32 research outputs found

    DNA Coated Nanoparticle Eight-mers as Programmable Self-Assembly Building Blocks

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    Abstract. Nanoparticles coated with single stranded DNA have been shown to efficiently hybridize to targets of complementary DNA. This property might be used to implement programmable (or algorithmic-) self-assembly to build nanoparticle structures. However, we argue that a DNA coated nanoparticle by itself cannot be used as a programmable self-assembly building block since it does not have directed bonds. A general scheme for assembling and purifying nanoparticle eight-mers with eight geometrically well-directed bonds is presented together with some preliminary experimental work

    A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

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    We greatly appreciate the care and thought that is evident in the 10 commentaries that discuss our debate paper, the majority of which argued in favor of a formalized ICD-11 gaming disorder. We agree that there are some people whose play of video games is related to life problems. We believe that understanding this population and the nature and severity of the problems they experience should be a focus area for future research. However, moving from research construct to formal disorder requires a much stronger evidence base than we currently have. The burden of evidence and the clinical utility should be extremely high, because there is a genuine risk of abuse of diagnoses. We provide suggestions about the level of evidence that might be required: transparent and preregistered studies, a better demarcation of the subject area that includes a rationale for focusing on gaming particularly versus a more general behavioral addictions concept, the exploration of non-addiction approaches, and the unbiased exploration of clinical approaches that treat potentially underlying issues, such as depressive mood or social anxiety first. We acknowledge there could be benefits to formalizing gaming disorder, many of which were highlighted by colleagues in their commentaries, but we think they do not yet outweigh the wider societal and public health risks involved. Given the gravity of diagnostic classification and its wider societal impact, we urge our colleagues at the WHO to err on the side of caution for now and postpone the formalization

    A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China

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    Background: China’s Guangdong Province experienced a major dengue outbreak in 2014. Here we investigate if the weather conditions contributing to the outbreak can be elucidated by multi-scale models. Methods: A multi-scale modelling framework, parameterized by available weather, vector and human case data, was used to examine the integrative effect of temperature and precipitation variation on the effective reproduction number (ERN) of dengue fever. Results: With temperature in the range of 25–30 °C, increasing precipitation leads to an increase in the ERN with an average lag of 10 days. With monthly precipitation fixed, the more regular the pattern of rainfall (i.e. higher numbers of rainy days), the larger is the total number of adult mosquitoes. A rainfall distribution peaking in June and July produces a large ERN, beneficial to transmission. Climate conditions conducive to major outbreaks within a season are a combination of relatively high temperature, high precipitation peaking in June and July, and uninterrupted drizzle or regular rainfall. Conclusions: Evaluating a set of weather conditions favourable to a future major dengue outbreak requires near-future prediction of temperature variation, total rainfall and its peaking times. Such information permits seasonal rapid response management decisions due to the lags between the precipitation events and the realisation of the ERN

    Sámi forced relocation in Sweden during 1920s-30s : history and narratives

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    The Sámi Indigenous population live in the arctic Sápmi area across four countries: Norway,Sweden,Finland and the Kola Peninsulaof Russia. Reindeer husbandry is part of their profession and livelihood for millennia, where reindeers graze in Sápmi land without borders from mountains to the seashore at different seasons. Over the last one century,due to political  development between Sápmi countries,the country borders were closed forr eindeer grazing. Between 1920s and 1930s about 300-400 Sámi people were forced to relocate from northern to southern counties of Sápmi in Sweden. The study aims to introduce the history and consequences of the forced relocation to some of the affected Sámi people based on available information that the author can find, mainly the work of Prof. Patrik Lantto and Author Elin Anna Labba. The study shows that the forced relocations have had and still have an effect on reindeer husbandry in Sweden today. Through narratives of some relocated North Sámi,the stories are told on impact of the forced relocation to those relocatedreindeer herders’ lives. Through analysis of state policies and an example ofone reindeer herding district,Vapsten, one negative consequence of the forced relocation is described as strong intro-Sámi conflicts that are still unresolved even today.萨米人生活在北极地区的萨米原住民居住地,主要分布在四个国家境内,分别是挪威、瑞典、芬兰以及俄罗斯的科拉半岛。驯鹿饲养是萨米人千百年来的主要职业及主要生活来源,他们在没有国界的萨米土地上放牧,从山地到海边,随着季节更换放牧的地方。在过去的100 年间,由于萨米地区各个国家的政治发展,曾经用来放牧驯鹿的各个国家的边界地区先后关闭。在20 世纪20 到30年代之间,大约有300 到400 名萨米人被迫从瑞典北部的萨米居住地搬迁到南部的萨米居住地。本研究主要以帕特里克·兰托教授和艾琳·安娜·拉巴博士的著作为基础,研究的目的在于介绍萨米人遭遇强制搬迁的历史及其给部分萨米人带来的影响。研究表明,强制搬迁对瑞典的驯鹿饲养产生了影响,并且该影响一直延续到今天。有关搬迁后部分北方萨米人的叙事,讲述了强制搬迁对搬迁后驯鹿牧民生活的影响。通过分析国家政策,并以瓦普斯顿(Vapsten)驯鹿放牧区为例,发现强制搬迁的一个负面影响就是,到目前为止由搬迁而导致萨米人内部的冲突依然没有解 决。Chapter in Chinese.</p

