821 research outputs found

    Una experiencia de orientación profesional: el servicio de orientación profesional de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

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    [Resumen] Las reflexiones que a continuación se presentan pretenden recoger las competencias fundamentales de actuación del Servicio de Orientación Profesional de la Facultad de CC. de la Educación de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Reflejan, a través de un escueto resumen, la organización y diseño de un servicio formativo que es considerado de especial importancia dentro de la actualidad universitaria. Se analizan tanto los objetivos como la necesidad de este proyecto, al mismo tiempo que su puesta en práctica, las competencias a desarrollar y uno de los instrumentos diseñados para la recogida de informació

    La orientación profesional universitaria: hacia un modelo integrador de diagnóstico e intervención

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    [Resumen] Las reflexiones que a continuación se presentan pretenden sintetizar los principios que deben avalar un modelo de orientación profesional universitario actual. El objetivo no sería establecer comparaciones entre los modelos de orientación profesional existentes, sino señalar los puntos comunes que permitan definir la orientación como una estrategia educativa a partir de una definición integradora. Se apunta hacia un tipo de orientación profesional sustentada en un diseño sistémico (situado en un contexto concreto), estratégico (relacionado estrechamente con el diagnóstico y la intervención)) y humanístico donde el alumno es un elemento activo[Abstract] The reflections that next are presented they seek to synthesize the principIes that should endorse a model of orientation professional current university student The objective would not be to establish comparisons among the existent models of professional orientation, but pointing out the common points that allow to define the orientation like an educational strategy starting from an integrative definition. You points toward a type of professional orientation sustained in a systemic design (located in a concrete context), strategic (related closely with the diagnosis and the intervention) and humanistic where the student is an active element

    Contexto actual y determinantes de la inserción laboral de los titulados universitarios : Directrices para el análisis

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    Las reflexiones que se presentan a continuación responden al objetivo de revisar sistemática y rigurosamente las características fundamentales que definen el proceso de inserción socioprofesional de los titulados universitarios. Para ello, se precisan las características fundamentales de un mercado de trabajo donde la globalización, la evolución tecnológica y las nuevas formas de organización laboral están generando nuevas exigencias. Definimos esas exigencias centrándonos en las competencias profesionales y la formación más demandada. Entendemos que la universidad, como institución que debe estar en constante equilibrio con la comunidad, debe dar respuesta a los cambios sociales. Las necesidades y las demandas colectivas deben estar presentes en las propuestas universitarias en estos momentos de cambio y convergencia europea y mundial de los estudios superioresLes reflexions que es presenten a continuació responen a l'objectiu de revisar sistemàticament i rigorosa les característiques fonamentals que defineixen el procés d'inserció socioprofessional dels titulats universitaris. Per això s'hi detallen les característiques fonamentals d'un mercat de treball on la globalització, l'evolució tecnològica i les noves formes d'organització laboral estan generant exigències noves. Definim aquestes exigències centrant- nos en les competències professionals i la formació més demanada. Entenem que la universitat, com a institució que ha d'estar en un equilibri constant amb la comunitat, ha de donar resposta als canvis socials. Les necessitats i les demandes col·lectives han de ser presents en les propostes universitàries en aquests moments de canvi i convergència europea i mundial dels estudis superior

    Sight Translation and written translation. A comparative Analysis of causes of problems, Strategies and Translation Errors within the PACTE Translation Competence Model

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    This paper presents a comparative empirical exploratory study of some cognitive aspects of the oral and written translation process within the translation competence construct. This research has a twofold objective: finding some evidence of specific translation competence skills in translation tasks and comparing these data in sight translation and written translation in order to empirically check if sight translation can really be considered an interpreting modality. A sample of 22 Translation and Interpretation students after the final last year examinations was used. They performed a sight translation and a written translation of the same text and answered retrospective questionnaires regarding causes of problems, and strategies used to solve them. Errors were assessed afterwards using three basic criteria: non-sens, faux sens and contresens. Results showed quantitative and qualitative differences in number of problems, their causes and strategies used. It also revealed more errors in sight translation. Qualitative results have been successfully incorporated to the PACTE translation competence model showing that empirical data corroborate the theoretical model. Specific results also show that psycho-physiological components are more relevant in sight translation, as it is the case in interpreting modalities, and knowledge about translation referring to reexpression, deverbalization, master of translation units is more relevant in written translatio

