1,895 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of neutronics/thermal-hydraulics multi-scale coupling for LWR analysis

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    The aim of the research described in this paper is to perform consistent comparative analyses of two different approaches for coupling of two-scale, two-physics phenomena in reactor core calculations. The physical phenomena of interest are the neutronics and the thermal-hydraulics core behaviors and their interactions, while the spatial scales are the “global” (assembly/channel-wise) and the “local” (pin/sub-channel-wise). The objective is three-fold: qualification of coupled code systems by consistent step-by-step cross-comparison (in order to understand the prediction deviations in both neutronics and thermal-hydraulics parameters); assessment of fine scale (local/subchannel-wise) thermal-hydraulic effects; and evaluation of the impact of on-line modeling of interactions of the two spatial scales. The reported work is within the cooperation between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain and the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA. The paper first presents the two multi-scale coupled code systems followed by cross-comparisons for steady state calculations. Selected results are discussed to highlight some of the issues involved in comparative analysis of coupled multi-scale simulations. The transient comparisons are subject of future work and publications

    Responsabilidad del Estado: títulos de imputación objetiva por daño especial y riesgo excepcional en el desarrollo jurisprudencial del Consejo de Estado año 2013-2016

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    Artículo de investigaciónEl Estado será responsable de los daños antijurídicos que se le imputen; para que se configure esta responsabilidad al Estado la lesión que sufre el administrado no debe tener el deber jurídico de soportarlo. El Estado al ser responsable, se le puede imputar a titulo de riesgo excepcional o daño especial.Trabajo de InvestigaciónINTRODUCCIÓN 1. RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ESTADO 2. ANÁLISIS JURISPRUDENCIA DEL CONSEJO DE ESTADO: TÍTULO DE IMPUTACIÓN APLICABLE DAÑO ESPECIAL Y RIESGO EXCEPCIONAL EN LAS ACTUACIONES DE LA FUERZA PÚBLICA COMPRENDIDO ENTRE LOS AÑOS 2013 A 2016 CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    Centro cultural del arte Las Cruces

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    Trabajo de gradoEl centro cultural del arte las cruces es una propuesta a nivel urbano y arquitectónico que busca la revitalización del barrio, mejorando la calidad de vida por medio de intervención de espacio público y de implantación de proyectos arquitectónicos vinculados a los patrimonios existentes con el fin de recuperar la memoria y la cultura del barrio y promover nuevas actividades para los jóvenes.PregradoArquitect

    Linking indigenous territorial autonomy and environmental sustainability: a case study of the resguardo El Duya in Colombia

