic uncertainties. We find that the lensing signal scales with redshift as expected from General Relativity for a concordance LCDM cosmology, including the full cross-correlations between different redshift bins. For a flat LCDM cosmology, we measure sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^0.51=0.75+-0.08 from lensing, in perfect agreement with WMAP-5, yielding joint constraints Omega_m=0.266+0.025-0.023, sigma_8=0.802+0.028-0.029 (all 68% conf.). Dropping the assumption of flatness and using HST Key Project and BBN priors only, we find a negative deceleration parameter q_0 at 94.3% conf. from the tomographic lensing analysis, providing independent evidence for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. For a flat wCDM cosmology and prior w in [-2,0], we obtain w<-0.41 (90% conf.). Our dark energy constraints are still relatively weak solely due to the limited area of COSMOS. However, they provide an important demonstration for the usefulness of tomographic weak lensing measurements from space. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 25 figures, matches version accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Period Change Rates of Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids using MESA

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    Pulsating stars, such as Cepheids and RR Lyrae, offer us a window to measure and study changes due to stellar evolution. In this work, we study the former by calculating a set of evolutionary tracks of stars with an initial mass of 4 to 7 MM_\odot, varying the initial rotation rate and metallicity, using the stellar evolution code Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). Using Radial Stellar Pulsations (RSP), a recently added functionality of MESA, we obtained theoretical instability strip (IS) edges and linear periods for the radial fundamental mode. Period-age, period-age-temperature, period-luminosity, and period-luminosity-temperature relationships were derived for three rotation rates and metallicities, showing a dependence on crossing number, position in the IS, rotation, and metallicity. We calculated period change rates (PCRs) based on the linear periods from RSP. We compared our models with literature results using the Geneva code, and found large differences, as expected due to the different implementations of rotation between codes. In addition, we compared our theoretical PCRs with those measured in our recent work for Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids. We found good overall agreement, even though our models do not reach the short-period regime exhibited by the empirical data. Implementations of physical processes not yet included in our models, such as pulsation-driven mass loss, an improved treatment of convection that may lead to a better description of the instability strip edges, as well as consideration of a wider initial mass range, could all help improve the agreement with the observed PCRs.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    KiDS-1000: Constraints on the intrinsic alignment of luminous red galaxies

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    We constrain the luminosity and redshift dependence of the intrinsic alignment (IA) of a nearly volume-limited sample of luminous red galaxies selected from the fourth public data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000). To measure the shapes of the galaxies, we used two complementary algorithms, finding consistent IA measurements for the overlapping galaxy sample. The global significance of IA detection across our two independent luminous red galaxy samples, with our favoured method of shape estimation, is ∼10.7σ. We find no significant dependence with redshift of the IA signal in the range 0.2 < z < 0.8, nor a dependence with luminosity below Lr ≲ 2.9 × 1010 h−2Lr, ⊙. Above this luminosity, however, we find that the IA signal increases as a power law, although our results are also compatible with linear growth within the current uncertainties. This behaviour motivates the use of a broken power law model when accounting for the luminosity dependence of IA contamination in cosmic shear studies

    KiDS-1000: Cross-correlation with Planck cosmic microwave background lensing and intrinsic alignment removal with self-calibration

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    CONTEXT: Galaxy shear and cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing convergence cross-correlations contain additional information on cosmology with respect to auto-correlations. While remaining immune to certain systemic effects, these cross-correlations are nonetheless affected by the galaxy's intrinsic alignments (IA). These effects may, in fact, be responsible for the reported low lensing amplitude of the galaxy shear × CMB convergence cross-correlations, compared to the standard Planck ACDM (cosmological constant and cold dark matter) cosmology predictions. AIMS: In this work, we investigate how IA affects the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) galaxy lensing shear and Planck CMB lensing convergence cross-correlation and we compare it to previous treatments, both with and without IA taken into consideration. METHODS: We compared the marginalization over IA parameters and the IA self-calibration (SC) method (with additional observables defined only from the source galaxies) to demonstrate that SC can efficiently break the degeneracy between the CMB lensing amplitude, Alens, and the IA amplitude, AIA. We further investigated how different systematics affect the resulting AIA and Alens and we validated our results with the MICE2 simulation. RESULTS: We find that by including the SC method to constrain IA, the information loss due to the degeneracy between CMB lensing and IA is strongly reduced. The best-fit values are Alens = 0.84-0.22+0.22 and AIA = 0.60-1.03+1.03, while different angular scale cuts can affect Alens by ~10%. We show that an appropriate treatment of the boost factor, cosmic magnification, and photometric redshift modeling is important for obtaining the correct IA and cosmological results