    Variedades de interpretación: modalidades y tipos

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    The wide range of modes, functions and features in interpreting demands criteria to differentiate interpreting varieties. This paper seeks to establish categories useful for research, training and profession. Two kinds of criteria have been applied. Those referring to the continuity of speech, leading to interpreting modalities, and those referring to communicative goals in different situations, leading to interpreting types. Interpreting modalities can be simultaneous or consecutive. Among simultaneous varieties the use or not of electronic equipment or the relation between the source and the target text result in submodalities. Consecutive modalities can be dialogical or monological. Each modality features specific aspects regarding channel, speech mode, communication skills, genre and special requirements. Interpreting types consider conference, audiovisual, professional, community and court environments. Each type shows specificities as far as participants, modalities and genres are concerned.El amplio rango de modos, funciones y rasgos que rodean la interpretación requiere criterios diferenciadores para categorizar variedades. La presente propuesta busca categorías útiles para la investigación, la formación y la profesión. Se han empleado criterios relativos a la continuidad o discontinuidad del discurso oral, que conforman las modalidades de interpretación y criterios relativos a los objetivos de comunicación en cada situación de uso, que conforman los tipos de interpretación. Las modalidades pueden ser simultáneas y consecutivas. Entre las primeras el uso o no de medios electrónicos y la relación del texto origen con el texto meta da lugar a submodalidades. Las modalidades consecutivas pueden ser dialógicas y monológicas. Cada submodalidad presenta características propias respecto al canal, modo de discurso, destrezas comunicativas, condicionamientos específicos y géneros. Los tipos recogen la interpretación de conferencias, audiovisual, para profesionales, social y de tribunales. Cada tipo presenta características propias de participantes, modalidades y géneros

    Telephone interpreting for asylum seekers in the US: a corpusbased study

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    This paper addresses the asylum seekers’ right to language access and specifically the provision of telephonic interpreting services for people crossing the US southern border. An overview of the language access situation is presented in relation to basic asylum seekers’ rights. The fundamentals of interpreting professionalism in this realm are also reviewed. The study aim is to examine interpreters’ perceptions of their work environment as contractors for the two major language service providers working with the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and the US Department of Homeland Security. For this purpose, a corpus study was conducted based on online reviews posted on job search engines by current or past interpreter contractors. Findings identify perceptions of several inadequate management practices that negatively affect the work environment, job satisfaction and professional demands in terms of required qualifications, testing, training and supervision. The flaws observed point to an absence of the professional standards and motivation required to enable quality performance and therefore, professionalism. A proposal to offer professional services by engaged citizens is made

    Impartiality and accuracy as a case in point while interpreting in a refugee context

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    This paper examines the fundamentals of professionalism focusing on the code of ethics as a pivotal parameter. Attention is paid to the difficulties of implementing two of the core principles of codes of ethics for interpreting in a refugee context: impartiality and accuracy. The aim of this article is to explore interpreters’ appreciation of these principles and self-identification with them versus actual observance in refugee settings. Ninety-six US-based interpreters completed a survey on self-perceptions regarding adherence to the principles and real actions performed. Findings show that a high number of interpreters do not comply with the principles despite having previously declared their full endorsement and self-identification with them. Impartiality presented more deviations than accuracy. Internal and external demands have proven to be stronger than adherence to the code. Calls to rethink and refine codes of ethics for interpreting in a refugee context are also presented

    Mindfulness training for interpreting students

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    In this work we present the results of a study aimed at increasing performance quality in conference interpreting trainees through the development of the attention–regulatory practice of mindfulness. A review of the basic concepts of attention is presented as well as a review of the role of attention in interpreting as an extremely cognitive demanding task. The authors also introduce and review the concept of mindfulness from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Stress in interpreting is also addressed as a factor that may influence performance. An experimental study is presented in which focused attention practices are compared to relaxation practices in relation to performance in interpreting trainees