211 research outputs found

    Evaluation of four methods for extracting micronutrjents in soils of the Cauca Valle

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    To evaluate available micronutrients in soils from north and central areas of Cauca Valley, sampies of surface horizons of 30 soils were collected. Iron, Cu, Mn and Zn were extracted with: a) EDTA 0.01M + NaHCO3 0.5M; b) HCI 0.05N + H2SO4 0.025N; c) DTPA 0.05M, and d) HCI 0.1N. Available Boron (B) was extracted by using Ca (H2PO4)2 H20 0.008M; HCI 0.05N and NH4 OAc pH 4.8. To correlate the amount extracted from the soil with the amount taken up by the plants, tomato, sorghum and beans were planted in each soil. Microelements in tissue were determined by using nitric-perchioric acids mixture, and acid methanol digesting solutions for Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn. Total B in tissues was determined in ashes by Hunder's method. DTPA was advantageous to evaluate Fe and Cu in soils, HCI H2SO4 for Mn, EDTA + NaHA03 for Zn, and both Ca (H2 PO4 )2 H20 and HCI for B. The nitric-perchloric mixture correlated the best with the soil extracting solutions. Low to medium soil contents of B were detected for the area studied by using Ca (H2PO4 )2 H20 as extracting solution. The HCI + H2SO4 extracting solutions gave low contents of Cu in 16.7% of the soils analyzed, Zn deficiencies in 10% of the soils, and Fe in many of them. When Zn was determined using DTPA13.47o of soils were deficient, and only 10% when NaHCO3 + EDTA was used.Con el propósito de determinar el contenido disponible de los micronutrientes en suelos de las zonas norte y centro del Valle del Cauca y de evaluar cuatro métodos de extracción, se recolectaron 30 muestras de suelos en diferentes localidades de esa región. Para determinar el contenido de Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn se usaron 4 métodos: a) el EDTA 0.01M + NaHCO3 + 0.05M; b) el HCI NO.05 + H2SO4 0.025N; c) el DTPA 0.05M y d) el HCl 0.1N. El boro (B) disponible fue extra(do con Ca (H2PO4)2 H20 O.00BM, HCI 0.05N y NH4 OAc pH 4.8. Con el objeto de correlacionar las cantidades extraídas mediante estos métodos, con las cantidades extraídas por las plantas, se sembraron en los mismos suelos plantas de tomate, sorgo y fríjol. Para Ia digestión de los tejidos se usaron Ia mezcla nítrico-perclórica y el metanol ácido, y se cuantificaron los microelementos Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn por absorción atómica. El contenido total de B en los tejidos se determinó mediante calcinadon a 550° C y posterior cuantificación colorimétrica de las cenizas, utilizando Azometina —H. El DTPA resultó adecuado para evaluar el Fe y Cu disponibles en los suelos analizados; el doble ácido Ic fue para el Mn; el NaHCO3 + EDTA, para el Zn, y el HCI 0.05N y Ca (H2PO4)2 H20, para evaluar el Boro. La mezcla nítrico-perclórica presentó mayor grado de asociación con los métodos de extracción que el metanol ácido. En suelos de las zonas estudiadas se encontraron contenidos bajos a medios de B, utilizando coma extractante el Ca (H2PO4)2 H20. Con el doble ácido se hallaron contenidos bajos de Cu en el 16.7% de los suelos, de Zn en el 102 y de Fe en Ia mayor(a de ellos. El 13.4% de los suelos resultó deficiente en Zn cuando se uso el DTPA, mientras que solo el 10% mostró deficiencia de este elemento cuando se utilizó el NaHCO3 051\1 + EDTA 0.01

    Relevance of Information and Communications Technologies for Strengthening Reading Comprehension

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    The incorporation of information and communications technologies in educational processes is important because it stimulates the teacher-student relationship. This article analyzes the relevance of virtual learning objects for mediating the learning process. The study uses a mixed methodological design. It starts out by describing and reflecting upon the results of the traditional teaching practices used at the Manuel De Jesús Escorcia School. The study population is comprised by the 5th grade students at the school. Information collection instruments were used to learn about the perceptions of teachers on the subject of the study. The results indicate that the strategy of using ICT improves the students’ reading comprehension. The conclusion is that it is relevant for teachers to design didactic-pedagogical strategies, leaving the door open to use them in other fields of knowledge.La integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los procesos educativos resulta importante por cuanto dinamiza la relación docente – estudiante. Al respecto, el presente artículo se orienta al análisis de la pertinencia de los objetos virtuales de aprendizaje en el proceso de mediación didáctica. El diseño metodológico es de tipo mixto. Se inicia a partir de un proceso descriptivo y reflexivo de los resultados de la identificación de las prácticas pedagógicas docentes que se trabajan de forma tradicional en la Institución Educativa ERM Manuel De Jesús Escorcia. La población de estudio corresponde a estudiantes del grado 5°Se aplicaron instrumentos de recolección de información a docentes para conocer sus percepciones con la temática estudiada. Los resultados indicaron que la estrategia con utilización de las TIC, mejoró la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes. Como conclusiones la pertinencia que los docentes diseñen estrategias didáctica-pedagógica. Dejando abierta la posibilidad de ser utilizada en otras áreas del saber

