136 research outputs found

    Transdisciplinary learning as a key leverage for sustainability transformations

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    Learning and transdisciplinary research are widely acknowledged as key components for achieving sustainability; however, the links between these concepts remain vague in the sustainability literature. Recently, emphasis has been given to transdisciplinary learning, highlighting its potential as an approach that contributes to solving real-world problems. To better understand and foster transdisciplinary learning for sustainability transformations, it is relevant to pay attention to two dimensions that define transdisciplinary learning: social interaction (individual learning in a social setting, as a group, or beyond the group), and learning forms (single-, double-, or triple-loop learning). This article introduces a conceptual framework built upon these two dimensions to understand three specific forms of transdisciplinary learning as a) individual competence development, b) experience-based collaboration, and c) societal interaction. This framework helps to clarify the design of learning processes as well as their interactions in transdisciplinary processes to support transformative change

    Vancomycin susceptibility determination through various antimicrobial susceptibility tests in Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains isolated from a tertiary care hospital in Medellín.

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    ABSTRACT: Vancomycin has been the most effective antibiotic against infections caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). To date there are no reports of Intermediate Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) or Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) in Colombia; however there is a high prevalence of MRSA and increased vancomycin use, which are contributing factors to their emergence. Additionally, routine methods used for detection of these strains such as automated and disc diffusion have limitations. OBJECTIVE To evaluate vancomycin susceptibility in a collection of MRSA strains isolated from patients between 2008-2010 in a University hospital of Medellin. MATERIALS AND METHODS 150 MRSA isolates were selected. The vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was performed by Vitek-2 and Etest. Additionally, vancomycin screen agar plates were employed. RESULTS All of the isolates tested were susceptible to vancomycin, however, differences between the evaluated methods were observed: the 59.3% of the isolates (n = 89) showed an MIC ≤ 1 µg/mL by Etest, whereas by Vitek2, only the 22% (n = 33) of the isolates had this value. CONCLUSIONS We found a significant number of isolates with an MIC ≤ 1 µg/mL, which have been associated with increased risk of treatment failure. These results show the relevance of permanent surveillance of antibiotic resistance, to achieve the establishment of appropriate control strategies. comycin has been the most effective antibiotic against infections caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). To date there are no reports of Intermediate Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) or Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) in Colombia; however there is a high prevalence of MRSA and increased vancomycin use, which are contributing factors to their emergence. Additionally, routine methods used for detection of these strains such as automated and disc diffusion have limitations. Key words: Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Resistance. Vancomycin.RESUMEN: La vancomicina ha sido el antibiótico más eficaz contra las infecciones causadas por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (SARM). En Colombia, hasta la fecha, no se han reportado aislamientos con sensibilidad intermedia o resistentes a vancomicina, no obstante se presenta una prevalencia alta de SAMR y un alto consumo de vancomicina, condiciones que favorecerían su aparición. Adicionalmente, los métodos automatizados y de difusión en disco, empleados de rutina para la detección de estas cepas presentan limitaciones. OBJETIVO Determinar la susceptibilidad a vancomicina en una colección de aislamientos de SARM obtenidos de pacientes durante los años 2008-2010 en un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Medellín. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Se seleccionaron 150 aislamientos de SARM en los cuales la susceptibilidad a vancomicina se determinó empleando agar de tamización BHI-vancomicina y la concentración Inhibitoria mínima (CIM) se determinó por Vitek-2 y Etest. RESULTADOS La totalidad de los aislamientos evaluados fueron sensibles a vancomicina. Se observaron diferencias entre los métodos evaluados, 59,3% de los aislamientos (n=89), presentaron una CIM ≤ 1 µg/mL, por Etest, mientras que por Vitek2 solo el 22% (n=33) presentaron este valor. CONCLUSIÓN Se determinó un numero importante de aislamientos con una CIM ≤ 1 µg/mL, las cuales se han asociado con mayor riesgo de falla terapéutica. Estos resultados evidencian la importancia de establecer una vigilancia constante de la resistencia a antibióticos, para lograr el establecimiento de estrategias adecuadas de control. Palabras clave: Pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana. Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SARM). Resistencia. Vancomicina

    Las emociones en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    En la primera part de l'article, s'incideix en la importància de l'estudi de les emocions des de la didàctica de les ciències, així com en la necessitat d'establir programes d'intervenció metacognitivos i metaemocionales, tant en l'aprenentatge com en la formació del professorat, perquè alumnes i professors puguin conèixer les seves emocions, controlar-les i autorregularlas. En la segona part, ens centrem en les emocions en el coneixement didàctic del contingut del professorat de ciències, incloent alguns resultats tant del diagnòstic emocional del professorat, segons diferents variables, com del programa d'intervenció de la Universitat d'Extremadura.The first part of this communication highlights the importance of studying emotions in the context of science teaching. It also examines the need for programs of meta-emotional and metacognitive intervention in learning and teacher education that are aimed at both the future teachers’and their pupils’ gaining awareness of, and then controlling and self-regulating, their emotions. The second part focuses on the role emotions play in science teachers’ pædagogical content knowledge, with the presentation of some results concerning the University of Extremadura’s intervention program and the emotional diagnosis of teachers.En la primera parte del artículo, se incide en la importancia del estudio de las emociones desde la didáctica de las ciencias, así como en la necesidad de establecer programas de intervención metacognitivos y metaemocionales, tanto en el aprendizaje como en la formación del profesorado, para que alumnos y profesores puedan conocer sus emociones, controlarlas y autorregularlas. En la segunda parte, nos centramos en las emociones en el conocimiento didáctico del contenido del profesorado de ciencias, incluyendo algunos resultados tanto del diagnóstico emocional del profesorado, según distintas variables, como del programa de intervención de la Universidad de Extremadura

