542 research outputs found

    Diferencias salariales por motivo de género: el papel del desempleo

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    En el presente trabajo se tiene por objetivo estudiar un tema muy relevante en la actualidad, la discriminación salarial entre hombres y mujeres. Lo que se pretende, es mostrar, a nivel nacional, las diferencias salariales por motivo de género. Se hará un análisis de esas diferencias entre los años 2006 y 2010, y además se analizará también el desempleo en ese periodo. Para ello, se partirá de unos datos que provienen de la encuesta de estructura salarial y de la Encuesta de Población Activa, de los años a analizar. Después de la investigación, para terminar, se mostrarán las conclusiones derivadas de este estudio.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Brain abnormalities in dyslexic subjects

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    Since decades ago, significant research had been directed to pinpoint the biological foundations of dyslexia. Throughout history, several functional and morphological differences in dyslexics. brains have been reported. In this paper, the evidence about brain abnormalities in different structures associated with dyslexia is examined: planum temporale, parietal lobe, corpus callosum, cerebellum, insula and right hemisphere. Potential genetic factors involved in dyslexia are analyzed. It is emphasized that a defect in the phonological language processing may represent the core defect in dyslexia. It is concluded that dyslexia probably is not a discrete entity; most likely, it presents a continued gradation. Diversity in symptomatology and associated defects could be related with the involvement of different variables. Furthermore, the specific characteristics of the different writing systems could affect the apparent dyslexia frequency and its specific manifestations, as well as the likelihood to find brain abnormalities

    Sistema inteligente de prescripción de riego agrícola basado en redes de sensores y modelado de cultivos

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    The intelligent management of water in agriculture through emerging technologies is essential to increase crop yields, reduce production costs and contribute to environmental sustainability. The aim of this research work was to implement an intelligent agricultural irrigation prescription system. Nodes for the acquisition and wireless transmission of data on soil matric potential up to four depths, canopy temperature, environmental temperature and relative humidity were implemented. The inference system was implemented in a central station that receives data from the field, where the irrigation prescription is determined. The validation of results was carried out using the AquaCrop crop modeling software. The developed system allowed determining daily water prescriptions according to soil type and crop phenology, to avoid excesses and deficiencies in the application.La gestión inteligente del agua en agricultura mediante el uso de las tecnologías emergentes es esencial para aumentar el rendimiento de los cultivos, disminuir costos de producción y contribuir a la sostenibilidad ambiental. El propósito de este trabajo de investigación fue el de implementar un sistema inteligente de prescripción de riego agrícola. Se implementaron nodos de adquisición y transmisión inalámbrica de datos de potencial matricial del suelo hasta cuatro profundidades, temperatura de la cobertura vegetal, temperatura ambiente y humedad relativa. El sistema de inferencia fue implementado en una estación central que recibe los datos en campo, en donde se determina la prescripción de riego.  La validación de los resultados se realizó usando el software de modelamiento de cultivos AquaCrop. El sistema desarrollado permitió determinar prescripciones de agua diarias según el tipo de suelo y el estado fenológico del cultivo, con el propósito de evitar excesos y deficiencias en la aplicación

    Differences in fatty acids composition between Plasmodium infected and uninfected house sparrows along an urbanization gradient

