73 research outputs found

    Artrópodos con interés vectorial en la salud pública en España

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    Rubén Bueno Marí*, Josefa Moreno Marí, Mª Teresa Oltra Moscardó y Ricardo Jiménez Peydró (*[email protected])Quince de las treinta y una Enfermedades de Declaración Obligatoria en España, exceptuando las de tipo congénito o neonatal, pueden ser transmitidas por diversas especies de artrópodos que están presentes en nuestro país. Decenas de bacterias, hongos, virus y protozoos tienen en diversos órdenes de artrópodos a sus agentes transmisores ideales. Este hecho hace que sea necesario conocer su biología para poder adoptar medidas de control que sean eficaces y nos permitan disminuir la incidencia de estas enfermedades. Sin embargo, los estudios epidemiológicos, lejos de quedar únicamente restringidos a las enfermedades que presentan ciclos activos de transmisión en nuestro país, deben adquirir una visión más global, en la que se incluyan también enfermedades alóctonas pero con una elevada probabilidad de que se transmitan a nuestro territorio en el contexto de globalización en el que nos hallamos. De este modo se conseguirá conocer qué factores impiden su presencia actual y dotar a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de una capacidad predictiva que permita pronosticar la posible llegada de la enfermedad, fortaleciendo a fin de cuentas la Salud Pública española. El objetivo del presente trabajo es llevar a cabo una revisión de la artropodofauna de interés vectorial en España. Se discute la situación actual en nuestro país de algunas de las enfermedades más importantes con transmisión vectorial, así como los factores que pueden determinar su aparición, resurgencia y/o recrudecimiento. El estudio de estos agentes en nuestra Salud Pública resulta imprescindible como un elemento más articulado en la compleja red que toda enfermedad de tipo vectorial conlleva.Fifteen of the thirty-one Obligatory Communicable Diseases in Spain, exempting those of congenital or neonatal types, can be transmitted by several species of arthropods that are present in our country. Several arthropod orders are the suitable transmitters of tens of bacteria, fungi, virus and protozoa. This fact demands a through of the biology knowledge of these vectors in order to adopt efficient control measures that allow us to reduce the incidence levels of these diseases. Nevertheless, the epidemiological studies shouldnt remain only restricted to the diseases with active transmission cycles in our country. It is necessary to acquire a global vision because of allochton diseases that are perfectly extensible to our territory in the globalization context in which we are situated. All this information is important to know which factors are preventing the disease presence. The aim is to provide the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network with a valuable predictive capacity that allows it to predict the potential arrival of diseases and the consequent strengthening of the spanish Public Health. The goal of this work is to carry out a review of the spanish arthropod fauna with any vectorial interest. The current situation of some of the more important vectorial diseases in our country and the factors related to a resurgence reappearance and/or intensification of those ones are also discussed. Therefore, the study of these inappealable protagonists in our Public Health as an articulatory element in the complex network that any vectorial disease entails is absolutely necessary

    El control de plagas en ambientes urbanos: criterios básicos para un diseño racional de los programas de control

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    Josefa Moreno Marí, María Teresa Oltra Moscardó, José Vicente Falcó Garí y Ricardo Jiménez Peydró ([email protected])El objetivo del control de plagas urbanas es la mejora del bienestar de los residentes urbanos, la reducción de las enfermedades transmisibles, el mantenimiento de ambientes sanos, la creación de infraestructuras urbanas que reduzcan los riesgos, así como la reducción de la exposición a contaminantes biológicos, físicos y químicos y de sus efectos sobre la salud en el ambiente laboral y en la comunidad. En este sentido, y en relación con el control de plagas, es necesario diseñar programas de control adecuados contra aquellas especies que adquieren la consideración de plaga. Dadas las características de los ambientes urbanos en los que se produce una convivencia casi permanente entre el ser humano y estas especies animales, la adopción de un programa de lucha racional que permita reducir o eliminar la incidencia de estas plagas resulta imprescindible. Se analizan los criterios básicos para el diseño racional de programas de control que minimicen no sólo las consecuencias negativas que se derivan de las plagas, sino también los riesgos derivados de la aplicación de medidas para su control.The objectives of urban pest control are those of improving the welfare of urban residents, reducing contagious diseases, keeping healthy environments, creating urban infrastructures which will reduce risks, as well as reducing exposure to biological, physical and chemical contaminants and their health-related effects in the working and community environments. Given the characteristics of the urban environments in which these animal species and man almost constantly are sharing the same living space, it is absolutely essential that a rational control program be adopted to combat these pests which will make it possible to reduce or eliminate the incidence thereof. An analysis of the basic criteria for the rational design of control programs is provided in order to minimize not only the negative consequences stemming from these pests but also the risks entailed in the application of the measures for their control

    Situación actual en españa de los aerosoles insecticidas registrados en sanidad ambiental para uso doméstico

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    Josefa Moreno Marí*, Amparo Meliá Llácer, María Teresa Oltra Moscardó y Ricardo Jiménez Peydró (*[email protected])La reciente transposición de la Directiva de Biocidas a través del Real Decreto 1.054/2002 conllevará un cambio sustancial en distintos aspectos de la Sanidad Ambiental. Para evaluar la incidencia de estos cambios se presenta un análisis de la situación actual, a partir del cual se podrán valorar adecuadamente las consecuencias de la implantación de la Directiva en España, así como establecer los aspectos básicos que se deben analizar con vistas al establecimiento de un Registro de Biocidas acorde con dicho Real Decreto

    Comarca Lagunera: Between the socioeconomic characterization and the availability of piped water

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    Objective: this research aims to describe the municipalities located around the Comarca Lagunera. This description is focused on sociodemographic features. The municipalities are located in the states of Coahuila and Durango. These are: Francisco I. Madero, Matamoros, San Pedro, Torreón and Viesca –wich belongs to Coahuila- and Gómez Palacio, Lerdo, Mapimí and Tlahualilo –in Durango-. The information sources come from different instances (CONEVAL, CONAPO and INEGI). In all cases, the level of disaggregation is municipal and the moment collection of information corresponds to 2020. Design/methodology/approach: the methodological strategy is quantitative. The analysis technique uses descriptive statistics to incorporate synthetic measures (such as indices) and shares Results: These are the municipalities with the highest values by variable. Mapimí is the Gini’s index is 0.54, the 36.2% of the population of Viesca is dedicated to primary activities. In Tlahualilo the 4.13% of households lack pipe water and the Torreon’s index of marginalization is 0.62.             Limitations on study/implications: it was not possible to present the information with a higher level of disaggregation because the chosen variables only have data available up to the municipal level. Findings/conclusions: The use of indices to carry out a very useful characterization and can be strengthened by the inclusion of specific variables that account for the municipal situation. Keywords: inequality; households without piped water; primary activities    Objective: This research aims to describe with sociodemographic features the municipalities that make up theComarca Lagunera. They are located in the states of Coahuila and Durango. In Coahuila, they are: FranciscoI. Madero, Matamoros, San Pedro, Torreón and Viesca; and in Durango: Gómez Palacio, Lerdo, Mapimí andTlahualilo.Design/methodology/approach: The methodological strategy is quantitative, using descriptive statistics asanalysis technique to incorporate synthetic measures (such as indices) and proportions. The information sourcescome from different instances (CONEVAL, CONAPO and INEGI). In all cases, the level of disaggregationis municipal and the moment of information collection corresponds to 2020. The population volume of themunicipality is described, as well as its proportion with regards to the number of inhabitants in the state. Later,the results from the Gini index, marginalization index, proportion of occupied population devoted to primaryactivities, and proportion of private households without access to piped water are incorporated.Results: The municipalities that had the highest values for each of the variables are presented. In Mapimí theGini index is 0.54; in Viesca, 36.2% of the population is dedicated to primary activities; in Tlahualilo, 4.13% ofhouseholds lack piped water; and the index of marginalization in Torreón is 0.62.Limitations on study/implications: It was not possible to present the information with a higher level ofdisaggregation because the chosen variables only have data available up to the municipal level.Findings/conclusions: The use of indices allows to carry out a very useful characterization and can bestrengthened by the inclusion of specific variables that account for the municipal situation

    Fenología de los bracónidos (hymenoptera, ichneumonoidea, braconidae) del pirineo andorrano

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] fenología de la familia Braconidoe (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) ha sido estudiada mediante una trampa Malaise en Andorra durante el año 1993. Han sido colectados 1.892 bracónidos (excepto Aphidiinae), pertenecientes a 23 subfamilias y 79 géneros. El 93,7% de los bracónidos capturados representa la estrategia biológica koinobionte frente al 6,3% de idiobiontes. La correlación de las capturas de los bracónidos con las condiciones meteorológicas ha permitido caracterizar la fenología anual de éstos. La evolución anual de las poblaciones alcanza sus máximes en el período comprendido entrelos dos épocas de lluvias, pudiéndose señalar un único pico para la familia Braconidae, el cual transcurre desde mediados de mayo a finales de agosto, debido a las condiciones xerotérmicas de la localidad andorranaPhenology of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) at Andorra has been conducted/studied using a Malaise trap after a one-year cycle during 1993. A total of 1.892 specimens, representing 23 subfamilies and 79 genera were sampled. About 93.7% of the captures were koinobiont braconids, whereas 6.3% belonged to idiobiont braconids. The annual phenology has been characterized through the correlation between the evolution of the collected braconids and the weather (meteorological conditions). The maximum of the populations were registered between the two rain periods. In fact, the family Braconidae shows an abundance peak from middle of May to end of August, due to the xerothermic conditions of the andorran locality

    Nuevas perspectivas en la reducción de la problemática derivada de la aplicación de biocidas para el control de insectos plaga en áreas urbanas