    Medición de las capacidades tecnológicas para la innovación en los sistemas de conocimiento e innovación agrícola

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    Innovation systems’ knowledge and technology generation, diffusion and use functions are associated with technological innovation capabilities (TICs). TICs play a crucial role in the innovating performance of agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKISs). Yet, the perspectives of current methods do not facilitate a dynamical and organizational understanding of TICs and, thus, innovation systems. This paper proposes a method that relates TICs to an organizational behavior model to measure the TIC level. We apply the method through a survey of 256 coffee AKIS firms and 74 avocado AKIS firms in Antioquia, Colombia. The results presented confirm that the measurement of TIC levels and their dynamics over time provides a better understanding of innovation processes to evaluate and identify existing gaps between TICs and these systems’ innovation functions.Las funciones de generación, difusión y uso de conocimiento y tecnología en los sistemas de innovación están asociadas a las capacidades tecnológicas para la innovación (TICs, por su sigla en inglés), las cuales juegan un papel fundamental en el desempeño innovador de los sistemas de conocimiento e innovación agrícola (AKIS, por su sigla en inglés). No obstante, las metodologías actuales no exhiben perspectivas que faciliten la comprensión dinámica y organizacional de las TICs, lo que dificulta la comprensión de dichos sistemas. Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para medir el nivel de las TICs al asociarlas a un modelo de comportamiento organizacional para aplicarlo en una muestra de 256 organizaciones del AKIS del café y 74 organizaciones del AKIS del aguacate en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia). Los resultados confirman que la medición del nivel de las TICs y de sus variaciones dinámicas en el tiempo permite mejorar la comprensión de los procesos de innovación y evaluar e identificar las brechas existentes entre las TICs y las funciones de innovación de estos sistemas. &nbsp

    Las emociones en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    En la primera parte del artículo, se incide en la importancia del estudio de las emociones desde la didáctica de las ciencias, así como en la necesidad de establecer programas de intervención metacognitivos y metaemocionales, tanto en el aprendizaje como en la formación del profesorado, para que alumnos y profesores puedan conocer sus emociones, controlarlas y autorregularlas. En la segunda parte, nos centramos en las emociones en el conocimiento didáctico del contenido del profesorado de ciencias, incluyendo algunos resultados tanto del diagnóstico emocional del profesorado, según distintas variables, como del programa de intervención de la Universidad de Extremadura.The first part of this communication highlights the importance of studying emotions in the context of science teaching. It also examines the need for programs of meta-emotional and metacognitive intervention in learning and teacher education that are aimed at both the future teachers'and their pupils' gaining awareness of, and then controlling and self-regulating, their emotions. The second part focuses on the role emotions play in science teachers' pædagogical content knowledge, with the presentation of some results concerning the University of Extremadura's intervention program and the emotional diagnosis of teachers.En la primera part de l'article, s'incideix en la importància de l'estudi de les emocions des de la didàctica de les ciències, així com en la necessitat d'establir programes d'intervenció metacognitivos i metaemocionales, tant en l'aprenentatge com en la formació del professorat, perquè alumnes i professors puguin conèixer les seves emocions, controlar-les i autorregularlas. En la segona part, ens centrem en les emocions en el coneixement didàctic del contingut del professorat de ciències, incloent alguns resultats tant del diagnòstic emocional del professorat, segons diferents variables, com del programa d'intervenció de la Universitat d'Extremadura

