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    An important recent change in the Spanish society is the increasing proportion of the population who are immigrants. Immigrants often face situations of social exclusion and disadvantage, circumstances that may affect their health status. Empirical evidence about differences in health status or the utilisation of health services between native and immigrant population is however insufficient. This paper uses the 2003 National Health Survey to explore whether non-Spaniards, for the same level of need, use health care services at the same rate as national citizens. The findings show different patterns of health care use to the disadvantage of immigrants.Equity in health care, immigrant population, Spanish National Health System

    A propos des Mystères de Marseille

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    La anécdota en el siglo XVIII : Materiales para el estudio de la anécdota en la literatura francesa del siglo XVIII

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    [email protected] señala la coordinadora en la «Introducción», hemos creído conveniente recoger en esta Monografía una serie de anotaciones que Lola Jiménez había ido re-uniendo mientras preparaba su trabajo. A partir de los archivos que José Luis Canet tuvo a bien cedernos, hemos organizado estos materiales en dos secciones distintas. La primera contiene cinco textos de distintos autores, a los que hemos incorporado un pequeño comentario de Lydia Vázquez. La segunda sección está conformada por una relación de referencias bibliográficas que, sin duda, serán de gran utilidad para quien desee proseguir ahondando en esta sugerente línea de investigación

    Análisis estadístico de datos de atletismo

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    Anàlisis estadistic de dades d'atletisme. Treball presentat per Antonio Jimenez Vecina i Dolores Cano Jiménez. Com a director de projecte Pau Fonseca i Casas. Analitzem la informació extreta de pulsímetres per determinar el estat de capacitat aeròbica dels atletes. També s'analitza les dades de les curses per determinar un index de duresa associat al VO2Max. Ambdós analisis junts podrien determinar el comportament de un determinat atleta en una determinada cursa . Actualment els atletes d'alt nivell generen en cada entrenament una gran quantitat d'informació (a partir dels pulsòmetres o de proves que es fan en la zona d'entrenament). Aquesta informació pot ser analitzada per tal de millorar el seu rendiment esportiu. L'objectiu del projecte es implementar diferents anàlisis estadístics en les dades d'un atleta per tal de poder obtenir informació que permeti avaluar diferents paràmetres, com per exemple el risc de lesió o de sobre entrenament. Així mateix es desitja implementar una primera versió d'un optimitzador que empri aquestes dades, per tal que l'entrenador sigui capaç de determinar quins son els atletes amb els que pot comptar per cada una de les diferents proves de la temporad

    Ethnicity and equity in the use of health care services in the Spanish National Health Care System

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    An important recent change in the Spanish society is the increasing proportion of the population who are immigrants. Immigrants often face situations of social exclusion and disadvantage, circumstances that may affect their health status. Empirical evidence about differences in health status or the utilisation of health services between native and immigrant population is however insufficient. This paper uses the 2003 National Health Survey to explore whether non-Spaniards, for the same level of need, use health care services at the same rate as national citizens. The findings show different patterns of health care use to the disadvantage of immigrants

    El viaje de los museos. El viaje del MACVAC / The journey of museums. The journey of MACVAC

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    El museo, en todas sus variantes, es una institución ligada al viaje: viaje físico al lugar donde se conservan tesoros, viaje espiritual como el que realiza el espectador al contemplar las piezas, viaje conceptual como el que realizan las piezas por el mismo hecho de estar en un espacio de connotaciones sacralizantes. Pero puede hablarse también de otra forma de viaje en relación con el museo: la que se ha producido a través del tiempo y el espacio, dando lugar a diversas formas de concebir y entender el museo. Este artículo explora esas ideas deteniéndose en algunos ejemplos concretos.The museum, in all its variations, is an institution linked to journeys: a physical journey to a place where treasures are preserved, a spiritual journey like the one made by the visitor while contemplating the pieces, and a conceptual journey like the one the pieces make by the mere fact of being in a space with sanctifying connotations. But you can also talk about another way to travel in relation to the museum: the one that happened through time and space, leading to different ways of thinking of and understanding the museum. This article explores these ideas examining some specific examples

    Grammar instruction and the acquisition of gustar-type verbs by English-speaking learners of Spanish

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    Spanish gustar-type verbs form part of a group called psych verbs (Belletti and Rizzi 1988). These verbs pose potential learnability problems for English-speaking learners of college-level Spanish since the most frequent and unmarked word order with gustar-constructions is OVS in contrast to the obligatory SVO pattern in English. This study addresses two questions: a) Does instruction promote the acquisition of gustar-type verbs? b) If so, are there task effects1? A total of 24 upper-level beginners (first year, second semester) of Spanish as an FL participated in this study: 12 formed part of the treatment group and 12 were included in the control group. Two threepart tests were administered in a 3-week period. The pre- and post-teaching tests consisted of a multiple-choice task, a scrambled sentences task and a free production task, and were distributed during the first and third week, respectively. Teaching which consisted of grammar explanation and practice took place the third day of class of the first week. A total of six days of class elapsed between both tests. Results indicated that the treatment group outperformed the control group in the scrambled sentences and the multiplechoice tasks, but not in the free production task in the post-teaching test. A task effect was found: production of target-like forms by both the experimental and control groups decreased as production became less controlled