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    This study was funded by project P11-RNM-7038 from the Junta de Andalucia and projects PGC2018-095704-B-I00 and PID2020-118205GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European (FEDER) funds. CI was funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, FORMAS, no. 2015-00526. JJP was funded by the Fundacion Tatiana Perez Guzman el Bueno, MF is supported by the European Union'sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (grant agreement No 844285, 'EpiEcoMod'). Alberto Pastoriza, Manuel Vazquez, Manuel Lobon, Isabel Martin, Laura Gomez, Johan Kjellberg-Jensen and Hong-Lei Wang helped with the field and laboratory work. We are grateful to all the landowners and to Consejeria de Medio Ambiente for allowing us to work on their properties.Anthropogenic activities such as intensification of agriculture, animal husbandry and expansion of cities can negatively impact wildlife through its influence on the availability of high-quality food resources and pathogen transmission. The house sparrow (Passer domesticus), an urban exploiter, is undergoing a population decline. Nutritional constrains and infectious diseases has been highlighted as potential causes. Fatty acids (FAs) play an important role in modulating certain immune responses needed to combat parasite infections. FAs are highly influenced by dietary availability and have been shown to vary between urban and rural birds. Habitat anthropization also affects avianmalaria epidemiology but little attention has been given to the relationship between blood parasite infection, host FAs composition and anthropization. Here, we analysed 165 juvenile birds either infected by Plasmodium or uninfected, captured at 15 localities grouped in triplets containing urban, rural and natural habitats. The total level of FAs was higher in birds fromurban than from rural habitats, suggesting a greater availability of fat-rich foods sources. Furthermore, Plasmodium infected birds had higher relative levels of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) but lower of ω-6 PUFAs than uninfected birds. In concordance, the ω-6/ω-3 ratiowas also lower in infected than in uninfected birds, but only from natural habitats, likely driven by the slightly higher ω-3 PUFAs in infected birds from natural habitats. Birds from anthropized environments may metabolize the ω-3 PUFAs to promote anti-inflammatory responses against stressors, which would result in lower ω-3 affecting their response against Plasmodium. Alternatively, lower ω-6 PUFAs may influence birds susceptibility to infection due to a weaker pro-inflammatory response. These descriptive results do not allow us to identify the causality of these associations but highlight the need to further investigate the relevance of FAs for birds to fight infectious diseases in habitats with different degree of urbanization.Junta de Andalucia P11-RNM-7038Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European (FEDER) funds PGC2018-095704-B-I00 PID2020-118205GB-I00Swedish Research Council Formas 2015-00526Fundacion Tatiana Perez Guzman el BuenoEuropean Commission 84428

    Perfiles de lectura en adolescentes con síndrome de X frágil y síndrome de Down.

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    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and Down Syndrome (DS) read better than expected for their mental age. We have measured three basic reading skills (word recognition, phonological awareness, and reading comprehension), and two standard intellectual and verbal measures: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Tests. The tests were applied to 16 adolescents classified as FXS (M = 14.74 years old, SD = 4.03) and 16 adolescents classified as DS (M = 15.59 years old, SD = 2.35). For comparison purposes, the reading tests were also applied to a typical develop group of 70 children aged between 4.8 and 7.0 years (M = 6.11, SD = 0.71).  Children with DS and FXS exhibited verbal skills superior to their cognitive development, especially in the FXS group. In reading performance, FXS showed a reading level corresponding to 5/6 their age, and for SD 6/7 of the equivalent reading age, however, both groups exhibited a similar reading performance in the three reading skills measured, when nonverbal mental age was controlled.Las personas con síndrome de X frágil (FXS) y con síndrome de Down (DS) leen mejor de lo esperado para su edad mental. Hemos medido tres habilidades básicas de lectura (reconocimiento de palabras, conciencia fonológica y comprensión de lectura), y dos medidas estándar intelectual y verbal: Escalas McCarthy de capacidades de los niños y los Peabody Picture Vocabulary Tests. Las pruebas se aplicaron a 16 adolescentes clasificados como FXS (M = 14.74 años, DT = 4.03) y 16 adolescentes clasificados como DS (M = 15.59 años, SD = 2.35). Para fines de comparación, las pruebas de lectura también se aplicaron a un grupo de desarrollo normal de 70 niños de entre 4.8 y 7 años (M = 6.11, DT = 0.71). Los niños con DS y FXS mostraron habilidades verbales superiores a su desarrollo cognitivo, especialmente en el grupo FXS. En el rendimiento de lectura, FXS mostraron un nivel de lectura correspondiente a 5/6 de su edad, y para SD 6/7 de la edad de lectura equivalente; sin embargo, ambos grupos mostraron un rendimiento de lectura similar en las tres habilidades de lectura medidas, cuando la edad mental no verbal fue controlada

    Firm productivity dynamics in Spain

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    We have constructed a new database aimed at the study of the relation between firm demography and labour productivity, with a large number of Spanish firms from both industry and service sectors. This database allows us to analyze in detail the degree of dispersion and persistence of productivity levels, as well as the contribution of firm demography to productivity growth. This analysis has been done at different levels of sector aggregation. We have also studied explicitly the differential role of small and large firm

    El burn-out y su impacto en los docentes de la Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León = (The burn-out and its impact on teachers of the school of accounting and business administration, University of Nuevo León)