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    The aim of this dissertation is to understand the contributions of indigenous autonomous institutions to environmental sustainability in indigenous territories in Colombia. Past research has neglected to account for the role of indigenous territorial autonomy in spatial environmental planning and the overall goal of environmental sustainability. This gap is approached through the institutional design principles theory, informed by indigenous planning literature and the social-ecological systems framework. This research uses a case study, the resguardo El Duya, and a qualitative approach, where data collection was made through interviews, observation and document analysis. The results for this resguardo are presented in the context of Orinoquia region, which is analysed using the concept of frontier. This research asks about the way in which indigenous institutions mediate the relation of humans and the territory, finding that they have been going through a process of institutional change with several milestones characterised by external disturbances produced by non-indigenous actors. Currently, two institutional arrangements coexist in El Duya, customary and novel institutions, for which the analysis shows that the majority of design principles are present and some of them exhibit implementation problems. Thus, indigenous institutions have kept the integrity of ecosystems; despite changes in the social-ecological system and environmental impacts caused by oil extraction-related activities. This research further asks about spatial environmental planning, finding that it has been implemented by indigenous and non-indigenous actors, where the latter includes external governmental authorities and oil companies. This has resulted in an asymmetrical planning setting, in which the Salia people are deprived from significant planning powers in their territory. Furthermore, non-indigenous environmental authorities have contributed poorly in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystems of El Duya, under a frame in which the notion of environmental sustainability is not used by the people of this resguardo and is understood variably by governmental actors. Finally, this research asks about territorial autonomy concerning nature, which has been found to be partially exercised, since authority, decision-making and their enforcement are hindered by the intervention of environmental authorities. This corresponds to a jurisdictional encroachment over indigenous authorities, enabled by the Colombian State arrangement. Consequently, indigenous institutions do contribute to environmental sustainability in El Duya; however, this should be understood in terms of novel aspects enabled by the distinctiveness of Salia institutions and current territorial autonomy limitations.:Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the research 1.2 Outline of the dissertation 2 Indigenous territories: essentials for their study 2.1 The colonial inheritance 2.1.1 The early years and the disruption of territoriality 2.1.2 Republics and the enthronement of private property 2.2 Current state of indigenous territories in Colombia 2.2.1 Indigenous territorial rights in Colombia 2.2.2 The spatial relevance of indigenous territories 3 Literature review 3.1 Indigenous territories 3.1.1 The rights approach 3.1.2 Boundary-making and indigenous territories 3.2 Environmental sustainability and indigenous territorial autonomy 3.2.1 Subnational arrangements, self-government and autonomy 3.2.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy 3.2.3 The concept of environmental sustainability 3.2.4 Types of sustainability 3.2.5 Indigenous management of natural resources 3.2.6 Environmental planning in indigenous territories 3.3 Research questions 4 Theoretical framework 4.1 Institutional design principles 4.2 The social-ecological systems framework 4.3 Indigenous planning principles 4.4 Dissertation’s approach 5 Methodology 5.1 Research design 5.1.1 Case study research 5.1.2 Unit of analysis and type of case study 5.1.3 Research design limitations 5.2 Methods 5.2.1 Document analysis 5.2.2 Interviews 5.2.3 Qualitative observations 6 Study area: variables in the social-ecological system framework 6.1 Social, economic and political settings; related ecosystems 6.1.1 Economic development; demographic trends; political stability; climate patterns; pollution patterns; flows into and out of focal SES 6.1.2 External governance systems 6.2 Resource systems 6.2.1 Sector; clarity of systems’ boundaries; size of resource system; location. 6.2.2 Human constructed facilities 6.2.3 Equilibrium properties (stable state). 6.2.4 Predictability of system dynamics 6.3 Actors 6.3.1 History or past experiences 6.3.2 Number of relevant actors; socioeconomic attributes; social capital 6.3.3 Location; knowledge of SES (mental models) 6.3.4 Technologies available 6.4 Governance systems 6.4.1 Indigenous organisation; network structure 6.4.2 Property rights systems 6.5 Action situations 6.5.1 Harvesting; importance of resource 6.5.2 Information sharing 6.5.3 Conflicts 6.5.4 Investment activities 6.5.5 Lobbying activities 6.5.6 Networking activities 7 The relation between humans and territory 7.1 The period before the titling of the resguardo 7.1.1 Salia customary rules 7.1.2 Design principles in the customary arrangement 7.2 The period after the titling of the resguardo 7.2.1 Organisational structures 7.2.2 Authorities in El Duya 7.2.3 Rules for natural resources appropriation 7.3 Drivers of institutional transformation 7.3.1 Design principles in El Duya 7.3.2 Robustness of the SES 8 Environmental planning in indigenous territories 8.1 Spatial environmental planning in Colombia 8.2 Planning in El Duya 8.3 Oil exploration and extraction concerning El Duya 8.3.1 Projects of interest for El Duya 8.3.2 Authority over activities related to hydrocarbons 8.4 Environmental sustainability: multiple understandings 8.4.1 State view: a blurry concept 8.4.2 Indicators for environmental sustainability 8.4.3 The ecological function of property 8.4.4 Indigenous view: ‘pervivencia’ 9 Autonomy over ecosystems in El Duya 9.1 Distribution of powers with regard to ecosystems in El Duya 9.2 Authority exercise over ecosystems in El Duya 9.3 Decision-making and agency over ecosystems in El Duya 9.4 Indigenous territorial autonomy in El Duya 10 Discussion of results 10.1 Human-nature relations in El Duya and institutional change 10.1.1 Law of origin, Mother Earth and indigenous ontologies 10.1.2 Salia institutions and change 10.1.3 Interpreting institutional design principles 10.2 Environmental planning: a question of institutional jurisdiction 10.2.1 Indigenous planning, order and territory 10.2.2 Salia way of planning 10.2.3 Looking after the territory 10.2.4 Indigenous jurisdiction and extractive industries 10.2.5 The concept of environmental sustainability in indigenous territories 10.3 Territorial autonomy: the need for further conceptualisation 10.3.1 Authority and decision-making as a component of autonomy 10.3.2 Indigenous territorial autonomy in Colombia 10.3.3 Planning and autonomy 11 Conclusions 11.1 Human relationship with the territory 11.2 Indigenous environmental planning 11.3 Indigenous territorial autonomy and nature 11.4 Contributions to environmental sustainability 11.5 Further research 12 References 13 Appendices 13.1 Appendix A 13.2 Appendix B 13.3 Appendix C 13.4 Appendix D 13.5 Appendix E 13.6 Appendix F 13.7 Appendix G 13.8 Appendix

    Vitamin D3 Receptor (VDR) Gene rs2228570 (Fok1) and rs731236 (Taq1) Variants Are Not Associated with the Risk for Multiple Sclerosis: Results of a New Study and a Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Some epidemiological, genetic, and experimental data suggest a possible role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Data on the possible contribution of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene to the risk for MS are controversial. Several studies suggested an interaction between some SNPs in the VDR gene and HLADRB1*1501 in the risk for MS. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate a possible influence of the SNPs rs2228570 and rs731236 in the VDR gene in the risk for MS. A secondary objective was to address the possible interactions between VDR genes and HLADRB1*1501. Methods: We analyzed the allelic and genotype frequency of VDR rs2228570, rs731236, and HLADRB1*1501 (rs3135388) in 303 patients with MS and 310 healthy controls, using TaqMan Assays. We also conducted a meta-analysis, that was carried out by using the software Meta-Disc 1.1.1 (http://www.hrc.es/investigacion/metadisc.html; Unit of Clinical Statistics, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain). Heterogeneity between studies in terms of degree of association was tested using the Q-statistic. Results: VDR rs2228570 and rs731236 allelic and genotype frequencies did not differ significantly between MS patients and controls, and were unrelated with the age of onset of MS, gender, and course of MS. HLADRB1*1501 showed a high association with the risk of developing MS 4.76(95% C. I. = 3.14-7.27; p<0.0001). The meta-analysis, after excluding data of one study that was responsible of heterogeneity for rs731236 polymorphism, showed lack of relation of both SNPs with the risk for MS. HLADRB1*1501 showed lack of interaction with VDR rs2228570 and rs731236 in increasing MS risk. Conclusions: These results suggest that VDR rs2228570 and rs731236 polymorphisms are not related with the risk for MS, and did not confirm interaction between these VDR SNPs and HLADRB1 in the risk for MS.This work was supported in part by Grants FIS PS09/00943, PS09/00469, and RETICS RD07/0064/0016 from Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, and GR10068 from Junta de Extremadura, Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluación del caudal ecológico y generador en una cuenca altamente regulada y degradada. El caso de la cuenca del río Zaza(CUBA)

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    Desde la construcción de la presa Zaza en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus (Cuba) hace más de cuatro décadas, con los objetivos de laminar las avenidas y dotar de recursos a las plantaciones de arroz (principal alimento de la población), los impactos negativos en el tramo final del río Zaza han ido en aumento, debido a que esta infraestructura regula la mayor parte de las avenidas naturales del río, aunque la administración cubana fijo desde su construcción un caudal ecológico mínimo constante (gasto sanitario). Mediante un proyecto cooperación internacional entre las Universidades de Málaga y Sancti Spíritus, se ha estudiado el alcance de estas afecciones ambientales en los ecosistemas ubicados aguas abajo de la presa, evaluando la idoneidad del gasto sanitario establecido y la posibilidad de implementar valores más elevados que permitan el mantenimiento de unas condiciones adecuadas de vida, tanto piscícola como de la flora asociada. Además, aunque existe una carencia generalizado de datos e infraestructuras para calcular de manera adecuada un caudal generador que ayude a la regeneración de los ecosistemas afectados, se realiza una propuesta preliminar de este caudal ambiental basada en los resultados de aplicar varias metodologías sencillas en función de la información existente.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Online Education Program in Operational Meteorology and a Case Study about a Product for Decision Making