    Sámi forced relocation in Sweden during 1920s-30s : history and narratives

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    The Sámi Indigenous population live in the arctic Sápmi area across four countries: Norway,Sweden,Finland and the Kola Peninsulaof Russia. Reindeer husbandry is part of their profession and livelihood for millennia, where reindeers graze in Sápmi land without borders from mountains to the seashore at different seasons. Over the last one century,due to political  development between Sápmi countries,the country borders were closed forr eindeer grazing. Between 1920s and 1930s about 300-400 Sámi people were forced to relocate from northern to southern counties of Sápmi in Sweden. The study aims to introduce the history and consequences of the forced relocation to some of the affected Sámi people based on available information that the author can find, mainly the work of Prof. Patrik Lantto and Author Elin Anna Labba. The study shows that the forced relocations have had and still have an effect on reindeer husbandry in Sweden today. Through narratives of some relocated North Sámi,the stories are told on impact of the forced relocation to those relocatedreindeer herders’ lives. Through analysis of state policies and an example ofone reindeer herding district,Vapsten, one negative consequence of the forced relocation is described as strong intro-Sámi conflicts that are still unresolved even today.萨米人生活在北极地区的萨米原住民居住地,主要分布在四个国家境内,分别是挪威、瑞典、芬兰以及俄罗斯的科拉半岛。驯鹿饲养是萨米人千百年来的主要职业及主要生活来源,他们在没有国界的萨米土地上放牧,从山地到海边,随着季节更换放牧的地方。在过去的100 年间,由于萨米地区各个国家的政治发展,曾经用来放牧驯鹿的各个国家的边界地区先后关闭。在20 世纪20 到30年代之间,大约有300 到400 名萨米人被迫从瑞典北部的萨米居住地搬迁到南部的萨米居住地。本研究主要以帕特里克·兰托教授和艾琳·安娜·拉巴博士的著作为基础,研究的目的在于介绍萨米人遭遇强制搬迁的历史及其给部分萨米人带来的影响。研究表明,强制搬迁对瑞典的驯鹿饲养产生了影响,并且该影响一直延续到今天。有关搬迁后部分北方萨米人的叙事,讲述了强制搬迁对搬迁后驯鹿牧民生活的影响。通过分析国家政策,并以瓦普斯顿(Vapsten)驯鹿放牧区为例,发现强制搬迁的一个负面影响就是,到目前为止由搬迁而导致萨米人内部的冲突依然没有解 决。Chapter in Chinese.</p