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    Resumen: Existen estudios que muestran que las personas en contacto permanente con otras personas llegan a mostrar alto cansancio emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal conocidas como Burn-out (Síndrome de Quemado por el Trabajo SQT). Este síndrome puede presentarse entre individuos que trabajan con personas al exigir de ellos un desempeño laboral. Este esfuerzo genera en el recurso humano diferentes alteraciones y desgastes físicos y psicológicos que disminuyen el rendimiento laboral, repercutiendo no solo a nivel operativo y administrativo, también se refleja en la conducta del individuo así como en su estado anímico, reflejo que denota estrés laboral el cual es considerado clínicamente como Síndrome del Burn-out. Si analizamos el SQT de los docentes desde un enfoque de administración del capital humano, podemos medir el impacto en la calidad y eficiencia de las universidades. Razón por la cual, en ésta investigación se explorará básicamente: ¿En qué grado los docentes activos de la Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración (FACPyA) de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) padecen el síndrome de SQT?, conocer si la edad, el género y tener pareja son factores que se relacionan en sujetos que padecen el síndrome de SQT, así como saber si la antigüedad laboral, la satisfacción laboral y las relaciones laborales entre los sujetos de la investigación tienen algún grado significativo de relación con los niveles de SQT. Por lo tanto, esta investigación, tiene como objetivo conocer y describir mediante un estudio de análisis descriptivo, el impacto que tiene la sobrecarga de estrés en los docentes de la FACPyA de la UANL. Abstract: The teachers in permanent contact with persons manage to show high emotional weariness, despersonalization and low personal accomplishment known as Burn-out (Syndrome of Burned by the Work SQT) that can appear between individuals who work with persons on having demanded of them a labor performance. This syndrome from an approach of administration of the human capital, affects the quality and efficiency of the organizations. In this one investigation will be explored basically: in what degree do the active teachers of the Faculty of Public Accountancy and Administration (FACPyA) of the Autonomous University again León (UANL) suffer SQT's syndrome? Are the age, the kind and to have pair factors that relate in subjects that suffer SQT's syndrome? ¿Have the labor antiquity, the labor satisfaction and the labor relations between the subjects of the investigation some significant degree of relation with SQT's levels? This effort generates in the human resource different alterations and physical and psychological wears that diminish the labor performance, reverberating not only to operative and administrative level, also is reflected in the conduct of the individual as well as in his mental condition, reflection that denotes job stress which is considered to be clinical A Syndrome of the Burn-out (Syndrome of Burned by the Work SQT). This investigation, it has as aim know and describe by means of a study of descriptive analysis, the impact that has the overload of stress in the teachers of the FACPyA of the UANL. Key words: Syndrome Burned by the Work (SQT), stress, teachers

    Matrices commuting with a given normal tropical matrix

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    Consider the space MnnorM_n^{nor} of square normal matrices X=(xij)X=(x_{ij}) over R{}\mathbb{R}\cup\{-\infty\}, i.e., xij0-\infty\le x_{ij}\le0 and xii=0x_{ii}=0. Endow MnnorM_n^{nor} with the tropical sum \oplus and multiplication \odot. Fix a real matrix AMnnorA\in M_n^{nor} and consider the set Ω(A)\Omega(A) of matrices in MnnorM_n^{nor} which commute with AA. We prove that Ω(A)\Omega(A) is a finite union of alcoved polytopes; in particular, Ω(A)\Omega(A) is a finite union of convex sets. The set ΩA(A)\Omega^A(A) of XX such that AX=XA=AA\odot X=X\odot A=A is also a finite union of alcoved polytopes. The same is true for the set Ω(A)\Omega'(A) of XX such that AX=XA=XA\odot X=X\odot A=X. A topology is given to MnnorM_n^{nor}. Then, the set ΩA(A)\Omega^{A}(A) is a neighborhood of the identity matrix II. If AA is strictly normal, then Ω(A)\Omega'(A) is a neighborhood of the zero matrix. In one case, Ω(A)\Omega(A) is a neighborhood of AA. We give an upper bound for the dimension of Ω(A)\Omega'(A). We explore the relationship between the polyhedral complexes spanAspan A, spanXspan X and span(AX)span (AX), when AA and XX commute. Two matrices, denoted A\underline{A} and Aˉ\bar{A}, arise from AA, in connection with Ω(A)\Omega(A). The geometric meaning of them is given in detail, for one example. We produce examples of matrices which commute, in any dimension.Comment: Journal versio