    Clinical characteristics and evaluation of LDL-cholesterol treatment of the Spanish Familial Hypercholesterolemia Longitudinal Cohort Study (SAFEHEART)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients are at high risk for premature coronary heart disease (CHD). Despite the use of statins, most patients do not achieve an optimal LDL-cholesterol goal. The aims of this study are to describe baseline characteristics and to evaluate Lipid Lowering Therapy (LLT) in FH patients recruited in SAFEHEART.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>A cross-sectional analysis of cases recruited in the Spanish FH cohort at inclusion was performed. Demographic, lifestyle, medical and therapeutic data were collected by specific surveys. Blood samples for lipid profile and DNA were obtained. Genetic test for FH was performed through DNA-microarray. Data from 1852 subjects (47.5% males) over 19 years old were analyzed: 1262 (68.1%, mean age 45.6 years) had genetic diagnosis of FH and 590 (31.9%, mean age 41.3 years) were non-FH. Cardiovascular disease was present in 14% of FH and in 3.2% of non-FH subjects (P < 0.001), and was significantly higher in patients carrying a null mutation compared with those carrying a defective mutation (14.87% vs. 10.6%, respectively, P < 0.05). Prevalence of current smokers was 28.4% in FH subjects. Most FH cases were receiving LLT (84%). Although 51.5% were receiving treatment expected to reduce LDL-c levels at least 50%, only 13.6% were on maximum statin dose combined with ezetimibe. Mean LDL-c level in treated FH cases was 186.5 mg/dl (SD: 65.6) and only 3.4% of patients reached and LDL-c under 100 mg/dl. The best predictor for LDL-c goal attainment was the use of combined therapy with statin and ezetimibe.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although most of this high risk population is receiving LLT, prevalence of cardiovascular disease and LDL-c levels are still high and far from the optimum LDL-c therapeutic goal. However, LDL-c levels could be reduced by using more intensive LLT such as combined therapy with maximum statin dose and ezetimibe.</p

    Clinical characteristics and evaluation of LDL-cholesterol treatment of the Spanish Familial Hypercholesterolemia Longitudinal Cohort Study (SAFEHEART)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients are at high risk for premature coronary heart disease (CHD). Despite the use of statins, most patients do not achieve an optimal LDL-cholesterol goal. The aims of this study are to describe baseline characteristics and to evaluate Lipid Lowering Therapy (LLT) in FH patients recruited in SAFEHEART.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>A cross-sectional analysis of cases recruited in the Spanish FH cohort at inclusion was performed. Demographic, lifestyle, medical and therapeutic data were collected by specific surveys. Blood samples for lipid profile and DNA were obtained. Genetic test for FH was performed through DNA-microarray. Data from 1852 subjects (47.5% males) over 19 years old were analyzed: 1262 (68.1%, mean age 45.6 years) had genetic diagnosis of FH and 590 (31.9%, mean age 41.3 years) were non-FH. Cardiovascular disease was present in 14% of FH and in 3.2% of non-FH subjects (P < 0.001), and was significantly higher in patients carrying a null mutation compared with those carrying a defective mutation (14.87% vs. 10.6%, respectively, P < 0.05). Prevalence of current smokers was 28.4% in FH subjects. Most FH cases were receiving LLT (84%). Although 51.5% were receiving treatment expected to reduce LDL-c levels at least 50%, only 13.6% were on maximum statin dose combined with ezetimibe. Mean LDL-c level in treated FH cases was 186.5 mg/dl (SD: 65.6) and only 3.4% of patients reached and LDL-c under 100 mg/dl. The best predictor for LDL-c goal attainment was the use of combined therapy with statin and ezetimibe.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although most of this high risk population is receiving LLT, prevalence of cardiovascular disease and LDL-c levels are still high and far from the optimum LDL-c therapeutic goal. However, LDL-c levels could be reduced by using more intensive LLT such as combined therapy with maximum statin dose and ezetimibe.</p

    Application of edible nanolaminate coatings with antimicrobial extract of Flourensia cernua to extend the shelf-life of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit

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    Supplementarymaterialrelatedtothisarticlecanbefound,inthe online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2018.12. 008.Edible coatings have potential to reduce postharvest losses of fruit such as tomato. In this study, the effects of nanolaminate coatings incorporated with extracts of Flourensia cernua, an endemic plant of the arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico, has been investigated. Ethanol extracts of F. cernua (FcE) were prepared and incorporated into polyelectrolyte solutions of alginate and chitosan. The nanolaminates were characterized by determining the zeta potential, contact angle and water vapor and oxygen permeabilities. Shelf-life analyses (20°C for 15 d) were carried out with uncoated fruit (UCF), nanolaminate coating (NL) and nanolaminate coating with FcE (NL+FcE). Physicochemical analyses, gas exchange rates of O2 and CO2 and ethylene production, as well as microbiological analyses of treated fruit were measured. Zeta potential and contact angle measurements confirmed the successful assembly of successive nanolayers of alginate and chitosan, as well as those with F. cernua. The nanolaminate coatings resulted in decreased permeabilities to water and O2. The best treatment of NL+FcE, extended the shelf-life of fruit by reducing weight loss and microbial growth, reducing gas exchange and ethylene production, and maintaining firmness and color. The NL+FcE treatment are an alternative to extend the shelf-life of tomato fruit.Author E. de J. Salas-Méndez thanks Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT, Mexico) for PhD fellowship support. Authors want to thank PhD Zlatina Genisheva for the proof reading of the manuscript and suggestions to the same; also, to:MaríaGuadalupe Moreno Esquivel, Edith E. Chaires Colunga, Olga L. Solís Hernández and M. Leticia Rodríguez González of the Phytochemistry Laboratory from Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, for their assistance in obtaining extracts and chemical composition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio