1,522 research outputs found

    In vivo cytogenetic effects of 2-trans hexenal on somatic and germ cells of laboratory mice

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    The in vivo cytogenetic effects of 2-trans hexenal were evaluated by investigating chromosomal aberrations and sperm head abnormalities in the bone marrow cells of laboratory bred Swiss albino mice. Single intraperitoneal injections of 8, 16 or 32 ìl per kg bodyweight resulted indose-dependent decreases in the mitotic index, significantly so at the higher doses and earlier times. Chromosomal aberrations per cell and the percentage of aberrant metaphase cells increased with dose, again fading with time. The percentage of abnormal sperm heads also showed a dose-related increase, with statistical significant again following the same pattern.  The overall result suggests a weak but positive dose-response relationship between treatment and induction of chromosomal aberrations in the somatic cells, and induction of abnormal sperm head morphology in germ cells

    Prolapse or incontinence: what affects sexual function the most?

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    Introduction and hypothesis Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) adversely affect sexual function in women. Comparative studies of the two subgroups are few and results are conflicting. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of POP and SUI on the sexual function of women undergoing surgery for these conditions. Methods The study population comprised women with POP or SUI in a tertiary referral hospital in the UK. Women who underwent SUI surgery had no symptoms of POP and had urodynamically proven stress incontinence. Patients with POP had ≥ stage 2 prolapse, without bothersome urinary symptoms. Pre-operative data on sexual function were collected and compared using an electronic pelvic floor assessment questionnaire (ePAQ). The incidence of sexual dysfunction and comparison of symptoms in both groups were calculated using the Mann–Whitney U test. Results Three hundred and forty-three women undergoing surgery for either SUI or POP were included. Patients were age-matched, with 184 undergoing SUI surgery (age range 33–77 years) and 159 POP surgery (age range 27–78 years; p = 0.869). The overall impact of POP and SUI was not significantly different in the two subgroups (p = 0.703). However, both patients (73 % vs 36 %; p = 0.00) and partners (50 % vs 24 %; p = 0.00) avoid intercourse significantly more frequently in cases with POP compared with SUI. This did not have a significant impact on quality of life. Conclusions The impact of bothersome SUI or POP on sexual function was found to be similar, but patient and partner avoidance in women with POP was greater than those with SUI

    Spectropolarimetry of Supernovae

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    Overwhelming evidence has accumulated in recent years that supernova explosions are intrinsically 3-dimensional phenomena with significant departures from spherical symmetry. We review the evidence derived from spectropolarimetry that has established several key results: virtually all supernovae are significantly aspherical near maximum light; core-collapse supernovae behave differently than thermonuclear (Type Ia) supernovae; the asphericity of core-collapse supernovae is stronger in the inner layers showing that the explosion process itself is strongly aspherical; core-collapse supernovae tend to establish a preferred direction of asymmetry; the asphericity is stronger in the outer layers of thermonuclear supernovae providing constraints on the burning process. We emphasize the utility of the Q/U plane as a diagnostic tool and revisit SN 1987A and SN 1993J in a contemporary context. An axially-symmetric geometry can explain many basic features of core-collapse supernovae, but significant departures from axial symmetry are needed to explain most events. We introduce a spectropolarimetry type to classify the range of behavior observed in polarized supernovae. Understanding asymmetries in supernovae is important for phenomena as diverse as the origins of gamma-ray bursts and the cosmological applications of Type Ia supernovae in studies of the dark energy content of the universe.Comment: Draft of Annual Review article prior to final copy editing; 85 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Quantum oscillations of nitrogen atoms in uranium nitride

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    The vibrational excitations of crystalline solids corresponding to acoustic or optic one phonon modes appear as sharp features in measurements such as neutron spectroscopy. In contrast, many-phonon excitations generally produce a complicated, weak, and featureless response. Here we present time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements for the binary solid uranium nitride (UN), showing well-defined, equally-spaced, high energy vibrational modes in addition to the usual phonons. The spectrum is that of a single atom, isotropic quantum harmonic oscillator and characterizes independent motions of light nitrogen atoms, each found in an octahedral cage of heavy uranium atoms. This is an unexpected and beautiful experimental realization of one of the fundamental, exactly-solvable problems in quantum mechanics. There are also practical implications, as the oscillator modes must be accounted for in the design of generation IV nuclear reactors that plan to use UN as a fuel.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nature Communications, supplementary information adde