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    If it is accepted that the urban life has taken to us to live more on the 80 of our time in closed spaces would be worth the trouble to ask to us on the idea that is had of ideal inner atmospheres: spaces are wanted safer, cleaner, more healthful and better conditioned. Every time the coexistence with other live organisms beings is accepted of worse way, is wanted to have a free house of germs, insects and rodents, and to it efforts and money are dedicated to manifold. But often one forgets that the control of these undesirable organisms generates new sources of problems. The objective of the work is to analyze the problematic one derived from the presence of pests in urban areas, in special in indoors, their double slope: derived from its presence and associate to the adoption of measures of pest control based on the use of biocides. The adoption of measures at legislative level, the formation of the people implied in the accomplishment of the treatments, the awareness of the population and the update of the concept of pest control constitute the basic elements in the reduction of the risks derived from the use of pesticides in urban environments.La vida urbana nos lleva a pasar gran parte de nuestro tiempo en espacios cerrados por lo que cada vez más exigimos que sean más seguros, más limpios, más saludables, y se acepta de peor manera la convivencia con otros seres vivos; se quiere tener una casa libre de gérmenes, insectos y roedores, y a ello se dedican múltiples esfuerzos y dinero. Pero muchas veces se olvida que el control de estos organismos indeseables genera nuevas fuentes de problemas. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la problemática derivada de la presencia de plagas en áreas urbanas, en especial en interiores, en su doble vertiente: la derivada de su presencia y la asociada a la adopción de medidas de control basadas en el empleo de biocidas. De dicho análisis se concluye que, además de la adopción de medidas a nivel legislativo, de la formación de las personas implicadas en la realización de los tratamientos, de la concienciación de la población, la actualización del concepto de control de plagas constituye un elemento clave en la reducción de los riesgos derivados del empleo de plaguicidas en áreas urbanas

    Preparation of dipyrrins from F-BODIPYs by treatment with methanesulfonic acids

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    An alternative metal-free soft procedure for the preparation of dipyrrins from F-BODIPYs is reported. The new method makes possible to obtain certain dipyrrin derivatives that were unaccessible from F-BODIPYs to date. To demonstrate the ability of the new procedure, dipyrrins having highly reactive groups, such as chloro, cyano or acetoxyl, have been easily obtained from the corresponding F-BODIPY, which shows the synthetic utility of the reported methodology

    Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Simple Organic Molecules

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    This article aims to show the identity of “circularly polarized luminescent active simple organic molecules” as a new concept in organic chemistry due to the potential interest of these molecules, as availed by the exponentially growing number of research articles related to them. In particular, it describes and highlights the interest and difficulty in developing chiral simple (small and non-aggregated) organic molecules able to emit left- or right-circularly polarized light efficiently, the efforts realized up to now to reach this challenging objective, and the most significant milestones achieved to date. General guidelines for the preparation of these interesting molecules are also presented

    Structure and operation of the rabbit meat production chain, Texcoco, México

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    Objective: The objective was to describe and analyze the situation and interrelation between the actors in the rabbit meat production chain, to identify the main factors that determine competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology used in the research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The type of sampling used was “snowball”. A survey was applied to 33 rabbit producers, a statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the SPSS software (Statistical Packageforth Social Sciences) and with the use of Geographic Information Systems, the farms were geo-located with Arcview ® version 3.2. Results: The results show the actors that make up the production chain is made up of various actors, who lack communication between them and highlight their commercial relationship between producers, equipment, food and breeding stock suppliers, placing the producers as the weakest of the chain, only as a supplier of raw material. The producers are heterogeneous and mainly have two types of farm; backyard and semi-technical. The spatial distribution map of 33 producers was obtained. Limitations on study/implications: Despite the fact that rabbit breeding is a complementary activity of important for food, the study area showed that there are no links between the various agents that make up the links of production chain, except for a strictly commercial.   Findings/conclusions: It is concluded that the null organization of producers keeps them excluded from the production chain.Objective: The objective was to describe and to analyze the situation and interrelationsamong the of the rabbit meat production chain, in order to identify the main factors thatdetermine competitiveness.Design / Methodology / Approach: The methodology used in the research was mixed(qualitative and quantitative). The type of sampling we used was “Snowball”. A surveywas applied to 33 rabbit producers and a statistical analysis of the data was performedin SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Later, with the use of GeographicInformation Systems, the farms were geo-located with Arcview® version 3.2.Results: The results show the various stakeholders integrating the chain; the lack ofcommunication among them, but highlight commercial relationship among producers,suppliers of equipment, feed and breeding stock; placing the producer as the weakestpoint in the chain, only as raw material supplier. Producers are heterogeneous and havemainly two types of farms; backyard farming and semi-technical. The spatial distributionmap of 33 producers was obtained. Limitations of the study / Implications: Although rabbit farming is an importantcomplementary activity to food production, the study showed that in the area there areno links among the various agents that integrate the production chain. There is only themere commercial relationship.Findings / Conclusions: It is concluded that the null organization of producers keepsthem excluded from the productive value chain