    Climate Change, Dengue and Aedes Mosquitoes : Past Trends and Future Scenarios

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    Background Climate change, global travel and trade have facilitated the spread of Aedes mosquitoes and have consequently enabled the diseases they transmit (dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika and yellow fever) to emerge and re-emerge in uninfected areas. Large dengue outbreaks occurred in Athens in 1927 and in Portuguese island, Madeira in 2012, but there are almost no recent reports of Aedes aegypti, the principal vector, in Europe. A dengue outbreak needs four conditions: sufficient susceptible humans, abundant Aedes vector, dengue virus introduction, and conducive climate. Can Aedes aegypti establish themselves again in Europe in the near future if they are introduced? How do the current and future climate affect dengue transmission globally, and regionally as in Europe? This thesis tries to answer these questions. Methods Two process-based mathematical models were developed in this thesis. Model 1 describes a vector’s ability to transmit dengue – vectorial capacity – based on temperature and diurnal temperature range (DTR). Model 2 describes vector population dynamics based on the lifecycle of Aedes aegypti. From this model, vector abundance was estimated using both climate as a single driver, and climate together with human population and GDP as multiple drivers; vector population growth rate was derived as a threshold condition to estimate the vector’s invasion to a new place. Results Using vectorial capacity, we estimate dengue epidemic potential globally for Aedes aegypti and in Europe for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. We show that mean temperature and DTR are both important in modelling dengue transmission, especially in a temperate climate zone like Europe. Currently, South Europe is over the threshold for dengue epidemics if sufficient dengue vectors are present. Aedes aegypti is on the borderline of invasion into the southern tip of Europe. However, by end of this century, the invasion of Aedes aegypti may reach as far north as the middle of Europe under the business-as-usual climate scenario. Or it may be restricted to the south Europe from the middle of the century if the low carbon emission – Paris Agreement – is implemented to limit global warming to below 2°C. Conclusion Climate change will increase the area and time window for Aedes aegypti’s invasion and consequently the dengue epidemic potential globally, and in Europe in particular. Successfully achieving the Paris Agreement would considerably change the future risk scenario of a highly competent vector – Aedes aegypti’s – invasion into Europe. Therefore, the risk of transmission of dengue and other infectious diseases to the mainland of Europe depends largely on human efforts to mitigate climate change.Bakgrund Klimatförändringar tillsammans med en ökad frekvens av globala resor och handel har gynnat spridningen av Aedes-myggor och möjliggjort att de sjukdomar som de överför (dengue feber, Chikungunya, Zika och gul feber) etablerar sig i tidigare oinfekterade områden. Det två största utbrotten av dengue i Europa inträffade i Aten 1927 och på den portugisiska ön Madeira 2012 orsakades av Aedes aegypti, men i de allra flesta delar i Europa finns inga rapporter om Aedes aegypti. Ett utbrott av dengue kräver att fyra villkor uppfylls: tillräckligt mottagliga människor, rikligt med Aedes-vektorer, introduktion av dengue-virus, och ett gynnsamt klimat. En stor fråga idag är om Aedes aegypti kan etableras igen i Europa i ett förändrat klimat, och hur nuvarande och framtida klimatförhållanden möjligör dengue smittspridning globalt och regionalt i Europa. Denna avhandling försöker svara på dessa frågor. Metoder Två processbaserade matematiska modeller utvecklades i arbetet med denna avhandling. En av modellerna beskriver vektorns förmåga att överföra dengue – vektorkapaciteten – baserat på temperatur och dyngstemperaturens varation (DTR). Den andra modellen beskriver vektorpopulationens dynamik baserat på myggans livscykel. Myggornas populationsdynamik och populationstäthet uppskattades med en modell baserat på enbart klimat, samt en modell baserat på klimat, mänsklig befolkning och BNP. Vektorgruppens tillväxthastighet härleddes som ett tröskelvärde för att uppskatta vektorernas invasionsbenägenhet till nya områden i takt med att klimatet förändras. Resultat Med hjälp av vektorkapacitetmodellen uppskattade vi den epidemiska potentialen av dengue smittad av Aedes aegypti globalt och i Europa av Aedes aegypti och Aedes albopictus. Vi visar att den genomsnittliga temperaturen och DTR båda är viktiga för dengue myggornas kapacitet att starta epidemier, särskilt i tempererade klimatzoner, så som Europa. För närvarande är Syd-Europa tillräckligt gynnsamt för dengueepidemier vissa tider på året om myggpopulationerna är tillräckligt stora. Vi visat att Aedes aegypti möjligen kan etablera sig längs Europas södra utkanter idag. I slutet av detta århundrade kan invasionen av Aedes aegypti nå så långt norrut till mitten av Europa om vi inte begränsar klimatutsläppen mer än vad vi gör idag. Om vi följer klimatavtalet från Paris 2015 där den globala uppvärmningen begränsar till under 2 grader kan invasionen troligtvis förhindras, eller i vilket fall kraftigt begränsas i Europa. Slutsats Ett varmare klimat kommer att öka antalet geografiska områdena i Europa som är gynnsamt för Aedes aegypti. Det kommer även öka tidsfönstret för vektorernas epidemiska potential globalt, och i synnerhet för Europa. En framgångsrik implementering av klimatavtalet från 2015, som riktar sig mot att begränsa uppvärmingen till under 2 grader, skulle väsentligt minska risken för en framtida invasion av dengue, zika och chikungunya i Europa. Därför beror risken för dengueöverföring och andra infektionssjukdomar i södra Europa till stor del på mänskliga ansträngningar för att med utsläppsminskningar av växthusgaser kontrollera klimatförändringen

