121 research outputs found

    English/Spanish relatives and their relative information structure : a view from language contact in Puerto Rico

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    I am thankful to my colleague and friend Melvin González Rivera for his help in running the survey in Puerto Rico. I am also grateful to the editors Edita Gutiérrez Rodríguez and Iván Ortega-Santos for their invitation to submit this paper and to the two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on an earlier version. The research here has been done as part of the project research project PGC2018-093774-B-I00 of Spain's Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICINN) and by "ERDF A way of making Europe".The goal of this paper is to analyse the impact of Main Clause Phenomena (MCP) such as Negative Preposing (NPr) in four types of relative clauses, namely definite restrictive, indefinite restrictive, non-restrictive and kind-defining relative clauses, establishing a contrast between English and Spanish and discussing the interconnection of the two languages in a language contact situation such as the one observed in Puerto Rico. To this end, I have carried out an experiment with monolingual native speakers of the two languages (control groups), where they have to judge the grammaticality/acceptability of the different types of relatives when NPr takes place. In addition, the same task is carried out by a bilingual group of Puerto Ricans (PR). The main purpose was to detect any interference of one language upon the other one regarding the licensing conditions of NPr in relative clauses. The main empirical result shows that English makes a distinction in terms of acceptability between types of relatives with NPr, whereas in Spanish NPr is licensed in all types of relatives, and this situation seems to be mimicked in the language contact situation in Puerto Rico, though some crucial differences are detected which suggest that PR bilinguals have an integrated I-language (sensu López 2020). The results support the idea that there are two big groups of relatives, namely asserted (very similar to root clauses) and non-asserted relatives. The latter include definite restrictive relatives, whereas the former include non-restrictive relatives, kind-defining relatives and indefinite restrictive relatives. Based on discourse-feature inheritance, intervention and the projection of a factive operator in non-asserted relatives (subject to parametric variation), I argue that the PR results show that when processing one specific language they may apply a syntactic rule of the other language, which I take to support the integrationist view of bilingualism.L'objectiu d'aquest article és analitzar l'impacte dels fenòmens de clàusula principal (MCP) com ara l'anteposició negativa (AN) en quatre tipus d'oracions relatives, això és, les oracions de relatiu definides, les restrictives indefinides, les no restrictives i les definidores de tipus, establint un contrast entre l'anglès i l'espanyol i discutint la interconnexió de totes dues llengües en una situació de contacte lingüístic com l'observada a Puerto Rico. Amb aquesta finalitat, he realitzat un experiment amb parlants nadius monolingües de totes dues llengües (grups de control), en què han hagut de jutjar la gramaticalitat/acceptabilitat dels diferents tipus de relatives amb AN. A més, un grup bilingüe de porto-riquenys (PR) també va fer la mateixa tasca. L'objectiu principal era detectar qualsevol interferència d'un idioma sobre l'altre pel que fa a les condicions de legitimació de l'AN en clàusules relatives. El principal resultat empíric és que l'anglès fa una distinció pel que fa a l'acceptabilitat entre els tipus de relatives amb AN, mentre que en espanyol l'AN es legitima en tota mena de relatives i aquesta situació sembla donar-se també en la situació lingüística de contacte a Puerto Rico, tot i que es detecten algunes diferències crucials que semblen suggerir que els bilingües porto-riquenys (grup PR) tenen una llengua I integrada (sensu López 2020). Els resultats donen suport a la idea que hi ha dos grans grups de relatives, això és, les assertives (molt semblants a les oracions arrel) i les no assertives. Aquest segon grup inclou les relatives restrictives definides, mentre que aquell inclou les relatives no restrictives, les relatives definidores de tipus i les relatives restrictives indefinides

    Overtly/Non-Overtly Inflected Infinitives in Romance

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    On subject properties of datives in psych predicates: A comparative approach

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    In this work, we show that in Spanish and Polish, the distribution of dative Experiencers in the sentence is influenced by factors pertaining to argument structure as well as to information structure. From an argument-structure point of view, they are claimed to be generated in VP, in a position higher than the nominative subject, and hence it is the closest candidate to move to spec-TP and satisfy the EPP under T. From an information-structure perspective, dative Experiencers occur first only in two situations, namely when they are part of the broad focus that the whole sentence performs or when they function as topic. However, different tests will tear Spanish and Polish DEs apart with respect to their “subject” properties, which will ultimately be derived from the syntactic position they target when they are used in all-focus sentences