    Hysteroscopic findings and intrauterine pathology treatment in Mexican infertile women

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    Background: Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive approach in gynecologic surgery and one of the main procedures performed on women undergoing fertility treatments. Intrauterine pathology negatively affects fertility by decreasing endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation success, and its prevalence has been reported between 19% and 62%. The aim of our study was to describe the hysteroscopic findings, prevalence of intrauterine pathology, the instruments used for the treatment of structural lesions in Mexican infertile women; and to compare the relationship of positive findings with the type of infertility. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at fertility clinic at a private hospital. Results: We evaluated 191 hysteroscopies; the mean age of women was 35.5+3.2 years and the mean time of infertility 5.7+3.2 years. Primary infertility was the most prevalent (79.1%). In 118 cases (61.8%), uterine cavity abnormalities were diagnosed, the most frequent findings were: polyps (n=51, 26.7%), endometritis (n=30, 15.7%), fibroids (n=15, 7.6 %), synechiae (n=12, 6.5%), and müllerian anomalies (n=10, 5.3%). For structural pathology treatment, cold scissors and bipolar energy were used in 65.5% and 34.5%, respectively. Conclusions: Overall intrauterine pathology prevalence in our study population was 61.8%. Cold scissors and bipolar energy were used for structural lesions treatment. When comparing the relationship of hysteroscopic findings, no statistically significant difference was found in the presence of positive findings, with the type of infertility.

    Fighting weeds in mono-cultures of forage peanut(Arachis pintoi)

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    Este trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de generar información sobre la eficacia de cuatro tratamientos químicos (herbicidas) en el control de malas hierbas, en comparación con la deshierba manual y un tratamiento testigo, todos los tratamientos tuvieron un manejo en rotación con 6,5 Unidades Animales (12 animales de 250 kg por cinco horas), con base en un monocultivo de maní forrajero de una área de 1.080 m2, con un descanso de 30 días. Para la evaluación de las diferentes variables se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con seis tratamientos y tres repeticiones por tratamiento. Con el fin de determinar la cobertura del cultivo, tolerancia al ingrediente activo, grado de control del tratamiento y cuantificar la composición botánica de la pastura, se llevaron a cabo cuatro evaluaciones; 0, 30, 60 y 90 días de la aplicación de los tratamientos. Previamente a cada muestreo, se hizo un inventario de las malezas presentes en cada una de las parcelas de tratamiento. Con los tratamientos glifosato y limpieza manual se obtuvo la mayor cobertura de maní forrajero. El maní forrajero toleró adecuadamente todos los tratamientos, pero el glifosato y la limpieza manual, respectivamente dieron el mejor control de malezas. La producción de materia seca de las malezas y su porcentaje en la pastura disminuyó con el tiempo de muestreo. La mayor producción y porcentaje de materia seca, se obtuvo con el tratamiento testigo.Fighting weeds in mono-cultures of forage peanut(Arachis pintoi).Weevaluated four chemical treatments(herbicides) used to fight weeds, as compared to manualweed picking and using a witness treatment. All treatmentshad a rotational handling with 6.5 animal units (12 animals of250 kg per five haurs). We used a proteid bank or mono-culture of forage peanut, in an arca of 1080 sq.mt., with a 30days break. In order to evaluate the many variables, we usedan experimen-tal design of complete random blocks, with sixtreatments and tree repetitions per treatment. In order todetermine the coverage of the culture, its tolerance to theactive ingredient and the level of treatment control, wecarried out four evaluations: 0, 30, 60, and 90 days oftreatment application. We found differences (P<0.01)between treatments related to the degree of coverage of theforage peanut plants. With Gliphosate and manual weeding,we obtained a dominant coverage of forage peanut, whilewith the witness treatment the degree of coverage wasinferior. The production of dry matter from the weeds, as wellas their percentage in the pasture, decreased in a significantway (P<0.01), through the sampling process. With thewitness treatment we obtained the largest amount of drymatter in the weeds, and also the highest percentage of weedsin the pasture.Universidad de Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental de Ganado Lechero Alfredo Volio Mata (EEAVM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Zootecni

