177 research outputs found


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    Aquest projecte tracta un nou concepte en l’aprofitament de corrents urbans per els aerogeneradors de petita escala. La contextualització del projecte prové de diversos àmbits molt importants per entendre les qualitats de la proposta conceptual. Des del disseny es planteja una proposta per intentar millorar les deficiències actuals i el nou concepte proposat obre un sub-sector en el disseny de miniaerogeneradors.Este proyecto trata de un nuevo concepto en el aprovechamiento de brisas urbanas en los aerogeneradores de pequeña escala. La contextualización del proyecto proviene de varios ámbitos muy importantes para entender las características de la propuesta conceptual. Desde el diseño se plantea una propuesta para intentar mejorar las deficiencias actuales y el nuevo concepto propuesto abre un sub-sector en el diseño de miniaerogeneradors.This project is a new concept in urban breezes exploiting small-scale wind turbines. The contextualization of the project comes from several areas important to understand the characteristics of the conceptual proposal. From the design we present a proposal to try to improve the current deficiencies and proposed the new concept opens a sub-sector in miniaerogeneradors design

    Location identification using a magnetic-field-based FFT signature

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    User indoor positioning has been under constant improvement especially with the availability of new sensors integrated to the modern mobile devices. These sensory devices allow us to exploit not only infrastructures made for every day use, such as Wifi, but also natural infrastructure, as is the case of natural magnetic fields. In this work, we propose a novel approach that takes advantage of the benefits of using the magnetic sensor incorporated in most modern mobile devices, and the negligible variations of the Earth's magnetic field to position an individual with high accuracy. Most importantly, the methodology proposed allows us to avoid the burden of having to collect magnetic information in different directions in order to construct an accurate magnetic map, showing an improvement on methods that require the individuals to construct bigger magnetic maps that contain redundant information such as magnitude in different directions

    The intention of consumers to use augmented reality apps in gastronomy – case of Málaga

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    Versión aceptadaThe intention of consumers to use mobile applications with augmented reality is analyzed in order to assess which variables have the greatest influence on their use by consumers. The UTAUT-2 model has been used, analyzing: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, price value, facilitating conditions, habit and behavioural intention. The results show that predictors of a more social nature, such as aspects associated with perceived enjoyment: habits and social influence are not supported. Also, the hypothesis on the value of price could not be supported; since most augmented reality applications are free, although it is a variable that exerts a positive influence on the intention to use because of the perceived benefits. The demographic profiles of consumers can also become important predictors when using augmented reality apps, being the millennial generation and generation Z the most likely to use mobile devices with augmented reality

    Rendimiento fenotípico de la variedad de café Marsellesa como una alternativa para la caficultura sobre los 1400 metros s.n.m.

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    Most studies on coffee varieties have focused on resistance to several conditions, evaluating a maximum of two varieties at altitudes below 1,000 m a.s.l. To fill this gap, the present study aims to find phenotyping differences across Marsellesa, Red Caturra, and Catimor coffee crops evaluated over 1,400 m a.s.l. Experimentally, this work was divided into three plots (1,477., 1,548, and 1,797 m a.s.l.) with three treatments and three repetitions, totaling 27 experimental plots. We tested the resistance to rust and Cercospora, and the organoleptic quality was assessed by an expert coffee taster with a SCA Q-Grader Coffee Certificate. We found similar results in the three cultivars, with high production (around 1 t/ha of dry parchment coffee) in their first year. The Caturra variety showed a higher plant height. Marsellesa showed the best resistance to rust with a 0 % incidence; however, the three crops were susceptible to Cercospora. We concluded that Marsellesa coffee adapts to the humid montane forest zone over 1,400 m a.s.l. with good organoleptic properties and better rust resistance. Marsellesa has been used in the area for the last two years; therefore, this specialty coffee shows rust resistance and helps the small farmer meet the international market’s expectations.La mayoría de los estudios sobre variedades de café se han enfocado en la resistencia a diferentes condiciones, específicamente en dos variedades o en altitudes menores a 1000 m.s.n.m. Para llenar este vacío, este estudio pretende encontrar las diferencias fenotípicas entre los cultivares de café Marsellesa, Caturra Rojo y Catimor evaluados sobre los 1400 m.s.n.m. Para el experimento, este trabajo se dividió en tres parcelas (1477 m s.n.m., 1548 m.s.n.m. y 1797 m s.n.m.) con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones, para un total de 27 parcelas experimentales. Se probó la resistencia a la roya y a Cercospora y la calidad organoléptica, la cual estuvo a cargo de un experto catador de café con un Certificado de Café Q-Grader de la SCA. Se encontraron resultados similares en los tres cultivares, con alta producción (alrededor de 1 t/ha de café pergamino seco) en su primer año, siendo el Caturra el que mostró una mayor altura de planta. El Marsellesa presentó una mejor resistencia a la roya con una incidencia de cero por ciento. Sin embargo, ante Cercospora, los tres cultivos resultaron ser susceptibles. Se concluyó que el café Marsellesa se adapta a la zona de bosque montano húmedo con propiedades organolépticas adecuadas y una mejor resistencia a la roya; desde este estudio, esta variedad viene empleándose en la zona. Por lo tanto, este café especial muestra resistencia a plagas y ayuda al pequeño agricultor a cumplir con las expectativas del mercado internacional