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    An online program developed at the University of Costa Rica provides the professionals working in meteorology a new way to pursue graduate level degrees. The focus of this graduate program is Operational Meteorology and the students need to complete the research and development process of an operational product to graduate. The products created during the program are a solution to operational institutions in need of innovation and can later be incorporated into institutional activities including advisories, warnings and emergency management. A case study included here shows an example of the need that led to the product, the methodologies used for the development and the final operational product created.Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Físic

    Preliminary proposal of environmental and conservation flows of the ecosystem of the Zaza river downstream of Zaza dam (Cuba)

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    The mangrove’s forest that its situated on Zaza’s mouth (or estuary), localizated in Sancti Spiritus province (Cuba) it has seen deteriorated in the last 40 years because of the construction of Zaza’s dam. This dam regulate the natural floods of the river and displace a constant ecological flow during the 12 months of the year. Through the project "Study and improvement of the planning and management of water resources in the Zaza river basin (Cuba). Definition of policies and strategies for adaptation to the future impacts of global climate change (ESGEREHIZA) " between the Universities of Málaga and Sancti Spíritus, it was intended to study the dam's impact on the delta area, analyzing existing data and methodologies currently applied. In cooperation with the protection entities, management and use of the water resources of Cuba, the regulations established for the calculation of sanitary expenditure established in the Zaza river were studied, being determined insufficient for the maintenance of adequate conditions of life, both fishery and the associated flora. Based on data from the Zaza’s dam hydrograph, the Tennant method was used to estimate the ecological flows. The results show the possibility of applying the three criteria of this methodology to obtain an ecological flow that achieves excellent habitat conditions. On the other hand, studying the current deterioration of the mouth zone, a preliminary proposal was made for generating water flow that would help the regeneration of the ecosystem.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La metodología de la indagación en la práctica docente al implementar una unidad didáctica para la enseñanza de la representación de fracción como parte todo en el grado cuarto

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    Esta investigación es un aporte al macro proyecto “la metodología de la indagación en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática” de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, y fue realizada en marco del programa Becas para la Excelencia Docente otorgadas por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y tiene como objetivo interpretar las implicaciones de la metodología de la indagación en la práctica docente a través de una unidad didáctica para la enseñanza de la representación de fracción como parte todo en el grado cuarto de primaria. La cual fue estructurada desde las situaciones didácticas de Guy Brousseau

    Mi paso por la lactancia materna : reto autoetnográfico a las bajas prevalencias nacionales

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    En este trabajo ofrezco una reflexión psicosocial en torno a la lactancia materna y su escasa prevalencia en México. En mi papel múltiple de futura madre, psicóloga e investigadora, participé en un grupo que los servicios socializados de salud ofrecen a las mujeres mexicanas. En esta autoetnografía analicé mi propia condición de embarazo y maternidad y lo comparé con las experiencias de mis compañeras en condiciones muy diversas. Encontré que la lactancia materna no se puede entender solo por los binomios madre hijo en un ambiente familiar, sino como una compleja red de relaciones y fuerzas que van desde la política nacional hasta los gustos e intenciones personales de las madres. Ubicando a la lactancia materna dentro de esta perspectiva podemos avanzar en el camino de explicar y levantar las bajísimas prevalencias presentes.In this article I offer a psychosocial reflection around breastfeeding and its scarce prevalence in Mexico. In my multiple role as mother-to-be, psychologist and researcher, I took part in a group, offered as a service by the socialized health organizations to Mexican mothers. In this autoethnography I analized my own pregnancy and maternity condition and compared it with the experiences of other mothers in varied wide variety of circumstances. I found that breastfeeding cannot be understood only as a mother-baby diad in a family environment but as a complex network of relationships and forces that range from national policy to the tastes and personal intentions of the mothers. Placing brestfeeding withing this perspective we can go forth on the road to explain and increase the extremely low present prevalences