    Climate Change, Dengue and Aedes Mosquitoes : Past Trends and Future Scenarios

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    Background Climate change, global travel and trade have facilitated the spread of Aedes mosquitoes and have consequently enabled the diseases they transmit (dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika and yellow fever) to emerge and re-emerge in uninfected areas. Large dengue outbreaks occurred in Athens in 1927 and in Portuguese island, Madeira in 2012, but there are almost no recent reports of Aedes aegypti, the principal vector, in Europe. A dengue outbreak needs four conditions: sufficient susceptible humans, abundant Aedes vector, dengue virus introduction, and conducive climate. Can Aedes aegypti establish themselves again in Europe in the near future if they are introduced? How do the current and future climate affect dengue transmission globally, and regionally as in Europe? This thesis tries to answer these questions. Methods Two process-based mathematical models were developed in this thesis. Model 1 describes a vector’s ability to transmit dengue – vectorial capacity – based on temperature and diurnal temperature range (DTR). Model 2 describes vector population dynamics based on the lifecycle of Aedes aegypti. From this model, vector abundance was estimated using both climate as a single driver, and climate together with human population and GDP as multiple drivers; vector population growth rate was derived as a threshold condition to estimate the vector’s invasion to a new place. Results Using vectorial capacity, we estimate dengue epidemic potential globally for Aedes aegypti and in Europe for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. We show that mean temperature and DTR are both important in modelling dengue transmission, especially in a temperate climate zone like Europe. Currently, South Europe is over the threshold for dengue epidemics if sufficient dengue vectors are present. Aedes aegypti is on the borderline of invasion into the southern tip of Europe. However, by end of this century, the invasion of Aedes aegypti may reach as far north as the middle of Europe under the business-as-usual climate scenario. Or it may be restricted to the south Europe from the middle of the century if the low carbon emission – Paris Agreement – is implemented to limit global warming to below 2°C. Conclusion Climate change will increase the area and time window for Aedes aegypti’s invasion and consequently the dengue epidemic potential globally, and in Europe in particular. Successfully achieving the Paris Agreement would considerably change the future risk scenario of a highly competent vector – Aedes aegypti’s – invasion into Europe. Therefore, the risk of transmission of dengue and other infectious diseases to the mainland of Europe depends largely on human efforts to mitigate climate change.Bakgrund Klimatförändringar tillsammans med en ökad frekvens av globala resor och handel har gynnat spridningen av Aedes-myggor och möjliggjort att de sjukdomar som de överför (dengue feber, Chikungunya, Zika och gul feber) etablerar sig i tidigare oinfekterade områden. Det två största utbrotten av dengue i Europa inträffade i Aten 1927 och på den portugisiska ön Madeira 2012 orsakades av Aedes aegypti, men i de allra flesta delar i Europa finns inga rapporter om Aedes aegypti. Ett utbrott av dengue kräver att fyra villkor uppfylls: tillräckligt mottagliga människor, rikligt med Aedes-vektorer, introduktion av dengue-virus, och ett gynnsamt klimat. En stor fråga idag är om Aedes aegypti kan etableras igen i Europa i ett förändrat klimat, och hur nuvarande och framtida klimatförhållanden möjligör dengue smittspridning globalt och regionalt i Europa. Denna avhandling försöker svara på dessa frågor. Metoder Två processbaserade matematiska modeller utvecklades i arbetet med denna avhandling. En av modellerna beskriver vektorns förmåga att överföra dengue – vektorkapaciteten – baserat på temperatur och dyngstemperaturens varation (DTR). Den andra modellen beskriver vektorpopulationens dynamik baserat på myggans livscykel. Myggornas populationsdynamik och populationstäthet uppskattades med en modell baserat på enbart klimat, samt en modell baserat på klimat, mänsklig befolkning och BNP. Vektorgruppens tillväxthastighet härleddes som ett tröskelvärde för att uppskatta vektorernas invasionsbenägenhet till nya områden i takt med att klimatet förändras. Resultat Med hjälp av vektorkapacitetmodellen uppskattade vi den epidemiska potentialen av dengue smittad av Aedes aegypti globalt och i Europa av Aedes aegypti och Aedes albopictus. Vi visar att den genomsnittliga temperaturen och DTR båda är viktiga för dengue myggornas kapacitet att starta epidemier, särskilt i tempererade klimatzoner, så som Europa. För närvarande är Syd-Europa tillräckligt gynnsamt för dengueepidemier vissa tider på året om myggpopulationerna är tillräckligt stora. Vi visat att Aedes aegypti möjligen kan etablera sig längs Europas södra utkanter idag. I slutet av detta århundrade kan invasionen av Aedes aegypti nå så långt norrut till mitten av Europa om vi inte begränsar klimatutsläppen mer än vad vi gör idag. Om vi följer klimatavtalet från Paris 2015 där den globala uppvärmningen begränsar till under 2 grader kan invasionen troligtvis förhindras, eller i vilket fall kraftigt begränsas i Europa. Slutsats Ett varmare klimat kommer att öka antalet geografiska områdena i Europa som är gynnsamt för Aedes aegypti. Det kommer även öka tidsfönstret för vektorernas epidemiska potential globalt, och i synnerhet för Europa. En framgångsrik implementering av klimatavtalet från 2015, som riktar sig mot att begränsa uppvärmingen till under 2 grader, skulle väsentligt minska risken för en framtida invasion av dengue, zika och chikungunya i Europa. Därför beror risken för dengueöverföring och andra infektionssjukdomar i södra Europa till stor del på mänskliga ansträngningar för att med utsläppsminskningar av växthusgaser kontrollera klimatförändringen

