317 research outputs found

    A spatio-temporal landslide inventory for the NW of Spain: BAPA database

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    A landslide database has been created for the Principality of Asturias, NW Spain: the BAPA (Base de datos de Argayos del Principado de Asturias – Principality of Asturias Landslide Database). Data collection is mainly performed through searching local newspaper archives. Moreover, a BAPA App and a BAPA website (http://geol.uniovi.es/BAPA) have been developed to obtain additional information from citizens and institutions. Presently, the dataset covers the period 1980–2015, recording 2063 individual landslides. The use of free cartographic servers, such as Google Maps, Google Street View and Iberpix (Government of Spain), combined with the spatial descriptions and pictures contained in the press news, makes it possible to assess different levels of spatial accuracy. In the database, 59% of the records show an exact spatial location, and 51% of the records provided accurate dates, showing the usefulness of press archives as temporal records. Thus, 32% of the landslides show the highest spatial and temporal accuracy levels. The database also gathers information about the type and characteristics of the landslides, the triggering factors and the damage and costs caused. Field work was conducted to validate the methodology used in assessing the spatial location, temporal occurrence and characteristics of the landslides.This research is funded by the Department of Employment, Industry and Tourism of the Government of Asturias, Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund FEDER, within the framework of the research grant "GEOCANTABRICA: Procesos geológicos modeladores del relieve de la Cordillera Cantábrica" (FC-15-GRUPIN14-044), and supported by the cooperation between the Department of Geology at the University of Oviedo and the AEMET

    Geoarqueología y registro geológico del último milenio en el pozo de la antigua Fábrica de Tabacos (Gijón, N España)

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    During the 2008-2009 archaeological excavations carried out in the ancient Fábrica de Tabacos (Gijón), a Roman well structure was discovered, covered by a sedimentary infill with archaeological remains. This work deals with the geological and depositional characterization of the sedimentary infill. Two hand drill cores of 1.45 m and 1.65m long were studied, using stratigraphic, geochemical and geochronological techniques. The evolutionary model of the sedimentary infill includes 5 phases: 1) construction and functioning as a well (prior? to 5th-6th centuries); 2) abandonment of the well and sedimentation in a restricted palustrine-like environment (5th-7th centuries); 3) a phase dominated by dumping of organic-rich landfill material (7th century); 4) re-starting of palustrine-like environment with some landfill episodes (7th-8th centuries); and 5) a final phase as a dumping site (at least during the 8th century). The sedimentary infill is an outstanding geoarchaelogical archive that provides key information to improve the knowledge of the region from the 6th to the 8th centuries.Agradecemos a la empresa Terra Arqueos S.L. su aportación en la realización de los sondeos y al Ayuntamiento de Gijón la financiación de la investigación (proyectos FUO-EM-403-10 y FUO-EM-342-09)Peer Reviewe

    A speleothem record of glacial (25–11.6 kyr BP) rapid climatic changes from northern Iberian Peninsula

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    14 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tabla.-- El pDF del artículo es su versión post-print.Low and high frequency climatic fluctuations in northern Iberian Peninsula during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and deglaciation are documented in a stalagmite using δ18O and δ13C and hydrologically sensitive trace metal ratios Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca. U/Th dating indicates speleothem growth commenced at 25 kyr BP (Present = year 1950) and extended to 11.6 kyr BP making this one of few European speleothem growing during the last glacial period. Rapid climatic fluctuations as Heinrich event 2 (H2) and Greenland Interstadial (GI-) 2 are well characterized in this record by more arid and cold conditions and by more humid conditions, respectively. Speleothem growth ceased from 18.2 to 15.4 kyr BP (the so-called Mystery Interval) likely reflecting the driest and potentially coldest conditions of this record, coincident with the 2 kyr duration shutdown of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). A major gradual increase in humidity and possibly in temperature occurred from 15.5 to 13.5 kyr BP, beginning in the Bølling and culminating in the Allerød period. This gradual humidity change contrasts with more abrupt humidity shifts in the Mediterranean, suggesting a different climate threshold for Mediterranean vs. Atlantic margin precipitation.This project was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CAVECAL:MEC CGL2006-13327-Co4-02 toHMS) and GRACCIEConsolider (CSD2007-00067). We acknowledge fellowships to A. Moreno from the European Comission's Sixth Framework Program (Marie Curie Fellowship 021673 IBERABRUPT) and from the Spanish Ministry of Science (“Ramón y Cajal” program) and H. Stoll from the Spanish Ministry of Science cofunded by the European Social Fund and an instrumentation grant to H. Stoll from the Asturian Comission of Science and Technology (FICYT) cofinanced by the European Regional Development Funds.Peer reviewe

    New data about the geomorphological and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Coast during MIS 6-4: the Cobiḥeru Natural Monument (Asturias)