    Applications of Hydro-Chemical and Isotopic Tools to Improve Definitions of Groundwater Catchment Zones in a Karstic Aquifer: A Case Study

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    Some researchers have proposed the groundwater protection zone (GPZ) method as a methodological framework for defining safeguard zones of groundwater bodies. Its goal is to protect the quality of water intended for human consumption and to facilitate a common implementation of this method in all European Union member states. One of the criteria used to establish GPZs is to define contributing catchment areas (CCAs). This methodology has been applied to the Sierra de Cañete, a region comprising a carbonate aquifer in the province of Malaga, Spain. The tools used to define CCAs are hydro-chemical and isotopic characterizations, namely water isotopes (i.e., 2H, 18O and tritium) and the isotopes of dissolved sulfates (i.e., 34S and 18O). Traditionally, the Sierra de Cañete aquifer has been divided into six sectors. Hydro-chemical and isotopic characterization differentiated between two large areas in the carbonate aquifer. The southern part presents younger water that is the result of faster recharge and that shows a high level of karstification, while the northern area has a slower flow, and recharge is produced over several years. In addition, the northern part is hydraulically connected to an alluvial aquifer (i.e., Llanos de Almargen) that borders the Sierra de Cañete to the north. This aquifer has high levels of pollution due to agricultural and livestock activities carried out in the Llanos de Almargen area. This pollution is transmitted to the carbonate aquifer when groundwater depletion occurs. Therefore

    The protection of the groundwater used for human consumption and its integration in land management

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    El agua subterránea constituye una reserva de vital importancia para el abastecimiento de la población. Por ello, es necesario establecer medidas de protección adecuadas con objeto de cumplir con los requerimientos de la Directiva Marco del Agua. El objetivo de este artículo es complementar la metodología para la delimitación de zonas de salvaguarda como figura de protección de las masas de agua subterránea utilizadas para consumo humano mediante la elaboración de una cartografía de actividades permitidas en su interior, con objeto de dotarlas de una herramienta efectiva en la gestión del territorio. Los resultados obtenidos en una masa de agua carbonatada del sur de España muestran el porcentaje de territorio que debe ser protegido para conservar la calidad de las aguas destinadas al consumo humano, facilitando así su futura integración en los instrumentos de planificación para una adecuada ordenación del territorioGroundwater constitutes a reservoir of essential importance for human supply. For this, it is necessary to establish suitable protection measures in order to achieve the requirements of theWater Framework Directive. The objective of this paper is to complement a methodology to define safeguard zones for the protection of carbonate groundwater bodies intended for human consumption by means of the development of a cartography illustrating the permitted activities in its interior, in order to provide an effective tool in the management of the territory. The results obtained in a karst groundwater body in southern Spain show the percentage of land that must be protected to preserve the quality of water intended for human consumption, thus facilitating their future integration into adequate land use planning tool

    Bluetooth-WiFi based combined positioning algorithm, implementation and experimental evaluation

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    Positioning an individual with high accuracy is important since many location-based services rely on the position of the user to provide them with ubiquitous services. Despite the need for accuracy, no perfect solution has been proposed for the problem of accurately positioning an individual. A number of attempts to improve the accuracy has been made achieving an accuracy of about 2 meters using sophisticated techniques and the advances made in the mobile industry. In this paper we explain the methodology to get a propagation model suitable for Bluetooth in order to get a more accurate distance measurement, and also the algorithm to combine it with WiFi to position a user in an indoor environment. Firstly, we get measurements of distance related to a RSSI value obtained from the Bluetooth to get a propagation model, we compute a distance using the known propagation model from WiFi, and finally an algorithm to obtain the location of the receiver combinig Bluetooth and WiFi is presente

    Persistence of wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) latrines and its implication for monitoring programs

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    Counting latrines is a standard method to estimate European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) abundance. This method plays an important role in endangered predators’ conservation programs in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in potential reintroduction areas for the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). However, since the last half-century, rabbit populations have declined dramatically within their native range, mainly due to the effect of two viral diseases, which have caused even local extinctions of natural populations. Hence, we raise the question regarding how reliable the method of counting latrines may be in ensuring the abundance of rabbit populations after an event of sudden decline or even local extinction. To answer this question, we carry out a simple experiment where we set ten lines with rabbit latrines with two different sizes each (small and large) and simulated low- and high-abundant rabbit population scenarios on five latrine lines each, respectively

    Propuesta de Manual de Funciones y Procedimiento en el proceso de fabricación del balde plástico de 7 litros del área de producción de la Fábrica de Plásticos KZESA.

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    El manual de procedimientos contiene únicamente los procesos de aquellas operaciones que están relacionadas con la fabricación del balde plástico de 7 litros, así mismo el manual de funciones incluye solo los perfiles de puesto que tienen relación directa con las operaciones vitales del proceso