18 research outputs found

    Diverzita, ekologie a metodika průzkumu lišejníků pralesovitých porostů ve střední Evropě

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    1 Abstract Forests are the native Central European vegetation, which have dominated in the landscape for the last c. 10,000 years. Stands with an oak and hornbeam dominance occupied lower elevations before human colonization, beech and silver fir-beech forests middle elevations and spruce stands at higher elevations. Only a few remnants of forests, which can be regarded as primeval or with a minimal impact of forest management, have survived in densely populated Central Europe. Examples of the most preserved primeval forests are Rothwald (Austria), Białowieża (Poland, Belorussia), Stužica/Stuzhytsia (Slovakia, Ukraine) and Boubín (Czech Republic). Although these sites are small and isolated, they are local diversity centers for many organisms, mainly for fungi, lichens and bryophytes, refugia for numerous endangered species and some of them have their last localities there. Epiphytic and epixylic lichens are an ideal model group for studies about forests because they sensitively indicate management, continuity, heterogeneity and age of a woodland. Therefore they could help us to answer many important questions about the conservation of natural forests. This thesis comprises several different points of view on lichens in Central European forests and its aim is to join these heterogeneous fields into one...2 Abstrakt Lesy tvoří původní složku středoevropské vegetace, která dominovala zdejší krajině přibližně posledních deset tisíc let. Před příchodem člověka zde převažovaly porosty s dominancí dubu a habru v nižších polohách, bučiny a jedlobučiny ve středních polohách a smrčiny ve vysokých nadmořských výškách. Do současnosti se v hustě obydlené střední Evropě zachoval jen zlomek původních porostů, které lze považovat za pralesy nebo alespoň lesy s minimálním vlivem člověka a lesního hospodaření. Příklady nejlépe zachovalých pralesů jsou Rothwald (Rakousko), Białowieża (Polsko, Bělorusko), Stužica/Stuzhytsia (Slovesko, Ukrajina) a Boubínský prales (ČR). Tato území jsou zpravidla malá a navzájem izolovaná, přesto jsou ale lokálními centry diverzity různých organismů, hlavně hub, lišejníků a mechorostů, a také útočištěm řady ohrožených druhů, z nichž mnohé zde mají své poslední lokality. Právě epifytické a epixylické lišejníky jsou ideální modelovou skupinou ke studiu lesních porostů, protože velmi citlivě reagují na hospodaření, odrážejí kontinuitu, heterogenitu a stáří lesa a mohou nám mimo jiné přinést odpovědi na řadu otázek klíčových pro ochranu zbytků přirozených porostů. Tato práce nahlíží na problematiku lišejníků ve středoevropských lesích z několika různých úhlů pohledu a tyto pohledy se snaží spojit...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Epiphytic species of Lecanora subfusca group in the Czech Republic

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    Cílem bakalá ské práce je shromážd ní poznatk o skupin lišejník Lecanora subfusca agg., které se vyskytují v eské republice, pop . je výskyt n kterých druh v této oblasti p edpokládaný. Vzhledem k rozsahu skupiny jsou zahrnuty pouze epifytické a epixylické druhy, tedy deset (respektive 16) taxon . Rozlišování zástupc skupiny pat í k problematickým, proto v rámci eské republiky a dalších st edoevropských stát není tento okruh lišejník p íliš prozkoumaný. Kvalitní recentní studie z tohoto území zcela chybí. K dispozici není dostatek spolehlivých údaj o ekologii, rozší ení, chemii ani o vymezení n kterých druh . Bakalá ská práce by m la vést k shrnutí zna ného množství historických pramen , které se podrobn zabývají morfologickou a anatomickou charakteristickou skupiny. Shromážd ní doposud publikovaných údaj bude sloužit jako podklad pro navazující diplomovou práci.The main aim of this bachelor work is to summarize knowledges on species of the Lecanora subfusca group growing in the Czech Republic, eventually taxa their occurence may be expected in our area. Only epiphytic and/or epixylic species are included in this study because of a large diversity of the group. Ten taxa have been published from the country. This group is poorly explored in Central Europe because of difficult determination of single species. A comprehensive treatment is lacking in this area. For most taxa of this group only limited information on ecology, distribution, chemistry and taxonomic concepts exists. The present work is reviewing up-to-date knowledge of this group. Historical sources were based mainly on morphological and anatomical data. These were evaluated and excerpted. The bachelor work should serve as a basement for the following diploma thesis.Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Aneura, Aulacomnium, Dumortiera, Fossombronia, Hennediella, Hygrohypnella, Pohlia, Porella, Riccardia, Tortella, and Tortula, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Mycena, Naucoria, Trichoglossum, and Tubaria and the lichen genera Agonimia, Blastenia, Chaenotheca, Cladonia, Endocarpon, Gyalecta, Lecanographa, Parmeliella, Porpidia, Stenhammarella, and Thelidium

    Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 14

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    In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genus Chara, for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Grimmia, Cephaloziella, Hypnum, Nogopterium, Physcomitrium, Polytrichastrum, Rhynchostegiella, Saelania, and Schistostega, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Lentinellus, Omphalina, and Xerophorus, and the lichen genera Acarospora, Agonimia, Candelariella, Cladonia, Graphis, Gyalolechia, Hypogymnia, Lichinella, Megalaria, Nephroma, Ochrolechia, Opegrapha, Peltigera, Placidium, Ramalina, Rhizoplaca, Ropalospora, Strangospora, Toniniopsis, Usnea, and Zahlbrucknerell