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    Se proporcionan nuevos datos sobre la geomorfología y evolución paleoambiental de la Costa Cantábrica durante el MIS 6–4 a partir del modelo espeleogenético de la Cueva de Cobḥi eru, incluyendo: (1) la identificación de 2 fases de relleno de la cueva relacionadas con condiciones más frías y etapas de nivel del mar bajo a 60–70 y 130–150 ka, (2) el inicio de un descenso del nivel del Mar Cantábrico en la transición entre el MIS 5-4, (3) la presencia de un ambiente abierto con poca vegetación en torno a 65 ka (MIS 4), (4) el descubrimiento del Elona quimperiana más antiguo, indicando el desarrollo de bosque caducifolio húmedo hace más de 350 ka, y (5) la relación entre la erosión de los abanicos torrenciales que cubrían el karst y la entrada de fauna fría a las cuevas de la costa de AsturiasNew data about the geomorphology and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Coast for the MIS 6-4 interval is derived from the speleogenetical model of the Cobḥi eru Cave. This data includes: (1) the identification of 2 phases of cave sedimentary infill related to cold conditions and global sea-level lowstand at ca. 60–70 and 130–150 ka, (2) set the timing for the beginning of sea-level lowering in the Cantabrian Sea in MIS 5-4 transition , (3) evidence of an open landscape with scarce vegetation around 65 ka (MIS 4), (4) the discovery of the oldest Elona quimperiana site, which suggest the development of wet deciduous forest in this coastal setting prior to 350 ka, and (5) to establish a link between karst exhumation due to erosion of overlying fluvial sediments and the introduction of the cold-adapted fauna in the coast caves of Asturia

    Biochemical and Mutational Characterization of N-Succinyl-Amino Acid Racemase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus CECT49.

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    N-Succinyl-amino acid racemase (NSAAR), long referred to as N-acyl- or N-acetyl-amino acid racemase, is an enolase superfamily member whose biotechnological potential was discovered decades ago, due to its use in the industrial dynamic kinetic resolution methodology first known as “Acylase Process”. In previous works, an extended and enhanced substrate spectrum of the NSAAR from Geobacillus kaustophilus CECT4264 toward different N-substituted amino acids was reported. In this work, we describe the cloning, purification, and characterization of the NSAAR from Geobacillus stearothermophilus CECT49 (GstNSAAR). The enzyme has been extensively characterized, showing a higher preference toward N-formyl-amino acids than to N-acetyl-amino acids, thus confirming that the use of the former substrates is more appropriate for a biotechnological application of the enzyme. The enzyme showed an apparent thermal denaturation midpoint of 77.0 ± 0.1 °C and an apparent molecular mass of 184 ± 5 kDa, suggesting a tetrameric species. Optimal parameters for the enzyme activity were pH 8.0 and 55–65 °C, with Co2+ as the most effective cofactor. Mutagenesis and binding experiments confirmed K166, D191, E216, D241, and K265 as key residues in the activity of GstNSAAR, but not indispensable for substrate binding.pre-print784 K

    A Survey of Modulation of Gut Microbiota by Dietary Polyphenols

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    Dietary polyphenols present in a broad range of plant foods have been related to beneficial health effects. This review aims to update the current information about the modulation of the gut microbiota by dietary phenolic compounds, from a perspective based on the experimental approaches used. After referring to general aspects of gut microbiota and dietary polyphenols, studies related to this topic are presented according to their experimental design: batch culture fermentations, gastrointestinal simulators, animal model studies, and human intervention studies. In general, studies evidence that dietary polyphenols may contribute to the maintenance of intestinal health by preserving the gut microbial balance through the stimulation of the growth of beneficial bacteria (i.e., lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) and the inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, exerting prebiotic-like effects. Combination of in vitro and in vivo models could help to understand the underlying mechanisms in the polyphenols-microbiota-host triangle and elucidate the implications of polyphenols on human health. From a technological point of view, supplementation with rich-polyphenolic stuffs (phenolic extracts, phenolic-enriched fractions, etc.) could be an effective option to improve health benefits of functional foods such as the case of dairy fermented foods

    Analysis of the Cantabrian coast retreat around Peñas Cape (Asturias, N Spain)

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    ABSTARCT: In this work, the cliffs of a 36.9 km coast section in the surroundings of Peñas Cape (Gozón, Asturias, N Spain) are characterized.The objective is to understand the geomorphological processes that act in this area and to quantify the retreat of the cliffs. A 1:5000 geomorphological map has been developed based on field data and photointerpretation of PNOA photographs (years 2006 and 2017), as well as Google Earth and Iberpix imagery. The information has been managed through a Geographic Information System that has allowed the development and analysis of digital terrain models of slope, orientation and curvature. The obtained results show that: 1)in the surroundings of Peñas Cape, gravity processes predominate, in particular, rockfall, topples, flows and landslides; 2) the steepest cliffs facing west are those suffering the greatest erosion, developing the largest instabilities and 3) the average retreat rate obtained for the period 2006-2017, at certain points of this section of coast is 0.57 m/year, reaching rates up to 1.22 and 2.19 m/year in the surroundings of Candás and Luanco, respectively.RESUMEN: En este trabajo se caracterizan los acantilados de un tramo de costa de 36,9 km en el entorno del Cabo Peñas (Gozón, Asturias, norte de España), con el objetivo de entender qué procesos geomorfológicos actúan en esta zona y cuantificar el retroceso de los acantilados. Se ha elaborado una cartografía geomorfológica a escala 1:5000 a partir de datos de campo y fotointerpretación de fotogramas PNOA de 2006 y 2017, así como imágenes de Google Earth e Iberpix. Todo ello se ha gestionado mediante un Sistema de Información Geográfica que ha permitido elaborar y analizar modelos digitales de pendiente, orientación y curvatura. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que: 1) en el entorno del Cabo Peñas, predominan los procesos de gravedad, en concreto, desprendimientos, vuelcos, flujos y deslizamientos; 2) los acantilados de mayor pendiente y orientados al oeste son los que están sometidos a una mayor erosión y desarrollan inestabilidades de mayores dimensiones y 3) la tasa de retroceso media obtenida para el período 2006-2017, en determinados puntos de este tramo de costa es de 0,57 m/año, llegando a valores máximos de 1,22 y 2,19 m/año en el entorno de Candás y Luanco, respectivamente