60 research outputs found

    Nanoscale mechanically induced structural and electrical changes in Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 films

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    We demonstrate that the microstructure and electrical properties of Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 films can be changed by a nanoscale mechanical process. Nanoscratching is used to define modified areas onto an as-deposited crystalline Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 film. Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements show that the modified areas have a very low electrical conductivity. Micro-Raman measurements indicate that the mechanically induced microstructural changes are consistent with a phase transformation from crystalline to amorphous, which can be reversed by laser irradiation.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 201060E102Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSD2008-00023Junta de Andalucía TEP21

    Root canal disinfection of immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis: comparison of three different protocols

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    Objectives: The present in vivo study was designed to assess the efficacy of 3 root canal disinfection protocols in immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis (AP). Material and Methods: Forty immature premolars with pulp necrosis and AP of five Beagle dogs were used. Three experimental disinfection protocols were established. After irrigation with 40 ml 5.25% sodium hypochlorite using the Endovac system, in Group 1 canals were flushed with QMix solution; in Group 2, canals were flushed with QMix solution and 2% chlorhexidine gel dressing was placed for two weeks; and in Group 3, triantibiotic paste dressing was placed for two weeks. Canals were sampled after periapical lesions were radiographically visible (S1), after the first disinfection session (S2) and, in groups 2 and 3, after dressing (S3). Results: After the first session of the disinfection protocol (S2), there was significant (p < 0.05) bacterial reduction in the three experimental groups. Microorganisms were absent in 100% of S2 samples in groups 1 and 2, and in 75% of group 3 (p > 0.05). After dressing, 87.5% of the S3 samples showed increased bacterial count: in group 2, CFU counts (median = 891) were significantly higher than in group 3 (median = 18) (p = 0.03). Conclusions: In immature dog teeth with AP, root canal irrigation using QMix solution, with or without chlorhexi - dine gel dressing, or a triantibiotic paste dressing, provides the same level of disinfection than irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite alone in only one session

    Biofiltración para la remoción de sulfuro de hidrógeno en la estación de bombeo norte de aguas residuales

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    Wastewater pumping stations generate offensive odors due to the presence of sulfur compounds, this can cause inconvenience to the communities near these places. A biological system was implemented for the reduction of hydrogen sulfide in North Wastewater Pumping Station of Santa Marta. Were designed, built and installed two biofilters in acrylic with a height of two meters and an inside diameter of 20,32 centimeter, loaded with sugar cane bagasse as a means of support . The system available of permanent wastewater supply for maintains moisture and nutrients for microorganism, as well as metering, control and data acquisition devices. The results showed reduction of high loads of hydrogen sulfide and removal efficiencies of up to 100%, however it required a stabilization period of 14 days, to maintain the maximum efficiency gains.Las estaciones de bombeo de aguas residuales generan olores ofensivos debido a la presencia de compuestos sulfurados, ocasionando molestias a las comunidades ubicadas en las proximidades. Se implementó un sistema biológico para la reducción del sulfuro de hidrogeno en la Estación de Bombeo Norte del Distrito de Santa Marta, para lo que se diseñaron, construyeron e instalaron dos biofiltros en material acrílico con una altura de 2 m y un diámetro interior de 20,32 cm, cargados con bagazo de caña de azúcar como medio de soporte. El sistema disponía de alimentación de aguas residuales para mantener la humedad y los nutrientes de los microorganismos, dispositivos de dosificación, control y toma de datos. Los resultados registraron reducción de altas cargas de sulfuro de hidrogeno y eficiencias de remoción de hasta 100%; sin embargo, se requirió de un periodo de estabilización de 14 días, para mantener las máximas eficiencias obtenidas

    Biofiltration for the removal of hydrogen sulfide in the North Pumping Station Wastewater