    Observaciones sobre el control de malezas en un banco de proteína de Arachis pintoi

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    Arachis pintoi se utiliza en asociacibn con gramfneas o como banco de proteína para la alimentación de animales. Cuando se siembra como banco es frecuente la invasion de malezas que perjudican su desarrollo y, por lo tanto, es necesario controlarlas. La aplicación de herbicidas es una practica común para el control de malezas en cultivos de solo A. pintoi, ya que estos son selectivos, faciles de manejar y tienen efecto residual ma's o menos prolongadoUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental de Ganado Lechero Alfredo Volio Mata (EEAVM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Zootecni

    Impact of Sequential Inoculation with the Non- Saccharomyces T. delbrueckii and M. pulcherrima Combined with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains on Chemicals and Sensory Profile of Rosé Wines

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    Controlled inoculations of non-Saccharomyces yeasts are becoming increasingly used to produce high-quality wines due to their enological potential. In this study, we evaluated the impact of sequential inoculation with the commercial non-Saccharomyces yeasts (Torulaspora delbrueckii and Metschnikowia pulcherrima) in combination with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the chemical and sensory profile of rosé wines. Sequential inoculation with T. delbrueckii produced wines with an overall reduction in esters, mainly explained by the lower concentrations of ethyl esters of medium-chain fatty acids and isoamyl acetate. The lower ester concentrations of these wines were related to a reduction in fruity descriptors. An increase was observed, however, in other minor esters such as cinnamates and ethyl esters of branched acids. Zinc, ethyl isobutyrate, and ethyl dihydrocinnamate were selected as potential markers for this fermentation strategy. Sequential inoculation with M. pulcherrima resulted in rosé wines with an enhanced ester profile, reduced acetaldehyde, and increased anthocyans and tannins. Compared to the control wines fermented with S. cerevisiae, the changes observed in these wines were far subtler, especially for the volatile profile, sensory characteristics, and color parameters, with isobutyl hexanoate and isoamyl butyrate being selected as potential markers

    Strain decoupling at the base of the Alboran Domain crystalline thrust sheet (Western Betics)

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    En las Béticas Occidentales la lámina cabalgante cristalina del Dominio de Alborán (LDA) se dispone sobre las Unidades Frontales (UF) y el cinturón de pliegues y cabalgamientos (CPC). Analizados los estilos tectónicos y direcciones de transporte de la LDA, y sus di-ferencias con las unidades cabalgadas, los resultados indican que la deformación interna de la LDA sincrónica con su emplazamiento es moderada y se traduce en pliegues de acomodación de direc-ción N-S a N20ºE desarrollados sobre la rampa frontal de bloque superior. Pliegues rectos de gran radio deforman la parte trasera de la lámina y probablemente tienen la misma edad (Mioceno in-ferior-medio). Por otra parte, las direcciones de transporte tectónico de la LDA (N270º-280ºE) son paralelas a las del CPC en el frente W y, sin embargo, las Unidades Frontales y las del CPC presentan direcciones de transporte entre N310º-320ºE en el frente N. Estas variaciones y el cambio drástico de estilos tectónicos entre la LAD y las UF/CPC evidencian un alto grado de desacoplamiento de la deformación entre los dos conjuntosn the Western Betics, the Alboran Domain crystalline thrust sheet (ATS) overlies the Frontal Units (FU) and the inner part of the fold-and-thrust belt (FTB). We analysed the tectonic style and transport directions of the ATS and compared them with those of the overthrusted units. Our results indicate that the internal deforma-tion within the ATS, coeval to the sheet emplacement, is moderate and mainly consists of accommodation folds striking N-S to N20ºE, these folds being developed above the frontal hangingwall ramp. Large-scale upright folds deforming the rear part of the thrust sheet are probably the same age (early-middle Miocene). Moreover, the tectonic transport directions of the ATS (N270º-280ºE) are parallel to those of the FTB units in the western front. By contrast, the FU and the FTB show transport directions oriented N310º-320ºE in the northern front. These variations and the abrupt changes in tectonic style between the ATS and the FU/FTB units indicate a high grade of decoupling between the two ensemble