    Enhancement of Magnetic Hyperthermia by Mixing Synthetic Inorganic and Biomimetic Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    In this work we report on the synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles of two distinct origins, one inorganic (MNPs) and the other biomimetic (BMNPs), the latter based on a process of bacterial synthesis. Each of these two kinds of particles has its own advantages when used separately with biomedical purposes. Thus, BMNPs present an isoelectric point below neutrality (around pH 4.4), while MNPs show a zero-zeta potential at pH 7, and appear to be excellent agents for magnetic hyperthermia. This means that the biomimetic particles are better suited to be loaded with drug molecules positively charged at neutral pH (notably, doxorubicin, for instance) and releasing it at the acidic tumor environment. In turn, MNPs may provide their transport capabilities under a magnetic field. In this study it is proposed to use a mixture of both kinds of particles at two different concentrations, trying to get the best from each of them. We study which mixture performs better from different points of view, like stability and magnetic hyperthermia response, while keeping suitable drug transport capabilities. This composite system is proposed as a close to ideal drug vehicle with added enhanced hyperthermia response.We wish to thank FPU2016 grant (Ref. FPU16-04580), RYC-2014-6901 (MINECO, Spain), CGL2016-76723 (MINECO, Spain and FEDER, EU), Unidad Científica de Excelencia UCE-PP2016-05 (UGR) and Plan Propio Beca de iniciación a la investigación para estudiantes de master (UGR)

    Materials selection for optimum energy production by double layer expansion methods

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Power Sources. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Power Sources (2014) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.12.125The capacitive mixing procedure for energy extraction based on Double Layer Expansion (CDLE) belongs to the group of so-called CAPMIX techniques, which aim at obtaining energy from the salinity difference between fresh and sea waters. Specifically, the CDLE technique takes advantage of the voltage rise that occurs when sea water is exchanged for river water in a pair of porous electrodes which jointly behave as an electrical double layer supercapacitor. In this article, we deal with some experimental aspects that are key for optimizing the extracted energy, and have not been analyzed yet with sufficient detail. This investigation will help in evaluating those parameters which we need to be fixed in a future CDLE device. These include the charging potential, the durations of the different cycle steps, the load resistance used, and the porosity and hydrophilicity of the carbon.Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de GranadaThe research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Further financial support from Junta de Andalucía (Spain), project PE-2008-FQM3993 is also gratefully acknowledged

    Microclimate, airborne particles, and microbiological monitoring protocol for conservation of rock-art caves: The case of the world-heritage site La Garma cave (Spain)

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    16 páginas.- 6 figuras.- 3 tablas.- referencias.- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119762.Cave heritage is often threatened by tourism or even scientific activities, which can lead to irreversible deterioration. We present a preventive conservation monitoring protocol to protect caves with rock art, focusing on La Garma Cave (Spain), a World Heritage Site with valuable archaeological materials and Palaeolithic paintings. This study assessed the suitability of the cave for tourist use through continuous microclimate and airborne particles monitoring, biofilm analysis, aerobiological monitoring and experimental visits. Our findings indicate several factors that make it inadvisable to adapt the cave for tourist use. Human presence and transit within the cave cause cumulative effects on the temperature of environmentally very stable and fragile sectors and significant resuspension of particles from the cave sediments. These environmental perturbations represent severe impacts as they affect the natural aerodynamic control of airborne particles and determine bacterial dispersal throughout the cave. This monitoring protocol provides part of the evidence to design strategies for sustainable cave management.This research was supported by the Consejeria de Universidades, Igualdad, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de Cantabria and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects PID2019-110603RB-I00 and PID2020-114978 GB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The authors acknowledge to CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI), and CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform Open Heritage: Research and Society (PTI-PAIS) for the professional support.Peer reviewe

    Los socios de la RSEHN y el desarrollo de las colecciones científicas del MNCN

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    Valencia, del 8 al 11 de septiembre de 2021. El tema principal tuvo como lema: “La huella Humana en la Naturaleza”.Las colecciones científicas son una infraestructura de investigación única e irremplazable para numerosas áreas de la ciencia. En la actualidad, se estima que en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales se conservan 10 millones de especímenes, lo que suponen casi la mitad de todos los conservados en España. Esta infraestructura científica o este tesoro, como puede ser llamado, se ha reunido principalmente a lo largo del último siglo, y se debe al trabajo conjunto de muchos especialistas, estudiosos e interesados en diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias naturales. En esta ponencia se quiere poner en valor la aportación de los socios de la RSEHN en el incremento y desarrollo de las colecciones científicas del MNCN. Se ha realizado un análisis preliminar de los fondos de las diferentes colecciones del MNCN y de los ingresos efectuados por los socios de RSEHN desde su fundación (1871) hasta el momento en que abandona el MNCN (1971). Se realizó en cada una de ellas una consulta de los diferentes colectores y personas que aportaron especímenes y que aparecen en las bases de datos, cruzándola con la base de datos de socios durante dicho periodo. Se ha contabilizado el número de especímenes, número de tipos y taxones correspondientes a éstos. La cifra de socios total supera el centenar. El número de ejemplares ingresados por estos socios, entre esas fechas, se estima que superan el millón y medio, lo que supone al menos un 15% del total actual estimado. Hay que tener en cuenta que las colecciones no se encuentran informatizadas al 100%