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa

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    Background Healthcare resource constraints in low and middle-income countries necessitate selection of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. Methods We developed a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to evaluate clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Interventions assessed were Healthcare Testing (HT), where diagnostic testing is performed only for those presenting to healthcare centres; Contact Tracing (CT) in households of cases; Isolation Centres (IC), for cases not requiring hospitalisation; community health worker-led Mass Symptom Screening and diagnostic testing for symptomatic individuals (MS); and Quarantine Centres (QC), for contacts who test negative. Given uncertainties about epidemic dynamics in South Africa, we evaluated two main epidemic scenarios over 360 days, with effective reproduction numbers (R e ) of 1.5 and 1.2. We compared HT, HT+CT, HT+CT+IC, HT+CT+IC+MS, HT+CT+IC+QC, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC, considering strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) <US1,290/yearoflifesaved(YLS)tobecosteffective.FindingsWithRe1.5,HTresultedinthemostCOVID19deathsandlowestcostsover360days.ComparedwithHT,HT+CT+IC+MSreducedmortalityby761,290/year-of-life saved (YLS) to be cost-effective. Findings With R e 1.5, HT resulted in the most COVID-19 deaths and lowest costs over 360 days. Compared with HT, HT+CT+IC+MS reduced mortality by 76%, increased costs by 16%, and was cost-effective (ICER 350/YLS). HT+CT+IC+MS+QC provided the greatest reduction in mortality, but increased costs by 95% compared with HT+CT+IC+MS and was not cost-effective (ICER 8,000/YLS).WithRe1.2,HT+CT+IC+MSwastheleastcostlystrategy,andHT+CT+IC+MS+QCwasnotcosteffective(ICER8,000/YLS). With R e 1.2, HT+CT+IC+MS was the least costly strategy, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC was not cost-effective (ICER 294,320/YLS). Interpretation In South Africa, a strategy of household contact tracing, isolation, and mass symptom screening would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and be cost-effective. Adding quarantine centres for COVID-19 contacts is not cost-effective

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa: a microsimulation modelling study

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    Background: Health-care resource constraints in low-income and middle-income countries necessitate the identification of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. We aimed to develop a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to assess clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Methods: We compared different combinations of five public health interventions: health-care testing alone, where diagnostic testing is done only for individuals presenting to health-care centres; contact tracing in households of cases; isolation centres, for cases not requiring hospital admission; mass symptom screening and molecular testing for symptomatic individuals by community health-care workers; and quarantine centres, for household contacts who test negative. We calibrated infection transmission rates to match effective reproduction number (Re) estimates reported in South Africa. We assessed two main epidemic scenarios for a period of 360 days, with an Re of 1·5 and 1·2. Strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of less than US3250peryearoflifesavedwereconsideredcosteffective.Wealsodidsensitivityanalysesbyvaryingkeyparameters(Revalues,moleculartestingsensitivity,andefficaciesandcostsofinterventions)todeterminetheeffectonclinicalandcostprojections.Findings:WhenRewas15,healthcaretestingaloneresultedinthehighestnumberofCOVID19deathsduringthe360dayperiod.Comparedwithhealthcaretestingalone,acombinationofhealthcaretesting,contacttracing,useofisolationcentres,masssymptomscreening,anduseofquarantinecentresreducedmortalityby943250 per year of life saved were considered cost-effective. We also did sensitivity analyses by varying key parameters (Re values, molecular testing sensitivity, and efficacies and costs of interventions) to determine the effect on clinical and cost projections. Findings: When Re was 1·5, health-care testing alone resulted in the highest number of COVID-19 deaths during the 360-day period. Compared with health-care testing alone, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres reduced mortality by 94%, increased health-care costs by 33%, and was cost-effective (ICER 340 per year of life saved). In settings where quarantine centres were not feasible, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and mass symptom screening was cost-effective compared with health-care testing alone (ICER $590 per year of life saved). When Re was 1·2, health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and use of quarantine centres was the least costly strategy, and no other strategies were cost-effective. In sensitivity analyses, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres was generally cost-effective, with the exception of scenarios in which Re was 2·6 and when efficacies of isolation centres and quarantine centres for transmission reduction were reduced. Interpretation: In South Africa, strategies involving household contact tracing, isolation, mass symptom screening, and quarantining household contacts who test negative would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and would be cost-effective. The optimal combination of interventions depends on epidemic growth characteristics and practical implementation considerations

    Appropriate disclosure of a diagnosis of dementia : identifying the key behaviours of 'best practice'

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    Background: Despite growing evidence that many people with dementia want to know their diagnosis, there is wide variation in attitudes of professionals towards disclosure. The disclosure of the diagnosis of dementia is increasingly recognised as being a process rather than a one-off behaviour. However, the different behaviours that contribute to this process have not been comprehensively defined. No intervention studies to improve diagnostic disclosure in dementia have been reported to date. As part of a larger study to develop an intervention to promote appropriate disclosure, we sought to identify important disclosure behaviours and explore whether supplementing a literature review with other methods would result in the identification of new behaviours. Methods: To identify a comprehensive list of behaviours in disclosure we conducted a literature review, interviewed people with dementia and informal carers, and used a consensus process involving health and social care professionals. Content analysis of the full list of behaviours was carried out. Results: Interviews were conducted with four people with dementia and six informal carers. Eight health and social care professionals took part in the consensus panel. From the interviews, consensus panel and literature review 220 behaviours were elicited, with 109 behaviours over-lapping. The interviews and consensus panel elicited 27 behaviours supplementary to the review. Those from the interviews appeared to be self-evident but highlighted deficiencies in current practice and from the panel focused largely on balancing the needs of people with dementia and family members. Behaviours were grouped into eight categories: preparing for disclosure; integrating family members; exploring the patient's perspective; disclosing the diagnosis; responding to patient reactions; focusing on quality of life and well-being; planning for the future; and communicating effectively. Conclusion: This exercise has highlighted the complexity of the process of disclosing a diagnosis of dementia in an appropriate manner. It confirms that many of the behaviours identified in the literature (often based on professional opinion rather than empirical evidence) also resonate with people with dementia and informal carers. The presence of contradictory behaviours emphasises the need to tailor the process of disclosure to individual patients and carers. Our combined methods may be relevant to other efforts to identify and define complex clinical practices for further study.This project is funded by UK Medical Research Council, Grant reference number G0300999