    Sámi traditional medicine : practices, usage, benefit, accessibility and relation to conventional medicine, a scoping review study

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    The Sámi Indigenous populations, who live in the arctic Sápmi area across four countries–Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Russia–have practiced traditional medicine (TM) for millennia. However, today Sámi TM is unknown within the Swedish health care services (HCS). The aim of this study is to describe the nature and scope of research conducted on Sámi TM among the four Sápmi countries. This study covers peer-reviewed research published in the English language up to 8 April 2020. From 15 databases, 240 abstracts were identified, and 19 publications met the inclusion criteria for full review. Seventeen studies were conducted in Norway, one in Finland and one in Sweden, none in Russia. In northern Norway, Sámi TM is actively used by the local communities, and is claimed to be effective, but is not accessible within HCS. Holistic worldviews, including spirituality, prevail in Sámi TM from practitioners’ selection criteria to health care practices to illness responsibilities. An integration of Sámi TM into HCS is clearly the desire of local communities. Comparisons were made between Sámi TM and conventional medicine on worldviews, on perspectives towards each other, and on integration. More studies are needed in Sweden, Finland and Russia

    Sámi Traditional Healing in Sweden – An Interview Study

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    Sámi traditional healing has been practiced in the Sápmi region of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia for millennia. This study focuses on Sámi traditional healing in Sweden. Through interviews with five active healers and 11 key informants, we found that traditional healing is currently alive in Sweden but hidden. Healers treat health problems ranging from the physical to the spiritual, including mental issues and life’s difficult situations. Low-cost methods are used: spiritual healing with prayers and the laying on of hands, consultation, and herbal remedies. Healing takes place either face-to-face or over distance. Healers charge no money but accept small gifts. Being a healer is a calling. A general concern is voiced by informants about the diminishing number of healers in Sweden.Sámi traditional healing has been practiced in the Sápmi region of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia for millennia. This study focuses on Sámi traditional healing in Sweden. Through interviews with five active healers and 11 key informants, we found that traditional healing is currently alive in Sweden but hidden. Healers treat health problems ranging from the physical to the spiritual, including mental issues and life’s difficult situations. Low-cost methods are used: spiritual healing with prayers and the laying on of hands, consultation, and herbal remedies. Healing takes place either face-to-face or over distance. Healers charge no money but accept small gifts. Being a healer is a calling. A general concern is voiced by informants about the diminishing number of healers in Sweden

    Sámi Traditional Healing in Sweden : An Interview Study

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    Sámi traditional healing has been practiced in the Sápmi region of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia for millennia. This study focuses on Sámi traditional healing in Sweden. Through interviews with five active healers and 11 key informants, we found that traditional healing is currently alive in Sweden but hidden. Healers treat health problems ranging from the physical to the spiritual, including mental issues and life’s difficult situations. Low-cost methods are used: spiritual healing with prayers and the laying on of hands, consultation, and herbal remedies. Healing takes place either face-to-face or over distance. Healers charge no money but accept small gifts. Being a healer is a calling. A general concern is voiced by informants about the diminishing number of healers in Sweden