50 research outputs found
Economia agrícola das comunidades romanas do NW peninsular: dados carpológicos da Terronha de Pinhovelo (Bragança, Portugal)
Um estudo paleoetnobotânico realizado sobre
macro-restos vegetais do povoado romano da Terronha de
Pinhovelo (Nordeste de Portugal), forneceu informações
acerca das práticas agrícolas das comunidades indígenas
dos séculos IV/V D.C.Foram recolhidos depósitos com
quantidades significativas de macro-fosseis vegetais em
vários compartimentos e estruturas domésticas. Os dados
recolhidos sugerem a existência de uma agricultura
cerealífera caracterizada pelo domínio de Triticum spelta, T.
aestivum, T. compactum e Hordeum vulgare. A fava foi a
única leguminosa registada
Activity-on-arc network graphic editor
This paper presents an application developed to visualize and edit Activity-On-Arc (AoA) project networks. It is part of a larger project that has the goal to study the resource allocation problem in stochastic multimodal activity networks. This application was developed in Java programming language and uses the open source libraries JGraph and JGrapht. It enables one to visualize and edit AoA networks with multiple resources, and save it into one of the two types of files available (TXT or XML).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
Activity-on-arc network graphic editor
This paper presents an application developed to visualize and edit Activity-On-Arc (AoA) project networks. It is part of a larger project that has the goal to study the resource allocation problem in stochastic multimodal activity networks. This application was developed in Java programming language and uses the open source libraries JGraph and JGrapht. It enables one to visualize and edit AoA networks with multiple resources, and save them into one of the two types of files available (TXT or XML)
Agriculture, gathering, and food processing in the 10th century in central-north Portugal
UIDP/00749/2020Archaeological excavations at several 10th century villages in the north-central region of Portugal have recovered large numbers of plant macroremains that have been preserved due to fires that affected the sites. The burned remains allow an approach to issues of the agriculture, collection and food consumption carried out by the rural communities that inhabited these sites. This paper presents and discusses the results of the analysis of carpological and anthracological remains. It also discusses some questions of sampling methodology. In fact, different approaches to sample collection greatly affect the results and, consequently, the image that can be built of the consumption and production of food by early medieval rural populations. The results are indicative of communities with a great diversity of cultivation solutions (cereals and legumes) that would be complemented by gathered products such as berries and fruits. The way in which food was stored and processed for consumption can also be detected by other archaeological indicators such as pottery and grinding elements. There is also evidence that points to the cultivation and working of flax. Some weaving elements recovered are thought to have been used to work flax and wool.publishersversionpublishe
Destruido por el fuego, conservado a lo largo del tiempo : cultivos y madera de una estructura de la Edad del Bronce Final / Primera Edad del Hierro en Vila do Touro (Sabugal, Portugal)
Archaeological excavations at Vila do Touro uncovered a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age occupation at the top of a prominent hill. It consisted of a structure built with perishable materials, supported by postholes, and a small subcircular storage facility made of stone. Abundant carbonized plant remains were visible throughout the excavation area during the field work suggesting a fire occurred prior to the abandonment of the place, sometime in the 9th century BC.
Archaeobotanical sampling allowed the recovery of abundant wood charcoal as well as charred fruits and seeds. Analyses showed structures were built mostly out of wood from deciduous oak, although pine was also used. Evidence for growth suppression in oak wood suggests direct human management of wood resources, which agrees with other evidences from northern Iberia.
Moreover, the storage facility was used to keep cereals, mostly naked wheat and common millet, but also barley. These were stored fully processed and ready for consumption. Faba beans were also recovered, outside the small storage facility. Results are similar to sites in northeast Portugal and the Central Meseta but contrast with hillforts from Atlantic areas where hulled wheats are staple crops, suggesting a West-East trend also reflected in environmental and cultural features.Las excavaciones arqueológicas en Vila do Touro detectaron una ocupación del Final de la Edad del Bronce/Primera Edad del Hierro en la destacada cumbre del monte. Se trataba de una estructura construida con materiales perecederos, sostenida por postes, y un pequeño espacio de almacenamiento sub-circular, construido en piedra. Durante el trabajo de campo se observaron abundantes restos de plantas carbonizadas en toda el área de excavación, lo que sugiere un incendio ocurrido antes del abandono del lugar, en algún momento del siglo IX a.C.
El muestreo arqueobotánico permitió la recuperación de abundante madera carbonizada, así como de frutos y semillas carbonizadas. Los análisis mostraron que las estructuras se construyeron principalmente con madera de Quercus de tipo caducifolio, aunque también se usó pino. Evidencias de la supresión del crecimiento en la madera de esos árboles sugieren el manejo humano directo de los recursos de madera, lo que coincide con otras evidencias de la Península Ibérica septentrional.