    Epiphytic species of the Lecanora subfusca group in the Czech Republic

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    - 4 - ABSTRACT During the revision of epiphytic species of the Lecanora subfusca group in the Czech Republic, nine taxa have been recorded. L. cinereofusca and L. exspersa are reported for the first time from the country. L. circumborealis has been excluded from the list of Czech lichens. L. cinereofusca and L. horiza could be considered as extinct. L. rugosella and L. subrugosa are regarded as extreme morpholocial forms from L. chlarotera and L. argentata. These morphotypes corelate with ecological conditions: substrate (nutrient enriched bark) and habitat (eutrophisation effect). In case of L. subrugosa, this speculation was confirmed by molecular data (ITS rDNA sequences). Several new secondary metabolites have been discovered during the detailed research of chemical lichen compounds. These substances belonging to terpenoids are taxonomically important and very helpful for distinguishing single species. The abundance of L. allophana and L. chlarotera has decreased during last decades. Contrarily, L. pulicaris expanded slightly. The main reasons of changes in distribution are air pollution and acidification of substrates as the impact of acid rains. The rate of substrate acidification has been shown on example of L. pulicaris. In the past, this lichen predominated on acid-barked porophytes. Nowadays, it..

    Diversity, ecology and methods of the research of lichens in old-growth forests in Central Europe

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    1 Abstract Forests are the native Central European vegetation, which have dominated in the landscape for the last c. 10,000 years. Stands with an oak and hornbeam dominance occupied lower elevations before human colonization, beech and silver fir-beech forests middle elevations and spruce stands at higher elevations. Only a few remnants of forests, which can be regarded as primeval or with a minimal impact of forest management, have survived in densely populated Central Europe. Examples of the most preserved primeval forests are Rothwald (Austria), Białowieża (Poland, Belorussia), Stužica/Stuzhytsia (Slovakia, Ukraine) and Boubín (Czech Republic). Although these sites are small and isolated, they are local diversity centers for many organisms, mainly for fungi, lichens and bryophytes, refugia for numerous endangered species and some of them have their last localities there. Epiphytic and epixylic lichens are an ideal model group for studies about forests because they sensitively indicate management, continuity, heterogeneity and age of a woodland. Therefore they could help us to answer many important questions about the conservation of natural forests. This thesis comprises several different points of view on lichens in Central European forests and its aim is to join these heterogeneous fields into one..

    Substrate switches, phenotypic innovations and allopatric speciation formed taxonomic diversity within the lichen genus Blastenia

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    Blastenia is a widely distributed lichen genus in Teloschistaceae. We reconstructed its phylogeny in order to test species delimitation and to find evolutionary drivers forming recent Blastenia diversity. The origin of Blastenia is dated to the early Tertiary period, but later diversification events are distinctly younger. We recognized 24 species (plus 2 subspecies) within 6 infrageneric groups. Each species strongly prefers a single type of substrate (17 species occur on organic substrates, 7 on siliceous rock), and most infrageneric groups also show a clear substrate preference. All infrageneric groups tend to have the Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution, but some epiphytic species have much larger geographic ranges and some evolved after a long-distance dispersal outside the region. Chlorinated and nonchlorinated anthraquinone chemosyndromes co-occur in apothecia of most species, but the chemotype has been secondarily reduced in some lineages. One infrageneric group has a marked reduction in apothecial size, associated with a substrate shift to twigs. Only seven species have vegetative diaspores; they also produce apothecia but have smaller ascospores. Genome sizes (22-35 Mb in Blastenia) are significantly higher in epilithic species. Within-species genetic variation is low in widely distributed species but high in some epilithic species with small geographical ranges. New taxa are: B. afroalpina, B. anatolica, B. caucasica, B. gennargentuae, B. herbidella subsp. acidophila, B. lauri, B. monticola, B. palmae, B. psychrophila, B. purpurea, B. relicta, B. remota, B. xerothermica, and B. xerothermica subsp. macaronesica. New combinations are: B. festivella and B. subathallina; both names and B. catalinae are lectotypified

    Three new species of Trimmatothelopsis (Acarosporales, Acarosporaceae) from southwestern North America

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    The discovery and study of three new species of Trimmatothelopsis from Southwestern North America, T. californica, T. mexicana, and T. novomexicana, adds not only to the diversity of the genus and family but generated new insights into the occurrence of two ascus types in the genus and the variety of conidiogenous cells and conidia. Trimmatothelopsis now includes 15 species with a mainly Holarctic distribution (Asia, Europe, North America) and one species in Australia. A key is supplied to the genus. An overview of the genus Trimmatothelopsis is given, including differentiation from other genera of Acarosporaceae. The monotypic genus Thelocarpella is considered to be a synonym of Trimmatothelopsis. The new combination Trimmatothelopsis wirthii is proposed. The ascus type is shown to be variable in the genus with species with two types being intermixed with each other in our phylogeny