    Proyecto COSINES: abordando el reto de relacionar fenómenos meteorológicos costeros y retroceso de acantilados en Asturias

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en León, del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2018.La costa es un entorno muy sensible a los cambios ambientales y climáticos, respondiendo rápidamente a ellos. El escenario actual de calentamiento global predice un ascenso del nivel del mar y un incremento en la intensidad y frecuencia de los temporales, por lo que es esperable una intensificación del oleaje y de la actividad geomorfológica costera. Por ello, en las costas acantiladas se prevé un incremento de las inestabilidades de ladera, considerados el proceso más importante de retroceso costero. Asturias es una región con 660 km de línea de costa, de los que, más de la mitad corresponden a acantilados donde son frecuentes las inestabilidades de ladera. Por otra parte, los municipios costeros presentan además de la exposición al riesgo, una gran vulnerabilidad social y económica debido a su elevada densidad de población, numerosas infraestructuras, actividad industrial y patrimonio cultural. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se ha puesto en marcha el proyecto de investigación “INEStabilidad de laderas como indicador del retroceso de la COSta cantábrica: caracterización multidisciplinar, COSINES”, financiado en la Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos RETOS de Investigación de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación. El proyecto pretende caracterizar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el retroceso de la costa asturiana utilizando como indicador las inestabilidades en acantilados. Sus objetivos específicos son: 1) establecer la distribución espacial de movimientos de ladera en los acantilados; 2) determinar su tipología; 3) establecer el papel de sus factores condicionantes (litología y estructura geológica) y desencadenantes (fenómenos meteorológicos); 4) elaborar modelos conceptuales de su funcionamiento; 5) establecer su evolución en términos espaciales y temporales; y 6) cuantificar su contribución al retroceso de la línea costera.Esta investigación forma parte del Proyecto “COSINES” (CGL2017-83909-R), de la Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos RETOS financiada por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    Critical review of technologies for the on-site treatment of hospital wastewater: From conventional to combined advanced processes

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    In this work, a raw and low cost mineral, ilmenite (FeTiO3), has been tested for the first time as a photocatalyst paired with peroxymonosulfate (HSO5-; PMS) for the inactivation of Enterococcus faecalis as an alternative to conventional treatments to disinfect wastewater for reuse. The influence of some operational parameters such as reagent dosage, catalyst concentration, initial pH, or flow rate was also studied and optimized. After several tests, the scarce pure photoactivity under UV-A was remarked by ilmenite because of its high iron content, which favors photogenerated charge recombination. However, ilmenite activity was highly promoted when combined with low concentrations of PMS and UV-A light, reaching total inactivation of Enterococcus faecalis in 120 min. Quenching tests were performed using methanol, tert-butyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, and Cu(II) to assess the main reactive species involved in the disinfection process determining the critical role of both HO·and SO4·- radicals in the process. Finally, the influence of the water matrix was also evaluated by studying the effect of water hardness and the presence of nutrients on the system. Overall, the PMS/Ilmenite/UV-A system yielded promising results with a total removal of Enterococcus faecalis in 120 min. However, it also showed the need for further study and understanding of the disinfection mechanism to achieve the same level of performance in real wastewaterThe "Comunidad de Madrid" supported this research through REMTAVARES S2013/MAE-2716 and S2018/EMT-434

    Effect of Solution Composition on the Energy Production by Capacitive Mixing in Membrane-Electrode Assembly

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    The final edited version of the paper can be found at: http://pubs.acs.org/articlesonrequest/AOR-c9UMxSzGY3eiU5SENNgT The complete citation is: Ahualli, S.; et al. Effect of Solution Composition on the Energy Production by Capacitive Mixing in Membrane-Electrode Assembly. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 118(29): 15590-15599 (2014). DOI:10.1021/jp504461mOpen access in the Journal on May 26, 2015In this work we consider the extent to which the presence of multi-valent ions in solution modifies the equilibrium and dynamics of the energy production in a capacitive cell built with ion-exchange membranes in contact with high surface area electrodes. The cell potential in open circuit (OCV) is controlled by the difference between both membrane potentials, simulated as constant volume charge regions. A theoretical model is elaborated for steady state OCV, first in the case of monovalent solutions, as a reference. This is compared to the results in multi-ionic systems, containing divalent cations in concentrations similar to those in real sea water. It is found that the OCV is reduced by about 25 % (as compared to the results in pure NaCl solutions) due to the presence of the divalent ions, even in low concentrations. Interestingly, this can be related to the “uphill” transport of such ions against their concentration gradients. On the contrary, their effect on the dynamics of the cell potential is negligible in the case of highly charged membranes. The comparison between model predictions and experimental results shows a very satisfactory agreement, and gives clues for the practical application of these recently introduced energy production methods.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under agreement No. 256868. Further financial support from Junta de Andalucia, Spain (PE2012-FQM 694) is also acknowledged. One of us, M.M.F., received financial support throughan FPU grant from the Universityof Granada