    Safety and vaccine-induced HIV-1 immune responses in healthy volunteers following a late MVA-B boost 4 years after the last immunization

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    Background: We have previously shown that an HIV vaccine regimen including three doses of HIV-modified vaccinia virus Ankara vector expressing HIV-1 antigens from clade B (MVA-B) was safe and elicited moderate and durable (1 year) T-cell and antibody responses in 75% and 95% of HIV-negative volunteers (n = 24), respectively (RISVAC02 study). Here, we describe the long-term durability of vaccine-induced responses and the safety and immunogenicity of an additional MVA-B boost. Methods: 13 volunteers from the RISVAC02 trial were recruited to receive a fourth dose of MVA-B 4 years after the last immunization. End-points were safety, cellular and humoral immune responses to HIV-1 and vector antigens assessed by ELISPOT, intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) and ELISA performed before and 2, 4 and 12 weeks after receiving the boost. Results: Volunteers reported 64 adverse events (AEs), although none was a vaccine-related serious AE. After 4 years from the 1st dose of the vaccine, only 2 volunteers maintained low HIV-specific T-cell responses. After the late MVA-B boost, a modest increase in IFN-γ T-cell responses, mainly directed against Env, was detected by ELISPOT in 5/13 (38%) volunteers. ICS confirmed similar results with 45% of volunteers showing that CD4+ T-cell responses were mainly directed against Env, whereas CD8+ T cell-responses were similarly distributed against Env, Gag and GPN. In terms of antibody responses, 23.1% of the vaccinees had detectable Env-specific binding antibodies 4 years after the last MVA-B immunization with a mean titer of 96.5. The late MVA-B boost significantly improved both the response rate (92.3%) and the magnitude of the systemic binding antibodies to gp120 (mean titer of 11460). HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies were also enhanced and detected in 77% of volunteers. Moreover, MVA vector-specific T cell and antibody responses were boosted in 80% and 100% of volunteers respectively. Conclusions: One boost of MVA-B four years after receiving 3 doses of the same vaccine was safe, induced moderate increases in HIV-specific T cell responses in 38% of volunteers but significantly boosted the binding and neutralizing antibody responses to HIV-1 and to the MVA vector

    Immunological and genetic kinetics from diagnosis to clinical progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Progressió clínica; Evasió immuneProgresión clínica; Evasión inmuneClinical progression; Immune evasionBackground Mechanisms driving the progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) from its early stages are not fully understood. The acquisition of molecular changes at the time of progression has been observed in a small fraction of patients, suggesting that CLL progression is not mainly driven by dynamic clonal evolution. In order to shed light on mechanisms that lead to CLL progression, we investigated longitudinal changes in both the genetic and immunological scenarios. Methods We performed genetic and immunological longitudinal analysis using paired primary samples from untreated CLL patients that underwent clinical progression (sampling at diagnosis and progression) and from patients with stable disease (sampling at diagnosis and at long-term asymptomatic follow-up). Results Molecular analysis showed limited and non-recurrent molecular changes at progression, indicating that clonal evolution is not the main driver of clinical progression. Our analysis of the immune kinetics found an increasingly dysfunctional CD8+ T cell compartment in progressing patients that was not observed in those patients that remained asymptomatic. Specifically, terminally exhausted effector CD8+ T cells (T-betdim/−EomeshiPD1hi) accumulated, while the the co-expression of inhibitory receptors (PD1, CD244 and CD160) increased, along with an altered gene expression profile in T cells only in those patients that progressed. In addition, malignant cells from patients at clinical progression showed enhanced capacity to induce exhaustion-related markers in CD8+ T cells ex vivo mainly through a mechanism dependent on soluble factors including IL-10. Conclusions Altogether, we demonstrate that the interaction with the immune microenvironment plays a key role in clinical progression in CLL, thereby providing a rationale for the use of early immunotherapeutic intervention.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI17/00950, M.C., PI18/01392, P.A. and PI17/00943, F.B.) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Fundación Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (M.C. and P.A.), Gilead Fellowships (GLD16/00144, GLD18/00047, F.B.) and Fundació la Marató de TV3 (201905–30-31 F.B). S.B. is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from Fundación Alfonso Martin Escudero. R.V-M. is supported by a Torres Quevedo fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PTQ-16-08623). A.E-C. is funded by ISCIII/MINECO (PT17/0009/0019) which is co-funded by FEDER. M.C. holds a contract from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RYC-2012-2018)