Además, el espacio de almacenamiento fue utilizado para guardar cereales, principalmente trigo desnudo y mijo común, pero también cebada. Estos fueron almacenados completamente procesados y listos para el consumo. También se recuperaron habas, fuera de la pequeña estructura de almacenamiento. Los resultados son similares a otros sitios del nordeste de Portugal y de la Meseta Central, pero contrastan con los poblados fortificados atlánticos donde el trigo vestido es de cultivo común. Estas diferencias entre los muestreos occidentales y orientales también reflejan las distintas características ambientales y culturales de esas zonas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Preface: The use of plants by human communities in the Iberian Peninsula: carpological perspectives
The papers in this special issue were
presented at the 1
st Iberian Carpology
Meeting - the use of plants by human
communities in the Iberian Peninsula:
carpological perspectives (1º Encontro de
Carpologia Ibérica - Uso de plantas pelas
comunidades humanas na Península Ibérica:
perspetivas carpológicas, in Portuguese). The
event was celebrated at the University of Porto during the 22nd and 23rd of June 2017,
with the institutional support of the University
of Basel (Switzerland) and the University of
Hohenheim (Germany).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
perspetivas sobre a exploração de recursos lenhosos e agrícolas
UID/HIS/00749/2013A ocorrência de um incêndio no sítio de S. Gens permitiu a conservação de matéria orgânica resultante do colapso de estruturas de madeira associadas aos penedos que delimitavam a entrada do povoado. Os resultados obtidos revelaram o domínio de carvalhos (Quercus spp.) nos carvões e milho-miúdo (Panicum miliaceum) na carpologia. Dos restantes, salienta-se a presença de fragmentos de pinheiro-silvestre (Pinus sylvestris) e algumas espécies arbustivas, vários cereais e, ainda, carporrestos da flora local. O estudo deste sítio, em conjugação com outros, permitirá obter uma caracterização regional da exploração de recursos naturais no centro de Portugal, numa cronologia onde os estudos arqueobotânicos ainda não são frequentes.publishersversionpublishe
Production, Processing, and Storage at the Early Medieval Site of Senhora Do Barrocal (Municipality of Sátão, Central Portugal)
UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020Small rural places are largely absent from early medieval written sources, but they were profuse and relevant in regional settlements and economies. Only through archaeological and archaeobotanical investigation is it possible to unveil their structure and productive strategies; however, this kind of investigation is still uncommon in Iberia. Here, the assemblage of fruits/seeds, wood charcoal, and food remains from Senhora do Barrocal (SB) (Sátão, Portugal) will be presented and discussed in order to understand the crop production, processing, and storage. The site was destroyed by a fire somewhere between the 10th and the 11th centuries AD, which allowed the preservation of abundant plant remains in a storage area. Charcoal analyses suggest that the building was made with oak and chestnut timber. The massive fruits/seeds assemblage was dominated by cereals, mostly oat and rye, but also barley, millet, and naked wheat, some fully dehusked, others still hulled. Furthermore, evidence of food products has also been found, suggesting that the area was used for the storage of multiple foods and crops at different processing stages. SB is a good example of how communities adopted a diverse set of crops and multifaceted storage strategies to prevent food shortages and to endure in a harsh environment.publishersversionpublishe
Cultivos da Idade do Ferro no Crasto de Palheiros: novos dados carpológicos da Plataforma Inferior Leste
Crasto de Palheiros tem sido alvo de diferentes estudos interdisciplinares que, desde o início incluíram análises de arqueobotânica. Neste âmbito, os estudos carpológicos permitiram a identificação de uma área de armazenagem na Plataforma Inferior Leste deste povoado, que terá sido destruída por um incêndio no final da Idade do Ferro. Restavam, porém, amostras por estudar que tinham o potencial de acrescentar dados relevantes para a compreensão deste local nesta cronologia.Foram estudados contextos numa área limítrofe à zona de armazenagem anteriormente identificada, tendo sido identificados cereais e leguminosas. Verificou-se um predomínio de trigos vestidos (Triticum dicoccum/spelta), identificando-se igualmente cevada (Hordeum vulgare) e trigos nus (Triticum aestivum/turgidum/durum). Outras espécies surgem de forma vestigial, tais como a fava (Vicia faba), milho-miúdo (Panicum miliaceum) e uva (Vitis vinífera), assim como diferentes espécies silvestres das quais destacamos os medronhos (Arbutus unedo).A escassez de material recuperado e a configuração do local sugere que este correspondia a uma área de acesso às estruturas de armazenagem e que estas eventualmente se prolongariam ligeiramente para a área aqui estudada.Interdisciplinary studies have been carried out at Crasto de Palheiros and these included archaeobotanical analyses. Previous carpological studies led to the identification in the Lower Eastern Platform of this settlement of a storage area that was destroyed in the end of the Iron Age. However, several samples remained unstudied and these had the potential to add data which could be important for the understanding of the platform in that chronology.The contexts studied were adjacent to the previously identified storage area and showed the presence of cereals and pulses. Hulled wheat (Triticum dicoccum/spelta) was predominant but hulled barley (Hordeum vulgare) and naked wheat (Triticum aestivum/durum/turgidum) were also identified. Remains from other species were rare and included faba bean (Vicia faba), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and grapes (Vitis vinifera), as well as different wild species of which fruits from strawberry trees (Arbutus unedo) were the most abundant.The scarcity of carpological remains that were recovered, together with the configuration of the place suggest this to have been an access area to the storage structures. These storage facilities might have only slightly extended to the area studied here