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    Las estaciones de bombeo de aguas residuales generan olores ofensivos debido a la presencia de compuestos sulfurados, ocasionando molestias a las comunidades ubicadas en las proximidades. Se implementó un sistema biológico para la reducción del sulfuro de hidrogeno en la Estación de Bombeo Norte del Distrito de Santa Marta, para lo que se diseñaron, construyeron e instalaron dos biofiltros en material acrílico con una altura de 2 m y un diámetro interior de 20,32 cm, cargados con bagazo de caña de azúcar como medio de soporte. El sistema disponía de alimentación de aguas residuales para mantener la humedad y los nutrientes de los microorganismos, dispositivos de dosificación, control y toma de datos. Los resultados registraron reducción de altas cargas de sulfuro de hidrogeno y eficiencias de remoción de hasta 100%; sin embargo, se requirió de un periodo de estabilización de 14 días, para mantener las máximas eficiencias obtenidas.Wastewater pumping stations generate offensive odors due to the pres-ence of sulfur compounds, this can cause inconvenience to the com-munities near these places. A biological system was implemented for the reduction of hydrogen sulfide in North Wastewater Pumping Station of Santa Marta. Were designed, built and installed two biofilters in acrylic with a height of two meters and an inside diameter of 20,32 centimeter, loaded with sugar cane bagasse as a means of support . The system available of permanent wastewater supply for maintains moisture and nutrients for mi-croorganism, as well as metering, control and data acquisition devices. The results showed reduction of high loads of hydrogen sulfide and removal efficiencies of up to 100%, however it required a stabilization period of 14 days, to maintain the maximum efficiency gains

    Cardiac electrical defects in progeroid mice and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome patients with nuclear lamina alterations

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    Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a rare genetic disease caused by defective prelamin A processing, leading to nuclear lamina alterations, severe cardiovascular pathology, and premature death. Prelamin A alterations also occur in physiological aging. It remains unknown how defective prelamin A processing affects the cardiac rhythm. We show age-dependent cardiac repolarization abnormalities in HGPS patients that are also present in the Zmpste24-/- mouse model of HGPS. Challenge of Zmpste24-/- mice with the ß-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol did not trigger ventricular arrhythmia but caused bradycardia-related premature ventricular complexes and slow-rate polymorphic ventricular rhythms during recovery. Patch-clamping in Zmpste24-/- cardiomyocytes revealed prolonged calcium-transient duration and reduced sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium loading and release, consistent with the absence of isoproterenol-induced ventricular arrhythmia. Zmpste24-/- progeroid mice also developed severe fibrosis-unrelated bradycardia and PQ interval and QRS complex prolongation. These conduction defects were accompanied by overt mislocalization of the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43). Remarkably, Cx43 mislocalization was also evident in autopsied left ventricle tissue from HGPS patients, suggesting intercellular connectivity alterations at late stages of the disease. The similarities between HGPS patients and progeroid mice reported here strongly suggest that defective cardiac repolarization and cardiomyocyte connectivity are important abnormalities in the HGPS pathogenesis that increase the risk of arrhythmia and premature death.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Un viaje al Cosmos en 52 semanas

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    230 p.Este libro se plantea como una serie de artículos que dibujan un recorrido por el Universo, desde lo más cercano a lo más distante. Constituye una herramienta útil y actualizada para los interesados en la astronomía, y combina el conocimiento básico con los resultados científicos más novedosos. La astrofísica constituye una ciencia viva y en permanente avance por ello nos encontramos con un Plutón que ya no es considerado planeta; con nuevos datos sobre la posible presencia de agua en Marte; con géiseres en Encelado, un pequeño satélite de Saturno que se creía geológicamente inactivo; con una miríada de nuevos planetas girando alrededor de otras estrellas; con, quizá, un nuevo tipo de agujero negro y fascinantes resultados sobre las explosiones cortas de rayos gamma, uno de los eventos más energéticos del Universo y, hasta hace poco, también uno de los más desconocidos; con la mision COROT, y otras, como BepiColombo, que ya se encuentran en su fase de desarrollo instrumental.Peer reviewe

    Proyecto de una revista anual ilustrada basada en poemarios de poetas contemporáneos

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    Creación, diseño y edición de una publicación periódica anual realizada por estudiantes de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, que fomente el aprendizaje significativo, autónomo y crítico de los lenguajes poéticos contemporáneos en conexión con los lenguajes propios de los estudios de las artes visuales