    An asymmetric explosion as the origin of spectral evolution diversity in type Ia supernovae

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    Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) form an observationally uniform class of stellar explosions, in that more luminous objects have smaller decline-rates. This one-parameter behavior allows SNe Ia to be calibrated as cosmological `standard candles', and led to the discovery of an accelerating Universe. Recent investigations, however, have revealed that the true nature of SNe Ia is more complicated. Theoretically, it has been suggested that the initial thermonuclear sparks are ignited at an offset from the centre of the white-dwarf (WD) progenitor, possibly as a result of convection before the explosion. Observationally, the diversity seen in the spectral evolution of SNe Ia beyond the luminosity decline-rate relation is an unresolved issue. Here we report that the spectral diversity is a consequence of random directions from which an asymmetric explosion is viewed. Our findings suggest that the spectral evolution diversity is no longer a concern in using SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles. Furthermore, this indicates that ignition at an offset from the centre of is a generic feature of SNe Ia.Comment: To appear in Nature, 1st July 2010 issue. 36 pages including supplementary materials. 4 figures, 3 supplementary figures, 1 supplementary tabl

    Study design and baseline characteristics of patients on dialysis in the ASCEND-D trial

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    BACKGROUND: The Anemia Studies in chronic kidney disease (CKD): Erythropoiesis via a Novel prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor (PHI) Daprodustat-Dialysis (ASCEND-D) trial will test the hypothesis that daprodustat is non-inferior to comparator epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa for two co-primary endpoints: haemoglobin efficacy and cardiovascular safety. METHODS: We report the trial design, key demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings, and baseline therapies of 2964 patients randomised in the open-label (sponsor-blinded) active-controlled, parallel-group, randomised ASCEND-D clinical trial. We also compare baseline characteristics of ASCEND-D patients with patients who are on dialysis (CKD G5D) enrolled in other large cardiovascular outcome trials (CVOTs) and in the most relevant registries. RESULTS: The median age of patients was 58 years, 43% were female; 67% were white and 16% were black. The median haemoglobin at baseline was 10.4 g/dL. Among randomised patients, 89% were receiving haemodialysis and 11% peritoneal dialysis. Among key co-morbidities, 42% reported a history of diabetes mellitus, and 45% a history of cardiovascular disease. Median blood pressure was 134/74 mmHg. The median weekly dose of epoetin was 5751 units. Intravenous and oral iron use was noted in 64% and 11% of patients, respectively. Baseline demographics were similar to patients with CKD G5D enrolled in other CVOTs and renal patient registries. CONCLUSION: ASCEND-D will evaluate the efficacy and safety of daprodustat compared with epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa in the treatment of patients with anaemia with CKD G5D

    A highly magnified candidate for a young galaxy seen when the Universe was 500 Myrs old

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    The early Universe at redshift z\sim6-11 marks the reionization of the intergalactic medium, following the formation of the first generation of stars. However, those young galaxies at a cosmic age of \lesssim 500 million years (Myr, at z \gtrsim 10) remain largely unexplored as they are at or beyond the sensitivity limits of current large telescopes. Gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters enables the detection of high-redshift galaxies that are fainter than what otherwise could be found in the deepest images of the sky. We report the discovery of an object found in the multi-band observations of the cluster MACS1149+22 that has a high probability of being a gravitationally magnified object from the early universe. The object is firmly detected (12 sigma) in the two reddest bands of HST/WFC3, and not detected below 1.2 {\mu}m, matching the characteristics of z\sim9 objects. We derive a robust photometric redshift of z = 9.6 \pm 0.2, corresponding to a cosmic age of 490 \pm 15Myr (i.e., 3.6% of the age of the Universe). The large number of bands used to derive the redshift estimate make it one of the most accurate estimates ever obtained for such a distant object. The significant magnification by cluster lensing (a factor of \sim15) allows us to analyze the object's ultra-violet and optical luminosity in its rest-frame, thus enabling us to constrain on its stellar mass, star-formation rate and age. If the galaxy is indeed at such a large redshift, then its age is less than 200 Myr (at the 95% confidence level), implying a formation redshift of zf \lesssim 14. The object is the first z>9 candidate that is bright enough for detailed spectroscopic studies with JWST, demonstrating the unique potential of galaxy cluster fields for finding highly magnified, intrinsically faint galaxies at the highest redshifts.Comment: Submitted to the Nature Journal. 39 Pages, 13 figure